HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-14, Page 3$3.00 A Year In Advance. = $1..00 Extra . To U.S.A. • .. . 'LUCKNOW, OTARIO WEDNFSDAY, FEB 14th, 19$2 Single Copy 10c 12•'ages. yin Line" Donates To Artificial ice Hockey and the •Chin boys are synonymous,, and Whenever hoc- key reminiscing starts, its sure • to' centre around those rousing days when the •"thin Line" was sparking • some classy teams.. • Believe it or ' not, it is about twenty years age. since., these 3 kid brothers. developed 'amazing puck and skating skill, to event- 'ually attract : even the ' attention .of Toronto Maple Leafs,' with. whom they had :'a' tryout In the early and.; mid forties this trio.. Was ' flying, until event • uall Y y,' furthering of, their . educa- .. " tion broke up the line ictured-above, left-to:right-are 'Bill,. Albert and 'George: • Mindful of ,the. "good old days" in„.>the• Lucknow arena;, when the ' plaudits they received "raised the roof," the thteeoe h s e 'made• a :generous'contribution of $25.00 each to •the artificial' .ice' .fund. Here's the note: that accompan- ied the :gift Toronto; Ont. Dear Cam, It is withp leasure, .and, with. fond, memories of the :good old. hockey days in Lucknow that we send our contribution: to -°your Artificial' Ice Fund. ' We 'know from the past, that. the• enthusiasm, and efforts .being; put ''forth by the sport fans of Lucknow and District ,will . en- sure' success ;to your worthwhile Project Best wishes to -all• George, Albert 'and Bill ge : 11 Chin:.. iI1age Zoning kin ' Considered The matter. of a village zoning by-law 'was nother matter of in terest' discussed' at the February meeting„ of .'the Village Council:. Reeve - Joynt felt itwas.•: the "right time" to start 'making smile industrial contacts, ' and ' in this • regard'residential,and industrial. zoning enters into the; ‘pioture. He informed Council that he had arranged for, a representative of the Ontario Planning; and Devel- opment Board to -visit the,; Village in• with the'spring,w ,..,. a zoning g idea in mind'` that would permit long- range, planning The h '" clerkinstructed `to ar- range fora by lady governing the removal of snow from ' Campbell Street sidewalks,' making such re- '.inoval:'the responsibility of ,:pro- ,• perty owners, • The future of the Village. shed was discussed •informally. A' por . tion of the building "is • occupied, by Brook's Transport, with !the lease •expiring; the end" of this. year. CARNIVAL TO • BE , HELD.. THIS .FRIDAY • .'EVENING The ..•annual. , masquerade ice carnival, sponsored by the ,Luck now and District Lions Club, will be held this Friday' evening, cam- mencing •at 7:30. sharp • The •-Lucknow T District. `;3gh School Band will be in attendance and the carnival will be. followed • by a rural hockey game, 'All ' in costume are admitted free of charge, a's are pre-school age children, ' • ' •' Cash prizes are given for the costume`and: race. events which are- listed, elsewhere in The Sen- tinel, with a'special.prize for "The. Queen of The Carnival." To Review Fire Protection :Setup • The rural fire protection'' agree- ment which Lucknow , has' with adjacent townships, is to be re-, viewed• at' an early .date. The .matter will -be discussed at .a "round table conference'' of the councils of the municipalities Pa concerned, .:and the Chief and members of the', Lucknow. Fire De artment. The review of the resent ar- rangement stemmed from a dele- gation to the Village Council, which pointed out that 'the, Lucknow ' Fire • Chief, George Whitby, is one of only 'two chiefs •l in the'; Bruce 'County. Mutual Aid Name- PresbytenalA'ssociafion .who 'doesnecee a "salaryr over. and above' the lump `sum `paid the Department 8i;• A P O In Br - c• ' divided according to the number ue • • of calls..