HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-14, Page 5WEDNESDAY,. FEB. 14th, 1962 '
/%/%/iiiiiii.%iiaii�=iii�•i �•i,-,%�-.-iiii.-,��-i-iiiiiiii-.�.� .=•i .- i,--iri.':';, -
''Take Your SavinWhi0. s InCash iA�t Red and
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Save lOc
PANCAKE FLOUR, Reg. Buttermilk,
Save 7c, Aunt.. Jemima, 16,. 2-39c
Westops FreshBaked, Reg
. 35c'
12 to a. package:
39c -
Raspberry -and': "Strawberry with..
added Pectin, 24 oz..
Aylmer. 11• .oz bottle
2 ibs.
'Volume No. 5,...'
Golden.:Book. Encyclopedia __� e99c"
ocdl and .General
Mrs • Bert 'Ward.. ,:is again• a
pa len ; zn. Winighali '' pital.
Fraser ., Ashton, who .is . attend-
ing 0.A.C. in
ttend-ing•O.A.C.in Guelph, visited`• over:
the week-erid. 'in' Flint, Michigan.
n i
Dr: -and Mrs Do a d M. Finlay-.
son and family of• Toronto ,spent.
the. week -end with .his .parents,
Dr... and Mrs::, D.. R. • rinlayson.
Elliott Whitby has taken over.
the job of Toronto Star 'carfiizr,
succeeding Terry' Rathwell who
had delivered' the Paper for two
Mrs. Ed Thom• returned home
on Sunday after six weeks. in
Winghani,'hospital and is,preserut.
ly at the home of Mr. and: Mrs;.
L. C. Thompson."
A recent ; visitor' With Elliott
Little • at ; Goderich hospital; . tells
,;us that •he was asking::for Luck-
. now /friends. Elliott .has. been 'in.
,,the hospital 'for six years. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ',Trelea-
ven of: London were • callers. in
town last .Wednesday..Mary Allin
is staying with' •them while yin`
London with het mother; .Mrs.
Jessie All:in.
• Harold Johnstone .,of Parkhill
and formerly of Lucknow return
ed. home ',from St. 'Joseph's hospi-:
London, where .he had been
a 'patient and undergone surgery.
-Mr. and Mrs.; George •RRogers:.
of Moose Jaw, in .renewing. their
Sentinel, would Piketo say'"hello"
' to all' their friends 'and relatives
'here. Mrs.. Rogers is , able. to: lie
wp `and around : her' home:: after' a.
recent illness. :. °'
•': ,i�rgail/�11�f�q.;,��1l.I b�li.tl�,N�Or1.�
s t.
Rev, Howard W. Strapp
10:00 arn.:Church School •
11;00 a.rn - -Morning' Worship`
'Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Roderick MacLeod
Minister '
8,t NIDA t, )FEBRUARY 18th
10;00, a.ina •Sunday; School ,
ii•00 u:a.m.. M;orn,ing Worship
Mr.. and Mrs. Allan Durnin• of
ChooseLpndon were'callers in town la t
Wednesday: They. -brought. ',Mrs.
,Millicent: 'Ro4Y•1es here, on. account
ofihe' d the of .her ;sister,': Mrs.
Harry • Hackett.'
Will Lane, a native of Ashfield.
who Makes.:his home at Belmont
his -1and d �u•'
with on s sn awhter, a g ,
Mr. and''Mrs. Don Wi.11sie, is not
enjoying 'good health. Mr. !Lane
is .89.' .
Miss Dianne 'Bristow w has
ti har4"ho
been � a pa ent in. W ng hos-
pital for 'a.'few. weeks,. is,•to '.:be'
taken to London ':for -treatment,
but her transfer has. been,,delayed
because of hospital•accommoda-
tion . `in London not , being avail
able at present.
Visitors with. Mrs; Wrri. Bushell
were Mrs. 'John . Bushell; Donald
and, Betty, Misses Margaret, and
Nellie,. Malcolm, Betty Colwell :8s.
Bruce; .'Mrs.. Max Bushell and.
Brenda of Holyrood.
Brother Died In Scotland'.
Rev. Rod ` MacLeod '.of Luck-
now received'' ;word ..on Satur-'
day• of the sudden :passing of : his
brother, Angus MacLeod at . Har
ris,. Invernesshire,: Scotland:
Dungannon Folk .
S#art Return Trek
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. C.:•Ander-
son of Dungannon are now plan-
ning their return. triphome; and
expect. t6. arrive '• back the latter
part •.of�March. , • '
luring the past several'. months
they have taken_ a leisurely .trip
through 'Western ' Canada .to the.
Coast' and .then ,south to .'Cali
fer`nia W itlr a, cabin •trailer they
have •made extended stopovers at,
various : points.. ,
In late fall they left British`
Columbia for . San Francisco and
from there, went to La Mesa, Cali-
fornia, where .;they: have; been,.
since before Christmas.
' The Sentinel has been forward
ed 'to pre=arranged mailing ad-
dresses and the travellers tell us
they have, never missed an issue,
although they may, get .several at
once on._same...oc
. In' the Six weeks they have
been at La Mesa, with• the excep-
tion of 'a feW :cool, damp days
like our .April 'weather, the state
has lived up . to its reputation.
of Sunny California with temp-:
eratures .frequently in the 80's.
