HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-21, Page 6CHILLY BATHROOM? MAKE YOUR' HOME OOMPLET WIT H• Ts s Pollock Electric phone 190 .Ripley, Ontario ;:r Yi • LROSS CORNERS Mr. and,' 'Mrs.' Tom • Hodgins were dinner guests Friday . even- ing of Mr. and Mrs: Art Hodgins.. Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey :Nichol- sonand .� Hughie, Bervie, spent;: Thursday • evening . with Mrs. Frank': Brown and '•Reg. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McKague of Calgary celebrated their' Gold- en Wedding Anniversary on iFeb- • 'ruary '1st;- Mrs, -McKague. was the former Merle Thompson of :12th of , Culross.' Andy - lived' on. the farmnow, owned :by Jack .:Mar shall 'of Salem. Mr. and: 'Mrs. Mc- Kague have three sons,. Norman` •of 'Trail, :B.C.; Cecil and- Stewart of Calgary.. • 'Mk. and Mrs: Art Hodgins spent • Sunday With Mr." and Mrs.:James.. Wraith, Lucknow. 'There . Was no .Culross Corner's. news: last Week due to the illness" of Mrs. Brown. On Friday afternoon; our, tea- cher, `Mrs. '. Armstrong, held ^a. :lovely Valentine Party for. her pupils; pre-school'age'children & ' their, parents. This party had been. postponed .froni ; Wednesday due to snow clogged roads: Mrs. 'Fara Stanley • Of K'inlough visited .,*Friday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Brown.' Mrs. Wes'' Thompson is in' the hospital in London. as the. result. of a `fall. while visiting:her dough- ter and ,son-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs.. John Hodgins. •, Miss Staley Parker;„Toronto, spent the week -end with her Parents; Mr..' and Mrs. , Everett SHE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Apathetic TO Hog Quality. Contest Apathy of members of Bruce County .Hog Producers Associa- tion toward 'the county hog qual- ity contest was deplored by George Gear, agricultural repre- sentative at the annual meeting held at. Walkerton last week., Only two producers have en- tered the contest' so far,and, all must'. participate to make the statistics useful. Farmers , made money' feeding pigs last' year but could ` have. made more 'if better ' hogs` had been produced, he said. ' Almost two-thirds of the hogs marketed are raised from pigs produced by someone else. "Some people don't make mon- ey by , raising' pigs: while others. do. If everyone .participates', in the. contest the reasons will - be;'. learned." Because of the marketing sy- stem, big ' processors .are paying the ' • same.. price' for hogs as 1,94 paid by the small processors in this province, said president Gordon'Patterson ••of: Ripley. A processor now -must pay, a one -per cent penalty if 'hogs: he,. buys are held over 24 :hours be- fore slaughtering, he said. Zone director ; Eldred Aiken. said "under the• table", payments are still . being paid :by proces- sors to truckers' in Quebec. He stressed the importance .of' mar- keting boards and said they would b,more. effective. if: Do- . . . Directors elected' are Clarence Nixon, representing the ; ' three northern townships; Alfred White,' Amabel Township; Mel . White, 'Aaron, John .Black, . Elderslie Orville Monk,,. Brant; Elmer Per -schbacker•,-Carrick;::Wallace-Be'l-; lagh, Culross;'P. A. Murray, Kin- loss; Gordon Patterson and Ern- est Thompson, .Huron; Filson Ar nold, Kincardine ' James Doyle, preenock; Rralph Tha'de, Saugeen;: Allan Evans; Bruce:, Parker • • The. Kinloss _,Boy Scout .Troop held their Church Parade on Sun-_ dayat the South. Kntoss .Church;' Many parents accompanied the boys•' . Mrs. Mr: 'and M s.. Everett Parker arks spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs; •Morley Wall.- • We are glad to':report that Mrs: Frank Green.:' was able to be brought home from Toronto on Saturday,: . Mr Ian McPherson and family, 8th 'con.-'xwer'e Sunday visitors. with Mr. 