HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 31 ie re ed of Miss Lorna -Campbell 'of . To- e- ionto spent the past few days; at is: ". the home of 'her Sister, Mrs: 'R., H. Pi- Thompson. Will' 'Ritchie returned .to :his, home in Lucknow. last week after being: hospitalized ••iii •• Wingham Hospitalsince the'. new; year.. Clark Finlayson is•• Home from hospital iii; London ',where, he re- cently underwent• surgery, on his hand; WEDNESDAY, JAN. '24th,. 1962 a THE; LUCKNOW • SENTINEI , MICKNOW ONTARIO PAGE. THREE •,.fir■seere.■■■s■a■■■■■i..ee...e.■e...■.eeeaI.UI!Lea,.e:IUiU■■■rs■zas• ■■■eeaaeeiae*a■®eeearaea■pea■aaet % - _._ - 't ■ ii as. r ■ ■ _ ■. ■ • ■ ■ a.. ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■. ■v ■; r 5 ■ ■ is. •■ s • ■ A ■ SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY •R. and W. Homogenized Peanut Butter,• 11 Save 8c. 24 oz. • 49 ' Bleach,' 3Z oz. bottle • 2 for 49 ■ Javex Liquid: Bl • White . Cross 'White Tissue, Save 9e for 49 ■ Rose Brand Margarine,. Save 9c lb.. k _ . _: 4'.for 89 Features; Clarks Beans with Pork • yin . Chili' Saucer �'. Save 4c, ,15: oz. 3 for :4 .I Hereford Corned *Beef; Save 6c, 12'oz. Fancy Sockeye Salmon. 'Save 1Oc. ,. %-tins :.Universal r'' ' 49 E . A: lmer Fcy. Peas. Save 10c,'15' Oz. "' 3 for 49 ▪ • t ,. Aylmer . Tomato or.Vegetable $ou s, ■ eP Save 5c.:10,''oz: 4 for `'49 n ■ Walkers Saltines. Save 17c. lb.' pkg. 2 -for 49 Pg • ' av Dutch Cleanser.'ave 16c. 4c `off pack• � � 3� for ,49 ■ c A liner Fan Tomato Ju ce. Save X13 . •2� oz.:'4 for 49 Y Fancy . , c Q •:: •Wagstaffe . Pickles aril Relishes. Save... 9c, 12:-: oz.:;4jars• Z ;far .49 Heinz' Baby Foods, complete• assort. ■ ■ Save - 5c, 'tins •- • ■ ■: a. • ■ VI ■ or: ;4 Kings Choice Qual. •Green .or Wax Beans Save 7c, 20 oz; 3 for 49 Brights., Ch. ' Qual. Golden. Peaches, ' • ■ Save 10c,•.15 .oz. __,r, __,_ _ ____; 3' for 49. 'York. Beef Or Irish. Stew. Save 9c • 15. oz. •,___ 2 for.i'9 Suns un . Salad .Dressing,. Save 4c.. 24'0. __ .49, _I Kraft Dinners, Save h c p gs. __-- __ _ ____ 4 ; for 49 •Golden Yellow ' Sugar, . 5 ib. bag __•- ____ 49 Assorted 10c size Chocolate Bars' Save 11' ` 6 for 49 ager Triplets. Are 2 Years Old On Saturday, .January 27th the Geiger triplets will be two years old. The three boys, Paul,, Allan: and Ross, sons of Rev; and. Mrs. Gordon Geiger of Essex, were born while Mr, Geiger- Was 'pastor of Lucknow United Church, •and • their: birth was the subject of -widespread interest. : Horn within nine minutes the babies• set a'vveight record,•weigh- ing• respectively 5 ,lb, 15, oz 7 lbs; •6;,oz; and .7 .lbs., .11 •oz. We recently received a Person—l' a letter from Mr. Geiger with reference 'to : the new artificial - rink in. Essex, and to the triplets, '. We take the liberty to publish' ,the letter in .part, which will be of interest to many in the com'- nunity: • • - . January, 16.th,. 1.9,62, 'D.ear' Cam: • - ' .All .is well in our household. The children are growing ' by laps' and bounds: • The triplets will be two this. month. They are certainly de eloping.' "They - - , feeding themselves now, • and as Yet hrig.ht or left handed. Also, aven'•t,deckled whether they• • beginning 't they a're o talk. It ravo Sauce, 'plain, Save 5c.15 oz. __r- •; :2 for 49-. �. looks as thouglif'. they will be us - Wait ing short sentences before. -long. Wait 'till, the 8 of •us., get around Discount:: Sale Colgate; Dental Cream, Reg. '63c• Gt. 49 :` ListerineAntiseptic,. Reg. 73c,reg. size -7 oz. 49 • ,t f r Brylcreem Hairdressing, Reg. 73c tube.' large 49 . 