HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-21, Page 2tr a 194 ,f0t • rM ry . • PAGE TWO Kp 1 N: G 13*C..1( 1K THROUGH -THE • -SENTINEL.: FILES. Twenty Years Ago, Twe y Belfast 1.1.0'L, No, 499 which had 'been inactive . fora long per- iced. • was; re -organized,. with Earl- Durnin as worshipl master. Huron Township Council by acclamation was comprised of ,Reeve Herb Farrell and Council- '. lots Walter Brown,.. D. A: • Mac- ;' Donald, J. W. Thompson, Howard • McGuire. ° Mrs. Morgan Henderson was engwed to complete the term ,.or the Public school, ' fillinga v- Caney resulting from Jim. H•en- • dersori's'enlistment in the RCAF. Regarded .as the smallest: vote ,:' ever recorded m Lucknow village .electors. voted 75 to 2' in favor of establishing a Board' of Education, required by statute with the .pub- Iic and .continuation schools in the one building,. , .• Lucknow 's: Council as corn- prised of Reeve N, Bushell and •Councillors. Dan' Ferguson; R. .H; McQuil1+in,`Austin Solomon, J. W. LUCI.NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO provide milk ;for or children of the non -+Anglo-Saxon district where Mr Nicholson 'Ministered A boarder at the McGuire boarding house left town'' With his board bill unpaid, and at the, same time a quantity of dentist g91d, morphine' and cocaine dis appeared from Dr,, R L., Trelea- ven's office. • . Fires destroyed the barns ' of Orville Tiffin, Con.. 4, Kinloss -& that. of, James Sennett, Con. 10, Ashfield.. • Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell of ' Kinloss, ages :.83 and al re- speetively, were separated.: in death. by •only. three • days, Robert. Rae was reeve and the councillors were A. W. Hamilton, W. B, Anderson, Robert Mullin and S.' E. • Robertson. . 4 Mrs.•. T. E. Finlay celebrated. her 90th birthday, at the `home of her .daughter; Mrs. W..J, • Agar at Calvin, North Dakota: • Officers •of'Lucknow .Continua- tion School Literary Society: were, •v, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21st, 1962. WH ITEcHU.R.CU Rev. George Watt of Oakville spent Monday visiting with his ! parents, Rev. and Mrs, John Watt. ` Mr. • and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, Mrs.. Angus MacDonald and Dale of St.' Helens. spent. Friday at :the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ben Mc- Clenaghan. u' Mr, John Gaunt and Mr. Russel Gaunt 'visited. on. Thursday with Mr. Tom Gaunt who is a patient in London Victoria Hospital. • • Mrs. Garnet Farrier' and Mrs; Peter ;Norman will attend.'. the 4-H leaders club meeting ..to. be, held in the Town Hall, Lucknow on February 21st and 22nd. This spring's topic will be "Dressing up home_ grown vegetables." • There were around 20• ladies attended the Women's Institute meeting which was held in the community hall. • • Mrs. Vernon Reed,a. health nurse from Wing - ham was guest speaker..•Mrs. Reed had .an.interesting film on health. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Aitchison spent Saturday, evening at the home of - Mr. and Mrs. Car Mc Clenaghan_ Mr, and Mrs: Carl Weber and family spent Saturday evening. at the home .of Mr.: and. Mrs. .Carl Gartman in Palmerston•. .• • Miss Karen Groskorth, Mr. Paul. Groskorth and ' Miss Joy Collin of Toronto spent the week- end at the. home . of Mr... and Mrs. Elwood. Groskorth. Mrs. Florence Henry6. of Lon- don spent • the week -end at her home here. •Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Sinipson and family visited on Sunday•.