HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-24, Page 1i 1' • 1. 1 • • • • • • • $..00 A. Year In ,Advance $1.00 Extra To USA. LUCE QW, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY, ,JAN. 24th, 1962'. Single Copy 100 12 Page's Artificial Ice. FUiut:CIirnbed- The Past Week To Top $7 On. Monday night the Artifii ial Ice • Fund stood at $7,006 repre- senting donations. `received dur- ing the 'Past . week of` . approxi:. mately " $2,000.: 4•. Weather 'conditions. , haven't been good, especially' for country canvassing and : several -:of the Lions are also so involved in other community activities . that .:they' find free nights ' quite few - to .complete' their calls: If you haven't' been called on yet, you will be,• and Club mem bers are being urged to complete the canvass'at. the. earliest 'possi: •• ble date The reception received, is gen erally quite . cordial, ; and some of "the , boys".` are : finding • .these calls provide' an opportunityfor• an enjoyable chat" much and all as 'they don't help •'to speed up 'the' job.., The response .from ' "Old .boys . • and 'girls" has 'been excellent to' date,andtheir contributions and encou+ageinent •have • done ';much to spark the Lions members in this big undertaking.: • •The following ;donations:•,'have been instrumental in boosting the -:therinorneter to the ;,$7,000 mark.: Mrs'... George • Turnbull' 12;00 •Brussels '• 'Cameron MacDonald • 50.00 Helen", and'•Lloyd :Hall•'.. •50 00 Mrs.' W. A. Russell 1.00.' Mrs: Ed • Thom •10 00' Dan 'C. McInnes.., , 8:0,0 r y. 1 •:Hol ood' R:�R.. Stewart MacDonald 5.00 Holyraod • John Robb- Hol d� 2°00• � ro . Y o GeraldRhody Holyrood °10.00. Cecil Sutton,: R; • 3, Ripley: ".5:00 George. Benson. Cox • '25.00. R.,• 1, Holyrood; Eva Culbert,' Helyrood • )160: Francis Boyle;,10.00' frank Johnston 1A0. Archie Bonnett •• 2:00" John Ross • • �ntiinued CCo on t,000 To Mark' His 87th 00 Mark Birthday On Friday ASHFIELD AIRMAN S*ENT CHRISTMAS IN ITALY Received =a belated Christmas. card from F.S. W. A. „Drennan, who is overseas with •the RCAF. Bill was in. Belgitirn, b'ut at''; the time of writing" was at the 'Air Weapons' , Unit, ` Decimoniannu, Sardegna, Italy. r • The temperature the: day the card was written in- mid-Decem- ber was. 89 degrees.: The olive crop, had just: been, finished, :and. the orange harvest takes placein early February, with •'the trees loaded. • • : • Bill,, who is the son •.of Mr: and. Mrs. Elwood Drennan,says they look forward to =receiving' The Sentinel, •and although; a lot of names are changed, the places' remain. the same. .. • age 12> a. Ian r� . Derailed,: e rai .e Id: ,y e. North •'••OfRipley The CNR railiner• north.bouond; to : Kincardine on .Tuesday night of last,. week Was : derailed north of -Ripley, ''The train crew' and two: passengers .escaped: injuries. and were. taken to Kincardine, by . taxi 'F ►' The railiner- jumped the tracks at :the 12th Concession, 'railway crossing in. Huron:. Towns;hi and. "landed" iii•. 'the• • ditch•: ` An' auxil- iary unit was' "brought: up, to put the , railiner ' • back 'on .the . rails; arid/ s•o ame.track was torn' up in this:e operation. :: :Through .service. P :was restored' the next day and. the, night ,train went :through _as usual. ' • On . Wednesday •.. morning • a train-taxxi shuttle was used ' from• Kincardine to ..connect with, a train;. Which. had come`: up during the :.night to Ripley,: PresbyterianChurc Meeting, :.Reviewe The Annual'' meeting' of the. Lucknow Presbyterian church. was preceded by 'a buffet supper; served at. 6:30. p.m. January 18th. in the School room of the church • Rev. - Roderick: Macl;eod'. eon-. • ducted "'a short devotional period` after" Which, Mr.' Cameron •Mac.; Donald :Was chosen chairman for • the business .:meeting. The' minister: reported an active year :statistically -and' :commented 'oh: the sustained .attendance at • Sunday worship, but he also en= couraged more to come .:to ; these • • services.''here.were seven deaths', • • recorded. 'Three persons joined 0.