'and Mrs: Tom Stewart and boy, s:' ;• • i • An old Pable•te% the torlr o[ reveial.boya idly t.h rowing stones at a group of frogs in a pond. Boys, complained one of the frogi at lest, ."tliiw , • may •be fun for you but • .it is death for wr • •Too often we do thoughtless things without consideration • • for others—for example, spending our money solely for.pleasule thout.regard_forour•,y's future,. How much better it would be to provide for that future through the medium of Sun. Life of Canada's niodern life insurance policies:; '. Lift tnauran8e r sty pYold cion and I am atyour Why not You jour be Solder' SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA no obligation. ✓' Wrr'., Kinahan LUCKNO'1W; .Phone Wingham 717--w4 • SUN LtFE..AURANCE COMPANY 0E CANADA; rls" Subject Ai Kairshea Meeting Mrs. Roy Finlayson was host- ess for the Kairshea Women's !Institute when the theme for their February meeting• was Ed- ucation. Mrs. Parish.. Moffat and, Mrs. Ira Dickie were in •charge:,: Mrs.; Elliott Carruthers gave the scripture reading. 18. members answered the roll call with "What T have done to further my.educa- tion,, since r left. 'school." Mrs. Harold • Campbell and Mrs. Cliff Roulston were appointed leader andassistant for the 4-iH Home- making . club, course, "Dressing up Home ,Grown Vegetables" Leaders txainirg school to be held in Lucknow, February 21st and -22nd. Would the girls who are 12 years of age by March lst, and. interested in taking this course,; please give your 'name to • either' one' of these ladies. '. it was decided to send ,the .Pre- sident to the Officers. conference in Guelph, May• 9th, and 10th. Plans were made to quilt• three Red. Cross. quilts 'at. the Kairshea. Hall • in the afternoon of Monday, February, :26th. Comanittee was appointed to be in charge of the Calico Ball, and it. is not too early. to start shopping:for material: It is expected it will be; ' Easter 'week, April 27th. Mrs. • Cliff Roulston reported on the Farm. : Forum and Women's Institute .' discussion groupM held recently on Vocational Training. The findings .:will be';discussed, by` radio on'':February. 26th. ' special o1'l t ioir of�-1Oc :per member was taken for the `furtl-. erance of the Women's Institute work in' the North West Terri tories. The jar for. "Pennies. far, Friendship" received' •'a , •goodly r-'seponse-and will be in Circula- tion for . the March' Meeting too. The, topic for the day was, taken Eby_ MKS.'Evan_ Keith ; onr _"W_ills. 'Everyone safeguards . hisproperty with. fire 'and wind insurance,; ,his car: against accident and liability, FF but very often does not bother i to give peace of mind •andcomfort to those• bereaved byihis..or. her passing.' Everyone • over ' 21.: should have a will, drawnup byy a law- yer, so it is legal inevery respect: One 'might be .surprised to find out : who ,your .:heirs and next of kin .. might -turn 'out :to be,, and with whom your life partner might have to. share ' with in an, estate, .however' large or :small it might be, if there .was not a le- gal will. ' ' •In 'recognition of' the 65th An niversary of the founding -,of 'the Women's Institutewhich, is -be- ing celebrated in. Toronto on Monday, February lath,, a history was read of that first meeting. at, Stoney Creek, when • Mrs. - Ade, laide Hoodless` was •the speaker: Mrs Allister.. Hughes and Mrs: Harold Campbell gave readings' of. Valentine` verses; Miss Karen: Carruthers ,'a pleasing piano •sel •ection. Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs . H. Houston . at the, piano. Mrs. H. Campbell gave' the ,courtesy remarks, to..which the hostess replied.. Mrs Carru- thers. and Mrs. Campbell .served cake and ice-cream followingthe singing' of God- Save the *Queen and the Institute grace: ,Mrs.• George Lockhart will be hostess •for the March meeting at the Kairshea; Hall when the Dis- trict ' President and 'the " 4-H' Homemaking Club girls will be in attendance. • • St. Helena '4-H News " The. second meeting of the .'St. Helens Happy_.Handicrafters was held •at. the home of ormaaa"ay= nard' on Tuesday evening,: ,FebL. ruary 13th. The 'president •was in charge of• the business part of the meeting. The rolreall,`"One .pointy to consider when buying cotton for. Summer ';Separates" was an- swered by twelve members" The leaders gave' the memberi .sug- gestions and guidance 'in select- ing a ,pattern :suitable for the in- dividual girl, .They also demon- strated 'the 'proper way to take measurernen•ts before buying , a, pattern. The meeting closed with lunch being ;served /by Nancy Curran andKaren aunt. �u• u WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21st, 