HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JAN. .24th,, 1962
By Bill Smiley
There's .something gruesome .In
the 'interest everyone: has these.
days is being annihilated Some
people.'.are so absorbed •••in the
whole ..business that I swear
they'll ' be disappointed if no
I':ve 'just. finished reading a
pile ,of Grade • 12 'essays. More
than .a third of ahem' dealt with
some •aspect 'of nuclear warfare.'
If those. kidsknew half. ' about.
the subjects; on ' their course as
they do about • radiation fallout;
there'd be, no stopping . thern.
They, are . -morbidly . interested
in the -monsters to be created' by:
` mutations .among thepost-atomic
generations. They talk casually
: • about the dosages of •x strontium;
90 and iodine. to .be released. by'
the bombs:
They are fascinated, by fall -out
'shelters; :and "Write .long and`
frightening. lists of: the: ,e uipt...
frigh, g q p
riient they ;should : contain:. One
'lad, asnice a teenager: as you'd'
come: across, 'Warned, in all seri-
ousness,... that • shelter , supplies"
should include a gun, for ` the
purpose of mowing .down. • any
outsider, Who tried to join the
Discuss HoIyro.d'
1Kinloss Council ttes-=
Kinloss.;Municipal Council met
in the : Hall on January .15th,
1962 for their 'inaagurai meeting:
After signing their Declaration,
of Office took their seats at the
table. Reeve P. A. Murray, and
Councillors; MaoInntyre, .Ackert,.
Evans • and Bushell.
Moved by. Ackert and Evans
that the minutes of the December'
15th. meeting be approved and
signed. ;
Moved ' by Maclntyre and . Bush-
ell that we pass 'a By:-Law';clos-
'ing the road •• on :the. Kinloss
Culross Boundary • adjoining the
property of Joseph Tiffin, Con.,
4 and 'Numbered No. `2-1962..
•Moved .'by Bushell and Evans
that Councillors'.Ackert and Mac
Inty're be a committee .to get int
formation on the installation of
flush toilets, furnace and other
repairs.: -for t1e..Township • Hall
and, the Clerk• write Re -grants
and winter .,works program;
A By -Law, was, 'prepared ap-
pointing the Township officials
with: salaries' and numbered' No.
Moved by Bushell' and Evans
that We subscribe for 9 subscrip-
tions 'to the:'Municipal.' World:
' Moved by. .Evans : and Niacin -
tyre that we pay 'membership.• fees
You Can't, blame : the •young-
,ters. Listen to the cpversation.
next 1 time. you're out play..ing,.
bridge, or • drinking, beer, .or
•whatever, yolz p
'do at au"r parties..
That ._plump, A gentle --.:wife and
mother .At the, next table ' will;
be reeling off 'the number of,
millions who will be. killed •in:
the first attack. 'Thaiportly, jov-
ial church . warden across from
you'wi:ll be saying that :we ought
to drop ' it before .they do..:.,•
I'm' not friglgt ned by all.: this.
I'm bored. I'm sick ,to death, of
Uninformed prattle' about world
politics from ' people . who think
Marx is a TV comedian. I've had''
quite, enough half-baked lectures
on nuclear ,-fallout:.from' • people
who couldn't .even Combine by-,
drogen and sulphur and come up
with •astink bomb.:•
:What 7, can't' understand is Why
everybody's` so.: concerned; Why
do we sit around like so "many,
ghouls at ,a. garden party, Ticking-
our' lipsover the horrors . to
•come? Are . we Scared .or some -
'thing? You'"d • think nobody had:
ever, been ,killed before; violentlFy.
and' • painfully, :You'd ,think • no
Other, ' civilization. had ' ever Per-
ished. before.
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Surelyou're'not worried' about
leavin' . this, -wo 1 ?.
t „ r d suddenly; Jack..
Why', all I've' ever „•heard you do..
is' complain. Business is., terrible.
Your :wife;' hags., • Your hemorr-
lioids •, are " actinup. 'You .'can't
do a thing with'yeu'r kids. The'
governn Tent's taxing you to death.
The salt is. :'ruining the body of.
,your, 'car. Yau're. working too`
hard. You •haven't • thrown ,:a'. de.