11:,. Palmolive Soa lc Sale.. Reg'. 6'34 5 bar -bdl. 9 -: ■'. Frozen ,foildu.Featiire Dragon Brand. `Chinese. Foods. Save, 4c. ` Your .choice • -■ Chicken Chop:Suey,.14' oz. . is � Chicken cken Fried .Rice; 12. oz• • ' ■ •■ eston Baker locolate Chip Cookies, reg. 39c eature 'PHONE' 26 - 'FREE DELIVERY • our table together. • A new artificial ice arena was opened .in Essex.'in• November and :this', event has 'caused many 'changes' in community . life .:this winter: We have a Recreation i Director; and under his leader. ship,'ice timehas been .complete ly taken up,°'Roy is .on a hockey team 'and; Anne is taking. figure, 'skating' lessons •Once a. week, the public school children go ' over, to • ,the arena during the'school .hour :and. have •an hour .of skating. I.: have .,lad .to • adjust 'times ;of cer- tain church: .meetings so. ,that Board mem�bi could attend their skating club. ' ''tomorrow night • we have '`our congregational : Meeting. We pas= sed.: a :milestone ' in 'our work ..re , • cently:., Last. year- at :;:this < •time•- we had `a debt . on our. ' Christian. Education Building. of ':$S,OOU.. At the , mament we have ' no:. debt, arid: .the. contributions' • to; the Building Fund are ` going to' be. .' spent on arenovation program in • the church In' the, space of 6 years; our congreggation, have paid for a buildingWhose total cost ran : about $•110,QOO :`It was nice to 'read in the `S•en tinel;. about the' redecorating of the Lucknow church .I • .am• sure. that 'everyone will be very pleas ed with; the results.. ft is viron. derful what paint and imagination :can accomplish. Our best wishes:.to.: eve one Sincerely, Andr eyGordon:. • and ■ • Miss Dianne Bristow is a..'pa 'tient in Wingham Hospital. Lca'I' ..a Mr's. Percy: Garbutt :returned Mr. and Mrs William Buck by' ambulance on Wednesday of• Ingham of Belfast are living m t'la'st week to Victoria',:Hospital,' the ► upstairs' apartment of '': Mrs..London: Mrs.: :Garbutt had; been Garfield :1V!•aeDonlald's; - residence`; �r u some time. a patient there'.. for, , in .Lucknow;• ;last.: December: Mrs. ` Garbutt' early this .:Wed-: death occurred ea y nesdaymorning... g:: Mrs. W. J. Erisigd. of;,•St. Catha- tines is visiting. her...sister, 'Mrs.: Howard Robinson.. daugh- elwood ; 8- ;ed' "Ann W ryar=ol •. ter of, Mr. 'and Mrs, ' Norman 'Wel wood ',of Wingham, underwent an appendectomy on Sunday. Wi:lliam. ,H;ewat of -Edmonton, ,Who. ' was On! a business trip to ;the• parent 'plant of •'Naugatuck C•hemic•als at Elmira,' called 'on. ',relatives ;here .at 'the end of, the week: and• Mrs,, Walter Alton had as their dinner guests on_ •S'atur- day evening• ,their" fainnly, Mr. and ` Mrs. Arnbldcr Alton, June, Nancy; Ruth & Grace Mr. & Nlrs:: Frank Alton, &Gordon; also. mer Alton,. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Alton, .Mr: and Mrs.°'Gordon Fin= nigan, • Mrs. Eleanor Alton of Wingham and Wendell Alton: and Sheila Gordon; of`'London. Mr. arid' Mrs. J. H. ' Hall were. «1 xc ;d - sod M'r: tax artlr� , t 1/4 a is 10'1- pos.- )(10. gh- ro]-(10 n Of 4hd can=. a11S' ltin puntr. • LU'CKNOW UNITED CFCURCH ' lev: Howard W..