19621 L SPECIAL LOW PRICES ' c UTILITY INTERMITTENT DUTY. CAPACITOR START MOTORS :' • . Standard: protected: 56 frame • Ball bearing • 115/230 volts, 1800'R.P.M.: • General purpose motor for medium to heavy starting loads Co-op February Special Co op February Special• % H.P. with IX' shaft,, 3 H.P..wuh.'X', shaft each $4397 � web $3397 Regular Value $3.05 ,QUICK DRYING D'VERSEY EGG WASHING COMPOUND Eggs washed with this compound dry faster..,:reducing the opportunity for bacteria to•enter through damp, soft, shells ... and you can carry on with the job of packing, , much sooner. And Diversey Egg Washing Compound not only does the job faster ... itdoes it better, too. The natural "bloom" of the shell,is preserved and enhanced to attract the cis.. tomer. You protect your egg profits through egg quality and sales appeal. In everyway, you' get a better, faster and more economical job .with Diversey Egg Wahing Compound . Formulation `•'No.122. Co-op February Special,'5 lb. 4257' Regular ..Value 51.05 INFRA RED BROODER LAMPS 250 watt infra -red brooder . bulbs with .white glass face and medium base. . Co-op February Special, each ./111 V Regular Yctlue.$3.85 SINGLE LAMP. BROODERS eav au a steel hood: is 1034' in diameter. 73• .deep and completely i e lamp. _ish.. durable Ultranamel,. a and.the h�elds lamp. l�iteroc: is ; ruus ems' in gr y, • interior ie white., Capacity, 80'to..100.. clucks.. Special ;porcelain socket, lravy duty suspension loop,: approved cordand plug. Co-op February S;Heimeach. , 2 Phone 71 Set Vote- to Huron Huron hog producers, will vote March .6th to elect :,,19 hog', coin!: mitteemen from • a ' list '• : of .33 candidates nominated at .;the an- nual . county •'Hew roducers' As- sociation s- s c ationmeeting, herd in Clinton last week. When, the •33 candidates/Were. given: an •opportunity to state their feelings on •hog' production, • 17, saidthey definitely favor: the present compulsory' system •of marketing hogs. Eleven said; they are opposed to the systern, and favor a "free enterprise" opera- tion. Five producers nominated: did not say which side they fa- voured... The : meeting ' was ' generally• .quiet, „though there were brief clashes during; the nomination of township, directors for the county association. ' The 19 committeemen to be chosen .March 6th' will elect a delegate to the Ontario Hog Producers' Association. Candidates in the election will be ,Robert ,Allan,, Albert Bacon, Alfred Warner, Lloyd , ,Stewart, Alex McGregor, Gordon Elliott, .George Campbell, Elmer Harding, Ross Love, William • Coleman, Harry Hein, Robert McAllister, Carl'`Govier, Raymond Finnigan,. Harold Adams, Milford, Prouty, James " Adams," Carman ' Keri, Gordon : Wright, Hugl ' Johnston, Melville . Lamont, Martin Baan; • -Ed mond—Heirdrick, Wrri., Wilson; Ronald McGregor, Jackk-Duncan, Elmer Treland, Cecil Bah -tient, Melvin Greb, Leonard Fisher, George Adams, C. R..Cbultes, and. Harry Mulvey. • , Votingplaces will be: Exeter Town' Hall; Agricultural Hoard Room•, Clinton; Gorrie Cornmu- nity Hall; Walton ' Community Hall and Sherwood's house, Dun- gannon, 'Polling ungannoti,'Polling time Will be from. 11 a°in, to 6 p.m. ' Gordon 'Hill, Stanley Township; a representative. . ory the farm marketing board, said farmers put too much time on improving production • and.', neglectthe bust ness end of ' farmi•ng. '"We• hav forgotten aboutselling," he; said "Look at any other bit iness, he said, • "and • you will find • th sales department is the most in portant part." • Speakingon marketing '.plan Mr.: Hill . said farmers can't b satisfied with• voluntary method of, selling.. • Albert Bacon was re-'electe President .of the association, an :Alfred` H. Warner was re-electe as'•'secret'ary-treasurer" The .•prt ducers: also choose .township did •ectors: NEWSBRIEFS FROM NEARBY A new. $90,004 • post ° office Clinton ' is provided for in ti 1962 federal budget. Clinton: also going to petition for ' post delivery service. Hanover is all slat& . for a $100,000 post offic OUR ti ettA9 1, WE CERTAINLY DHOW OUR HEATING OILSTUFF FOR WE'VE CARRIED THE FINEST BRAND Div FINEST PPO�D�UCTS- � VQ� lel PCC\,' 0 . TOpJerree : W.A. "BUD IMAMIL.TO HEATING QRS GASOLINI OTHER FARM PRODUCTS