HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-14, Page 9WEDN'ESIAY, F'EB. • 141h,, 19.62; TAKING CQURSE AT U,A.C'. DAIRY SCHOOL The annual .hairy !School at the OntarioAgricultusal . aided in the traini. of thousands of young. wren, whaavg risen to • positions of prominence in the dairy industry. The three-month 'school; now in progress: at the :O.A.C,, provides young •people in the.dairy industry. with an under- standing of the principles and problems • in technical dairying, and in the. production and care, of, milk on the farm.. Thirty-eight are atending the. 1962 seli�ool, in- cluding representa. tives from the maritimes and the , British ,West. Indies,' • • ,,Among those attending the • course is ` Arlan, MacKenzie of this community. TIIE. ;Ll CK�TOW SENTINEL. LUCKTOW,. Oa`?TaR1O • • WAGE SEVEN. Sees -Bruce Co. College has n Nuclear h.pansion - •�'• • • L ADING STRAINS OF LAYERS • QUALITY • - CONTROLLED HATCHING •, `DEPENDABLE SERVICE, Andy Robinson,'M,P. for Bruce, took part in the recent debate in • the House • of •Commons en the motionthat the government give immediate consideration . to the advisability of taking the appro- priate steps, necessary for • the early establishment of a national power grid which would be util- ized •to develop Canadian industry and provide: employment oppor- tunities • through development of • all natural power resources. Mr. Robinson said "After I .have made a few `remarks about this. motion," I am satisfied•,the house will know that this government. has not only been giving a great. deal of attention•to'research into power development in this Coun- try,. ountry,• but has been doing, something about its.. "As the -house probably knows, power . in Ontario is•the . responsi- 1 bility of the:Hydro. Electric Pow- er Commission, 'In . the years since the ,commission was appointed or originated it has accomplished , a very good, job in the province" of Ontario,' not only in ,peace time,. but in wartime. It has kept up with the: increasing demand for power.' The •growth of the .:de- mand for power over . the last number of years. has been rapid; and the economists tell us that it will gadn momentum; as the years go by, The larger the . population -grows, .the more''. power will be •used in line_ with t , e:,;;;mode-;, e living we have at the present time,. Some .economists • predict •; a More rapid rate .of ,growth than. others but I' think we canbe'Sat- isfied ,that 'the.' growth 'will ''be rapid,'.The estimated. increase 'for` the. demand'. for power in the: pro vinee of Ontario over . the next 20 years is :between , 5 per cent -and 6 per -cent, ,pef year.. This • means that the province of On- tario ,'in 20 years' time will be required•to..:double the supply . of power that is needed, today,.Water sources of power in.Ontario Fare, as the..previous speaker has men tioned abou t at : an end. There are srnall 'sources.; up in; : the northern part, of the .Province which will eventually he tapped but it' is uneconornic at the • pres-• ent time tp tttransport :. the : power over. the distance which would be. involved. If the demand for .in•= creased power .' in ;the next` . 20 years were 'supplied from ther- mal' sources, it ,: would' mean an added cost, in :coal,. of seine ,4200. million No doubt a large amount of this ' coal' would come ;from the United States, though some, w "+, 'n�` -of course, mould -come from Can •t'`...N.%3 • ada. According• : to this estimate it would cost '$300•m'illion a Year. •. 1, to- supply that amount of thermal When it comes to your flock replacement stock, choose wisely! Your. egg income depends' on it. • An excellent choice is Swift's Sky. Hi 316-w bird :with an outstand- hig number ofhigh profit factors. This white -egg layer.ha's the enviable record of an average 289 eggs per hen over a 12 -month period on a minimum amount of •" feed. Avera a weight df eggs per dozen is 25.9 ounces. Feed Con- version, livability and interior egg quality are unexcelled': in the in- dus ve your profits a boost -order Swift's outstanding: layer. the. Sky -M.3161 SWIFT'S HATCHERY Treleaven Milling: 0.,. Lucknow Phone: Lucknow 9 ampaisionmemmaimmall "A short while ago the atomic. energy board of Canada along' with the: Hydro Electric Fewer:, Commission of Ontario agreed. to erect an atomic power plant in the 'County of Bruce. Why they chose Bruce, I am not . too sure; it is not because of the .geniality of the hon. member .who 'repre- sents that constituency,,, •1 know that. 'I..suppose ,it, is because we have the facilities, required by. such an important undertaking.. The , atom. is . power; plant which. is under construction at ;the pre sent' time is being built at Doug- las point on. lake ;Huron; The unit° which is now .under construction is .expected, to. 'be. completed ,by 'late 1964 or early 1965:. The unit will produce'.200,00G kilowatts. It' is planned that in 1963 'a second unit *ill • be', built in along°.with --the--•-first unit: T-hat•r-Secondunit- is expected to produce "-another 200,006 .kwilotvatts . There is talk at •the present time • of joining a third unit to the other two. The facilities are there, ' "Reverting. to this question of the demand for power 1'1.00 years time, I might ,point out that if this extra power were supplied by oto-. MIC energy;, it would. mean 'there would be $154 million worth 'of unanium used per year to supply this plant. Coupled with the $300 million that would •be ,spent 'on, coal; this comes to a considerable sum. Power from this plant, when the plant comes into' opera - mpoom i••1••!•11041404,•R•0 004•i•e•4a. •09..00600!•1*094wwww0400i•0oei90094 , • i • . • •. • • • • •; • • •. • . •• • • •' •. •; •: Sponsored' by Lucknow and District; Lions Club UCKI'..OW ARENA at 7:30 o'clock sharp. RIDAY FEBRUARY.. 161h ADULTS'; Fancy La or Gent .. $1.50 $1.0O Comic Lady. or' Gent .:. $1.50.. $1.00 Best. Couple ... , ....$1.5O $1.00 SPECIAL EVENTS :. . Queen . a. Carnival. $3:00 Lions Costume 'Race • COSTUME EVENTS • • PRE-SCHOOL & . KINDERGARTEN Fancy Boy .or .Girl . ... $1.00 .75` .50 Comic Boy or Girl r.. $1-.00 .75 .50 • •Best Couple .., .'.a $1;.00 .75 • 14:• ' PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTSz. • Grades .1 and 2:. •• Fancy Boy or Girl • 'Comic Boy or Girl' • Best Couple ' , Grades 3 and 4 • Fancy. Boy 'or .Girl • Comic Boy or• Girl • Best Couple • 'GradeS5and 6: . • ' Fancy 'Boy or Girl ••Comic Boy or Girl Best Couple .: . • • G .rade"s_7- •and.- • Fancy ,Boy 'or. . Girl $1.00. :.75 .50 • Comic. Boyor Girl .., .. $1.00 , ..75 .50 • Best Cou : . . .100 75 ' 1 $ • • ..$1.00 '.75• .50 . $1.00 ."75 .50 :.$1:00:`...75.: $1.00' .75 .50' . $'1•,00 • .75 ' .50 . $1.00 .75 $1.00 .75 '.50 $1.00 75 .50 $1•.00' , •.75 ple ...., .• .... . i HIGH. SCHOOL STUDENTS: Fancy Boy or. Girl• .. $1 5 0'. $1.00; •` �:' Comic Boy . or Girl, $1:50 $1:00•, • Best Co" uple .; .. $15.0.': $`1.00 •• •• All Lions that 'skate 001 .75 RACES ..' ' .:• Girls' race, Grades 1 : & 2 .:75 " .5 0 :.25:, .Boys' race, ;Grades 1 & 2..;,75 .50 ,.25.. • Girls' race, Grades 3' & 4...75 .50 .25 Boys race,'.Grades .3; & 4 , ,.75 .•50 .2.5.'x• Curls' race; Grades ,5 & 6...75 .50 ".25. •. Boys' race, Grades 5 •& '6 ...75 .50 .25 'Girls' 'race, 'Grades' 7 & 8 ....75: .50 .25 Boys' race, Grades '7 & '8 ..75' :50..25 Girls race, 14' to 16 yrs. :..75 ..50, .25 • Boys race, 14 ` to 16 yrs. , . 75 .5 0 ' ; .25 • • Gents' race, over 16 yrs. • 1.00 .5Q •, MUSICAL CHAIRS• Boys', 1.2 yrs.' and over, . 