HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-21, Page 1„.,•— . •
. • ;:••••
$3.00 A Year 1i Advance -- $1.00 Extra To
• .41.1CKNOIXT, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB: 21st„ 1962 ,
Single Copy 10c
12 Pages.:
jent .Fok Board,
Financial Position.Shows lOproliement
The a/Ulna' Meeting of the ' : '
LticknoW Agricultural Society,
was held on Saturday, February ter; "West Wawanosh, George
17th, Allan„Miller, 1st vice-presi- Kennedy and Frank ,alleQuillin;
4 dent PreSided owing to theab- Lucknow, S. B..Stothers and S. E.
sone of President; .Evan Keith Robertson: • , • ,
due to illness, . (continued on 'Page 12). .
The financial rePort .showed
$648 to•carrY forward, an increase
of $197,, over 19'61. ' '
Delegates appointed to attend Degree Conferred
February 2i
, On. Lucknowlte.
the Fairs. Convention to be held1st and 22nd ixTo-
ronto are' Allan' Miller,' Donald '
J. Gaunt and Mrs. Tom Tedd. • Master of Education. with ma -
/t was decided fr,e,..s150;.isQr. a jor in Art Education Was eon -
Field .; crop Competition using ferred on Florence (Maddiarinid)
Russell oats.' Stuart Robertson & Golden by Wayne State Univer-
pr6d mcouipin were • appointea 'sitY. Detroit,. in' graduation cere-
in charge of .thii competition. „
The. :4-11 • Calf Club :will be
sponsOred. again .this year. The
leaders. are Andrew. Gaunt, Tcim
Todd and 'George Kennedy. ..
Reports 'cif each class at the
• Fair were given by a, director in
charge. Suggestions, for improve-
nient., were .noted.': The greatest
need was pens for sheepand
• •
• Mr. .S. B: Stothe,rs.was appoint-
, ed chairman fOr theelection of
. 'officers. The officers are. as -fol-
. lows: . ' • , •
'Past • President,:, Evan -Keith;
President, Allan 1VIiller; '14st vice
president, Oliver. McCharles; 2±16• .
vie -president,, Allan MacIntyre;.
'.• Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs.' Fred
. . • ' , •
•;,••_ Directora-Kinloss,_Evan Keitb
and Phillip Steer:: Ashfield, Ginn.
'don Kirkland and Wm G Hun- 1Michigan Education Association..
TO corimucT.:FIEsT FIELD
. ..—•*—,--••••••••• .
The Lucknow Agricultural So-
ciety will this year sponsor , the
frist field crop competition in
several , years. Russel oats, a.
popular new variety,, has been
Selected for the competition WitJl
entries' 'receivable until . the ! efid
Of March. ” ."
Name Architect
For [MS .,Addition
,. • . .
Lucknow. District High School.
Board has •engaged . the firm • of
Salter and Allison of Barrie; as
architeets to draw the plans for
the three room addition 'at the.
Re -Elect Three Retiring 1.frectors. 'Of
st Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co.
.Tudging from 'the attendance at
he annual meeting, and the, ap-
parent absence of any. comment
in r'elation to the operation of
the conipany, policyholders. must
be well • satisfied ,with' the •opera-
tion and 0administration • of the•
West, Wawanosh Mutual Fire In-
surance Company. The annual
meeting was •held at the Parish
Duriganndn, last/Friday'.
afternoon;.. '
Brown Smyth of Dungannon,
president of the company, chaired
the meeting. He gave a 'cOmPari-
son of the position of the com-
pany in 1947a cornpared with
1961., In' 1947 the .income from.
high ,school, ;, • ., • 0 • • • ••
monies at Cobo Hall, on .Thurs- .Subject 'to the approval of the
day, February ,Oth. In all, 1613 Municipal Board , to issue de'ben-: a., A c • . • 4; •
degrees were conferred, making tures covering the project, aketeh;Du
! Dk. Turkey. Pies
this the largest .Mid -Year gradua- plans will be submitted to the • • ' ,. '
tion class in Wayne'S' history. Of Board and "to the Department•.Of .For. Ice Fund '
these, 522 were •graduate degrees. Education, as preliminary Steps" • . • `•
Mrs. Golden r•eceiVed. under- • to getting the building program The ladies. of St. Peters Ana -
graduate degrees from Wayne in" Underway.. ' - ' can Guild, Lucknow i are "pitch: -
1941 and 1945,•.' with . majors in: Salter and Allison Were archl. ing in". in an effort to rase funds
•English and Fine •Arts respective-
ly: She is also graduated in. Ad-
Premiums was $30,660 !and in
1961,0$9,z39. Part of the increase
is attributed Jo ,ihe,raise in rates
sorne•', time ago. In 1947, losses
were $24,000 and in .1961, $55,000.
Tthe. surPlus in 1947 was $156,700
and in 1961, • OM 666: In 1,947
• the surplus for every $100 of in
surance .in force was 90c; while
in 198I' it Was 58c. Three •years
•agQ It was 49c. •,
. Mr.'Smyth • said that, they ex-,
pect to strengthen 0 the position
ofthe.' companY, ..under a new
reinsuranceplan. In past years,
reinsurance ha's cost them money.
• In closing, the presidenturged
attendants at the meeting to'
• speak up 'as it is 'your Company,
!your moneythat is• being s,pent,
and you are ventitled .to the
• information available.. •
, Durnin Phillips, secretary -
treasurer of the company, gave
the •minuteof the' last annUal
Meeting and, a detailed break-
down of 'the financial picture of '
the comPanY. The surplus of the . „! .; .„:•, ‘."
. •
....„ '
• : ) •
. • • • • ,
tects , for ,the 'kinloss Central for the local Artificial Ice project
School .and: in the past. few years • Th4 ladles are planning a .Sale
yertisingi: Design, and IlluiiratiOn have 'designed and supervised the of .homemade turkey .p es on
frorn Pratt Institute in New ,building . of • a large •number . of Wednesday, February. 28th with
'forle.. Currently: living in subur-. sohools. • .. , • • the. proceeds for the ice .1und.
ban Detroit, .Mrs. Golden is em,• '. ' ' •.',. ' .'• Pies • will ..sell for ',$1. •each ariCt
ployed in , a stibilrbanSY, •
" ..0 orders' .for therri, , either unbakecl:
s e1eas7anT-art te-aelier. • :(for-lreexer.,..oi oven): or baked.
Mrs. Golden is a member of ' ft. • .. .0' • ' • (just reheat) can! be phoned ..to
iven... rrommion.:‘ Mrs. Harvey Mole,. Lucknow, or
.Pi •Larnbd.a .7 Theta, a 'national, • , • . • . • . • • •. .
°- . - A lit If L it vi
.for;Women .in .edueation---Weinen
honor and professional association ••,• :' . :. • • , . • •
k . s .... sStore,. uo r14;) .., . ,
In .‘..,..C1Orida ..'' Ban . t. Orders .will be filled'in ro•tatiOn:
;and Should be phoned at once.
_of_Wayne..State....Aturrini; -_Wayne--., . • . :
State Art Education AlUmni• and • Mr. and'Mrs,' ;Barn'. , Nixon T.
-.Extra 'pies, if „any;• will • be -7:73-.R1-'
turned home : on. Friday evening ,on Wednesday afternoon at Crest
frorri a' . two.' Weeks' holiday '''in Hardware:, Or,ders. Will ,)Veti' be
delivered. in :1.4uCknOW; " 0,
a 4, )", ,
A0 0
A A. • 1 1' A .
• • •) 4f, • ", „A' 1. 2 1 '^
• 441'.
A •
; •4,0
•••;44..., 1.;
, 4! • • '•
• • ''.4•• • ' '
company increased $13,2$7.58 •
from 1961 •operations 't� ,a total
of .$207,666.15. To.tal "caSh receipts •
were $112,90535 • with total . cash • .
disbursements of $90,593.53. "total
assets of 'the company are
951.34 while total liabilities, are
$43;285.19. Direct. losses amounted
to $49,670.93 with: reinsurance
• losses of $5;362:34. ."
„,Mr. ;Phillips pointed •out that
while the surplus . for every $100
Of insurance in force was 58c, it
-is-rec.,ognized-that the
ation for a c'orlipany' '
Is to have • F ; ;
, • t • 4,"
• • Florida: They flew jet both ways
•1 . 3 •
Lucknow W.I. Marks Anniversary Of
an ar veMalton- on Friday. Advertising .in support of this
in time to make train connections project 'appears elsewhere in this
to complete the 'journey. Actual issue and has been , donated to
. flying time after being airborne :he ladie,s support of Artificial
Founding. Re -Enact. eetmg Of Early Day was 2. hours .and ten minutes. ! Ice by Webster and VIacKinnon,
• , Florida' they' visited. 'witb local! Crest Hardware: .
Moriclak, Februa:ry', 19th,, Mark-. ' • • .• • 1.1arry'S brother, iTini Nixon and • •• •
. ,4 4,...,!•!.•4- •,' ). •
• • 4.
a dollar - surplus 0 for every one
hundred of insurance in force. • '
For .•tht.. first tinin soxne` years,
the 'company gained 'a little in
•reinsurance during the year. This r
past year the, direct losses have
beep ,normal with heavier loises
• •
, (Centinned on' Page'•9) •
, • •
• ed the 65th anniversary of the. . • , . • , . 1 . -. ' . ivi rs. Nixon, th e rrmer Wilda. . ., , . ' • — ,. .,
0O t140000 0 w
Clara as their dinner,,guestS.,,, . • .
founding' •of the Wornen'S Insti- ' There .are .three/'life members • • • . •
manager- 'Of • the trailer camp at'
lee . Total . •Close ' . To..
. , , . .• . . . .. 1VlacLean • of Kinlough. Jim •
• ..tute.; vvhich ,'came- into • being at of the Luckno*. Branch, Miss • •
Stoney Creek, and in: the inter- Mary, McLeod, Mrs. Phillip . St .•
. , P • ' e,"' Lakeland,. Florida, where Rob-
vening years has' reached° inter- Wart and 'Mrs. Thernpson..Past
national st•atiis. • • • Presidents were anion8 'the head'. whiter and wto• had "Harry & onations Last tek Exceeding
ert'.Rae; and' •Margaret ipend the
' resulted from the (ContYiu0 on Page 9)
death •of an 18 -months -old child , • • , • , ,
and the tefutal ,of the mother to ,
Is- a reiult. of 'contaminated in'iik' • Consider BUS'
accept such. condition, . and set • •
her. mind to corr'ecting
Tri To o Niagara
was , • Mrs, • Adelaide , • ,(Hunter) ••
Hoodless, who is credited with.
• starting the, movement.
On Monday/ evening the Luck -
row Branch. of. the WoMen's ,In-
stitute approPriately, c.omniemor'-
ated this birthdayat a banquet,
' the Asseinbly ItoOm, of the
Town Hall, :with about • • ninety.
members, husbands and ;guests in
Mrs.' Phillip Stewart presided.
• Grace ,by Rev. H. W. Strapp and
a toast, to 'The. Queen, ' :was foi-
lowed by a delicious turkey din -
Mrs, Stewart outlined 'the •hist.
O tory of the formation of the In-
stitute, and its prime purpose for
'betterment of conditions in the
home. The founder; Mrs. HoodleSs,
whodied: at the 'age of .53, Rim -
O rned.Up. her achievement in these
Words:. "Apart from my family
O duties, the edneation, of better
Mothers to 'Make better • homes
.has been iny WOrk." •
Mrs. Stewart said there Were
three charter members' of the
Original organization,: two of
m-att entled-an-anniv-ers a ry-
lunoheon in Toronto' on Mo'nday,
attended by 1,400 people;
One Local Charier Member
Mrs. ,113. H. Thompson is the
only charter . inernber of •, .the
Lticknow Worrien's Institute, ',or-
ganized in February 1908. In this
• regard, Mrs: Stewart said: "We
• are Proud' of •our charter member
here in Lucknow, in the person.of,
Mrs. Thompson, She has been an
•active triernber since, the Luck -
now branch, wa's organized in 1903
and we honer: lier tonight,' •
Mr. and Mrs. Nixon also visit-
ed with their • nePhew and his: '
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Keith' Nixon.
Keith, was, recently promoted to
the exeCutiye. position ofeassistant
vice-president . of the Cornmercial
Despite other local attractions, Bank .at • Winter Park, 00 Florida,'
there was 'a fair attendance at which is about 6 Miles from Or -
the February .meeting of the lando,.
LuCknow and District Horticul- Mr i and mil.Niic�n “ra/.1.4.1to,,
ture Society,
held in the basemelit their, WillOhbugY. • St., . Luck.now
neghbours, Mr. and Mrs. .Elliott.
• ' ' • • •
.• • . •
Sandy at Indian Rock, Florida'.
room of Carnegie Hall.• • i
An invitation •from' Auburn
Society to attend their April meet-
ing was accepted. Results. of, the,
photography -contest in District 8
*ere announced With. Ken Came-.
ron receiving 1st) prize in.. one
:section: Mr. Bristow repotted be-'
ing, receiVed at the regular
Meeting' Of the' illage Council,
O It Was decidedqhat the Junior
'rzienibers 'receive the sarne value
in premiums as last year with
O Mrs. Clarke •Finla3rson assisting
.Miss, Ada Webster in this work.
• An announcement that the
O.H.A. convention is being •held
on ,the •Same, date as the regular
March meeting gave' rise to ."the
suggestion th,at, as a Society 'pro-
ject, a bus be, chartered to allow
• a load •,of .interestecl meinbers td
attend the .Thursday sessions in
Niagara'Falis, with the secretary
to get necessary information as
To' la us. s po r ta t ion -and-
• eosts. •
• As guest speaker of the eVen-
ing, Rev, Wilfred Wright waS most
interesting, and entertaining and
gave mucb. fotod for thought. -
O Mrs. Emmerson. led in a sing-
song with. 1VIrs. Cumming at the
piano. .0
Mr, Bristow Shdwed a film en-
titled "Springtime in Holland"
which *emphasizedthe tremend-
ous area; of spring flowering bulbs
in -that, country, ;This c•oncluded,
• , •
eorge,. Whitby
ew Scoutmaster
peoile. Whitby has accepted.;
:the Position of Scold, Leader in
Lucknow • and will be assisted by
I). "Bud' ThOmpson, who. pre-
viously assisted Stuart C.ollyer• in
that capacity. Also aisisting, in
the Scouting, work will,•be 'Elmer
1VIacKenzie ,and :Stuart Jamieson.• '
Scouting •in Lucknow has been
inactive since Scoirtmaster Stuart.
