HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-17, Page 6., •
14P 'v
• •
ani his Shadow
CarrYing a bone in his mouth,
p clog crossed a river on a narrow
bridge. He saw his own image
reflected in the water and decided
that it was another dog.with a
bone larger.than his. Consumed
with envy, he opened his mouth
to grab the other bone •
and lost his own. •
The Man who has a planned Sun Life.
of Canada insurance program, need. .
envy no One. For no one can better
face the future than the inan who,
through the medium of life insurance,
has provided for his retirement years or,
if he should not survive, for his. • 0
• family's future'security. •
Life insurance is
my profession and
I ens etyma.
service. Why not
nee today?
You will be under
, •
R.R. 2, ILIJCENOW • • •• Phone Wingliarn 717,-w-4
Misch. •
PURPLE GROVE Bol) and pionnie. Thompson .&
. • • •
Carl Collins visited Mr. Don
Harmony and Purple , Grove
farm forums n-iet in the school.
on Monday. , evening. Topic was
on Clubs-lor boys and girls:
'There was no high.school bus,
no public school- or night school,
Wednesday; Everyone was.
.Shovelling . out after •the.storm
the day before. , •
• .. •
1VI.r. and Mrs: , Frank , Dore,
Dianne, Nancy and Ronnie spent
'Friday evening with :Mr. and
Mrs, Burton, ‘Collins and family..
...Omitted' from the school- con-
cert was a recitation 'and song by
Bonnie .Boyle.: • •
Roger Wood returned,.. after • a'
twO week holiday in Toronto.,
7 .
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank DoreT,
Nancy Ronnie - and Dianne spent
SundaY, with Mr. and: Mrs. Louis
Robertson. • • t.
Mr. and .Mrs: Don Dore, Cathy,
Jimmie. ' and Vickie • visited. Mr.
and Mrs. Burton Collins. • '
• '• Mr. arid Mrs. Bob Gilchrist' &,
Grant' sperit .Saturday, evening
:with Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Mad-
DOnald. . ' • -
.1Vliss ,•Marlene Gatvley sPent
'Saturday, evening with
Margaret ...Ra ertson.
John ColiMS d Ronnie" Dore'
spent Saturday Saturday with• Brydn'13oyle.
•• • MA'S: Helen:Swann was 'a guest
atVI-artyn-Weller, Wedding • , sin
Toronto " • • •
Mr. and Mrs Teter Leeson,
Barbara, Ipria'Were•Sunday. guests.
of Mr Milton Stanley • ••
Mr. :and Mrs. Bert. Thompson
and. farnilY s: of Teeswater were
13y jove; there's nothings like a
spot of tealOld4ashioned Cana;
dian winter, what?- Well As ;there?
What's that you say? you'll take
the Bomb? ° Oh, collie, My dear
fella, that's no attitude.
We've had adelightful- taste
of it here.- Thirty-six iriches,
solid _yard.:'of the deep and crisp,
and everi • during the past week,:
'and I • must say?, I rejoice in. it.
It's just a .dashed• shame that it
can't .be spread. around a bit
-mord. Here we are revelling in
it .and some of those pOor devils
in, the unfortunate ,bottorn 'end
of the Country haven't' had more
than an inch; of• it. Makes seine
feel' rather selfish.:
There's Something, about •win-
ter .• •that gets • 'me; right here
(you'll have :to use your .himagina-
t1on).. Once 'the/decadence ,of the
loliday_season is behind us, we
hardy; maid,' 'virile Canadians
can get down to softie real living.
Right? That's why were so' mush
Cheerier and healthier. and
better -looking than those soft,
sonthern. races. Right?
„Ph, winter' has its little annoy-
ances, just ..as:•:stirrirner does :' As
0 • •
• - • •
. •
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
, •
Gordon 1VlacDorialcl • . •
Miis • Gladys Gawley was in
the on Sunday joining,Rip-
ley United, Church.
Mr. and Mrs.. 'Ivan McFarlan
Miss Bannerman and21V1r.Elmer
Mol'arlan;'• Miss' Helen McFarlar!..,'
Mr. Lenard IVIcFarlan .'and Mr •
Allan AtleFarlan visited Mr." and
Mrs. Howard • Orr and • Mr. Wal-;
to Collins. • -- • . ,
• • • • s
Mr, and Mrs. BUrton. Collins;
John, Sandra ,and Margie visited
Mr. and, Mrs. Glenn Young and.
