HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 1i
$..00 A. Year In ,Advance $1.00 Extra To USA.
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Artificial Ice. FUiut:CIirnbed-
The Past Week To Top $7
On. Monday night the Artifii ial
Ice • Fund stood at $7,006 repre-
senting donations. `received dur-
ing the 'Past . week of` . approxi:.
mately " $2,000.: 4•.
Weather 'conditions. , haven't
been good, especially' for country
canvassing and : several -:of the
Lions are also so involved in other
community activities . that .:they'
find free nights ' quite few - to
.complete' their calls:
If you haven't' been called on
yet, you will be,• and Club mem
bers are being urged to complete
the canvass'at. the. earliest 'possi:
ble date
The reception received, is gen
erally quite . cordial, ; and some
of "the , boys".` are : finding • .these
calls provide' an opportunityfor•
an enjoyable chat" much and
all as 'they don't help •'to speed
up 'the' job..,
The response .from ' "Old .boys
. • and 'girls" has 'been excellent to'
date,andtheir contributions and
encou+ageinent •have • done ';much
to spark the Lions members in
this big undertaking.: •
•The following ;donations:•,'have
been instrumental in boosting the
-:therinorneter to the ;,$7,000 mark.:
Mrs'... George • Turnbull' 12;00
•Brussels '•
'Cameron MacDonald • 50.00
Helen", and'•Lloyd :Hall•'.. •50 00
Mrs.' W. A. Russell 1.00.'
Mrs: Ed • Thom •10 00'
Dan 'C. McInnes.., , 8:0,0
r y. 1
•:Hol ood' R:�R..
Stewart MacDonald 5.00
Holyraod •
John Robb- Hol d� 2°00•
� ro . Y o
GeraldRhody Holyrood °10.00.
Cecil Sutton,: R; • 3, Ripley: ".5:00
George. Benson. Cox • '25.00.
R.,• 1, Holyrood;
Eva Culbert,' Helyrood • )160:
Francis Boyle;,10.00'
frank Johnston 1A0.
Archie Bonnett •• 2:00"
John Ross •
• �ntiinued
CCo on
t,000 To Mark' His 87th
00 Mark Birthday On Friday
Received =a belated Christmas.
card from F.S. W. A. „Drennan,
who is overseas with •the RCAF.
Bill was in. Belgitirn, b'ut at''; the
time of writing" was at the 'Air
Weapons' , Unit, ` Decimoniannu,
Sardegna, Italy. r •
The temperature the: day the
card was written in- mid-Decem-
ber was. 89 degrees.: The olive
crop, had just: been, finished, :and.
the orange harvest takes placein
early February, with •'the trees
loaded. • • :
• Bill,, who is the son •.of Mr: and.
Mrs. Elwood Drennan,says they
look forward to =receiving'
The Sentinel, •and although; a lot
of names are changed, the places'
remain. the same. .. •
age 12>
a. Ian r� . Derailed,:
e rai
.e Id:
North •'••OfRipley
The CNR railiner• north.bouond;
to : Kincardine on .Tuesday night
of last,. week Was : derailed north
of -Ripley, ''The train crew' and
two: passengers .escaped: injuries.
and were. taken to Kincardine,
by . taxi 'F ►'
The railiner- jumped the tracks
at :the 12th Concession, 'railway
crossing in. Huron:. Towns;hi and.
"landed" iii•. 'the• • ditch•: ` An' auxil-
iary unit was' "brought: up, to put
the , railiner ' • back 'on .the . rails;
arid/ s•o
ame.track was torn' up in
this:e operation. :: :Through .service.
:was restored' the next day and.
the, night ,train went :through _as
usual. '
• On . Wednesday •.. morning • a
train-taxxi shuttle was used ' from•
Kincardine to ..connect with, a
train;. Which. had come`: up during
the :.night to Ripley,:
Meeting, :.Reviewe
The Annual'' meeting' of the.
Lucknow Presbyterian church.
was preceded by 'a buffet supper;
served at. 6:30. p.m. January 18th.
in the School room of the church
Rev. - Roderick: Macl;eod'. eon-.
• ducted "'a short devotional period`
after" Which, Mr.' Cameron •Mac.;
Donald :Was chosen chairman for
• the business .:meeting.
The' minister: reported an active
year :statistically -and' :commented
'oh: the sustained .attendance at
• Sunday worship, but he also en=
couraged more to come .:to ; these
• services.''here.were seven deaths',
• • recorded. 'Three persons joined
0.- the church by profession of 'faith.