Calker tendered his official 're-
signation. last fair,. after Serving
for, thirteen years. •
A public rnee ing failed to pro-
duce a sue_c_e,antLafter sev
eral months of • "searching"• and
•working behind.the scenes by men
that. were interested and deter-.
Mined to 'keep Scouting alive in
the village, the, !committee has
.annOuriced the .riew' leaders. .
O All people of the comMunity
interested in the Scouting move-
ment; :parents, Scouts, and'boys
who wOuld like 'to become Scouts,
are tinged to be ata public meet-
ing next. TuesdaY at Vie. town
• •
a, when a new Scout commit-
tee. will be forined. • tb'
As there would be considerable'
;saving • by getting . material for
the complete jebi the Board deck'',
ea that if .it tan. be linane,ed• in
any way, .replacement 'of all the
windowSmay be considered while
the work loeing done this sum-
mer. •
,An. estimate' ,Of receipts .and
expenditures for the year Is tobe
made, when .it will be !Studied by
the FinanCe:Corinittee Who will!
discuss the matter witl, the coun-
cil .at their next ,theetirig ariel• a
final decision Made in March:
Prineipal, Stgart, .Collyer re
Donations' to ,the endof, the
week sent the artificial ice fund
total to $13;649.03. This represents
contributions _turned.. •in,' during
• ; •
Replace 111fIn ows
. t L.P.,$.,In Summer
At the February meeting of the
Lucknow • Public ,School Board
held Monday, February •12th, the
main discussion was 'replacenient
of, the -windows. Figures were re-
ceived from four 'lumber firms,
for material required in this.
connection and an •estimate- of,the
•cost arrived at. 1.
pOrited-an-average--atteri-danc e -of -
22 fpr 1961 .Conv)ared.,with 233
fbr the previous year.
• A cireVar was received adyis-
ing that the School Tax assist-
ance grant. ls expected to be c
culated at $15.09 per pupir for
1962. „
Two acebbrits amounting to
$72.88 were approved, paid, With
a balance on hand as of January
31st •of $233.,55 plus the, balance
at the: yearend which 'is held to
O assist in financing the wqiclow
•, • •
the week amounting t000$l,069. The
preyious week's .total was .$12,580.
There is still Considerable ean- •
vassing to be done, or reported
on,, by the members of the Lionvs,
Culb who were assigned Icafls On #
a doorito-door,, and ;farmto-farni '
'Donation' :frern former resi-.
ents continue •at a generous and •
teady pace, 'as will be noted in
the following list of acknowledg-
" . 0 • • • , - •
) , 2
3 • ' •••
,*, • . . ,1•• •••0 ' 434.,
R. G. Douglas,. Ottawa $ $.00 " • •
W. Smith," Owen Bound -10.00
W. J. Fisher, Glencoe . .5.60
Stewart Lavis• • 10.00.•
Wm. John,,lyfaePherson Jr5.00 • ,• ••
•Elwood Hodgins, Torento...:., 5.00
IVIaurice HodginsrLondon,, 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. Robert floss 10.00 !
. Toronto.0 0 • . . ,
Rennie Graham, Toionto 1000
Bruce Y. Johnston, Aylmer 10.00'
Isabel M:'IVIacIntosh .. 10,00
, Hamilton !
A. M. Nitholson,. Saskatoon 25.00
Dr. and Mrs. W. J, 10.00
Walkerton ••
Jack McLeod, Woodstock 25..00
H. A, ' Taylor, Fdrnonton '10,00
C. Lindsay, Toronto ........ 2,00.
,John A. Hendersori, , .... .... . 10,00' '''
Reston, Man.- ,
_TOHt-yTO_MofltreaI..„„ .. 10.0
Wes and Fivelyn Hustorian,d 0
Grace"(Prange), Kitchener 25,00
Christene (Ross,)'
Phillipson, London ./ 10,00
Mrs. Arabell Bushell ... ,5,�Q
StratfOrd •
Wilmer Robb, R. GOderich 10.00
W.IVIacKenzie '„ .. . 10.00
Mrs.Penn •
Norris ,(Carolyn
Fullerton, Calif. 5.00
Wm. An drew . 10,00
Rae . Dalton arid Sons, %v..... 10,00
Earl Drennan . .; . 5,00
• (Continued On Page 'In
• •
• I. .