HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-21, Page 12: • 1.icKNOW :SENTINEL, •'Ll.TCKNOWp QNT,A•TY9 wEDNEsDAY, rm, .21st, 1962 SPECIALS IN I • • MEN'S WEAR - DEPARTMENT Flannelette Pajamas $2.59 : B, C, D Sizes only ft. Flannel Shirts $1. 141/2 to 1'5% only - • ' . Another Group Flannel Shirts ,„, . • Size to 161/2, values to $3.95. . • • Men's Sport Shirts, only . $Z.98 • ; • . 'Values to $7.95, all sizes. • • Penman's 71 Combs$3• .491 SEE . The Sentinel THAT. E,• Agnew!) underwent surgery: in Victoria hosPital on .Monday of last week. He was able to return home on Thurs- rennutie•s..27 Fleece Lined' $3,49 : day 'and has received a. very , favorable report. , . 1 Peiiman'sPenanan's 71 Shirts and Drawers! each $$26:9359' .41; Save .$1.00.. • 95 Combs ,. Pr • •Pennvui*is Fleece Lined Shirts, Drawers, .ea. $2.39 • Penman's 95 Shirts and Drawers each $4.29 • • .•• • • • BOYS' :WEAR,-': Sizes 8 to 10 11 • Lined Navy. Jeans $2.98, 2 , pair for .$5:501 ,$3.R5 Value.• $1.00 'Off Other Boy's Lined Pants. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Pickiljp and Delivery Monday and Thursday • z It ytf t. • Itt •„! ' .14 • • „ •‘.4 • •. • ' • • 1:" • • , , • Ladies' .and Men's Wear • • • • • SUPPORT THE ARTIFICIAL ICE. FUND• ••••••••••••it•••••••'••••••••ii•i.ii iii•Olimisid , - THAT films and a ,talk on the work' of the Red Cross will be -showILLat_11/Lr., john .Anderson - of London, at a.public meeting in the As:serfibly Room of the >Town Hall next Tuftday af- ternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Every - THAT Mrs. Jessie Aliin is having a longhard fight for recovery front major heart surgery she ' . underwent a few weeks ago, ...She is reported as "weary," but some improvement is noted. 2. THAT before 'most • motorists have - :sek:red their new licence plates, one driVer, 'has •already lost a 1962 marker. It's .T-10712, and i's here for the owner: • , ' • • ,. THAT residents of tile' domrnithity are urged- to • attend a public. . Meeting in the town hall on, Thursday of this week when Roy W. Delaney of the Cana- dian • Cancer Society will' dis- CtiS$ the formation of an organ- '', ization for Lucknow and Dis trict: • , .• • • See our large selection of pattern 'and Semi plain. Wallpapers, in READY PASTED and unpasted quality . • • • Over 60 Sale Viallpai)ers • Also see our' regular Stock of • 15a : wallpapers for 1962. BEDROOMS • LIVING ROOMS KITCHENS , ' . DINING ROOMS CHILDREN'S ROOMS HALLS TERRIFIC ES • . . . . 25c and 45,c per single roll 'Ready Pasted at 49c and 59c Shop early whitethe selection 'is. at its best. Finlay Decorators WALLPAPER CIL. PAINTS . , phone 218, Luelnow. s. PHAT a storm 'blew up ..srUddenly on' Sunday 'evening, which slowed down traffic and by morning . had roads .badly drift- ed and in 'somecases , tempor- arily blocked. • THAT 'Emerson Howald, 15 -year- old son of Mr. and Mrs..Worden Howald of Lucknow, was 'tak- en to •Wingliam Hospital two weeks, ago, with encephalitis, & was. quite seriously ill for a 'time with high temperature .severe head -aches and irregular Pulse. Spinal testswere, taken and Emerson's condition:. .has ' been steadily imprOving. • THAT in renewing her • Sentinel Subscription, Mrs. Williani Mac of Toronto says: "It will be wonderfuVto have the arti- ficial ice. Th-F-Ferpb. has- been wonderful. My. donation will come later." • THAT D A. MacDonald of Loch- alsh who was a patient in St. . :,••••••+••••-+1**to-.--•-•-••-4-•-•-"'-• --- ••-•-•-••••'•!!- Luckno tMarket NEAREST TO YOUR BANK and POST OFFICE • • Choice Tomatoes 5 tins $1 On Sale., Miss Canada. 28 oz. Save 23c. Bargain. • Nestle's- Quik On Sale, lb. 45c Climaate Flavour. A Real Boy. SpecialL, Super Candy 'Sale 2 lbs. 49c Hard Mixed or Cream Variety. Save 29e., Highland Pride Coffee;' 65c Our • Exclusive. Top Seller,.. Feature.. . . Catsup on Sale 4. 2 bottles 35c Save 7c Libby's Rich, Red, Flavourful 11 oz. size. ATTENTION Parents and. Students! ' FREE The Canadian Bill of Rights With purchase: of, STRIPE TOOTHPASTE Giant or Economy Siz Scroll' Bears the Signature of the Prhrie Minister of Canada, , Values, Effective We Sell For Less February 22 '23' 24: Phone -119 "Luckrow Andrew, •Harald 4. 'Austin, W.. A. Schmid, Houston, W. F. ,MaCt. _Donald John Emerson, L. .C.• Thbmpson, Bert .. Ward, Charles. Webster,: Omar Brooks; -Don El- liott and' Dori Cameron: •., Associate' Lady Directors • •-•• Mrs. Tom Todd, Mrs. Harry Lavis,. Joseph's hospital, London, Since MO. P. G. Todd, Mrs. William' Suffering a fractured hip; is MaeIntyre, Mrs. 