•at the .home of .Mrr and Mrs. Doug. Simpson. • Mrs. Irenne Patterson • of Toron- to spent the ,week -end. with her brother, Mr. Charlie . Taylor., and visited'' with her mother, Mrs. Annie Taylor in .Winghnm Gen- eral Hospital;_ ._. .... Miss Mildred'. McClenaghan vis- . i.ted..with- Mr, and•,:Mrs. Jervis.in, Clinton on Sunday., • :4. roll ¢all—"A church ..I. visited in' 1.961" , was responded to with many interesting facts. After the business portion of . the meeting, the program •convener, Mrs. John to the' Free Church at Kingussie. Blue presided. The *; scripture reading was., given by . Mrs. Nor- •val Nesbitt . ;arid 'meditations ' `by Mrs. Blue. After a` prayer by Miss Grace •Cameron the study book "The Church in Jerusalem, the. churcl , in 'Corinth; and the church of Christ- in_Canada". which was prepared by Mrs: Donald Court- ney ,was read by .Mrs. William Cr`ourtney. A 'questionnaire • on the study ' • book :..was` conducted by Mrs. Mervyn Hooey. Miss Louise. JoYn't. Pres., Gladys MacDonald; vice- lY feed barn on the Roloert. But- pres., Doug Clarke; secretary, ton farm at the• northern.. out Frances Thomon; • treasures, skirts of the villagee was destroy- ed by fire. It was 15 years before, in 1927, that 'the big barn on the. Button home farm wasrazed by. fire. • . :' •a• • Rev. J. W. .Donaldson was ap p. oinnted' rector of St. , Peters •P.ar- . 'ish, • which had been; without, a :• resident minister dor several • months,, after Rev. A. A. Maloney atituned a- anla-incy-in-the RC-. AF- at. Edmonton. f Bev: ,John Calvin MacKay was chosen moderator. of the Free Church of .Scotland, . an' 'honour his :'father, Rev:, Angus MacKay received,' 'forty: -years -before.-Rev. .Angus`•1VIac,Kay• was the first min- ister in . Lucknow Presbyterian, Church after .the union • of the .Knox, and St. Andrews congrega -Lions in 1807: After a sixteen year ministry, :.he resigned in 'January 1904, returned to Scotland for a visit and: there ' accepted a call Arthur Andrew; pianist, Blanche MacDougall; editor, Douglas MacDonald; sub -editors,', Eunice Newton, John 'Carruthers; Form representative's: Margaret'. Mac=' Kenzie, Sadie •McCharles, Jessie McRae, Edith Smith; Emma Ha- milton, Donald MacDonald, Lil- lian' Horne,•J.ack.McCa11,: AMBERIEY: The Afternoon • Auxiliary. of the U.C.W. of PineRiver met' in the, church ;on Tuesday.: afternoon with an attendance -of twenty-one. The presidents Mrs: Sam Gibson and Secretary -treasurer, • Mrs. George. •Wighttnan •presided.,;_The. PURPLE GROVE. Mothers, and" pre-school child- ren joined Mrs. Howard Hollands and pupils for a Valentine party.. Mrs., Kuntch, judged the. valen- tine' mail• boxes which were. de- corated with John Collins, prize winner. , • • Mr, and Mrs: Gordon M'acDon. aid spent Friday evening with Mr, and.. Mrs. Don Bushell, A number from 'here on • Tri day night attended the midget hockey game; between Mildmay and Ripley and . the reception • la- ter for Mr. and. Mrs. John, Gamble (newlyweds). 5; :Miss Mary Ann I Cosh and' Miss Annetta Forster of Toronto. spent .' the . week -end at their homes.. • . Mr, .and Mrs.: 'Francis Boyle, Brian, Bonnie, Kerry and Heather spent' Saturday with Mr.. and' Mrs. Earl Osborne, Guelph. Mr. and. Mrs. John Matheson and' boys visited Miss 'Eva Cul- bert and Mr. Lorne Culbert : on Sunday ; Mr. and Mrs; • Frank 'Colwell, Kinloss, spent Sunday' evening with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Mc- Cosh. Mr. Albert Middlecamp ',ployed' with Mr. Francis Boyle.• Mr"•:and Mrs, Goldie Huston, • Mr ',and Mrs. Bert Breckenridge g spent Monday evening: with Miss Margaret Robertson and, Mr. • Donald Robertson: 4. Julie, Mark, Carl . Stanley; spent the • week -:end •with Mr Norval'. Stanley, Mr and • Mrs: Walter Forster and :family were •Suhday..guests of Mr and-. Mrs, -Gordon- Patter= .son Mr.: and Mrs Francis Boyle & family were;. Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. Ed Farrell. . Mr. and Mrs. Don ' McCosh : at tended the 60th 'anniversary ` of the Kincardine Institute .. on 117fon • day evening. Some of the folks attended'the funeral : of: Mrs. Mel'` Hutchinson: Miss Eileen Collins ; spent the week -end at •her. bathe. • Mr,, and Mrs.::George-`Harkness I Spent' Wednesday'' 'evening. with,' Mr, and Mrs,' Claude Dore:' • • Young People of •Kinloss, Kin-. lough, Bervie: and Ripley enjoy ed a' ,skating. party.on, Tuesday evenig, Bervie' United Church •Ladies met .,on Wednesday. evening at •Mrs,, . Dome; °McLellands. Mrs: Cecil Sutton teacher at, Riversdale, had a holiday. on Friday -because a • lot, of ,'children have the ..flu. Mrs .Miller Hartwick, .Wayne Hartwick: of Kincardine, Mrs. .Gertie . Walsh of, Lucknow,:.. Mr: Thirty Years Ago: ` Mrs(Dr) , J. H: Garnier died in Lucknow at:the age of 81..