- arid :rrieetings responded Over 250 United Church Wo -.to., men gathered in Port 'Elgin Un- ited, nited. Church ' on : Frida for, • the inaugural meeting of th.e., new or- ganization United Chore:' -Women:' of Bruce. ` Mrs; E. Fox of -Chesley was elected' president for Bruce Pres- byterial. ; Mrs. Grant of : Walker, ton, Mrs. Belfry of -Southampton Mrs. 'Cheshire of ,Wiarton:. and: Mrs. Oliver MeCharles -of Ripley, are the vice presidents. Mrs Street •of Kincardine is 'thetreas- urer and Mrs. Harold . Thacker. Of' Kincardine-, is secretary. Mrs.. Vernon 'H'unter of Lucknow..';is. secretary for periodicals on ; the Presbyterial 'level. , Rev.• Eric Nelson, of - Wallkerton gave the -„address and 'Rev: Peter'. •Renner of Wiarton conducted' the service•andbusiness• of 'the meet- Frig. Rev. Dunlop of ,Ripley pre- sented the allocation of . the Pres- bytery which `is'to be $:17,473' for Bruce. This Means an over all increase ,of • 12% in • the county. Auctioneer's :Hammer Sounds Knell Of four Memory-FiOe Kinloss Schools` The end came quietly' for the former Kinloss School se coons • on Satuixlay ,when• the• '..gavel of Auctioneer Allan McIntyre sound= -ed the ''last'knell; Of the six -school sections corn-,: prising the new Kinloss Central Area, ; nothing', now : is :left but a few twinges of sadness at seeing. the end of memory -filled old school houses, which had •served the people of Kinloss 'so well for so' many r generations. .,Following the formal, declara- tion of their closing -by Mr. T' K. W-alde, Inspector of Public' Schools,' the old• school'proper- ties' were advertised for sale and as the start of ,a "round-robin" circuit,•S.S. No, 3 schoolhouse & contents went :on sale at 10;30 a:m. Saturday %morning. The land • and building' . which is located: on the ,jOth;.Concession went to .Ray Stanley of 'Kinloss for $240. Among the contents sold was a large cast it , stove. Which was purchase d, o " at''Wrox- f he. arena e ter, .. , Shortly after dinner, • the. public ublic .. sale continued at 1tolyrood where 8.8. No. 4 Was put on the block (Continued' on Page 12) ave w" .Breakdon 0f Ice . . Dona•�'•'. a . •. �li;.•:. .ns o An', interesting breakdown of. donations to the artificial ice fund was given by Bob' Finlay, the treasurer, at the regular • meeting .of the,Lions, Club on .Monday ev= en;ngt. • To date individual dohationa by Club inemb'eirs . have averaged s -ove. $62.00 •Former resident donations havh averaged about . $9,00,' and dona- tions from Lucknow and rural area ' residents. •have averaged., //. about. $11,00,. With the total now in excess of' $12,00, the treas'irer°'s latest breakdown accounts, for $12,439,- 69 as follows: 164 ,Former ;Residents :;,.$1,455.00 45 Lions members 2,940.00 420•, Village•& Country ..:y4,640.00 •'6 Organizations' ,,,..,,.:. , • 420.00 10 'Suppliers „...,.,.,.,. 2.50.00 ygame ame` ,Y,.,,:.<.::� 57:89 , Li Centennial t :: 1,800.00 Lions Opening 'Ace. 876,j8O•, • Reeve Joynt said'that he under- stood equipment'; hasto be pur-,, chased, ':and- ;he •felt that it was timely',: that the whole'matter of'. fire "`protection including ,rural - Urban agreements should•be• look- ed into: • pecial o Martc Set . Percentage, .Schedule Of ,.. School Addition •Costs To Area PMunicipalities Cost' of • the' addition being ,assessment of °the•. municipalities planned' at the Luc. -know District_ , concerned ___ _ r. _ •.