• 'Cent rock in - the' last two bon: -
bon=spiels.+. I'd th'ink iyou'd be glad to
be out of ' it `all.
* x:..*
What's that?'You don't want to
„die? Life is sweet andWarm &
beautiful::and you love your.•w•ife
and 'kids and. business. is' picking
up' arid your bottom's better and.
the government could.: be worse
and• the old car's_ had •it ;anyway.
and' you like work and you
justcurl for,. the fun, of it?' Well,'
why: didn't :you,: say so? ,
And: what... about ' you, Ethel?.
You haven't :. Stopped moaning
since:;; you ,;were married 'You've
nothing to .' wear.' • :Nobody:' app
preciates you ':.The furniture,. is
shabby.' •Those kids ' are driving
you . crazy.. Jack's never hoine • at
nights. You're a':.nervous' wreck.
[The house 'isn't nearly'as nice.
as• Mabel "'and 'Georgs • You're
losing • your looks.'. And
church .is' 'always, after • you- : to
bake pies..I'd think you'd he
happy to ' abdicate
' How's that again? You would-
n't trade the.•whole sordid •mess
for a mink coat;' a model's looks
and. figure, ' a •,mansion • with ser -
varies, as long as, you can stick
around for a few 'year's? Stop`
whining .then. Enjoy, .while you're
still with us. . •
Really;. I don't see What' we're
all so alarmed about: For , the
Darwinians • among us, nuclear
war will be an interesting appli-
cation of the theory Of survival••
of the fittest.; For'" the unregen-
erate sinner, there's still time to
do .something about it;.. ,And„ for
the rest of us ,good Christians,.
:it will 'rperely mean that We. . alT
get to heaven that miich sooner.
Especially us .Anglicans, '
Personally; if this is any Cori-.
solation to: you, :'I• haven't the
slightest •intention of digging a
hole in the ground and crouch-
ing there with my family, like,
,four terrified moles. In the first`
place it's not . a dignified, way to
meet' death,: 'should it come,, In
the second place, I 'have better
things' to do •
And in the third place, I. fully
intend to live to the age of 90
and expire peacefully in my,own
bed, my .last; conscious act .being
an attempt to pinch the : bottom
,of my, special, nurse., If this inter-
'feces with, the planss of either
Kht'ushchev or Kennedy, they're
,lust going ti,have tochange their
DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sixes.. In Stock)
Repairs to. All Makes: of Cars. and Tragfors
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eel Alignment and Balancin+
Id '• the Association of Rural .Muni-
•,cipalities and the. Ontario ''God.
Roads 'Association
Moved by , Ackert. ' .and Evans,
that a By -Law be' prepared for
the bo rowing from .the Bank •of
'Montreal; Liicknow for the
amount of $60,000.00 :.as: needed
for the' .year 1982 By -Law 'pre-
pared .and passed and, .numnbered,
No.; . 3 - rr 1982:
Moved by .Nlaclnt . a and Bush
ell that we. renew our Municipal
Floater Polley, with J: A : Mc-•
Donagh •
Moved by Bushell and , Evans
that the. Road Superintendent, se
cure:' a • second, ere* to .operate
the. Maintainer, at night.' Operator
$1,.25 .per•. hour and 'wwingm'an at
90 cents per hour
M'o.ved by. Maclntyre and Ac
kert ,,that Councillor ' Evans -in-
vestigate request • for Relief at
Whitechurch. and.: 'Councillor
Bushell the 'request al'•Kinlough
with power,to .act.. 4,
Moved • by Ackert and Mac
'Intyre' that Jamieson Pettapiece.
be' ire -appointed Kinloss member
on . the : Wingham • High School
Board, and.; Allister ;Hughes be
inloss member on . the Lucknow.
District High , School Board
Cheques issued Carruthers
•Nursing Home, .December care,
$50.00; :Pinecrest'..1VlanorDecem-
.ber care, 200.00; Fairhaven Nurs-
ing. Home; December care, 100.00;
Solomon's Greenhouse,.: °flow-
ers, 15.45;. Mrs. Mansfield,: care-
taking,••18°30•, W. ` E. Collyer;: by
dro at shed, 156.14; -Ontario ',Hy
dro, Whitechurch St :lights, 20.13;
Registrar. of Deeds, 1.318; Gilbert
Hamilton, refund dogtax,., .196,1,
4.09; Melvin Morrison, refund dog;
tax; ,1961, ,2.00; Ontarior Good
Roads,. Membership " fee, 15.00.;
Association . Rural Municipalities,,.
15.00;• Election expenses. — Ivan
Geddes, D.4.O. `.No. 1,, 7.20, James
McEwan, 'Jr: sP. '. Clerk, 5.00, . Or
ange:.Hall- Rent, 4.005 16.20; Alex
Perot' D,R.O. Nor' 2, 6.60, Harold
Haldenby ;P;' Clerk, 5.00, orange.
Hall rent, 4.00; 15.60; Mrs. W. S.-
..Eadie, .D.R.O« No., •• 3',`' 7.50, .James
Moffat; P. Clerk, 5.00, 12.51);
Frank .MacKenzie; D.R.O. No .4•
9.00; WM. J. Irwin, P Cle"sic;:;,5 00,
Mrs. -Ford Cunningham, rent ,Of
house, 5 00, 19.00; Parish Moffat,
D.R.O. ' No: 5, 9.00, Philip. Steer,
P. Clerk, 5,00, Wm: 'S'cott, rent of
house, .5.00, - 19.00;' Donald •Ross,
D R.O., No..6,' '10.50, Milan Moore,
P. Clerk,' 5.00,.,Com'munity 'Mem-
orial' Hall, rent 4.00, 19,50; J.' R.
Lane, '• Clerk' and Returning"
ficer,' preparing;,, and 'delivering.
Ballot boxes, 52.80.
Highway ' Cheques — E. • Car
rathers, Road Supt. and mileage,
$165.00, H. 1VIacMillan, operator,
205;00; Ed., .Thompson, 'wingman
117,90; :Jinn McGi1liVray, sanding,
47.20; John .McInnis, snow .fence,
4M0; Bill Percy,- drawing 'grader
from ditch; ' 72.0,0; Sifto: Salt Co.,
salt, 108.19; Webster " and Mac-
kinnon, lights for construction,
17„92;, Milan` Moore, agreement
for ' fill, 50.00; Walter Breckles,
repairs to - grader, chains etc:
150.5.0; Lawrence MacLeod, s -and-
'ing, 57.05; Elliott Carruthers,,
sanding, 155:25; Ray Stanley,
snow plowing, 490,00:: Culross
Boundary accoui t, 136.,87; K,in-
sardine Boundar' account, 281.02;
Huron Boundary. account; 3,306.•
12; 'Don Gillespie, snow plowing,,
651.00; .Cities* Service Co., fuel,
67.86; .. Bruce McMillan, drawing
gravel,' 15.00; Huron : and K inloss
Telephone, calls, ' 2:45 ' Jim' Mc,.
Gillivray, sanding, ..7.50; ,Leonard
Mcltmes, 200 -rod fence bonus,
200.00;* Allan Graham, 76 rod
fence bpnus, 76:00; Austin 'Mar-
tin, 200 rod' fence- b6nus,. 200.00;
J. R. Lane, unemployment stamps,,
528; ';Ezra Sitler,;'snaw.. plowing, ;'
338.25; J A •McDonagh, premium
grader -policy, 265.00. .
Moved ; by Evans and 'Bushell•
that;: we do now ,adj ourn to: meet
again on ' Monday, February 5th, ;.
1962 or at ,tl'1e, call of ,the Reeve.
Mrs.` Irene Schumacher spent.,
-the• week -end with .Mr. and ;Mrs.
Frank SN.lumacher and girls
Mrs. Earle Hodgins is spending
some time ,with Mrs..' Burnstead,
,Mr. and Mrs. Orval >Wilson' and
family- Visited Sunday with Mr
and' Mrs. Doug Drennan and, boys,
Goderich •. •
. Mr.., and. Mrs. ,Grant Wall .and.,
family, Walkerton; were . Sunday
visitors with Mr. ' and; Mrs: Mor -•
ley :Wall • .and family.. •
Mrs. Frank Brown and ` Reg ,
`visited: Sunday evening with :lMr
and • Mrs. Harold Nicholson n d
family, :Bervie •
An auction is where if, you're
not.. careful ,you'll get'; something:
for nodding. '
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