•• Phe Membership roll was revise, d
• in December and. 29 names were
removed and a f urther . eight were
• -�,
ing of' Kirk ' Session, leaving a
membership of 229.,
The Treasurer's 'report showed
a small. credit •balance• •at. the end
of the year of '$290.19.: $10,5.35.96
was received from members and
• i .other'income was $2443°82, making
• a• total '• of $10,869.18 for all'nur
ad Buffet Supper:
'rogressive ` Years
On Friday of this week, Janu-
ary 26th, John .Rutherford Lane
will observe his. 87th `birthday.
Born in •'Ashfield Township 'at
Lan�esville, 'Mr:, Lane is a "son of
the Tate John :Lane and Eliza:
'Fie is serving. his ''.33rd year
as • clerk• of Kinloss Township.
He was; anpamte: � the. e. posrron,
in Mayof•
1929 . durin •the reeve.
,. g ... No' 'Change ur
Lsn s cc e d the late Ge .
;1LZr. e u e• de
_ v.
cti Condition'
G. Moffat, •who'; retired at an Cid- �
d toth it'
ship of the late John Colwell.
Bruce-..(oviity �Covn�� �s�tedi,Luc;I
Losi Week, Fiat Time Ifl.Oei 50 Years.
Members of Bruce County,
Council paid an informal visit to.
Lucknow ;last Thursday evening,.
ao murk • the first time in over
,half A. • century.. that `members: of
the County 'Board .have been iri
''lhe• Se,pay,, Town in :a.• body.:
Co:„,ncil`°•was in session last week
Walkerton and; on Thursday
evening the County legislators.
The Sentinel, in ' common ' with
all weekly papers, is plagued with
a daily diet of• 'big business”
news releases,, that usually end.
up int the waste basket •
Last week a Toronto ,bakery
sent us a sample loaf of a new
inovatioli • in bread baking, and
accompanied it with :a .140 -word,
news blurp about' it. At the alas-.
sifted ad rate of:•.2c a word, the
notice was worth $2;80°' Comes
pretty 'high for a loaf . ,of bread:
If The'Sentinel is to;,plug'any•
bread,' we'll- do: •it for our local
baker, wl o `' has for' some '• time
used paid,advertising . 'to focus,
attention on " his products - ,:.•
budget for: 1962 totalling. $11,0.00.`
:noting. that it costs approximately.
$139; .to . open .•the " doors of the `.
church each Sunday • "and; '$2121
per Sunday.will ,,be . needed to
meet ' all of the obligations in
poses; Expenditures for. rnainten-.
nce of the, church were $8,026,39,
while $2,204.,20 .was' forwarded to
the church office at Toronto for
support of missions. Contributions
,to other funds'were $274;00,.
Mr Nror•nan .Taylor, as chair-
man, reported for the Board ' of
Managers: ,...Their. work in 1961,
• included• o the
major repairs t. .
0. church tower restoring one.stairi-
• ed 'glass window and pairiting 'the
exterior of ' the . Manse, and .ef
•. Course the raising of :the neces-
wiry funds. They are most. grate-
• fur to the congregation for the
balanced budget of the past 'Veal .
!: Mr. Taylor presenited a ,skeleton -
;er'y „age,. M : •Moffat".. was .clerk" •
from 19C0' to 1911 and aga n•:from
1920 to 1929:
Soon o.
Iler9th: Birthday
(Ella), Elliott, a
well known former Lucknow ,re-
sidentwill observe her "98:th .birth'
day', on Friday,` February' 2nd.
'Mr's. Elliott is the , widow'• of
the late. Dr. A. G. :: Elliott, a .
Lucknow practitioner for many
` Mrs. Elliott makes' her.. home
•i •St. Mary's Hospital, London.
She , is as well . as,'cari be . expect
y is he'. other d and enjoys visiting t
ladies in the hospital: who are
unable to leave their : rooms.
Mrs. Elliott does not walk very
well, but the nurses .Wheel. her
;aoout on •her visits
She:.•.enjo .sseeing
•old; -friends
J Y• . .
and receiving 'cards and—letters i
Lucknow friends join in ex-.
tending congratulations: and ;best '
(Continued on Page 11) ( wishes.
The `condition of .Mrs:.Mervin,
Ecic.•rriier ' of " Pine River is still
unchanged. 'since he •was "crit;
cJ,11y; injured ina freak accident
at Harriston two weeks ago.
Mrs:. • Eckmier:-suffered head &:
facial injuries when struck. by
tl.e 'whiplash of• a • broken .tow:
truck: cable which :went. through
the windshield.'of 'their, car, driv-'
en by her husband
•Mr. and. Mrs'. Eckrnier were,
enroute to a 'cheesemakers' .con-
vention in '. Hamilton. She was
first taken to 'Palmerston hose, ;
tel and from there to Kitchener:
Waterloo .Hospital, where she is
Still' a patient :
Mrs.' Eckmier's injuries include
brain dam.age., She has never: re-
gained consciousness since ` the,
accident and has given •no indi
cation. of• recognitionat any. time:..