'Bryce Elliott, getting alonig-well'and-Lhas• been -Mrs.: Oliver 1VIeCharles; -Mrs $ Jac - brought to Kincardine hospital. ob Hunter, ' Mrs. Andrew- -Gaunt,: • . Mrs. Gordon Kirkland Mrs Evan THAT Robert Austin, is. employ- Keith, - Mrs. 'Arnold Alton Mrs. ed by • George • South, ' .Magey .Bert Alton, ,Mrs. Charles Wilkins, Harris agent at Rockford, near Mrs. • Allan Miller, Mrs.- Frank Owen Sound. Robert had been ,McQuillin, Mrs. Williank G. Hun - employed by Omar' Brooks 'for ter and Mrs .:0Tnar ,.Brooks, about two *years prior to corn' Auditors — Alex Mackay .and mencrng his new • duties the ElwinHall The date of the. fair . is iset for SepteMber 20th a'Ad 21th, the last Wednesday and: ThursdaY• of the imont •• • The newly :appointed Presidert thanked.. the 'directors for their. confidence ,in electing him and. the meeting adjourned on an, op- timistic note first 'of last week: lie 'is the son, of. Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Austin of town. • • ' • THAT Elmer MacKenzie; Fred Jackson, Jack Henderson, Alvin - s Hamilton. and Cyril. Brown ac- conipanied Garnet Henderson to Hamilton on. Thursday .1,a.st to :attend. the Junior hockey game betweenHamilton and Montreal Jr. Canadiens.,'Paul Henderson • ' is 'having a successful. season with Hamilton and scored the . third, goal in -thea-1 Hamilton A •• • THAI' IVirs. W.. A. Porteous, who is in Florida for the winter,. was recently introduced, to a lady frOm 'Montreal,' who had "fond • Memories" of kiUcknoW, much ' to Jennie's sUrpfise. It so happened that as la yoking girl, this Montrealite had . as her Minister; Rev., Ewan MacKenzie .Whom She • •said, had: 'made a lasting impression upon her, &, who•She' always' ieinemb e red : ai having come frOrn Lucknow. • • • THAT Lucknow Fire Department , responded. to, a call on Sunday • night,' shortly before ID p.m, to the . residence ' of Charles Fowler at Dungannon. A chink: ney fire had been extinguished by the Time firemen. arrived. ,The run was made • uring, a; howling blizzard that Piled drifts On the LuCknow.Dkingan- , non road;,and brought visibility. to zero at tines 'Jack Hateh, --provincial,,constable- from:Kit:LT,- cardine detachment, who was in Lucknow--at the time, preceded rthe fire truck with flasher go- ing as a safety measure, FAIR tumid, gLECTs, • (Continued from :Page 1) , • Associate Directors — Kinloss, Gib Hamilton; Lloyd MacDougall and Harold Wallace West Wa- vvanoSh,' Wallace Miller, Andrew 'Gaunt, Jted• McQuillin, Donald J. Gaunt, Lorne WoOds, Tom Todd and Bob Lyons, Zr., Ashfield, Arnold Alton, Glen :Walden and Ross, Henderson; Lich -tow, Alex • E S BRIEFS TRO NEARBY— Balfour IacLeaii, son of Mr. and. Mrs. , Bert 'MacLean of Kin-. cardirie,,andfornierly of itiniongh has been transferred from Sault. Ste. IVIarie•to Toro* as aCCount- apt , at the „Pape . and • Danforth branch of theRoyal.Bank. • .Larry. Fritz, 16,.. Of hear• Han- over was sentenced to 2 mcnths in Walkerton jail and fined 0,006 and costs or hi default six'inonths consecutive, by Magistrate Me-, CleVis of 'Walkerton. Friti drew, the term in: connection with the revolting crime of selling the .meat' of -dead animals for :human Consumption. •' • • * * * . Officers .of the Bruce 'County Children's Aid' Society, , recently elected are: Rev.' -John Arbuckle, pres.; •Dorkaid , Blue, vice-pres.; Walter Wag, treas.,-. Mrs,- 'Harold Weiley; sec. Chester Emmerton . Somepeople .get there by pull), of 'Huron -is a• member of the others by push. • • executive: • • • t, WELLINGTON BRAND . .". AY -PASTURE . MIXTLIRE 30% Canadian Alfalfa 30% Canadian Brome Grass 12% Certified Climaxfihnothy 10% Perennial Rye Grass " 10% Ontario Red Clover 6% Kentucky 31 Fescue " 3% Certified Ladino Clover •••• .• . • 100% Price, 42e pound. • ,'.•; Sow 20 lbs Per: sAi. Seed Is sold in 1 acre or 2 acre sealed bags and is treated 'With,"Cap.tan 75W for preventiOn.. :of root, 'andfungus diseases. • The following is a suggested Seed Mixture SUITABLE FOR HAY AND PASTURE 8 lbs./Alfalfa 2 Ilbi, Red Clover 6 lbs. Timothy 4 lbs. Brome Grass ' 20 lbs per acre • Y�ur ost. $6,60 Per acre ;Or 33e per -pound. Alt the above Govermnent Standard No. t seed, Will nU" ' . free oi charge if desired', • , 1.• D. R. FINLAYSON PHONE 91, LUCK.NOW • . 1 • • v•"" •