HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR • 1'- 'raE.r LUCKNOW •SEN'IrINEL, LITCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN:. 17th, 1982 1• . : • N 1 A of ,5,545.1•WWW.AriA0000.46/000. • •• •::...ra4 • $.S.*20.. • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES — First insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 5,0c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2 c per word, minimum 40c: Notices, Cards of Thanks and. Coming Events, :minimum 75c, In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25C eActrafor replies. to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered, FOR SALE SNOW ..REMOVED. fro drive-, ways „and yards. ; Jack l 'Parrish, pine 286,. LuCknoW. ., • CLEARANCE 'SALE of regular • stock, one-third to one-half off bindert,•' cOlognes; 'perfumes, soaps, etc.' Elmer. Um.bach Phar- macy, phone 32, •Lucknow. • lPOIJLTRY • DEALER • . ". all types of Live Poultry bought, 100 •Sussex Pullets 'for . sale, starting to lay.. • DONALD, MacLEOD • Phone 23-20, Ripley. • • . . • ' , • • LECTRIC HAMMER MILLS, oat ,rollers or household appli- ances, ' try, Co -Op BUDGET - . PLAN, low cost, repay easily arid conveniently, at your local store, you receive family • prdtection' through 'Co-operative ''Life .,In- sUrance Co., select a monthlYor: seasonal repayment . *schedule, LuCknow District ,Co -4, phone 71,, Lucknow. • • a • 14 41 • .:,1r..„'" • • ELECTROLUX • SALES . and , SERVICE, Bonded, franchised dealer. Va- cuum cleaners, floor polishers, etc. Buy' Canadian. Bert Harris, 109,Newgate St., phone JA 4-7917, • • Goderich. • CLEARANCE • SALE of regular stock; one-third to one-half ff binders, *: cOlognes,perfumes, • soaps ; ete. Elmer,. Umbach2Phar- •'maty, :phone 32, Lucknow. s AtrCTION SALE Allan Maantyre Licensed Auctioneer . . Lucknow • phone 209-r-41 CUSTOM BUTCHERThiG • Beef and pork 'sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in Government licensed, abattoir. Pigs every Tnesday. Beef. from Monday -through, Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET . Take advantage 'of 'these New • Year specials on 'Readers'. Digest. • New Subscribers :can receive the Digest for half price, regular $4.' per year, $2.. per year for a limit- ed :time.. Renewal "subscriptions, accepted at, bargain rates,. one year regular' $4:. for. $3 40, two, years 7regular $7, for $6.; three years regular $10. for $8. The ' Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, 5.. SEPTIC TANKS. CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped, and cleaned With mod- ern equipment. All work ,guar-, ,anteed. Louis Blake,- R. 2 13rus- Se1s, phone' 442-w-6: ,• , VACUUM' CLEANERS • , Sales ,and Service • Repairsand bags for all ;models' of vacuum cleaners and polishers. • Reconditioned machines of all '• makes for sale.. ' • BOB PECK, Varna, Ontarioi. .Phone Hensafl 696-r-2 • a FILTER QUEEN • S1es•and Service • BOB PECK, .Varna, — Phone Hensall 696-r-2 'DRAPERY CLARANCE SALE Of Caya Fabrics. Save up to, %, price. Regular up to $5.50 a yard nOw clearing from $1.95 .and •, Made up "Free of 'charge."' Tail- ored to the highest custom stand- ards at Smitty's Shopping Cen- tre, Ila.nover. cARD: OF...THANKS Marjorie Thompson • of Holy - rood wishes to express sincere thanks to all who so kindly re membered her while she ,Was" in Wingharn Hospital, andto those who provided transportation for • her mother to visit With her. NOTICE ' .- . . .O . . SNOWPLOWS will not be re- sponsible for any' damage done to carswhich are parked on the Township. roads. Steve Irwin, Ripley ' - . Road • Superintendent, ' • Huron Township, , . Notice TO.Criditors In the . Estate of :. DENA jOHANNA McKENZIE 'deceased. All persons . having claims against the Estate of Dena Joh- anna McKenzie, late of , the Township ,• of - Kinloss in ' the County of Bruce, Spinster, ,deceas- 'ed, who died. on or about, the 15th day .of September, 1961, care hereby notified to send in :their Claims to the undersigned Soli- citor for Estate, on or before- the -30th %Clay: of January, 1962; as after . the . said latter date the Estate will be distributed among- st those entitled' 'thereto, having regard only . to the .. claims. .of which 'the Administrator; of the Estate, shall thenhavenotice. • ' '• Dated at ,Lucknow, .-Ontario, this 30th day of Deeemper, 1961. R. W. Andrew, Listowel, Ont., • Solicitor for the Administrator .- • .. . .- . ..14140#4,4!...44.