HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-14, Page 13WEDNESDAY, FEB, 14th,. 1962, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • :PAGE ELEVEN Passes After Lengthy'. Illness. Ants, HARRY ,JIA.CKETT There' patted.' away in Wing- ham General Hospital on. Febru., ary 6th, 1962-, Lauretta Lavina, beloved :wife of Harry Hackett, Mrs.. Hackett was born in 'Ash- ' field Township. on July 10th, 1902. She was the eldest 'daughter of Mrs, Ida' (Lane) Hackett and the late David J. Hackett., • Mrs. Hackett attended S.S. No. 9 School in Ashfield and- at . early age became a xnern'ber ' of "the r Hackett. United .Church of which she was ,a lifelong member. On March 31st, : 1926,, she mar.. ried Harry • Hackett, They, esta- blished their farm home on the •10th con, of : Ashfield where they continued • to reside until 3. years' ago, •when 'theymoved to Luck - now, • • Mrs. Hackett of a .quiet, kindly, home .loving nature, endeared her- - self, to many and bore her lengthy . illness with patience and Chris-. tian fortitude. On February : 6th, 1938, Mr. ,•and Mrd; Hackett were sadly' :bereaved of their only daughter, Gertrude. 'Ia , Vonne, .who ' passed' away .,on: her ::first birthday, 1VIrs. , Hackett,. passing away onthea same -.day ::24 years ,later. Mrs. Hackett . was a lover of flowers: and her home was al-' ways am -array' of flowers: as was: • the MacKenzie: 'Funeral •Home,• where sherested,.'&, many people. called to • pay their last. respects. • • The funeral service was held on. Friday -;--February 9th,'-�-, e•andueted by :the ••Rev... G. W. Kaiser, who spoke.. a comforting , Message to the ,bereaved. • Left to mourn besides her rowing. ' husband . are : her aged: mother; '.Mrs. • Ida Hackett, Luck- now; three : sons Who mourn the loss of a loving mother,. David.. A: ofAshfield—Alvin--on-theT-home farm and ,George ' at home. Also to mourn the loss' of a loving sit,' :ter are Tillie, Mrs. Tom Hackett; Lucknow; •' Caswell,.' • Lucknow; Millicent Mrs.' Alvin' Bowles •of Londonand Mary, Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray; Kinloss ''Township and a: ;granddaughter, ' Joan. Temporary entombment was. Made' in South Kinloss Mausole- urn,. with Don Willsie of Belmont, Girvin•: Reed,.Russel Alton,: David Kirkland,: Ron Alton and Camp bell Thompson acting.: as pall bearers.' Flower bearers, were Ken Lawrence of 'London,: Allan Hac kett, Glen, Walden, Don Hackett, J.: C: Drennan and. Eric 'Hackett. 1st KINLO SS' BOY' *SCOUT GROUP Two visitors , to our Troop last week brought both fun. and many good thoughts to the ,boys. • Rev. 4r'. Carson : and Mr., Charlie Le- mon took over -tle . last half. -of the meeting and we feel sure that they ,could have had the •first' half • as. w,e11.; . .• Mr•, Carson gave a yarn on the importance of. physical fitness He emphasized personal cleanli- ness, but .also. dealt on good liv- ing habits' and physical exercise.. Mr. Lemon, a former drill instruc- tor, then took over 'the troop; &' !the 'creaks and groans we heard didn't •come from the cold night. With 'the aidd,:of a portable'tunlb= ling mat,.. the boys tried head- stands • and • ether exercises' as Well... . Odds' and, ends .of •Second ;Class • test work were : passed, ' and the 'six .new recruits, all passed their knot tests Just a' reminder that this Sun- day is 'our,. Church Parade . at. South vKinloss • ,Presbyterian, Church: at 1:1§, We hope to :.see as many;families • out with .their., boys , as ossible:..See you there; • wHITEcHuRCH: The -Institute Meeting will •be • held'. on Wednesday, February' 14 in the Whitechurch Hall at two o'clock; . Mrs. • Vernon 'Reed will show. a `film on Health'. as this. is Health ''week for.. the Women's Institute. ' , _r an..;. • M . and Mrs.' Carl'Nt 1 c�C enag=+ hon visite , �-on -•Tiresda with Mrs" d y Ethel 'Thomson •.in : ;Clinton.: • Mr: ' and Mrs Jack Gillespie of:. . . Sarnia. spent . the week -end at h.., the home 'of. :NIr:: and Mrs.' W. •. R.. Farrier. Mr. and rs. 1•. . M . M s. Car. Mc,Cler�agh�an: spent•-•Sjunday in ' Kitchener ,visit- ing with a'1VIr,° and. Mrs. ,. Ma_c Ste- wart.. o. Mr. and` Mrs. Donald Dirstein of Brantford -spent the week -end at•the"home of Mr. and..Mrs; Ri:.s- sel Gaunt ` •::Mrs, ' Florence .- Henry :. of Lon - 'don spent the, Week -end at her home here. Mrs and -Mrs.,,',-Albert .Coultes. arid Dianne spent Saturday visit ing • with • Mr. .and Mrs. '`Fred Schwichtenberg at Mildmay. FIRE . IN CAR The : Whitechurch United ■ DUNGANNON Mr.. and Mrs.Bill Atkinson of Oshawa, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan. Mr.; and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie and: their sons of Zion visited on Sun- day with. Mr. and'Mrs. Robert Irvin and Betty. . Mrs.'' W. A. .Culbert and son, Rill, on Sunday. attended.�the 'bap-, tism of the former's great grand- daughter, Jane Marie, daughter'of Mr. and Mrs.. Ken. Crawford of Wingham at Winrgham • United Church. Several relatives ' were. entertained at .;thea home of Mr. and:, Mrs, Leoi ,: Crawford ..for dinner, after the service. • Miss Flora Durnin of,,.Markdale spent .the week home •with her father, Miss Grace Crawford of 'Goderich was also a .visitor,'also visitipg relatives at Port Alberta 'Mr. and..,Mrs.; Lloyd. Hodges have -been atxious for their little son Timmy `'4 months of age,' who lovas . operated on for hernia " in Victoria Hospital' on `Saturday. We wish for the: little. lad a speedy recovery and home with his fam- Hy ly again. ' Some school girls, s'oitth : of ..the village,: gathered $2.31 :and added this • to the Red • Cross.. • at the. Public school recently. ' Miss : Carol Culbert visited her cousin, `Miss Doreen .' 'Culbert on Saturday. D'oreen:.•Culbert and. Patricia' Eedy visited Saturday with ..Carol and ''Bonnie Culbert.: • Mr. , and -'Mrs.. William Brown, Blyth, visited 'on Monday With 'M•r an-d-'1VIrs kion/.-e-ulbert=and their ; .family. Mrs; :Esther,•Rivett ;was hostess: at her home• op Friday night. for: the 4-1.1 •.girls of 12. members• and:: Mrs.Hugh ; McWhinney ;.as deader, President, •:Sharon Ste,Wardson, vice-pres.; : Donna-. McNee; 'Sec., Carol Culbert; pressreporter, Bet- ty rvin;. pianist, . Patricia , Eedy. The project studied' is "S.eparateS. Mr.:a"tid'' Mrs. Ivan Ienderson' and family . spent. the week -end with., her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington. ' Have You : Renewed Your.Sub= scription? What. "�'h About A tif 1 ice Jim' Cooke, Kapuskasing "Please accept.' my contribution' which. is enclosed for . $10.00. Great work you fellows are do- ing down there. If people. would just. think of the many children and ' adults who will. 