HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-14, Page 5WEDNESDAY,. FEB. 14th, 1962 ' THE LUCKNOW ;SENTINEL, ';LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE THREE' /%/%/iiiiiii.%iiaii�=iii�•i �•i,-,%�-.-iiii.-,��-i-iiiiiiii-.�.� .=•i .- i,--iri.':';, - SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY ''Take Your SavinWhi0. s InCash iA�t Red and FROZEN GREEN PEAS 49c MASHED POTATOES Libb ys,, .2 -1b~ -poly- bag.- _ _.. _ . ;_ Shirriffs Instant. Save -4c LIBB.YS ORANGE :JUICE. 43c WAGSTAFFE JAM Fancy, Quality, Save • 9c. 48 oz. tin MONARCH MARGARINE . 4-$1. Save lOc • PANCAKE FLOUR, Reg. Buttermilk, PANCAKE FLOUR, Buckwheat' Save 7c, Aunt.. Jemima, 16,. 2-39c CINNAMON BUNS Westops FreshBaked, Reg . 35c' 12 to a. package: 2'Jc py.g. 39c - Raspberry -and': "Strawberry with.. added Pectin, 24 oz.. TOMATO . CATSUP Aylmer. 11• .oz bottle 2-37c Bananas: 2 ibs. NOW ON, SALE 'Volume No. 5,...' Golden.:Book. Encyclopedia __� e99c" hite 'PHONE 26 , FREE DELIVERY •iiiiiii•• ocdl and .General Mrs • Bert 'Ward.. ,:is again• a pa len ; zn. Winighali '' pital. Fraser ., Ashton, who .is . attend- ing 0.A.C. in ttend-ing•O.A.C.in Guelph, visited`• over: the week-erid. 'in' Flint, Michigan. n i Dr: -and Mrs Do a d M. Finlay-. • son and family of• Toronto ,spent. the. week -end with .his .parents, Dr... and Mrs::, D.. R. • rinlayson. Elliott Whitby has taken over. the job of Toronto Star 'carfiizr, succeeding Terry' Rathwell who had delivered' the Paper for two years. • Mrs. Ed Thom• returned home on Sunday after six weeks. in Winghani,'hospital and is,preserut. ly at the home of Mr. and: Mrs;. L. C. Thompson." A recent ; visitor' With Elliott • Little • at ; Goderich hospital; . tells ,;us that •he was asking::for Luck- . now /friends. Elliott .has. been 'in. ,,the hospital 'for six years. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ',Trelea- ven of: London were • callers. in town last .Wednesday..Mary Allin is staying with' •them while yin` London with het mother; .Mrs. Jessie All:in. • • Harold Johnstone .,of Parkhill and formerly of Lucknow return ed. home ',from St. 'Joseph's hospi-: London, where .he had been a 'patient and undergone surgery. -Mr. and Mrs.; George •RRogers:. of Moose Jaw, in .renewing. their Sentinel, would Piketo say'"hello" ' to all' their friends 'and relatives 'here. Mrs.. Rogers is , able. to: lie wp `and around : her' home:: after' a. recent illness. :. °' •': ,i�rgail/�11�f�q.;,��1l.I b�li.tl�,N�Or1.� s t. :UCKCNOW UNITED CF..RC Rev, Howard W. Strapp Minister • SUNDA►Y, FEBRUARY `18th 10:00 arn.:Church School • ! 11;00 a.rn - -Morning' Worship` ...,...... Lucknow 'Presbyterian Church. Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister ' 8,t NIDA t, )FEBRUARY 18th 10;00, a.ina •Sunday; School , ii•00 u:a.m.. M;orn,ing Worship ...:,a Mr.. and Mrs. Allan Durnin• of ChooseLpndon were'callers in town la t Wednesday: They. -brought. ',Mrs. ,Millicent: 'Ro4Y•1es here, on. account ofihe' d the of .her ;sister,': Mrs. Harry • Hackett.' Will Lane, a native of Ashfield. who Makes.:his home at Belmont his -1and d �u•' with on s sn awhter, a g , Mr. and''Mrs. Don Wi.11sie, is not enjoying 'good health. Mr. !Lane is .89.' . Miss Dianne 'Bristow w has ti har4"ho been � a pa ent in. W ng hos- pital for 'a.'few. weeks,. is,•to '.:be' taken to London ':for -treatment, but her transfer has. been,,delayed because of hospital•accommoda- tion . `in London not , being avail able at present. Visitors with. Mrs; Wrri. Bushell were Mrs. 