• A'donation sent. by' John'Joynt to Rev:' A M.* Nicholson at .Hud- son; Bay Junction was used' to •purchase a "missionary:, cow",' to Letters • r� T0 Editor .• Mr Editor, As, • we find sour •local . paper, , something ' we look forward to 'every.. week:. How about a' little discussion on: our •different prob- lems. One• of mine for exaniple is the tremendous power we :'farm peo- _ple :have,: if we :would• only stand up.• for. each other. and Work to- • .-gether for our,;common good and benefit: :. • When we •meet people • 'who • Speak • disparagingly of our dif •ferent •ca -op ; organizations; gen- erally speaking' they have some; thing to lose, because we • are 'learning to do 'things, . for • our- selves. ',But when we hear : a. fellow who 'calls himself a farmer; who is ' ';doing little to.' support qui different organizations, yet` reap. ing` the benefit or more staple prices,..either buying or selling • because 'the ' co-ops are in there• doing their share of business. W e still find some ' of those men .Who . like, to:' grouch,; yet , know so little , of the important. � place agriculture holds in the economy of Canada. 'Up to of the wealth of ' our country .` is tied -up in agriculture according to statistics, Are we..getting our .fair .share of this industry? I hope someone who o reads this article, and doesn't agree that we have gone a long way towards helping ourselves,. 'arid that 'we should go further, and haveour own processing plants to handle a. Share 'of' our live stock, and market the same•as dressed meats, will telcos why they cannot sue- ,' ceed as welt as our fertilizer, in surance and gas and oil business. j. .A, McMurthy. Campbell read .art interesting story: entitled:. "Jeannie". • which. was 'taken' from the book "Hasten , the Day." Mrs Jahn • Ferguson gave a report 'of .the •inaugural service of the 'United Church Women, which was . held. in Port Elgin . on Friday which Mrs. Fer- guson and niernbers of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary attended ion Friday,; Rev: Peter. Renner 'con-' ducted the ' service and '. business Meeting and Rev.' Eric 'Nelson - gave an 'impressive' address "The :love of God' leaves us' no choice." 'Over 250 ` ladies attended the service. Rev: J ' G Hutton closed the meeting with prayer. The re- mainder ;of the afternoon Was spent 'in • quilting: The 'quilt top was pieced by Mrs. 'Thomas Fraser of Detroit, a former •resi- dent of. the Pine 'River ': commu- nity "Lunch' was served, arid a social • time enjoyed aver the tea cups • Mr. and Mrs.. Don Jolley of', London . were dinner guests of Mr. !and Mrs. Archie Courtney ' on 'Saturday. A Euchre party was held in .Lur an school on Thursday: eyerz- Ing, High ..prizes ' were' won by Mrs. .Herb ' .Enimerton and Mr, Duncan Thorburn„ , TheEvening Auxiliary of U.C. Women of Pine River held .their meeting`in the church on Tuesday evening with an .attendance of 18, The president, Mrs, J, Liddle and Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. Leonard Reid presided. ''Aftera Short business period, The prog- ram convener,, Mrs. •Carrick''Col- ling led in the opening devotions. Mrs. Gordon Elliott . gave the. scripture readingfollowed with meditations by Mrs. Glen. Boyd, Mrs Ronnie. Irwin` gave, an .in-` terestinggreading after. which M rs. Leon r Courtneyred a.chapter from study book. The meeting closed, with prayer by Mrs. Har- vey Robb. Lunchwas served and a social half hour enjoyed. : The Annual . congregational meeting of • Pine River United Church' washeld January 26th 'and: was preceded 'by a dinner., Rev. J. C. -Hutton presided, and conducted the opening devotions: Encouraging ;`reports ;from a11. -or- ganizations were• .read and ap-: Proved:; The.. following officers for 1962 