'benefit from this . good • cause,, the response would most .likely be remark- able." "Keep the children ,on ice, and • out 61 hot- water." *• * * ' • Harry "and Ann. • (Johnston)' Gannett, .Toronto "Just : ' a drop to . put in. the `bucket' and our best . wishes, for' the success •of the artificial: ice drive." • * ;k.*; . ESSEX COULD 'OFFER. ICE INFORMATION Essex, Ontario 1•' ' must acknowledge your Lions Club bul�le , concerning your .Artificial Ice project.. It. is a . worthy one ' indeed. ' YOU are very'' fortunate in .already having the ; afena in which to use it. We in Essex have just 'about completed our arena ': here, and p., about all that is left to do to install the seats. This it. our first season .and we, have had ice, With hockey and skating, since late;•in November. I believe it is in .use about, or close , to 1UQ' hours per week, many Pee Wee and ':Junior• hockey.: teams; .and. ..skating .. in various ... ` age groups ,We; also have. a . fu'11 -t me sa4,aried Rerreait on o.' ec�- ter.. . • Down here, in the : so-called• "banana' belt" we had to , start from Scratch, not having : had any ;•rink. .Consequently vire have had' to respond to' many`.appeals, din the last few . years, ' since the " ro''ect.. of under _ ova I _.-wish P J g ,.....m--, _ Y !I could quote the statisties, The' ice . surface ' is reported • to• ' be' slightly larger ,than :'at'. Maple. Leaf Gardens,; or Detroit Olym Pia, : (We . have ,•:no curling,. ice. . g If' any of -.your Cormn.ittee would like to: have information as : to. our ; experience, I • would suggest that they write to Mr. Max Westlake; ,ssex wl'o would be. glad. to /supply any (information. Max was one of the driving for- ges behind it from' the start to finish: If any of your, people were to, find themselves in. Windsor or. Detroit,'it, would only be a half' hour run out here (16 miles) to. see what we have. The enclosed 'is only a toren contribution sent with my very best •wishesfor the. complete • success of the project. Yours very, truly,: E. Alger Naylor. * *• .,./ Born;HerE'86Ysrs go -Aids Ice Fund: .i Port. Rowan, Ont.. Dear• Sirs,' Enclosed .• is a small ' cheque. Just' a..token . ofpleasant mein- ories, not 'too ken, of my. youth up there '.8.6 years ago. But I admire very much your • enter- prise. I• have beep a charter mem- ber of Lions.here and Lion Chief. Sport was my hobby. at Var- sity. 'I took the• 'Varsity Football Club to• Philadelphia in 1905' to.. play . for University: Champion ship of America and.. won. (soc- icer): I always will have . pleasant memories :'of:.. Joe Agnew, "Dave Thompson /Kenny ' 1VIoLennan (Black Molcozn's), Wat Murdoch, 'Charlie McGinnis, ' James' Pick- • ering,''Jack•:McMillan (2nd Con. Kinloss),' Bill Murray, •The Pat- terson's, and' Bobby McMillan. Itis a sad ,but true commentary _ on•f.��..��hi:6�.u..,;_,I?v ong ' _ • enough, .your. friends all `,die. I will.' be 86 on the 27th. of Fe'bru. ar next and am' still ractisin y practising: g a. little: So Good Luck. W. Reid • * *' * • Mr John Hanna, Mrs. Han ' '"As••. -Mr, Hanna :,,.;had • been en"o in a uch-n e- d ' J, Y g m: a de short . . holiday in "Florida;. I. am taking. the • liberty of enclosing' herewith. R. cheque for, ten •. dollars,..a 'small d: i ar .ono on 'taw rd Your t your Artificial. Ice -: n t Fu d, L: unknow. ;I feel - sure. Mr.. `:.Hanna 1 M a Would be pleased :to ;• assist in. 'some ": ' sway; • and.. also to wish • yOu' the_ very best of. 