'John . Bushell; Donald and, Betty, Misses Margaret, and Nellie,. Malcolm, Betty Colwell :8s. Bruce; .'Mrs.. Max Bushell and. Brenda of Holyrood. Brother Died In Scotland'. Rev. Rod ` MacLeod '.of Luck- now received'' ;word ..on Satur-' day• of the sudden :passing of : his brother, Angus MacLeod at . Har ris,. Invernesshire,: Scotland: Dungannon Folk . S#art Return Trek Mr, and Mrs. Thos. C.:•Ander- son of Dungannon are now plan- ning their return. triphome; and expect. t6. arrive '• back the latter part •.of�March. , • ' luring the past several'. months they have taken_ a leisurely .trip through 'Western ' Canada .to the. Coast' and .then ,south to .'Cali fer`nia W itlr a, cabin •trailer they have •made extended stopovers at, various : points.. , In late fall they left British` Columbia for . San Francisco and from there, went to La Mesa, Cali- fornia, where .;they: have; been,. since before Christmas. ' The Sentinel has been forward ed 'to pre=arranged mailing ad- dresses and the travellers tell us they have, never missed an issue, although they may, get .several at once on._same...oc . In' the Six weeks they have been at La Mesa, with• the excep- tion of 'a feW :cool, damp days like our .April 'weather, the state has lived up . to its reputation. of Sunny California with temp-: eratures .frequently in the 80's. La Mesa is 10miles from •San, Diego and ',17 miles from the Mexican border, , Their return journey calls. for a few days' at Los ;Angeles;' then 'a week. or so in Arizona before poking along eastward' to the Mississippi, before heading north. ward for .home. u-r9n• • . .Queen. aen•tn e • (AMBERLEY •NEWS) • •The congregational : Monthly• Meeting. of St.:' Lukes Aglican church was held in' the . Parish, hall at Lurgan on Friday :evening. Rev. S.. R. .Lupton opened the meeting with prayer. After 'the singing of°a hymn, lV r. A't.Sipelt- zer read the scripture which 'was followed with community singing: -and. a reacting by Aria Snleltzer. An..inforrnative film was part of the :evening's < `program:. On,the committee for: the meeting were Rev.. S. R. and Mrs. •Lupton. and Mr. and ,;Mrs.Art Smeltzer. Lunch was served and 'a social hour fol- •lowed. • :Mrs . Emily Avery.` of Cobourg, Y who' visited her mother; M:rs An-; nie ':Brown in Kincardine Hospi- tal;;.spent the weekend with Mr: and:Mrs. Walter • Brown. Mr and .Mrs. Cliff.' Geddes en- tertained. • a num,ber. of ° 'friends at an "Institute: Euchre"' on Friday evening Mrs..Sam Geddes Of Ripley was a' week end guest of Mr .and Mrs.' William',:Courtney: The County. Lodge met ,at .Am- berle hall on : Tues a .with wz a Y . ,, •d Y � t lair crowd in attendance. : Members of the Afternoon Aux iliary of the United Church, Wo-.• men' of Pine- River attended ,the 'inaugura meeting hel in • Port Elgin on Friday: •' 'Over, seventy-five younig.�people attended .the' "Teen . Dance" at' Reids 'Corners Hall onFriday; evening. Ahiighlight' of the even- ing4 was thew special . dance when, Janette Lowry'•was chosen 'Val- entine Queen." Chaperons lor the event. were, Mr: and'. Mrs. Carl. Funston, Mr, ' and, Mrs. E'ldor Bradley and Mr and Mrs. Don- ald Courtney: ,• The Vestry .meeting of St: -Lukes. Anglican' Church was held in the' Parish Hail, on . January 18th. be - spite heavy. roads and inclement weather, a good attendance was noted, Dinner Was served, and el- ection, l-ecti'on, of officers followed. Rev. S. R.'Lupton: was chairman and opened the •'nieeting with. p_raye which was followed by . a hymn'. Gordon Emmerton, Vestry Clerk. read the minutes of the last meet- ing and reports' of . various com- mittees were given. Officers for 1962.are as follows: Rector's Wag.