• -• High `School, has been ` broken` 'Charles' 'ebster' and . Allister' down on a percentage basis of . Hughes, members of the . High cost toeach', municipality in the School! Board; attended• last week's , area. • • ." • z Council. meeting pointing out they, • ' These figures were tabled at had.'letters approving the ' add:- , the February meeting of Lucknow tion from all municipalities ex- Council last week.:: sept AshfieldThe Schcol Board Estimated cost ' the three- members were , accompanied '.by" roorh addition , has' been roughly Reeve Donald MacKenzie of Ash- set • at $66,500, with the Depart- field and Donald Simpson; town ment of Education. assuming 80% • ship, clerk.' They wished first to of the, cost. , clarify if "the original agreement,, On 'the. basis . of the present when the new school was built, 'equalized assessment the munici-. would carry on until the deben dalities in the area will 'share: ture was ,retired, 'and with this the restraining 20% in the follow assurance, agreed to. the ; new ing proportions: 'Lucknow 18.60%, percentage levy on the. addition 1 A hf' s ie .d 30;96%, Culross 2.49%,which is beingplanned'- and pro- • Greenock 3.57% Kinloss. 28.46%, ceded. With., West •Wawanosh 15,92:%. Reeve • loynt' said he ' did not Assumed More.Originally know onwhat authority "Lucknow, When'e • school chool was built, the had agreed' to picking up the ad, . • Villageof. LucknoNv assumed 1� .. ' , is-. levy;' but said they would . Mills, ; and the Village ,is • now have to carry out the "old deal," paying , annually ':a flat• sum Of Allister Hughes, only member. $918. of the total, yearly" cost be- 'of''the/original board still serving fore the . ercenta a "split"'. referred � "' " P ,._g.is to t� gas' an inducemeivt; made. As a result the proportion to assure the :school. He :said at assumed •p'recen,tage wise on. the •that time, •Lucknow's assessment £ap .taL,c.ost;-of the_resent-•sehoo•1vwas-$62o-000—axrd'tlre-zrnifi'i ipali- . �' is: ,Lucknow '21.98%,,' Ashfield ty was inthe: process: of tieing 29:67%, Culross 2,39%a, Greenock,. reassessed: Today's, assessment is 3.:42%, Kinloss 27.28%, 'West Wa about. half as. high 'again. wanosh 15.26%., • . The Village will' , ent'er''into ; for:' As; a resu_ lt, on the 1961 f gures : mai agreements with all' rnunici Lucknow's share is 3:38% higher..'palities. in. the :.area, . regarding than it will be on the new addi- assuming their share, of the de tion, the cost of. Which will be benture issue covering *the add: levied equally on• ';the: equalized tion Ninety A�t�nd' Nigh# School At Ripley,. Thirty -Two Folk Dancing: Ripley & District Night School,: in operation since the first of November, 'will ' windup, :their. winter .classes , on February 28th.: •.: The final.night was moved ahead' sli ht1' � .'"of �three� Services . g y ..because meet= • ing nights being ' cancelled in January due' to, poor weather con- , Centenar ditions: •••The congregation of Lucknow United, ,'Church, which had ; its official beginning a century ago when; -Rev. David Ryan. became. resident •Pastor':of.• the Wesleyan. Methodist group Of .,w,orshippers,,. will this year mark the; centen- .vial anniversary with a, series' of•, special ser i vces. The 'first' of these 'services will be held in ,.May and the climax will be 'in •October when the.; an'- niversary • is normally • observed. All former :ministers; still • liv ing, will return to the pulpit they once occupied' and as well there will be .:other • ` distinguished churchmen taking part.. The list of special services• and guest •ministers *hot,. will offici- ate, 'is as follows: '• Sunday V1'ay 20th at`11:00 a.m. Rev" Dr. •T ' R. M.C., Minister of . Westdale, . United, Church, • Hamilton, a Past Presi dent of Conference. • ' Sunday, June 17th. at 11:00 a.m: Sunday School Anniversary, Rev.' 