• Strapp ' .. Minister S' SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th 10:00,,a,m. ' Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning : Worship' • • • • a Lucknow •Presbyterians Church Rev, Roderick :MacLeod Minister . • • SU:NDAit, JANVVARY 28th • • 10:00 a.fn. • Sunday School 11:00 a.tri. Morninj:'Worship .in Acton 'recently attending• the funeral- of ''her brother; Mr,; W. W. • Jackson, which • was held 'on January `15th, • with interment in Park Lawn- Cemetery; Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Dave. dve • Andrew of Calgary' are spending this month in Hawaii. They flew to thePac- •ific Island, •Both• are natives of. this community, Mrs. Andrew being the • former. Elva Stanley, NOTICE iLE. OVERSHOES Will the party who • took a' brownover.s.hoe, size 6, by mis- Jake, please ' retunn to Ronnie Nicholson, Belfast, whose :name• is in the' inside of the overshoe, W.` B, :Anderson has been • op -the sick list/ at`ohis home 'for a time and last Week 'was' inWing- hurl :hos ital briefly for x-rays'. .BIRTHS • ,,STANLEY :— At 'Galt •Mem'orial Hospital on Thursday,: January 18th, 1962, to Mr. :and Mrs.•;.Rus- sell ' Stanley,: Hespeler,, ason, a brother :for- Faye. and..Bayne. ' DAVS,S—In'.:I}incardine Hospital; :on: .Wednesday; January '•loth,' 1962, to Mr.; and Mrs. 'Walter E. Davis,' a daughter; Laurie. Carol; a sister ' for'SSherryl' Ann.,' and Linda :1Vtay. ;• • COOK — 'Ivanand'.! Betty Cook are pleased to anrleunce • the: birth.; of their daughter, Susan Marie, at Kincardine • General Hospital,. Sattird•ay, January 13th, 1962:. HACKETT At Wingham Gen eral •.`'Hospital on .Monday, Janu- ary 1.5th; 1962; ; to• Mr,' and Mrs. Barry'''Ilackett, : R:R:- 7, Lucknow, a son:• ScifurdayWeld HeId Guelph,. t� � STOTHERS... ROSE The, marriage of, S 'B. -(Steve). Stothers •of •Lucknow and Mrs.'. Elizabeth Rose of R'.R. 3 Luck_. ' now, ' .was r solemnized on Satur-, day, January 20th. The ceremony took' place,' at Memorial Hall, On-' tario Agricultural College in Guelph, •• with : the officiating clergynnan being: Rev: Capt. W. A. Young, padre at the•• O.A.C. Onl • immediate members b theY ers o a families were 6Dresent, 'with Mrs: Ruth Stothers .rand , M:r.• J. D. Schultz of ..Burlington as. the attendants.:A wedding dinner GAUNT • — .In Wirigha m• General: Hospital on Tuesday, •January 16th, 1962, , to Mr: and. Mrs. Ken=: •neth -Gaunt,, RR: 1 Belgrave, a PURDON - Mr. and Mrs. Hec- tor. Purdon are pleased to an- nounce the birth of a 'son on Sun- day, January 14th, 1962, at .Vic- toria Hospital, Sarnia,• ` KFMVIPTON In Kincardine'. hospital dn• Tuesday, January 9th,., 1962, .`to Mr: ' and; -Mrs. William: , Kempton, R.E;: 3, ' Goderich, a daughter,. Mary Arlene.• • COWAN—At Oakville Memorial...; 'Hospital, ori 'Saturday, January 6th, 1962, "to gr. • and Mrs. Law' rence Cowan (Mary Jo Ander- son), a son,. Michael, Torrance followed ..at Guelph the . Royal Hotel, . • Wilfred Weiss :has been , ap pointed postmaster at Tereswater and will •'assume .his duties .Feb. ruary;' 1st , as 'successor to -Mel • Donahue • • The. Air - Conditioned' Conditioned' P GODERICH For 't ornfort & Entertainment 'hursday,• Friday, . Saturday, January 25, . 26, 27..'' .-_ Twin 8111 JOHN. MILLS and daughter Hayley Co-starred in an adventurous drama. Superb "TIGER ,BAY ' Also.. The Bowery Boys in. "IN• THE MONEI" cast Monday; • Tuesday;, .Wednesday, January 29, 30, 31� Adult Entertainment •, •� ' Juliet 'Prowse_ Stuart' "'Whitman' and Stanley Baker ' Filmed in •South'Africa: A. story "of Dutch:B$ers & the:military.' T FNer est Heart.... Scope azid Color — (Alsd: Gene Nelson and Merry 'Anders in "20,000 'EYES" Thursday;•' ,Friday, . Saturday, February 1; 2, 3. Stevie Reeves ;and Georgia Moll Italian -made: An exotic tale of: the: Arabian 'Nights.' They Thief Of Baghdad" — Scope and, Color