- den, Mr. Herb. Emmerton; People's Warden,.Mr. William. Wilkin; Ves try Clerk, Mr.. Gordon Emmerton; Delegates to Synod;; John. Scott and Reg Godfrey; ,Representative on hall committee at Reids Cor- ners, Mr; Reg Godfrey; caretaker, William Wilkin;. organist, Mrs. John Emmerton. Mrs, .Leonard Irwin and; Ebner 4 Observer H.S. wind Concert With Satisfaction. (Contributed) • The Lucknow District *High School Band, _Junior and Senior divisions, entertained a well-fil- ledgymnasium on ,Friday even- ing. Under the leadership.•of Mr, Elwin Hall,. the members of the band provedthat the recent ex- penditure for new instruments a worthwhile venture. The years. ahead give promise that the High School Band- ;will ibe-: -1}eard- from as;.a distinct asset :to. the area; The ' program- began Withy a group ofexercises which brought out the tonal qu.alities.of the Vari- ous instruments and theability of theplayers :to, ,maintain the tone for a centain length of beat. Allan McDougall, a member of the Junior Band gave a trombone solo in which he •notonly showed ,good mastery of the , note posi- tions, but aso a reaching . out for that .'particu'lar quality of .tone which a . trombone is able , t� produce. One pleasing part of the Junior, presentation: wasthe way which the clarinet ° sect on .play- ed their' •part in the Flagship. March:. :For beginners they 'did •4well Continuance of this Junior group 'will 'provide strength for the, Senior Band in .the very near future. ' •The ;Senior Band Carried the major part of` the program with their group selections and indiv idual .. contributions Most of : the soloists "got the jitters" — it was. their. :first •time up. They 'will have learned a great deal from the experience and will all' gi'v'e. a good account of themselves in ;the. days ahead. As one looks back on the. evening, �oone:. w told corn - mend ,the two,`terior porn players they had to carry their . part. against numerous :baritones,' ,two basses ,pumping behind, them and the coronetsat, their;' side, '-but: in the `Overture> "Ambition"the • -c- • Ya quitted: ,,:themselves' ; as • WibrthY. Born players. ,Mis§ '• Mary. •Andrew was the piano; accompanist.'and carried out. her work well. 'Through the en- ergy 'of the ,leader, 1VIr., . Ha'll, •we had . with . us .as 'guests a quintet from the: Atwood band, two coro- nets, a tenor; born, a ' baritone & a sousaphone. • bass: They • were under : the lea°6rship of Mr. Don Hill, and: -.delighted the audience with their various selections. 'Taking the evening as.a whole those who attended where Pleas- ed ed with the interest shown .by the band members, happy,: .about the; various'instruments that. had been Bradley were Winners of high riz� p es at a euchre •held. at •Am- berley on Tuesday evening. The: lucky. draw wasmade by William Pace The ' Guild of the Anglican Church at' Lurgan,; ,:met• •on' Mors - ,day afternoon with 'Mrs, Gordon Ernierton and Mrs.. John'. Scott presiding.. Ater : the devotional part of 'themeeting the ladies spent the afternoon in ; quilting:'j purchased and satisfied that the • fine leadership of .Mr. ,Elwin IIJ1 will guide these young pla3rers to. be good, efficient bandsmen... • Program