were. elected: Board ;• of Stewards, Ronnie' Irwin; ;James Bradley, Perrin Lowry, Jack .Campbell,, Mrs. Allan. Irwin• and. Mrs. Leonar•'d to work jointly with Glen Campbell,- Hugh 'Mas= On, " Arthur Messenger, Kelvin Henderson,'Duncan Thorburn,Ce .cil.;Humphrey, T. Bell•and Norval Nesbitt: • Trustees;. • Cliff . Geddes, Leonard Reid and .'Mac Boyd. Treasurer, Norval Nesbitt. Sec- retary of 'Congregation, Mrs; Gor- don _Elliott; Auditor, Jack -Camp= bell; Ushers, PerrinhLovirry, Bob Campbell, J. S. Robb, Glen: Campbell, ' Glen Boyd, T. Bell, Murray Walden. Sunday School Superintendents,• •'•Eldon' Lowry, Gordon. Fty. S.S. Treasurers, Jack Campbell, Gary. Courtney; Repre- sentative ofJnited` Church .then, Lester. Ferguson. Christian Educa- tion Corhnittee to`join, Mrs, Wm. Ferguson and Mrs,' T. Bell are Gordon. Fry, Glen Campbell and: Donald Courtney. Missionary and Finance''Cfnmittee, Leonard Reid and John' McDonald. . Congratulations. -go' to • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson on. the arrival of a daughter': at ,Wingharn hospi- tal; -February`l 6 th. :Spring must be lust around the. corner as summer ;residents vis-. . ited their cottages 1' at the week- end despite the • Wintry weather. At•Amberley beach, folks.enjoyed dinner at their cottages on: Suri- day' so ' why go South? • Mrs. Sam• Geddes of Ripley vis- ited with Mr.%and, Mrs. John:Blu.e last week; The Exnmerton Orchestra playW ed/ for - .a dance •.at Paisley last. week.,. Mrs:William Leonard of Point Clarke visited with relatives an Toronto last week. 12th Fara ir-Sarne Family: Since 1849 -In • a recent issue we referred to the . Emerson farm on the 12th Concession of West. Wawanosh as being in the same family •for 100 years. There are; • one or two ,Other, farms which can exceed this, re- cord. • The Gauntfarm on the .12th Concession was taken up in 1849 by Joseph Gaunt, and the .fourth andmily fifthare geneo'r'nati•the ons hoofme thisfarfa •still m. The 'five generations include Joseph, Edwin,,'Joseph," Ernest Donnie -Joe 'Gaunt. ° • It was in 1849 that John and William Gordon settled in the • St. Helens area, and Joseph. Gaunt and 'Sons .'took.: up Iand a little farther to the. north on the 12:th Concession of ` whatwas then. Wawanosh'.: •• The East and West Wawanosh "divorce" took place in•.1867. Ash •field and Wawanosh districts had separated in 1.852, •a few.' years after . the first . settlers started. coming into the • townships, 'Soon. after the Gordons aird •Gaunts, came' to Wawanosh; they were followed by Duncan &•Hugh MacPherson. 'Duncan took. 'up the "centre hundred"' where Gor- don and Ross MacPherson still' re - Side; and the adjoining .100 acres. which extends to the 12th Con,// ,Other•pioneers on the :lOth Cdn cession, west of St. Helens ,Were' Hugh .Rutherford who came, in 1$51, and.James arid- Thornas Som -ervi+le--who—f ollowwed ;the next' year .and built 'the pioneer mill on Lot 16, Cori. 10. It was James Somerville ' who came ':to : Luck , now six years later to::`make'the. first survey; in 1858 'and became kriowr. ' as : the;. "Father. of Luck - . now," : • — First reeve of ;,West . Wawanosh after 'the "divorce" was Charles Girvin, with Edwin Gaunt as ode- .putt'.' These men held.:. office 'for. a long 'period for in...the Huron..: County Atlas published in 1879, .the West Wawanosh council was comprised of Charles •• Girvin, reeve; Edwin Gaunt,. deputy,• and councillors' Charles_•Duriin, Wm Kinahan, John: Washington Township officials: were 'clerk,; Robert Murray; treasurer, Wm. •Durnin;.:assessor, Hugh ;. McCros tie/collector,, John Pentland;: au ditors,: John H. ,Taylor and Alex:, Pentland.• and Mrs. Scott•,Walsh, Walkerton were .Sunday' guests `of' Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Currie. - MOORE'REGISTERS AND FOMS . GET ALL THE .FACTS ON.,EACH TRANSACTION . RIGHT AT THS RIGHT ON IN ONE 'WRITING, ' A::MOORE. REGISTER AND FORM FOR EVERY :•FORM OF BUSINESS • . r .• CALL :US TODAY ;FOR COMPLETE'. INFORMATION. IE LJINOVT5ITt: