HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JAN. .24th,, 1962 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCKNoW,, ONTARIO PAGE FIV'X Ill By Bill Smiley There's .something gruesome .In the 'interest everyone: has these. days is being annihilated Some people.'.are so absorbed •••in the whole ..business that I swear they'll ' be disappointed if no bdinbsfall. I':ve 'just. finished reading a pile ,of Grade • 12 'essays. More than .a third of ahem' dealt with some •aspect 'of nuclear warfare.' If those. kidsknew half. ' about. the subjects; on ' their course as they do about • radiation fallout; there'd be, no stopping . thern. They, are . -morbidly . interested in the -monsters to be created' by: ` mutations .among thepost-atomic generations. They talk casually : • about the dosages of •x strontium; 90 and iodine. to .be released. by' the bombs: They are fascinated, by fall -out 'shelters; :and "Write .long and` frightening. lists of: the: ,e uipt... frigh, g q p riient they ;should : contain:. One 'lad, asnice a teenager: as you'd' come: across, 'Warned, in all seri- ousness,... that • shelter , supplies" should include a gun, for ` the purpose of mowing .down. • any outsider, Who tried to join the inmates Discuss HoIyro.d' Hall Improvemenis 1Kinloss Council ttes-= Kinloss.;Municipal Council met in the : Hall on January .15th, 1 1962 for their 'inaagurai meeting: After signing their Declaration, of Office took their seats at the table. Reeve P. A. Murray, and Councillors; MaoInntyre, .Ackert,. Evans • and Bushell. Moved by. Ackert and Evans that the minutes of the December' 15th. meeting be approved and signed. ; Moved ' by Maclntyre and . Bush- ell that we pass 'a By:-Law';clos- 'ing the road •• on :the. Kinloss Culross Boundary • adjoining the property of Joseph Tiffin, Con., 4 and 'Numbered No. `2-1962.. •Moved .'by Bushell and Evans that Councillors'.Ackert and Mac Inty're be a committee .to get int formation on the installation of flush toilets, furnace and other repairs.: -for t1e..Township • Hall and, the Clerk• write Re -grants and winter .,works program; A By -Law, was, 'prepared ap- pointing the Township officials with: salaries' and numbered' No. 1-1962: Moved by Bushell' and Evans that We subscribe for 9 subscrip- tions 'to the:'Municipal.' World: ' Moved by. .Evans : and Niacin - tyre that we pay 'membership.• fees You Can't, blame : the •young- ,ters. Listen to the cpversation. next 1 time. you're out play..ing,. bridge, or • drinking, beer, .or •whatever, yolz p 'do at au"r parties.. y That ._plump, A gentle --.:wife and mother .At the, next table ' will; be reeling off 'the number of, millions who will be. killed •in: the first attack. 'Thaiportly, jov- ial church . warden across from you'wi:ll be saying that :we ought to drop ' it before .they do..:.,• I'm' not friglgt ned by all.: this. I'm bored. I'm sick ,to death, of Uninformed prattle' about world politics from ' people . who think Marx is a TV comedian. I've had'' quite, enough half-baked lectures on nuclear ,-fallout:.from' • people who couldn't .even Combine by-, drogen and sulphur and come up with •astink bomb.:• :What 7, can't' understand is Why everybody's` so.: concerned; Why do we sit around like so "many, ghouls at ,a. garden party, Ticking- our' lipsover the horrors . to •come? Are . we Scared .or some - 'thing? You'"d • think nobody had: ever, been ,killed before; violentlFy. and' • painfully, :You'd ,think • no Other, ' civilization. had ' ever Per- ished. before. DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Improvement Loans are available, through Your bank - under the .National ' Housing Act for. alterations and repairs to the exterior or'interior ofa home and fora wide variety of other improve- ments. ,You may borrow up to .$4,000 with up to .` ten years to repay. These (oasis are also available to the owners of rental ,properties.. III DO IT NOW ' , y WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN. Farm lmproyement Loans, backed by the Domin- ion Government' are available fromyourbank-: up to`$7,500 at five per cent Simple interest and: up to ten"years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of ali„types: of farm equipment and improvement to the 'farm 'house and farm buildings. '' .