Numbers The program opened with a brief commentary by Mr. Hall, followed. by O. Canada. The. Jun- ior Band demonstrated what they could do in a few weeks of prac- tise. Mary Andrew played a bari- tone solo with accompaniment by John Andrew. Allan MacDougall,, a member of the senior band, but,. a novice on the baritone played a , baritone solo with accoanpaniment, by . Mary • Andrew, who played. for ev ral .of the, numbers. Mrs. .Hewit _assisted . as.: accom anis';--�..: -. The Junior band' retired ,and... the' Senior gr Up took over, Inter-' spersed throughout The program,, they played a series of .marches, sacred music, overtures,' . folk songs and ballad's. Solo .numbers • were: : trumpet; Bill Andrew; alto, Jim. Anderson; cornet, .. Alex. Hewitt; • cornet Denver Dickie; 'baritone, • John Andrew; trombone and cornet '. duet, Ernest and June Ackert; trumpet,. Terry Wilson;; bass, Keith Kaiser; • trombone,; Gordon ' McNay; cornet, 'Mary. Murdie. The Atwood trumpet'. trio: Of' 'Don Hill; Norm Bennett and Paul, Henderson gave a couple of num- bers, and later . in the prograin.. were joined In a five-piece.ibrass• ,ensernb'l.e •by Bob ,Jones and Jack Porter, a Grade;. •8‘ student., Ac companists,for the Atwood bands men rwere , Miss Henderson, a, Grade 11 ' student & Miss Lough- ran a Grade 8 ' student.' : Rev • Howard Strapp, and Don • -Hill commented `:briefly . at the close of the -concert HoricuIturaI Efforts ��va.., ued At the. Februar m eting o y. e g f the Village Council, the ;Board met •. and dealt .:with four delegations:.�•- within an 1.tour, 'before ' getting, dOWn etting- down to another, couple of hours of business..' The delegations were • from the, Horticultural, Society, Fire Corn-. parry, Agricultural Society, School Board arid Aghti4d.Council Charles Bristow, representing the.Lucknow and District Horti- , 'Cultural Society made his.";annual Visit," thanking Council for their co-operation and support, and re ceiving °;assurance 'that 'their- of forts •,were .appreciated :by •Coon_ cil..' and .Continuing support could • be expected. Mr. Bristowex pPressed the So ciety's.; disappointment in.. the flo wer bed on the north side . of the- arena he arena iast year, attributing the 'Volume of water, corning Off the`• building as the likely cause. 'I`he. question was raised • if it might. be 'possible. to • gutter the water,, and this will. be. ,considered, : and: might be feasible,.;if and when, a renovation .program • is under- taken. • Mr. Bristow suggested that next Christmas the .Society 'might con- sider placing evergreen:•.trees o' he light . standards.' if : Counciln could arrange to. Use their .Christ-. r`.nas' .lights on, the trees. The Air- For Comfort '&' Conditioned R Entertainment GODERICH • Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday', Fe'bruary 15, ;16, 17.. Tom Tryon Linda 'Hutchins avid' Barbara . Stuart •Adventures of' a marine platoon, on= and off' the battlefield: Marin e .. Let.. s Go" ' H • Sco pe and Color • •Monday, "Tuescay, Wednesday, February` '19, 20, 21.° radford Dillman -- Dolores Hart and Stuart Whitman The life story of the patron .saint who. founded the Franciscan .Order,.• liiIflCIS: Of Assisi" Scope and Color .-- .-Thursday, Friday; Saturday, February '22, 23, 24.* Anthony 'Hall - y-- Joyce. ;Tailor and John Dall The amazing, story of a civilized nation that vanished. Atlantis : The Lost Continent" n Technicolor. ---.' • f�. A 4 7. o 35 a 4: ••s