'luck in your fine canpaign �ssis�a�artrs,■.r'r■r�■*�aer'�e'�r�rrrs�reer��.r'■e r . ■�ee■raeersi er■■■aae ., • ■ EARN , �5WITH ��SAFETY •• • ■ r us■ et ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ t •. ■ • .. A fire, in the: interior of the 'car of •Armstrong Wilson of Luck-. ;:now, was .discov=ered' shortly be- fore 6 p.m., Tuesday., ;The,. car, parked in front of Johnstone and Son Furniture, was burning, under the• front seat.' The blaze • was brought under,control, abut the :fire had ,burned up into the uphol7. stering and was .difficult to get at, With the: seat still •smoldering, the , car was removed to a garage.. Efforts . on the spot .had failed to remove. the front`seat • .from, the car to get at the source of 'the trouble. ' • • MAIE YOUR • NOME • • COMPLETE:WITH • FLAM ELESS :rem ,otelo :r. mirofte rano •116 01151 Church Womens • meeting Will be 'r' held next Wednesday, February 2,lst at the home of Mrs..:. Dan II Tiffin at .2 o'clock ■ Mrs. Jack''. McIntyre, Mr.. and is Mrs. Grant McIntyre and; Marilyn :I and Mrs. • Cecil Falconer visited is on Sunday at the 'home ' of 'Mr.' and Mrs A. E. Purdon in Luck- • Mr. and Mrs.' John Smith, Leo- nard. and Lorraine •of'Ripley visit- ed on Sii iday at the : home", of Mr. and. Mrs. Russel Ritchie. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter. ' Elliott :visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ro- bert Galbraith in Wingham. Mr, Russel, Gaunt and Mr. John. Gaunt Visited with their feather, Mr. Tom 'Gaunt in London Vic- toria Hospitals Miss Karen Groskorth. of .Tor- onto spent the: week -end.' at the home. of her paiVfits, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth. Miss Elaine' Conn : of Toronto' spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs', Wal- lace Conn.. ' r. an • ' rs. ar . t' e'er and Family visited on Sunday at the home of 'Mrs. Sadie H'ossfeldt EPS i€ and also with Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Lindensdhmidt in Walkerton. • Miss Mabel.Purdon returned to her hozrie in the village ari'Thurs- day. • There. were 40 people ,attend- ed a Pot Luck Supper aid card party . at the home • of .'Mr. and TED• COLLYER Mrs. Nelson Pickell to raise' morn- ey for Womens Institute: ELECTRICRemernher,w it takes put 'a moment to place a Sentinel Phone 208-r-25, Lucknow Want Ad ,and ber»noney in Pec- Iftwanimmomminiansimis .. ise just 1cetY To a ver f J zone 35. IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION --- '$100 or more 3 to 10:' years -- • interestpaid.. by ;cheque authorized by law as:. investments for trust funds. BRITISH, MORTGAGE GUARANTEED INVESTMENT.. CERTIFICATES. To invest: see your local agent or send your cheque. to your nearest . British ,Mortgage. office. nest today --- interest. begins the day, You invest. /Head Officer {Stratford Send this:: coupon. to your nearest. British Mortgage- Office in. Brampton, ' Goderich, Hanover, Listoel or Stratford; I enclose my cheque for $.', for investment for . years, Please,,tend ane a free folder giving full information•.: • NAME ' • 4Y.. . ..•.••..•.. .:Yea. ,..Y.?. .i ..Y 11.0.111•.1.40 o ti• i ;ADDRESS ... Y.Y. .,,......tiliW1Y YYYYY YY� '....Y..YY,'. 1.4114 4141'04 faiS YYil • Y.YYYYi YiY..'iiY..f.iji YYY..• YYY....•...YYIi...Y YYYY'.Yy-es*• 4: • ■ si •■ ■ ■. ■ n. rrrr■rr■rrrr,�r're�irrresrsr■ ■ ■ ■rrrarr rreeir'ewrarrr�e rrrr.�ira■■ssirar arar