•.: DO IT NOW WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN, Enquire about Government -backed loans for '3mproveinents to small business establishments g Yup. to $25,000 and; through the chartered banks up to ten years to repay:: For advice and assistance, call your, local National Employment Office , issued by authority of Non..Michapl Starr, Minister of Labour, Canada 1022 • • Surelyou're'not worried' about g leavin' . this, -wo 1 ?. t „ r d suddenly; Jack.. Why', all I've' ever „•heard you do.. is' complain. Business is., terrible. Your :wife;' hags., • Your hemorr- lioids •, are " actinup. 'You .'can't do a thing with'yeu'r kids. The' governn Tent's taxing you to death. The salt is. :'ruining the body of. ,your, 'car. Yau're. working too` hard. You •haven't • thrown ,:a'. de. • 'Cent rock in - the' last two bon: - spiels. bon=spiels.+. I'd th'ink iyou'd be glad to •. be out of ' it `all. * x:..* What's that?'You don't want to „die? Life is sweet andWarm & beautiful::and you love your.•w•ife and 'kids and. business. is' picking up' arid your bottom's better and. the government could.: be worse and• the old car's_ had •it ;anyway. and' you like work and you justcurl for,. the fun, of it?' Well,' why: didn't :you,: say so? , And: what... about ' you, Ethel?. You haven't :. Stopped moaning since:;; you ,;were married 'You've nothing to .' wear.' • :Nobody:' app preciates you ':.The furniture,. is shabby.' •Those kids ' are driving you . crazy.. Jack's never hoine • at nights. You're a':.nervous' wreck. [The house 'isn't nearly'as nice. as• Mabel "'and 'Georgs • You're losing • your looks.'. And church .is' 'always, after • you- : to bake pies..I'd think you'd he happy to ' abdicate ' How's that again? You would- n't trade the.•whole sordid •mess for a mink coat;' a model's looks and. figure, ' a •,mansion • with ser - varies, as long as, you can stick around for a few 'year's? Stop` whining .then. Enjoy, .while you're still with us. . • Really;. I don't see What' we're all so alarmed about: For , the Darwinians • among us, nuclear war will be an interesting appli- cation of the theory Of survival•• of the fittest.; For'" the unregen- erate sinner, there's still time to do .something about it;.. ,And„ for the rest of us ,good Christians,. :it will 'rperely mean that We. . alT get to heaven that miich sooner. Especially us .Anglicans, ' Personally; if this is any Cori-. solation to: you, :'I• haven't the slightest •intention of digging a hole in the ground and crouch- ing there with my family, like, ,four terrified moles. In the first` place it's not . a dignified, way to meet' death,: 'should it come,, In the second place, I 'have better things' to do • And in the third place, I. fully intend to live to the age of 90 and expire peacefully in my,own bed, my .last; conscious act .being an attempt to pinch the : bottom ,of my, special, nurse., If this inter- 'feces with, the planss of either Kht'ushchev or Kennedy, they're ,lust going ti,have tochange their plans.” oncal ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS, BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sixes.. In Stock) AT 'REASONABLE , PRRICES! Repairs to. All Makes: of Cars. and Tragfors 3• ' Licensed Mechanics eel Alignment and Balancin+ • :MOTORCADE 'DEALER Id '• the Association of Rural .Muni- •,cipalities and the. Ontario ''God. Roads 'Association Moved by , Ackert. ' .and Evans, that a By -Law be' prepared for the bo rowing from .the Bank •of 'Montreal; Liicknow for the amount of $60,000.00 :.as: needed for the' .year 1982 By -Law 'pre- pared .and passed and, .numnbered, No.; . 