La Mesa is 10miles from •San,
Diego and ',17 miles from the
Mexican border,
, Their return journey calls. for
a few days' at Los ;Angeles;' then
'a week. or so in Arizona before
poking along eastward' to the
Mississippi, before heading north.
ward for .home.
u-r9n• • .
aen•tn e
•The congregational : Monthly•
Meeting. of St.:' Lukes Aglican
church was held in' the . Parish,
hall at Lurgan on Friday :evening.
Rev. S.. R. .Lupton opened the
meeting with prayer. After 'the
singing of°a hymn, lV r. A't.Sipelt-
zer read the scripture which 'was
followed with community singing:
-and. a reacting by Aria Snleltzer.
An..inforrnative film was part of
the :evening's < `program:. On,the
committee for: the meeting were
Rev.. S. R. and Mrs. •Lupton. and
Mr. and ,;Mrs.Art Smeltzer. Lunch
was served and 'a social hour fol-
•lowed. •
:Mrs . Emily Avery.` of Cobourg,
who' visited her mother; M:rs An-;
nie ':Brown in Kincardine Hospi-
tal;;.spent the weekend with Mr:
and:Mrs. Walter • Brown.
Mr and .Mrs. Cliff.' Geddes en-
tertained. • a num,ber. of ° 'friends
at an "Institute: Euchre"' on Friday
Mrs..Sam Geddes Of Ripley was
a' week end guest of Mr .and Mrs.'
The County. Lodge met ,at .Am-
berle hall on : Tues a .with
wz a
Y . ,, •d Y � t
lair crowd in attendance.
: Members of the Afternoon Aux
iliary of the United Church, Wo-.•
men' of Pine- River attended ,the
'inaugura meeting hel in • Port
Elgin on Friday: •'
'Over, seventy-five younig.�people
attended .the' "Teen . Dance" at'
Reids 'Corners Hall onFriday;
evening. Ahiighlight' of the even-
ing4 was thew special . dance when,
Janette Lowry'•was chosen 'Val-
entine Queen." Chaperons lor the
event. were, Mr: and'. Mrs. Carl.
Funston, Mr, ' and, Mrs. E'ldor
Bradley and Mr and Mrs. Don-
ald Courtney: ,•
The Vestry .meeting of St: -Lukes.
Anglican' Church was held in the'
Parish Hail, on . January 18th. be -
spite heavy. roads and inclement
weather, a good attendance was
noted, Dinner Was served, and el-
l-ecti'on, of officers followed. Rev.
S. R.'Lupton: was chairman and
opened the •'nieeting with. p_raye
which was followed by . a hymn'.
Gordon Emmerton, Vestry Clerk.
read the minutes of the last meet-
ing and reports' of . various com-
mittees were given. Officers for
1962.are as follows: Rector's Wag.-
den, Mr. Herb. Emmerton; People's
Warden,.Mr. William. Wilkin; Ves
try Clerk, Mr.. Gordon Emmerton;
Delegates to Synod;; John. Scott
and Reg Godfrey; ,Representative
on hall committee at Reids Cor-
ners, Mr; Reg Godfrey; caretaker,
William Wilkin;. organist, Mrs.
John Emmerton.
Mrs, .Leonard Irwin and; Ebner
H.S. wind Concert
With Satisfaction.
(Contributed) •
The Lucknow District *High
School Band, _Junior and Senior
divisions, entertained a well-fil-
ledgymnasium on ,Friday even-
ing. Under the leadership.•of Mr,
Elwin Hall,. the members of the
band provedthat the recent ex-
penditure for new instruments
a worthwhile venture. The years.
ahead give promise that the High
School Band- ;will ibe-: -1}eard- from
as;.a distinct asset :to. the area;
The ' program- began Withy a
group ofexercises which brought
out the tonal qu.alities.of the Vari-
ous instruments and theability
of theplayers :to, ,maintain the
tone for a centain length of beat.
Allan McDougall, a member of
the Junior Band gave a trombone
solo in which he •notonly showed
,good mastery of the , note posi-
tions, but aso a reaching . out for
that .'particu'lar quality of .tone
which a . trombone is able , t�
produce. One pleasing part of the
Junior, presentation: wasthe way
which the clarinet ° sect on .play-
ed their' •part in the Flagship.
March:. :For beginners they 'did
•4well Continuance of this Junior
group 'will 'provide strength for
the, Senior Band in .the very near
future. '
•The ;Senior Band Carried the
major part of` the program with
their group selections and indiv
idual .. contributions Most of : the
soloists "got the jitters" — it was.
their. :first •time up. They 'will
have learned a great deal from
the experience and will all' gi'v'e.
a good account of themselves in
;the. days ahead. As one looks back
on the. evening, �oone:. w told corn -
mend ,the two,`terior porn players
they had to carry their . part.
against numerous :baritones,' ,two
basses ,pumping behind, them and
the coronetsat, their;' side, '-but: in
the `Overture> "Ambition"the • -c-
• Ya
quitted: ,,:themselves' ; as • WibrthY.