75 , :50 .2 5 Girls', '12. yrs- ; and . .over' 75 .50 25 ;1 o •. • •••. • • • 75 • 75:.. it •. • •. • • • • • • Admission . 35c; High. ;School,. 25c lfublic. School 10e • • All In Costume, Free Pre -School, Free ` of .. Charge ..an.. `:In ::Atteliddike...: please , be ' pon hand ' .early ; and wear your Lions hats. dural e following Carnival: • :0 • •. • 0 •• •. Amme•••i•a•iiia••a•••••••••a•••a••a••••••i••••••••aaib••••••a•••••••••••n tion, will go into: the `hydro elec- tric power commission 'grid, I' •am sure it' will not. only supply, the. ;future industrial needs of. our, locality' in. Bruce but will make a contribution" _to... supplying the needs ofthe rest hof Ontario: "At this'; time I. feel. a national' grid :is something , to which we can .Look . forwaixd .' but many of these bridges will have to be:eros, ' sed- before 'it will be feasible. If our population continues to , grow on the :basis of predictions, 'I am satisfied that such a grid will be- come a reality some time in the • future." BROWNIE NEWS The: 1st :and2nd Luckriow` Brownie Packs met Wednesday afternoon;, February 7th. After games, 2nd Pack's Brown Owl .took 'charge of Fairy Ring. • Nancy. Kirkland .was Toadstool Fairy. Fairy Gold and Inspection followed and the 'Sixelrs marked their books. ' • Three groups of Tweenies re- viewed. eviewed• and were: tested : on the • Caw, Promise, Motto :,•.and Tie. The Golden Bar Brownies re- viewed 'the use of the, Compass: • At Pow -wow,' Nancy Kirkland was Invested.as • Sixes • of the Sprites. Eleanor Whitby .read the -story o-f-;-•th Brownies•-•in7Irndia and showed a cutout doll in the uniform of • a Bulbul, as • the Brownies there are called: Plans were discussed for the skating party and 'the meeting closed.' On Saturday afternoon, thirty Brownies met at the ,arena .for skating, after Which twenty-nine Brownies and foi.ir guestsgath'- erect at• the Tour n,'..�Iall Commu- nity Room. Packie conducted some games, which the girls re luctantly left • to enjoy lunch and' :hot, chocolate. About ' 5 &clock 'the 'Brownies; dismissed, .feeling, that once again the Annual S.kat-. ing Party had been a .success, E • Mrs. ` D.uncan McCallum :: and daughter Jean of Elinwood.:v�sa ed on Sunday with 'Mrs. E. Os'' borne and kr. and Mrs. Robert, 'Osborne. Mrs.. Osborne: returned. with' them; ,Miss Susan Colling, of Ripley visited at the week -end with her grandparents; Mr. and Mrs: John Colling. ' Miffs'Donna Osborne of Torontd spent the week -end with .her mo ther •Mrs."; E. Osborne:. Mrs. Donald :1VMacTavish, Mrs. John MacCharles, Mrs. Herb Clayton,• Mrs. -Melvin Colling and Mrs.. • Oscar White' attended the. inaugural meeting of the .Bruce: Presbyterial, United Church..Wo- Men in Port Elgin On 'Friday. Miss Phyllis Clayton was.:.solo- ist in the United' sChurch' on Sun- Congratulations are in: order 'for Mr% and Mrs. Sack McGuire, on the birth of a songlittle bro- ther for Ronnie and Nancy. Ron, nie 'and Nancy, have been visiting. this week• with TV1r.' and 1Vlrs•..A.l Hamilton and family. BRIEFS •FROM'.:NEARBY The •'monthly meeting; of -, the Life ,Underwriters' Association of Saugeen was held 'recently in Walkerton with vice-president, William.•Kinahan of West Wawa-.. nosh presiding. Mr. Kinahan was` named representative to >: attend: the ,Life 'Underwriters'. Associa- tion. annual meeting in Toronto. • .HEED EXTRA WARMTH'! • MAKE YOUR.HOMk' •COMPLETE. WITH �olock EIectrIc. Phone 190 ` Ripley, ntario • 'MONUMENT) Forsound correctl designed Counsel fair P on a monument y d igtied fromquality material, 'rely on SKELTON` MEMORIALS Pat:.0'Hagan, ` Prop. Established . Over Sixty Years Walkerton Phone 638-w Ontario