- the church by profession of 'faith. •• Phe Membership roll was revise, d • in December and. 29 names were removed and a f urther . eight were •• - • -�, ing of' Kirk ' Session, leaving a membership of 229., The Treasurer's 'report showed a small. credit •balance• •at. the end • of the year of '$290.19.: $10,5.35.96 was received from members and • i .other'income was $2443°82, making • a• total '• of $10,869.18 for all'nur • •' i 0 • 0 :• •' 0„ ad Buffet Supper: 'rogressive ` Years • ' JOHN R.: LA11TE On Friday of this week, Janu- ary 26th, John .Rutherford Lane will observe his. 87th `birthday. Born in •'Ashfield Township 'at Lan�esville, 'Mr:, Lane is a "son of the Tate John :Lane and Eliza: Rutherrord, 'Fie is serving. his ''.33rd year as • clerk• of Kinloss Township. He was; anpamte: � the. e. posrron, in Mayof• 1929 . durin •the reeve. ,. g ... No' 'Change ur Lsn s cc e d the late Ge . ;1LZr. e u e• de Y _ v. cti Condition' G. Moffat, •who'; retired at an Cid- � I d toth it' ship of the late John Colwell. Bruce-..(oviity �Covn�� �s�tedi,Luc;I ,snow Losi Week, Fiat Time Ifl.Oei 50 Years. Members of Bruce County, Council paid an informal visit to. Lucknow ;last Thursday evening,. ao murk • the first time in over ,half A. • century.. that `members: of the County 'Board .have been iri ''lhe• Se,pay,, Town in :a.• body.: Co:„,ncil`°•was in session last week Walkerton and; on Thursday at evening the County legislators. WEEKLY PAPERS ARE.. NO. 1 ON THE • S>KER. LIST• The Sentinel, in ' common ' with all weekly papers, is plagued with a daily diet of• 'big business” news releases,, that usually end. up int the waste basket • Last week a Toronto ,bakery sent us a sample loaf of a new inovatioli • in bread baking, and accompanied it with :a .140 -word, news blurp about' it. At the alas-. sifted ad rate of:•.2c a word, the notice was worth $2;80°' Comes pretty 'high for a loaf . ,of bread: If The'Sentinel is to;,plug'any• bread,' we'll- do: •it for our local baker, wl o `' has for' some '• time used paid,advertising . 'to focus, attention on " his products - ,:.• budget for: 1962 totalling. $11,0.00.` :noting. that it costs approximately. $139; .to . open .•the " doors of the `. church each Sunday • "and; '$2121 per Sunday.will ,,be . needed to meet ' all of the obligations in •"' • 0 1 •. • • poses; Expenditures for. rnainten-. nce of the, church were $8,026,39, while $2,204.,20 .was' forwarded to the church office at Toronto for support of missions. Contributions ,to other funds'were $274;00,. Mr Nror•nan .Taylor, as chair- man, reported for the Board ' of Managers: ,...Their. work in 1961, • included• o the major repairs t. . 0. church tower restoring one.stairi- • ed 'glass window and pairiting 'the exterior of ' the . Manse, and .ef •. Course the raising of :the neces- wiry funds. They are most. grate- • fur to the congregation for the balanced budget of the past 'Veal . !: Mr. Taylor presenited a ,skeleton - tit • ;er'y „age,. M : •Moffat".. was .clerk" • from 19C0' to 1911 and aga n•:from 1920 to 1929: +TObserve Soon o. Iler9th: Birthday (Ella), Elliott, a well known former Lucknow ,re- sidentwill observe her "98:th .birth' day', on Friday,` February' 2nd. 'Mr's. Elliott is the , widow'• of the late. Dr. A. G. :: Elliott, a . Lucknow practitioner for many years, ` Mrs. Elliott makes' her.. home •i •St. Mary's Hospital, London. She , is as well . as,'cari be . expect e y is he'. other d and enjoys visiting t ladies in the hospital: who are unable to leave their : rooms. Mrs. Elliott does not walk very • well, but the nurses .Wheel. her ;aoout on •her visits She:.•.enjo .sseeing •old; -friends J Y• . . and receiving 'cards and—letters i Lucknow friends join in ex-. tending congratulations: and ;best ' (Continued on Page 11) ( wishes. l1 • The `condition of .Mrs:.Mervin, Ecic.•rriier ' of " Pine River is still unchanged. 'since he •was "crit; cJ,11y; injured ina freak accident at Harriston two weeks ago. Mrs:. • Eckmier:-suffered head &: facial injuries when struck. by tl.e 'whiplash of• a • broken .tow: truck: cable which :went. through the windshield.'of 'their, car, driv-' en by her husband •Mr. and. Mrs'. Eckrnier were, enroute to a 'cheesemakers' .con- vention in '. Hamilton. She was first taken to 'Palmerston hose, ; tel and from there to Kitchener: Waterloo .Hospital, where she is Still' a patient : Mrs.' Eckmier's injuries include brain dam.age., She has never: re- gained consciousness since ` the, accident and has given •no indi cation. of• recognitionat any. time:.. In :',„fact her Conditionis "regard ed, as: so grave, ..that doctors have net yet ventured to move her, .to have • x-rays:taken'.. A report that Mrs.,' Eckinier had been taken to London was arl c:neous " and such a movehad never .been. considered;: • foursome ounty; Counci ecept'ron ;.1 • were ,brought to the Village by bus, ,primarily to.