HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 8f4 ?t; PAGE: FIGHT Paw wcicNOW. sENTINEL, LiJCKNow, oNTARIQ • WEDNESDAY, :JAN.: 24th, 1962 YOU MONEY EARNS 0 ON TERM. DEPOSITS GUARANTY. • TRUST' Company of. Canada 2 • 61-1.OTH. STREET • iu► OVER 'PHONE 1580 . ife -Qf Former :inloss Cleric' Died The Sentinel has just learned of the recent death aL Chatham of Mrs. J. G. Reid, whose late husband. was a former ' minister at South • Kinloss Presbyterian. • Church. Mrs. Reid •was,,88. • Her . husband, Rev. John Gray Reid, ministered at. ' South Kin-: loss for seven years; He succeed- ed Rev. F. A. MacLennan 'who retired from - the • ministry in 1913; having served :at South Kinloss •for 25 years., It• was' dur- ing his '.Pastorate that the pre= sent brick "Big . Church" was built in ' 1911-12. Andrew ,Stew, .'art ' of ` Lucknow was', the archi- tect and James Fisher, his son. William Fisher and Jack Hender- son -of Lucknow _were the car- penters. • Rev. , Reid : officiated at . the .first -marries . in -the' new' church: ge , that • of :' W.- F. ;MacDonald : and Mae Graham He was succeeded at ' South Kinloss 'in '1920' by ' Rev. K. • A.,. Gollan who ' came here `from' Glengarry. Rev. Reid's other ` :pastorates' °included Sombra;; Dover Centre and . Essex before moving • to Chatham 31 °' years ' ago. Mr. Reid 'predeceased eased her, as P did one daughter, . 'Mrs : `A. L. Boyd. Survivors are a %daughter, Miss Rosalind Reid and a grand- son, ; John A. Boyd 'of the RCAF,: Clinton. Burial was at Chatham.: " , Nominations for directors for the ' Huron County • Hog; Produc- ers Association will 'be held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, on Tuesday,' February 13th during the anntial meeting' of that . or- ganization.., Currently: serving 'as one of . 'the " 19 ° 'directors • on .the County' Board is Robert McAllis- :',"ter of - West Wawanosh. KINLOt, Mr. and Mrs I on,Haldenby of Hamilton and Mr. Rae Haldenby of -Guelph .spent , the week -end with Mr. and .Mrs. N. E. (Ted) Haldenby. •. Mr. ,and, Mrs, Joseph .Charpen- tier,' who have spent the past:. few months . at Everett 'have re- turned to their place of business • here. Little Tammy "Hodgins. -has' been visiting with her grandpar- ents„ • Mr. and Mrs. ' Rilett at Windsor. ' • •• Mrs. Bert Nicholson entertained. the Evening Workers at her home on Monday afternoon, and also presided for the meeting which opened with the scripture •read- ing }y Mrs. Torn Hodgins. Each •member answered - the 'roll call: with the word "Blessed" and also contributed . an article for the bale. "Thank -You" letters were read. from •Mrs. Suter of Wingham and . Mrs. Rev: Palmer . of Strat ford ; for quilts ,that had been made recently,, . also a letter . from Rev. and : Mrs. Stanley Tomes (.Doris;' Lloyd) , of Big, Trout Lake; acknowledging a lovely bale which they received in time for Christmas ',,:.The afternoon was, spent in . quilting and plans were made for other.. quiltings in the near �uture, The '.meeting closed with prayer ,and a • delicious:' hot supper was served • by the hostess. Mrs...George Halderrby gave the' courtesy'; remarks. • The February hostessWill-be Mrs. Harold Hal- denby, Mr. and Mrs. George •H'aldenb g y,. visited ' on. .Sunday with : 'Mr. Howard. McGuire at: Wingham..' g . �,; . r. and Mrs. ' John' .Murr M .ay,• Debbie ' and David :returned to their homeMonarch Alberta after: visiting with relative's here. .Reeve P. ' • A.Murray attended County Council.: at :, Walkto , er n last :.week. Mr. and Mrs. Ardil'Mason .visit: ped 'on'''Sunday with :Mrs - J. W. Colwell. Mrs. Don "MoCosh. spent a day. last', week with her mother, Mrs. J.W. Colwell. •' ; ' ' The Presbyterian Y.ii S met on Sunday .evening;;; at the home .of Sharon Hodgins "With 9 mem- .hers, 'present The • worship .ser vice was'" taken : by Miss. Erlma Percy. ,Business• was dealt ' with and .a . Council meeting will `lbe held in the. Church, on Sunday. evening.,The •` next :.meeting on. February. 