3 - rr 1982: Moved by .Nlaclnt . a and Bush ell that we. renew our Municipal Floater Polley, with J: A : Mc-• Donagh • Moved by Bushell and , Evans that the. Road Superintendent, se cure:' a • second, ere* to .operate the. Maintainer, at night.' Operator $1,.25 .per•. hour and 'wwingm'an at 90 cents per hour M'o.ved by. Maclntyre and Ac kert ,,that Councillor ' Evans -in- vestigate request • for Relief at Whitechurch. and.: 'Councillor Bushell the 'request al'•Kinlough with power,to .act.. 4, Moved • by Ackert and Mac 'Intyre' that Jamieson Pettapiece. be' ire -appointed Kinloss member on . the : Wingham • High School Board, and.; Allister ;Hughes be inloss member on . the Lucknow. District High , School Board Cheques issued Carruthers •Nursing Home, .December care, $50.00; :Pinecrest'..1VlanorDecem- .ber care, 200.00; Fairhaven Nurs- ing. Home; December care, 100.00; Solomon's Greenhouse,.: °flow- ers, 15.45;. Mrs. Mansfield,: care- taking,••18°30•, W. ` E. Collyer;: by dro at shed, 156.14; -Ontario ',Hy dro, Whitechurch St :lights, 20.13; Registrar. of Deeds, 1.318; Gilbert Hamilton, refund dogtax,., .196,1, 4.09; Melvin Morrison, refund dog; tax; ,1961, ,2.00; Ontarior Good Roads,. Membership " fee, 15.00.; Association . Rural Municipalities,,. 15.00;• Election expenses. — Ivan Geddes, D.4.O. `.No. 1,, 7.20, James McEwan, 'Jr: sP. '. Clerk, 5.00, . Or ange:.Hall- Rent, 4.005 16.20; Alex Perot' D,R.O. Nor' 2, 6.60, Harold Haldenby ;P;' Clerk, 5.00, orange. Hall rent, 4.00; 15.60; Mrs. W. S.- Eadie, ..Eadie, .D.R.O« No., •• 3',`' 7.50, .James Moffat; P. Clerk, 5.00, 12.51); Frank .MacKenzie; D.R.O. No .4• 9.00; WM. J. Irwin, P Cle"sic;:;,5 00, Mrs. -Ford Cunningham, rent ,Of house, 5 00, 19.00; Parish Moffat, D.R.O. ' No: 5, 9.00, Philip. Steer, P. Clerk, 5,00, Wm: 'S'cott, rent of house, .5.00, - 19.00;' Donald •Ross, D R.O., No..6,' '10.50, Milan Moore, P. Clerk,' 5.00,.,Com'munity 'Mem- orial' Hall, rent 4.00, 19,50; J.' R. Lane, '• Clerk' and Returning" ficer,' preparing;,, and 'delivering. Ballot boxes, 52.80. Highway ' Cheques — E. • Car rathers, Road Supt. and mileage, $165.00, H. 1VIacMillan, operator, 205;00; Ed., .Thompson, 'wingman 117,90; :Jinn McGi1liVray, sanding, 47.20; John .McInnis, snow .fence, 4M0; Bill Percy,- drawing 'grader from ditch; ' 72.0,0; Sifto: Salt Co., salt, 108.19; Webster " and Mac- kinnon, lights for construction, 17„92;, Milan` Moore, agreement for ' fill, 50.00; Walter Breckles, repairs to - grader, chains etc: 150.5.0; Lawrence MacLeod, s -and- 'ing, 57.05; Elliott Carruthers,, sanding, 155:25; Ray Stanley, snow plowing, 490,00:: Culross Boundary accoui t, 136.,87; K,in- sardine Boundar' account, 281.02; Huron Boundary. account; 3,306.• 12; 'Don Gillespie, snow plowing,, 651.00; .Cities* Service Co., fuel, 67.86; .. Bruce McMillan, drawing gravel,' 15.00; Huron : and K inloss Telephone, calls, ' 2:45 ' Jim' Mc,. Gillivray, sanding, ..7.50; ,Leonard Mcltmes, 200 -rod fence bonus, 200.00;* Allan Graham, 76 rod fence bpnus, 76:00; Austin 'Mar- tin, 200 rod' fence- b6nus,. 200.00; J. R. Lane, unemployment stamps,, 528; ';Ezra Sitler,;'snaw.. plowing, ;' 338.25; J A •McDonagh, premium grader -policy, 265.00. . Moved ; by Evans and 'Bushell• that;: we do now ,adj ourn to: meet again on ' Monday, February 5th, ;. 1962 or at ,tl'1e, call of ,the Reeve. • c1ILROSs CORNERS Mrs.` Irene Schumacher spent., -the• week -end with .Mr. and ;Mrs. Frank SN.lumacher and girls Mrs. Earle Hodgins is spending some time ,with Mrs..' Burnstead, Wingham. ,Mr. and Mrs. Orval >Wilson' and family- Visited Sunday with Mr and' Mrs. Doug Drennan and, boys, Goderich •. • . Mr.., and. Mrs. ,Grant Wall .and., family, Walkerton; were . Sunday visitors with Mr. ' and; Mrs: Mor -• ley :Wall • .and family.. • Mrs. Frank Brown and ` Reg , `visited: Sunday evening with :lMr and • Mrs. Harold Nicholson n d family, :Bervie • An auction is where if, you're not.. careful ,you'll get'; something: for nodding. ' ._:CALL.__: R *ROY HAVENS Plumbing and 'Heating... Esso Oil ''.Burner Sales and Service ELECTRIC HEATING. Phone 73. Lucknow FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE Esso OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT Convenient budget terms up to 5.years to pay, IIwAYsL TO #011414f011Thi ;