HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-31, Page 9rn y B13141 AY, JAN. 31st, 1962 THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO n r , • PAGE NINE. ROY N.: BENTLEY. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GQFDERICH, ONTARIO • Box 47$: • Phone. JAckson; 4 9521 , A M. HARPER. AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants • 33 'Hamilton St.: . GODERIC H, ONTARIO - . Teiephone JA 4-752 j. B. '.ACTESON ,D.0 (Doctor of, Chiropractic) Wroxeter, Ontario Telephone Wroxeter 210-r-1 Hours. 10 to 4:30, Monday -Friday. 'Monday, Tuesday,.• Thursday • Evenings, .7 . to 9 DIJ VAL Chir opractor• - • Physio. and Electro .Therapist :. Winghani Phone30.0 (Office• located in former' CKNX, building on the ' Main Street) '1NSURANC'E FIRE, WIND, :CASUALTY:: AUTOMOBILE '' ' AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure• With Jack Today, J, :A..McDONAGH Phone 306,: Lucknow M STATE . FARM MUTUAL , ....AUTOMOBILE, .0TOS O B1LE'• AM ... INSURANCE Investigate Before' Investing REUBEN . WILSON„ R.R. 3, Goderick• Phone 80-r-8.;Dunganhon R.W.: ANDREW' Barrister'' and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW ' Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt :Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J •S.; HE`IiHERINGTON; Q.C. Barristeir, Etc. Winghain ,and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Monday and' ' Wednesday. L sated In '. Kilpatrick Block: 'Phone Wing ham Office 48 Residence 97 IMPERIAL' OIL PRODUCTS :for-- prompt -service, and ,quality prodiucts, • contaF t: GRANT CHISHOLM: Phone collect Dungannon. 124 - or 10 LucknoW "Always L6ok ' To Imperial. For The Best" ' REFILL PROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint ball point pen• re- fills solve that "does it, fit" .problem. for all pens. They fit paper -mate, eversharp, s`cri$to, waterrnan, sheaffer, wearever and. 183 other .popular makes. 'See for‘yourself, unconditionally. ,guaranteed, 49c. at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow... • • MacKenzie kefli9riaI (hapel.' FUNERAL 'SERVICR •Services. '-conducted, accord-` ing to --your wishes- at your: ' Home, • your Church, or .• at. our Memorial Chapel at .no • additional. charge. Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night ,JOH NSTON E'S ,FUNERAL :, HOME Phone 76 • Day or Night • • USE OF FUNERAL HOME.,' At No Extra,' Cost moderate Prices Established •1894 • WI NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP. We Have 'Been.. Memorial. • Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven. Years, Always Using. THE BEST GRANITES' Along .With , :. Expert Designing and ' ..Workmanship, Prices Most: 'Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty • R. A..SPOTTON Phone 256, ` Wingham, Ontario. ALAN WILLIAMS • Optometrist , :Office on Patrick St., juste' 'off:'`the.` Main St: in' WINGHAM ' Professional Eye.': Examination • • ' .Optical Services For appointment Please. Phone :770, Wingham• K. J. ,MacKENZIE 0.D. Optometrist NOW: IN RIPLE C EVRY WEDNESDAY Office_,Hos 10.00:: a.m. to 9:00 u p.m. • .Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley `'96-r-24for ' appointment. • BELL OPTOMETRIST • -+ GODERICH F T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone ' JAckson 4-7661) • LUCKNOW DISTRICT' CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone Lucknow 71 " • TED CO.LLYER. Registered •'Master. Electrician -ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing" • in Electric Heating, Electric Wiring .and Repairs and' • • All electrical Appliances. Phone 208-r-25, Lucknow 04441.4 UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL (Continued °from Page 1) were removed by death and 5 by ' menrmel;ship transfer. T11ere are 710 people' Under pastoral care. W. L.' 'MacKenzie, K. 'MacNay and, L. C. ' Thompson ere re- elected to the, ession i~ or a five -- Year -term, and three new elders are to• be elected by' ballot ° by the congregation. Pending 'this election; the - election of retiring members of . the ,B.oard .af ste- wards was ' left • in- abeyance. C, R. Bristow,. a, retiring •stew- ard, tendered his, :resignation.. • • •Mrs ' W: 'R. Howey, was 're- appointed envelope steward and commended ' for. her work: W. B: ;Anderson :continues as treasurer, and in giving his : report,, Mr. • Anderson commented. that ' . the balanceof over '$2,400..00 in the general account. of . the • church, was the best in his memory. .. As a congregation, apart from other .departments of :the church .with' the exception of the W,M:S.; a totai'.of $18,366.05'• -Was raised in' 1961., , ' made • up as follows: general fund. $74.48.39,, 'anniver-• sary, $1,961.05; •M; and M., $3,- 057,3.1;•� W.M.S $9240; Church' house, redecoration 'and • repairs, $5,306;60, . There .are 57 members on .the Cradle R611, and 76 `children en- rolled ' in the, Baby • Band.