Born players.
,Mis§ '• Mary. •Andrew was the
piano; accompanist.'and carried out.
her work well. 'Through the en-
ergy 'of the ,leader, 1VIr., . Ha'll, •we
had . with . us .as 'guests a quintet
from the: Atwood band, two coro-
nets, a tenor; born, a ' baritone &
a sousaphone. • bass: They • were
under : the lea°6rship of Mr. Don
Hill, and: -.delighted the audience
with their various selections.
'Taking the evening as.a whole
those who attended where Pleas-
ed with the interest shown .by the
band members, happy,: .about the;
various'instruments that. had been
Bradley were Winners of high
p es at a euchre •held. at •Am-
berley on Tuesday evening. The:
lucky. draw wasmade by William
The ' Guild of the Anglican
Church at' Lurgan,; ,:met• •on' Mors -
,day afternoon with 'Mrs, Gordon
Ernierton and Mrs.. John'. Scott
presiding.. Ater : the devotional
part of 'themeeting the ladies
spent the afternoon in ; quilting:'j
purchased and satisfied that the •
fine leadership of .Mr. ,Elwin IIJ1
will guide these young pla3rers to.
be good, efficient bandsmen...
• Program Numbers
The program opened with a
brief commentary by Mr. Hall,
followed. by O. Canada. The. Jun-
ior Band demonstrated what they
could do in a few weeks of prac-
tise. Mary Andrew played a bari-
tone solo with accompaniment by
John Andrew. Allan MacDougall,,
a member of the senior band, but,.
a novice on the baritone played a ,
baritone solo with accoanpaniment,
by . Mary • Andrew, who played.
for ev ral .of the, numbers. Mrs.
.Hewit _assisted . as.: accom anis';--�..: -.
The Junior band' retired ,and...
the' Senior gr Up took over, Inter-'
spersed throughout The program,,
they played a series of .marches,
sacred music, overtures,' . folk
songs and ballad's.
Solo .numbers • were: : trumpet;
Bill Andrew; alto, Jim. Anderson;
cornet, .. Alex. Hewitt; • cornet
Denver Dickie; 'baritone, • John
Andrew; trombone and cornet '.
duet, Ernest and June Ackert;
trumpet,. Terry Wilson;; bass,
Keith Kaiser; • trombone,; Gordon '
McNay; cornet, 'Mary. Murdie.
The Atwood trumpet'. trio: Of'
'Don Hill; Norm Bennett and Paul,
Henderson gave a couple of num-
bers, and later . in the prograin..
were joined In a five-piece.ibrass•
,ensernb'l.e •by Bob ,Jones and Jack
Porter, a Grade;. •8‘ student., Ac
companists,for the Atwood bands
men rwere , Miss Henderson, a,
Grade 11 ' student & Miss Lough-
ran a Grade 8 ' student.' :
Rev • Howard Strapp, and Don •
-Hill commented `:briefly . at the
close of the -concert
Efforts ��va.., ued
At the. Februar m eting o
y. e g f the
Village Council, the ;Board met •.
and dealt .:with four delegations:.�•-
within an 1.tour, 'before ' getting,
down to another, couple of hours
of business..'
The delegations were • from the,
Horticultural, Society, Fire Corn-.
parry, Agricultural Society, School
Board arid Aghti4d.Council
Charles Bristow, representing
the.Lucknow and District Horti- ,
'Cultural Society made his.";annual
Visit," thanking Council for their
co-operation and support, and re
ceiving °;assurance 'that 'their- of
forts •,were .appreciated :by •Coon_
cil..' and .Continuing support could •
be expected.
Mr. Bristowex pPressed the So
ciety's.; disappointment in.. the flo
wer bed on
the north side . of the-
he arena iast year, attributing the
'Volume of water, corning Off the`•
building as the likely cause. 'I`he.
question was raised • if it might.
be 'possible. to • gutter the water,,
and this will. be. ,considered, : and:
might be feasible,.;if and when, a
renovation .program • is under-
taken. •
Mr. Bristow suggested that next
Christmas the .Society 'might con-
sider placing evergreen:•.trees o'
he light . standards.' if : Counciln
could arrange to. Use their .Christ-.
r`.nas' .lights on, the trees.
The Air- For Comfort '&'
Conditioned R
Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday', Fe'bruary 15, ;16, 17..
Tom Tryon Linda 'Hutchins avid' Barbara . Stuart
•Adventures of' a marine platoon, on= and off' the battlefield:
e .. Let.. s Go" '
H •
pe and Color •
•Monday, "Tuescay, Wednesday, February` '19, 20, 21.°
radford Dillman -- Dolores Hart and Stuart Whitman
The life story of the patron .saint who. founded the
Franciscan .Order,.•
liiIflCIS: Of Assisi"
Scope and Color .--
.-Thursday, Friday; Saturday, February '22, 23, 24.*
Anthony 'Hall - y-- Joyce. ;Tailor and John Dall
The amazing, story of a civilized nation that vanished.
Atlantis : The Lost Continent"
n Technicolor. ---.'