In :',„fact her Conditionis "regard
ed, as: so grave, ..that doctors have
net yet ventured to move her,
.to have • x-rays:taken'..
A report that Mrs.,' Eckinier
had been taken to London was
arl c:neous " and such a movehad
never .been. considered;: •
ecept'ron ;.1
were ,brought to the Village by
bus, ,primarily to.• see the trans
formation that la's been made • to
the Town Hall; and the municipal
office .which has, been established
in the building. The group were `
brought : here, and .returned, : by °4
busby Harvey Webster and G•ord- •
on Montgomery,,'
County. Council members were •
the guests: of the Village Council
and were accompanied here by'
.Reeve: George Joynt, • and' wel-
comed by members • of Council,
M. L. Sanderson; Omar. Brooks,'
Harvey Webster, W. -A. ":Bud"
Hamilton and Clerk E. H. Ag-
new, who was credited with con-
ceiving the idea of the 'visit,. and
acted as chairman for a' ,brief .
and informal. .program . of song..
and speech making. °
Here :For Hall 'Opening.
In his remarks, Reeve George
Joynt . said, "We are proud of-
this building . and wanted to
$how: you` what..has .been' done:
It was during: the Reeveship of •
his grandfather, the ..; late John
Joynt: that Druce County .;Coun-
el.], *as' last in Lucknow. They
held their 19.10, June session here.: '
when , the ,present Carnegie Hall
was ;officially opened; •
Mr. Joynt outlined some of the
hall improvement.' prograrn which • .
k•as • been carried ' out. during the
past few • years involving• a total •'
expendi'ture.' of $21,000 of 'which
$5,500 is financed by debenture, ;
but: is:carriedby the' savings of-:
,fected by establishing the muni—
cipal officein permanent quarters.:
in the hall
Guy Semple, reeve -Of Port El-
i.. . a; •co le : of
g n sang s gup solos and,.
then was joined.. by Chester 'Ern-
merton, reeve of. Huron, Everett
Finnigan, Bruce County assessor .
and: Otto. Prues, deputyreeve of
-ant, who •-did • some ;
ing'as aquartette 'and Irwin
Lobsinger of Walkerton and Har-
vey Palmateer 'ofKincardine did
some: entertaining.
The group• was • taken on an
inspection tour - of the. building,..
and.:in the basement • recreational
room were ;served sandwiches &
coffee by• members of . the Luck-
now Women's Institute.' Mrs. J.
L ' MacMillan replied . to .the:.ex-
:pression of thanks on' behalf of
'the „ladies. . • • •
Warden . John MacKenzie•" of
Bruce Township, P .a.P ex ressed- -
(C,ontunueci on Page 11)
: prgciationof. the hospitality hospitality .ex-
pcknow r1f 1.i0 ,sere was one slip up min ours•
resume of . Kinloss municipal
changes over:.the: last '.decade orso, which,' appeared in our' last'
There was no election for
reeve in the fall of 1950. George
Tiffin .retired 'after two years as,,.
reeve, and Dave Carruthers: su -
ceeoed him: by acclamation:
R THE 'FIRST TIME in , over
la0 elf
a0 years history repeated .i s
last' week when mernbers •of
truce. County Council visited
Lucknow in a body to..inspect
the , renoy,a•ted town hall and
municipal office. •
• In '1810, County' Council, nnern
bers, convened' here 'for .the open-
ing of ' the town hall.
Thursday night's visit was aii
inforri al reception tendered by
the Village Council. ' • •
Pictured here are a foursome
of some " thirty ' legislators and
county Officials who were pre-
sent. Left to right: Everett Fin-
nigan, Bruce County Assessor
and a former reeve ,of. West Wa-.
wanosh Towns�hip, Thomas' H.
Alton, County treasurer,' who
was born and raised in Lucknow';.
John ',MacKenzie,. :1962warder
and ` reeve of • Bruce ;Township;
George Joynt,, reeve of l.,ucknow
an,d„ e-w;arden' of Bruce."
• f. —Sentinel Photo
Hospitalized As.
Results of Fall
'.Harvey,' Kilpatrick of Belfast
has been a •patient in Victoria
HospitalLondon, for over ten
days, as a resultof an injury
he received in a fall,
Harvey' had 'been drawing his
,,ar" with the traitor and slipped
` bn the 'icy platforni of the tractor.
He struck his head a hard blow,:
causing a :Small •cut, but .which
bled profusely; 'and. medical •ate:
tention was required to stop' the
bleeding., That was. on January
A ,coupl;e 'of days• later a blood:
Clot, developed 'Causing severe
swelling •a'i'd. Harvey was taken
to hospital in London. The swel-
ling' ling' later ruptured, and made
surgery .unnecessary. ° .•