• see the trans formation that la's been made • to the Town Hall; and the municipal office .which has, been established in the building. The group were ` brought : here, and .returned, : by °4 busby Harvey Webster and G•ord- • on Montgomery,,' County. Council members were • the guests: of the Village Council and were accompanied here by' .Reeve: George Joynt, • and' wel- comed by members • of Council, M. L. Sanderson; Omar. Brooks,' Harvey Webster, W. -A. ":Bud" Hamilton and Clerk E. H. Ag- new, who was credited with con- ceiving the idea of the 'visit,. and acted as chairman for a' ,brief . and informal. .program . of song.. and speech making. ° Here :For Hall 'Opening. In his remarks, Reeve George Joynt . said, "We are proud of- this building . and wanted to $how: you` what..has .been' done: It was during: the Reeveship of • his grandfather, the ..; late John Joynt: that Druce County .;Coun- el.], *as' last in Lucknow. They held their 19.10, June session here.: ' when , the ,present Carnegie Hall was ;officially opened; • Mr. Joynt outlined some of the hall improvement.' prograrn which • . k•as • been carried ' out. during the past few • years involving• a total •' expendi'ture.' of $21,000 of 'which $5,500 is financed by debenture, ; but: is:carriedby the' savings of-: ,fected by establishing the muni— cipal officein permanent quarters.: in the hall Guy Semple, reeve -Of Port El- gin l- i.. . a; •co le : of g n sang s gup solos and,. then was joined.. by Chester 'Ern- merton, reeve of. Huron, Everett Finnigan, Bruce County assessor . and: Otto. Prues, deputyreeve of . -ant, who •-did • some ; harmoniz ing'as aquartette 'and Irwin Lobsinger of Walkerton and Har- vey Palmateer 'ofKincardine did some: entertaining. The group• was • taken on an inspection tour - of the. building,.. and.:in the basement • recreational room were ;served sandwiches & coffee by• members of . the Luck- now Women's Institute.' Mrs. J. L ' MacMillan replied . to .the:.ex- :pression of thanks on' behalf of 'the „ladies. . • • • Warden . John MacKenzie•" of Bruce Township, P .a.P ex ressed- - (C,ontunueci on Page 11) : prgciationof. the hospitality hospitality .ex- WE''RE SORRY :GEORGE! T pcknow r1f 1.i0 ,sere was one slip up min ours• resume of . Kinloss municipal changes over:.the: last '.decade orso, which,' appeared in our' last' issue. There was no election for reeve in the fall of 1950. George Tiffin .retired 'after two years as,,. reeve, and Dave Carruthers: su - ceeoed him: by acclamation: R THE 'FIRST TIME in , over la0 elf a0 years history repeated .i s last' week when mernbers •of truce. County Council visited Lucknow in a body to..inspect the , renoy,a•ted town hall and municipal office. • • In '1810, County' Council, nnern bers, convened' here 'for .the open- ing of ' the town hall. Thursday night's visit was aii inforri al reception tendered by the Village Council. ' • • Pictured here are a foursome of some " thirty ' legislators and county Officials who were pre- sent. Left to right: Everett Fin- nigan, Bruce County Assessor and a former reeve ,of. West Wa-. wanosh Towns�hip, Thomas' H. Alton, County treasurer,' who was born and raised in Lucknow';. John ',MacKenzie,. :1962warder and ` reeve of • Bruce ;Township; George Joynt,, reeve of l.,ucknow an,d„ e-w;arden' of Bruce." • f. —Sentinel Photo • Hospitalized As. Results of Fall '.Harvey,' Kilpatrick of Belfast has been a •patient in Victoria HospitalLondon, for over ten days, as a resultof an injury he received in a fall, Harvey' had 'been drawing his ,,ar" with the traitor and slipped ` bn the 'icy platforni of the tractor. He struck his head a hard blow,: causing a :Small •cut, but .which bled profusely; 'and. medical •ate: tention was required to stop' the bleeding., That was. on January A ,coupl;e 'of days• later a blood: Clot, developed 'Causing severe swelling •a'i'd. Harvey was taken to hospital in London. The swel- ling' ling' later ruptured, and made surgery .unnecessary. ° .•