4th will be held at the" home of '.Barry Johnston. Plans were made for a Valentine party:. A Get-iWell.' •.card was : sent to. Kenneth MacDonald ' who. is a patient in .Kincardine` Hospital. Lunch' was served' by the hostess. -Mr.. and Mrs.,, David Trafford Dennis, Karen and David,.. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jansen, .• Randy,, Douglas and , Joey visited with Mr. :and ' Mrs. Alex Percy. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy were *recent` visitorswith Mr.. Mrs., Alex .MacKay at Walkerton. Scottish Night eld At Vit.. Helens • (ST. HELENS NEWS) A capacity crowd attended? the Scottish night at: the St. Helens' Hall on Friday evening. The .pro gram consisted of • community singing and Miss Joan McKenzie of Lucknow delighted • the audi- ence with Highland Dancing with Sandy McQuillin on the bagpipes. Several . Scottish readings,!, were given by Mrs. Jim McNaughton. 'Solos during the evening were. by Messrs. ,John MacRae and: Lorne Forster and piano. selec- tions. t7ons : by'• Sheila. McQuillin, Mrs. Rutherford and, Wanda Henry. Mr., Don Taylor . favoured with violin selections, and Mr. Fred McQuillin played. themouth or- gan. A musical number was gi- ven by Susan and Nancy borscht,. Nancy and Patsy Cranston and Judy Wardell. Three members of the High School Band, Alex- He- witt, Denver Dickie and Terry Wilson, played a cornet trio while Mr .and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Wayne played amusical trio. Bagpipes were played: by Sandy McQuillin and John MacRae.. Farrier's orchestra supplied the music for the" dance. Mrs. Gordon ;, McPherson re- turned on . Saturday after spend- ing, a 'month in Ottawa with her daughter,; Mrs. Keith Black, : Mr. Black and sons. • Mrs. Harvey Carrick, is a pat fent in Victoria Hospital; London. We wish her improved: health.•, • Mr. WesleyWicks, e of Godrich s. -spent the' week -end with his . sis- ter; Mrs B. F Green and Rev. Green.. Mr. William' :Worsen, the tea- cher at St. Helens school, has been ill with flu this. past week. • • The. February meeting .of the W.I. •wi11 be held on February 1st at :.2. o'clock in the -hall. 'Roll call An interesting custom.•`of a ,foreign, country Y' 'Motto -Nudge not .'thy friend ' until thou stand- est in his'. place, Mrs. .Ross'Gam- mie.. Topic—Miss • "Beatrice:..Mc- Lunch • and • Program— Mrs.: James Aitchison and Mrs. Andrew . Gaunt. • Valentine ex- change Mrs.. Tom Traflet and Tammy of Southampton have been .visit- ing ; her mother, Mrs.. McNeil. BORN -to Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Peterson'. (.Margaret: McNeil) of London, a ; daughter. PLEY MEAT MARK Custom Butchering' Mondays - - Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 ` ''.m. and Wrapping, 2c pound -. r Cutting� �' CATTLE, CALVES' and LAMBS EVERY. DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do.Curing add Smoking . . . Beef, Pork and Lamb.; . Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . . .. For Better : Service . And' Lower ' Prices Call . Ripley 100,:' ' Chas. Hooismna, Prop. t MONUMENTS • For sound' counsel and a fair price on a monument ' correctly designed from quality material, 'rely on SKEL.TON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop:. Estailisla'ed Over 'Sixty Years .Walkerton Phone 638-w . , Ontario' • • 'Mr. & :Mrs R.,.Perrott, Rhonda, & Mary Jo,. Goderich, spent Sun- day u: nt.with ::Mr. , and ,Mrs. ' Andrew New Organization Meets The Inaugural Meeting of the ' St Helens Church' Women was held on January 16th with an attendance of nineteen ,ladies at Mrs. Allan:: Miller's home. B, F. 'Green • conducted the ser- vice: ,Mrs. ervice:,Mrs. Mintz read .the medita- tior while ; everyone enjoyed Mrs.'' De' Boer's, solo. Mr: Green. based his address on "Vision of, the .Future."' The following' slate of officers were 'installed by • Mr.' Green: Honorary. • Pres., Mrs. B. F. Green; Pres., Miss W. D. Ruther- ford;. 