'Grant Meiltlejohn, B,D,, of Forest United. Church. Sunday, July 15th at 11:00. a.m, Rev. Colin Todd, B.A., B:D,,, Minister of Rexdale United'I Church, Toronto. • ' Sunday, July 29ths'at_ll•00 a.m Rev. S. J. W. Stewart, Minister " of • Burnhamthorpe Church, Halton Presbytery. •Sunday, August 5th, 11:00 a:m. and 7:30 p,m. Rev •Drs Geo. W,. Bir tch, Minister of Metropoli- tan United Church, Toronto, Chairman of The Bbard ,of Evan- gelism , and. Social Service of The United Church. Sunday, August 26th at, 11 aril,. — Rev. Gordon Geiger,• B.A., B.D. Minister. of Essex United d Church. , Sunday, Octdber 21St,, at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30' n . p. - Rev Dr. A. C. )Forrest;. Editor 'qf the Unit- gad Church 'Observer. ' The group meet at the Ripley District High School each ...Wed- nesday night: from g to 10 p.m. and 'presently have.• ninety people registered in ,eight courses. The classes are sponsored by the Rip' :ley District ' High. .School Board. In addition :to the •Wednesday classes, thirty-two are enroled in the' dancing _classes held each Friday;at the school. This group,. 'which .operates on its sown, is. known as:. the Town• and. Country •Folk Dancers, and -is taught by Mr. and. Mrs. 'Allan Wylds, Rip ley. • Night school •began in Ripley' in 1955 and has been held •each year . since.' Eighty-six were en- roled the first Year. Several from this area are attending, two, car:; rented $200 To Local fafr::Bccrd Lucknow .Agrioultui�s:' Society.' was made 'a municipal grant of $200.00 at the February meeting of Council last week: The grant IS ,the same as received :a;year 'ag'o ,by the Fair Board, .which deub- les previous grants:: ,. Allan Mill..er_.aniLFred:-.Mc_Qui:1 lin were the delegation,' The question was raised as 'to when ,pipes would be laid in the arena for .artificial ice, •It will ba of general .• interest to know, that the , plastic` piping •now used in artificial ice., plants, will not be, laid until next fall, after'. the fall fair, . It . is' desirable, to operate the system for a winter before putting a . permanent covering on the pipes , . - While the 1? -Plas/ is pining can be laid In the fall and lifted. when the winter season ends, this is not oonsiclereti practicaland the pipes will eventually be erman- ent in a concrete floor..• loads from Lucknow, some from Dungannon, Ashfield and Kinloss, although the attendance from this'. area is slightly', lower' than in previous years' • Courses, ' the number enroled (Continued ..on Page 2) • study :'i�e :costs; T� Obtain Grants The Village Counciland mem- bers of .the Lions: Artificial Ice Fund Committee met ` on . Monda even Mg to discussprocedure,' in applying for: grants "''under' • the Winter . Works Program:: • Reeve ' George- : o ge 3ont Y Pinted out that action was 'essential as time .was: getting : short. • The contract Of the ,Canadian' Ir�'e Machine Company was re- viewed,• This is for approximately $21,000, with' a: `cooling: 'system, saving, possible' • because "of `the proximity 'of the i:inused inunici pal well. There will .be, other: Costs, such as engine .room, ;etc;,, which, .will run the• .prospective cost t $22,000, and in generalizing • as to costs . a figure of $24,000 •is bean' g used.subject to. grants, which will reduce the cost to the $18,000' figure the 'Club is aiming at, This does not include ;a• cement floor .• Which' would not. be. •' laid' • ii11 1196:3 at the earliest. It was' decided to get detailed information .from • the Canadian Ice Company as to the labor and. material, and likewise,to;get con tract prices from l-ocal-cor tractors who will do a portion,o•f the work: Th s will also .have'to be broken clown as' .to material. and labor costs:: ' With this specific •iiiforrnation,• the Reeve will be `able. to snake. formal application ' for govern - meta: grahts under the C i.mn u- pity, Halls. Act and the Winter: Works Assistance program, To take this step the munici- ' ality mitst be assured that the `*18.001) minimum which the Lions Club ;is aiming` at will be avail able. - The . o'!ral . is in s '! :h t .and .d `the'.: r'.tzb is .rot niytted to' raise this