Vicki Louise on Spriday..
. , .. ,
Mrs Helen Swann visited . Mr.
, and Mrs: ' Lawrence • 'Stanley at
OshawaMr, Victor. .GaWley, , Marlene
and Gladys' wereSunday gUeits.
of ..MisSes.-Ada, •Lettie and' ,Ethel
GaWlek.. , .' . ,. 7, ' •• '•
Miss :Marilyn Sthith and Miss
Mary Ann ' MeCosh,' • Toronto,
spent the ;,*dek-end with Mr.' &
Mrs. Den McCosh. ' ' ,
:New elders at Ripley United
ClItirch: on Sunday Were • Allan
Wylds,, Gordon Pattersori' and
Fred Brooks : while honorary.
elders . are, Robert McCosh and
• Charles Shier. ' ,.
' • Mrs. Donald MeCosh, 'was 'a
guest of Mrs. Gordon 1ViapPliatter
Leith on Saturday. •
Guests of Mr.. and Mrs.:Gorilori
Patterson •were Misses 'Carolhie
Forster, Mary Aim McCoih, Mari-
lyn, Smith, Mr. and' Mrs. Walter'
Foster and family.., „` • -
',Mre. Claude, Dore visited Miss
Meryl •Stewart, Kincardine • ,ori
SatiirdaY, • ••• ' : . •
Mr. Dori McCosh, Mary 'Arne
and Richard, .Miss Marilyn Smith
and Mr,: Ronnie • MacLean spent
Saturday in Owen Sottnd. •
Some ' of,' 'the 'Grove attended.
Mrs. Huston's 'funeral in Ripley
on TUeSday. •• • - • •
• •
Look how the CO-OP Early Delivery Fertilizer Program
earns yott money. • ,
41 Earn good rent for yourstorage,space.
410 Earn more in early delivery discounts.
• S3.00 per ton 'tit December 30th, 1961
2.50 r.ton 'til January. 13th, 1962' .-
2.00 per ton 'til January 27th, 1962
1.50 per ton 'til February 24th, 1962 •
ALSO you can earn an extra 5% Discount for Cash
Payment before March 15th. ,
• You have your fertilizer exactly when you need it. You
avoid the problems and delays of the spring rush. • •
, .
• •
1 shovelled out my .7c1riveway,
fOr' the •fifth time 'in five,: days,
a still, .small voice within Me
enquired, “Wlii" didn't that thick-
headed Irish 'grandfather •' of
emigrate to Australia?
But that is counteracted by the
fun of winter' driving. There's
.a' dash to . 'it, a good felioWship
about it, that Makes it Mere of
a game than a chore. • For ex-.
ample,'. the other, day ,,I started
for, work' as usual. It was 'snow
ing. The hill was slippery, So f,
decided -to go the . long *way
around. - , • •
An hour and 20 4ninutes later
I arrived at work.. .But it was
Werth , Pushing • and being
ifusheci, IL had met seine. of the
frieridliest people you could 'find.
I had; seen/ ,two dandY•,•aeciclents.
Arid though I had been forced
to • abandon my car ha]f amile
further from. work than where
Fd ,started,,* .had 'the pleasure
of mushing • up the ,long hill with
'two charming: ladies • breaking,
,trail•• for. ine. That's more than
Sir Edmund Hilary had .when he
climbed...Mount Everest, • • •.' •
4354 1 lth , Ave West,
Varicouver;• Jan., 4th, 1962•
The LuCknow Sentinel,
Please ; find enclosed,' money
Order forthree dollars, /our 8ub-
scription to the Sentinel' for 1962,
with • our annual best: wishes for
• a haPpy, and prosperous New
• . - Year to ell our old frier! s and
Order nowu and these .d'scounts' the staff Of the LlicknoW Sentinel.*
We look forward eagerlY, -eVer/y
. . ,
. . , week for its arrival with :news
. .
4 4
of family and friends, but many,
Many harries, now. Unfamiliar to
us, appear on its pages.