1st vice, Mrs. • Lorne Woods; 2nd vice,, .'Mrs. Town Todd; Sec- retary, Mrs: Frank McQuillin; Treasurer, Mrs: Gordon McPher son; , Chairman 'of Finance 'Com- mittee, Mrs; Torn Todd;• Chair man of Program:Cominittee, Mrs. J.' Cameron; Chairman' of Supply and . Relief :Coriimittee Mrs:. W. I. Miller; Chairman Manse &-Relief Committee, Mrs. W. A. Humphrey, and Miss • Isobel. Miller; Chair- man :Membership Committee, Mrs, C. McDonald; ..Chairman':: Social' . Committee, Mrs. „Allan Miller; Mrs, Harvey Webb;Chair- man• . Flower• Committee, Mrs. Rice:, Community Friendship, Miss W. D. Rutherford; Pianist, Mrs Rice. The 'newly elected president; Miss Rutherford conducted a short business, period, The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Webb. and Mrs. Allan Miller. Mr" and Mrs. Barry MeQuillin of Waterloo were visitors on Sun=. day with Mr, and Mrs,. Fred 'Mc- Quillth. • etirement EveryYe THE ALASKA BROWN BEAR is the biggest meat -eating animal in the world, 'often attaininga height of ten feet when he rears up on his hind. legs. Like allibears, the. • brownie' hibernates in winter. Soon after the first , snow falls,he finds a cave or a deep shelter under an over- hanging ledge of rock. There he curls up and sleeps until spring. The bear `retires': for several months every year, Sustained ` by the fat stored in his body. When human beings retire, however, they don't receive the same help from Nature. They turn instead to life insurance. Nothing tan make a man's retirement years more financially secure than a portfolio. of Sun Life . policies tailored to his requirements. Let me tell you how:: m.; 2, L'UCKNOW ,rra :an Phone" Winghain • 717--w-4 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF .CAN'ADA unter Is Group President The ,annual meeting of. : the new -United Church Women. Ori, ganization" took place at the borne. of Mrs. Eldon; Ritchie with 2.1 ladies and 6: children in' .attest dance..Mrs. Jim ,Hunter' the•p re- sident` • conducted the meeting with Mrs.. • !Charles Wilkins, giv-_ ing-the Devotional part ,and Mrs. Allan Ritchie reading the scrip- ture. Mrs . Gordon Kirkland 'gave 2: chapters , of:,, the Study Book Mrs.': Charles'Andersor conducted, an Interesting -contest and ;also gave • a. reading. A reading. ,was also given by Mr"s. Allan !Ritchie.; Thank you notes. from past mem-. bers ; `for 'Christmas ' • Sifts were. ,g then, read. ,Mrs. • Frank Ritchie showed pictures, of children in Korea and Mrs. Wilkins read an accompanying ` letter concerning DARE. . package sent:. to' Korea. p g.- i. The. president th anked the,hos-' . • • • tess . and.:the' collection, was taken. • Rev.. Mr; Kaiser .closed with. prayer. Mr Kaiser then took over to instal new executive for the 'corning .year ' and .:received ; the slate ot officer from the norni•nat ing..cornmittee. The new .officers are; president, 'Mrs Jim. Hunter; vice-president; Mrs. Charles; .An derson,: secretary, Mrs: Wesley Ritchie '.,treasurer, '::.Mrs.. Frank Ritchie; pianist,. Mrs. Peter,Cook, Fl i er fun rs. Wna.: Hunter, ow • . . G, , Clristian':.Stewarclship, Mrs. Ro- bert, . o -berg. Helm; • Supply secretary; Mrs.! Gordon.,Kirkland; to Make out sheets. and where 'meetings are to be :held; for. 1962 are, '!Mrs. Nelson . Raynard•: and Mrs. ''Allan Ritchie; The four voting,delegates-:to h •attend the meeting at 'Clinton or January 24th are Mrs. Jinn, Hun ter, Mrs. Charles Anderson, . Mrs ••WesleY • Ritchie Mrs: Frank' Rit ie: 'i n -; r tsar: ' ` r: Ka s ,chie a d M s. ,Ka M, .. ,closed the meeting with•:prayer Lunch was served bY the' haste's TAKE' ADVANTAGE:OF• THE coop `.EARLY 'DELI VERY l'ERl/L!ZER • ' PROGRAM: . Z.00k•how;•tlie CO-OP. Early Delivery Fertilizer Picogram earns you money. • Earn good rent for your storage space. e Earn more in early delivery discounts. 2.00r ton 'til January 27t • 1962 pe 0 per ton 'til. February 24th, 1962 ALSO .• . ..youyou can earn an extra 5% Discount for Cash-- .Payment before March' 15th. • .. • You have your fertilizer exactly when you need it. You ; avoid the problems and delays of the spring rush: CC.OP Fertilizer ..Qrder now iscount uckno