• The ivfission Band had an'' average attendance 'of 15 for 'ten ,meetings and the Explorers had an. ave- rage attendance of 12 The ave- rage ':attendance of • tlihe` . Hi -+C young people's group was 20 -out of a' membership of 2,7. The Sun- day' School en+rq'liment, was 165 scholars with 'an average.:atten 'dance of 147.. •Eruce MacKenzie pointed to the. Baby- Band and.; Cradle •Roll figures and raised .the 'question . of .what the ,future held,": in. Sunday. School. •accom- modation. .''Gordan Morrison dealt • with. Sunday School fin- ances and• referred to the' recent presentation of ' Bibles, •explain- ing ,how these are''presented-as chhildren. • graduate ;,from. :the 'be= ginners;:'and commence • reading; Increasedattendance is report- ed' in the Bible Class •with .Elwin Hall •. having taken "over ' 'the • teaching 'duties • 'The final report. of the Wom• an% Association, was.: referred: to by .Mr. Strapp as a historic re Cord, The . `three . groups`.. of'the' Association .raised $1,355.35 .dur- ing ` the :Year;' and :with • exP endi- tures of $1,462.:28; ' including $334',11 parsonage expenses : and $700. to the decorating fund, ended the year with. •a' balance Of $974:01 .;which was turned, over • to,• the new .organization: The W:M-.S.:raised $569.33''and the 'EN/ening ':Auxiliary. $382.312. :, In giving the treasurer's; report, Mr.: • Anderson stated that • . the anniversary offering . exceeded. anything . in 'his ;experience: The general: fund. accoun;t': had loan: •'ed: ;$1,600 to. •the Church House and Deeorating:account, 'which closed the year with the 'amnotint owing .reduced to $2,600; This meant 'a debt _ reduction "in • this special accouri•t of $800.00 during the year, while meeting in:. full decorating and renovation ex- ' penises :on the church (of $'4,:612.06 Mr. Anderson • referred. • to' the result as a "beautiful •church," and added that he would per-. sonally like to see the .outside fixed up. Expressions' of :app'reoiation were extended to Mrs. Joynt .& Mrs., Curl -lining, as choir • leader: and, organist, and the :choir,, in general for their faithful and ef- ficient. work,• by' I,.. C. Thompson. Alex 1VIatNay, as one of the c MOORE REGISTERS AND FORMS GET. ALL THE FACTS ON• EACH TRANSACTION ...RIGHT,AT THE TIME .. RIGHT ON'THE JOB IN• ONE ` 'WRITJNG• • A MOORE REGISTERAND FORM, .FOR. .EVERY FORM OF BUSINE•SS' : ` ; . CALL US TODAY FOR . COMPLETE INFORMATION" .UCKNOW SENIINEL Phone 35 auditors, coriimended Mr,. Ander son.,and;Mrs. Howe:y1'for their of ficiency: Chas.Bristow ex�pres-, sed 'tangible .• appreciation of "'the services of Mr. and, Mrs. Eldon Henderson, 'noting : the •;, •cleanli. n.ess 'of. the: church: Lloyd Ackert thanked the .lad- . ies:•for• •the delicious supper.;. :Representing • the ': Session, Alex MacKay expressed' appreci ation of .the great work.. being done by,. Rev. and ' Mrs. Strapp aid the • pleasure in `working with Mr. S:trapp rep ied t at it was a'. -•joy to work and serve .. IIe. :expressed appreciation of the way in •which . the Parsonage . is maintained. 'to: Make their 'home comfortable • ;and 'a credit' 'to: the congregation.: He , noted that :the. Women of the church 'w,ere pur- chasing ,a piano to 'place .in . the auditorium... Noting . also; that the M. and.: I'4. givings, • were• down about •. $100,•. e stressed aiming at becoming a missionary mind- ed . Church :and' 'asked • :that his congregation' ` lierne'rnber the Red Side.'.' • The slight .drop -was attributed to:the the special . • effort made in supporting the, decorate Mr Strapp named several min- isters. who •had :been • contacted to •take,.:part in special ` centen- nial services, during the year,. .commencing ' in May • FURNACE OIL, STOVE OIL, KEROSENE; GASOLINE See or call WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone 220-w L:cknow District Agent for Cities` Service BROTHER OF .LOCAL `, LADY IS ..SIMCOE CO.; WARDEN J. C., MacDonald, reeve of Or-. illia, has •been elected :warden of °Simcoe • County. Jack is..•the ruce WOrrien To Meet The ;'inaugural :service of the United -Church Worrier of Bruce Presbyterial will „be held .on .Fri- day; February 9th at Port Elgin :United Church from 10:00.. a.m. to : COO p.m.. This service 'aa looked: ;forward to; ) ith a great deal ofanticipa: tion by allwomen of the United Churches of Bruce County. Much planning has .been done to 'make • this a memorable occasion. The ladies : of'• a Port• ];lain United Church' are : hopingall who at tend can' be made cornfortable.. and will enjoy the.' coming; : to- get'her.as United „Church .Women, in one group, fc: ; t. e•. first- time. There •. will be `lour . delegates from each.. United Church in Bruce'asked to attend along with'' those who are to:• become officers' of the new.. organization.:• brother of ,Mr's. (Dr:) D,',t'i' Fin- layson of i.uckriow. Mr.. MacDonald,; fernier pub- lisher of the ChesleyEnterprise, has been, in • :the .insurance busi- ness for'se'reral years in.Orillia, arid active in mi. nicipal ° life : there as, he was 'in'Chesley. ' railing eyesight .threatened • tb curb Jack's activities, • but.' he underwent . a' "/delicate cornea •transplant,which' proved highly successful It is 'the' first:time..in 57 years that . a reeve . of Orillia has been Warden. .1.• ; .IFE" c:ONcDnRATES balance your own grdi� economically IEWLIFE" BALANCED FEEDS are blended for besi results LLED K. D: CORN For . Your Fattening Cattle r=: SULK BLOWN DAILY SERVICE__. • KNECHTEL and SON LT I ucknow latanch,' 1 Ptiope 78 w "THERE'S A.; NEW ' LIFE•wFEED FOR EVERY. NEED" .K • :