• Sincerely yours, . -
Ewart arid Jean MeXditli
r ,S10. '4" 1 ' •"'.1•••". r •-; ,
1 •
WEDNESDAY,. JAN, .17.U:4..194; • •
But, it wouldn't work. You. see;
the, people who organized jt
cbaps, like me, : would have to
volunteer to go along with our
old folk, to arrange things for
them, arid we'd miss all the
joyous excitement of' this win. •
ter wonderlanct.•,1, for one, could,
n't stand to miss more than
three _or four menths of it. How
about you? •
• . • .
There are lots of other joyous
experiences in . our :whole -some
Canadian 'winter, but 'I think it's
our. winter sports. that Make me.
feel more alive than anything
'else. Yon should hear me hum
ming with pure pleasure as I
rub •the wax. on young Kim's.
toboggan befoie sending her off
for a, jolly afternoon, on the hill.
And I fairly quiver with ex-
• • . • • • .
citement when young Hugh and
I 'head out for • theski., slopes.
It's such a colorful, lively sport!
The gaily -clad skiers With their
bright -hued sweaters and spark -
ovular. Value $52.50.
• . For the craftSmaii who,. .
wants top cutting
, •', speed, and efficiency.
•f.. The true orbital blade action •
of ,this deluxe Model:cuts as -
'• fast Or faster than saws costing •
over twice its price—even in •
,thick materials
motor, rngged helical gears and '
•ball thrust bearing handle,
toughest cutting jobs. You hold
, tool directly over point of cut,
you get ideal contrOl for AC'
curate•straight line. on intricate
patternwork.Autoinatic blovver
keeps sawdust off line of cut. .
• January Special, •
ling white leg casts. 'The scarlet '
Of blood against snow. The cheery
Moans of thosewith freshly -torn Regular value
cartii.ags.• .,
But the • rear is careening
down the big hill, as graceful as
a giill, as . light as 'a dart in ..a
windstorm. 1 . could watch him
elf!. afternoon, but it's • sort of
lonely sitting there • •in., the par,
and besides, I have to get home
and shovel out the front walk.
We. 'don't use it Ourselves; but the
postman complained this, week..
Said it was .coming over the
tops of his rubber boots'. ' ••
Another • great sport ,13eckoris
at the. curling rink. So it's on,
With 'the' sweater . and ;tam, grab
the broom, and off
It gets pretty het, sitting' around ' , to the club.:
there playing cribbage and all
that stuff, with 'a, big wool swea-
ter on, but it's the . atmosphere
that counts.
• There, .are so -Many • other won-
derful- winter sports that it's dif-,
fieult 'to take them all in. There's
this ,great new golf. series, Satur-
day afternoon. on teleyision. That
lakes up a' lot •of jie: • And Sat-
urday night, there's the . daddy,
of them all—the, game.
NO, ho,' not the one' down at the
rink. he one . that 'oil company ' '
: •
• Nobody but *a real, red-blOOd
ed .Canadian would have the zest°
for living that. all these: winter
sports demand. Aren't you glad
you aren't rich, and don't have
to .go down solith every winter
and bum around ,. swimming in
that tepid water andloaf around
getting fat on all that fried chic-
ken,: not to 'mention getting all
dried' out and leathery -looking
from too much sun? 1 -
We should have an exchange'
program ith some �f those' soft,
la2y, southern racei. A nlonth, or
two in Canada at this time of
year would make real men of
those birds. We Pottld send
some of our old people - down
on ,the exchange, te places like
Jamaica. and, Mexico, for example.
that gives professional
users the heft: required. ,
for toughest drilling jobs.,
Big 3.5 arrip. 'motor gives upto
20% more power and torque
‘ than foriner.models. That
means increased power for dril
lingin heavy lumber and inetal.
-More power, too, for lite with
hole saws and extra4arge Wood'
augers. Remoyahle top handle
'and 'rear spade% handle, Offer
greater. control., Improved de7
sign keeps cord, with heavy-
. duty strain relief, from ieter
faring with work. ,
,January $42 Special, 97
each 4),
.Valuel '-
Don t throw that old fiaturner
away. Not 'when •you can re-
place the .old handle at such a
low Trice Buy two of these
• ,
rugged, white ash, 14' adze eye
hammer handles, and keep one
as a,spare. n
JanuarySiiecial,eaCh AA.
, 1 . •
• , „
4.."4"÷."4"4 H.44—.44"4"44-4•+,44.4