*N.01.0#40.100~,..A.M.0414:444 THE WEST ' WAWANOSH . , , MUTUAL' FIRE.. . '- ' .. ' INSURANCE CO. •-t.' ' . - , Head Office, Dungannon • , -Established.17p., . . . BOARD, OF . DIRECTORS , . President, Brown Smyth, R. 2, Auburn; Vico-Pos., • Herson -Ir. *in, 'Belgrave;'. Directors, Paul Caesar, R..1, Dungannon; George. .C. Feagan, 'Goderich;. Rots Mc; Phee, R. 3,... Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac- •Lennan, . R. 3, ' 'Goderich; • Frank Thompson, R. 1, Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins; R. 3, Auburni For . information on your in- surance, call your ,nearest. direc- tor who is •also an agent, or the 'secretary, Durnin, Phillips, Dun- gannon, phone Dungannon 48:.. ......~.....!........~.............,,,,,,,,,,....,44,....,.., , . , ...~......0.......,.........4.~..................pa • , . • .DEAD STOCK . SERVICE• - Highest tesh prices . , , Paid for Siek, Down or Disabled. Cow's .& Horses - ' , also• Dead, Cows and Horses at -- Valne :. * Cash Value .oid horses. 4c per pound . b GORDON TAYLOR ' I , Ph.. Collect " 44-r-24; Lucknow R.R. .2 Lucknow' ' 24-hour service. II . Licence NO. .-- 66C61 . ........,,,....,.....,,,,,....,,,,...,••••#.4,440.4,40.,..... • - .. . 1.44.9.•••:,,,,,.......;#.,m,,..4.0....f.4, HILRAY FARMS i .. • . 'ABATTOIR . '. . , itoLiemoon • 6 ' The/ home , of .choice • meats BEEF, PORK, '• LAMB ' in any qttantities . • Schneider's Cured Meats WE ALSO .60 CUSTOM . . . , • KILLING and hang your meat in rnbderr, coolers as long , as desired. Pig: on Tuesdays and cattle ever day. No appointment 'necessary RAYNARD ACKERT • ., ,,101,r-13, Lucknow . ... • WANT ADS COMING•EVENTS • CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo will be .held".in the Lucknow Legion •Hall on Thursday; January 18th at 8:45 P.m, 12 _regular .games for .$10, 3 share -the -wealth. $50• Special game must •go.-- • . • • . SCOTCH . CONCERT--•;- . ' • THE • NOTICE Bag -pipes and Highland- Danc- ing will be ifeatutecl at the Scotch Concert' to be held,' in 'the St Helens Hall on Friday, .Janu- ary 19th at 8:30 ,pm. under the. auspices of the W.I. Dance to fol - row with Farrier's' Orchestra. Admission. 50c., Ladies With sand- wiches 25c. Everyone welcome. . , • . BURNS . BALL Lucknow ' Fire Department's annual •Burns Ball will •be held in, the ,Lucknow Legion, Hall on Friday night, .January 26th. Boyd's Orchestra, Scotch Piping, - Lunch Counter.. Admission •75C.. ANNUAL MEETING &• SUPPER The. Annual Meeting and tuf- fet Supper of the Lucknow Pres- byterian Church. will be •held at the church on Thursday, ..Janu- ary : '181th. Supper it 6:30 p.m. with annual- Meeting. to follow. 'TENDERS • •TENDERS will be received by the undersigned., until January 29th, 1962 for wood for the fol- lowing .schools, in , West' Wawa - nosh ,School: Area. This wood must .be hard maple or beech, 14 inches long and, .delivered to each school by June 1st, 1962. No. 12 --- 20 .cords, No..3 — .20 Cords, No... 4 ---30 Cords; No. 17 15 cOrds,..No. .20 cords; Lowest or any, tender not neces- sarily accepted.-kv. W. A. Stewart, Secretary,. Dungannon, Ontario. TENDERS, will be received - by the undersigned until • January 29th, 1962 for caretakers for the following •schools in West Wa- wanosh. 'Sheol Area. No. 4, St.. Helens; No. 3, Township .Hall School; ,NO. 12, Fordyce. Lowest • or any,. tender not necessarily accepted. ' • ' • W. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ontario. HURON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL callsfor tenders for grader op- erator.. at .$1. per . hour. Tenders to be in . to 'Steve.IrWin by 6 "Saturday, p. m February 3rd, 1962.. Steve Irwin, Ripley, Read Superintendent; Huron Township TENDERS WANTED for care- taker for S.S.. No: .9, 'Ailifield School, duties to commence :Feb- ruary 1st, 1962. Tenders ,must be in, the hands of •the secretary by January '21.th, • 1961 Lowest or any tender not : necessarily ac- cepted; Clayton. 'Alton; R.R. • '7;. Lucknow Secretary ' • • , ESTATE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. NOTICE UNDER" SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT and Section 64 of The HighwaY, • luiprovement Act. .TAKE NOTICE that the Council, of the Corporation of the County of Huron has applied to the On- tario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions • ofSection 30 of The,Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By -Law. T671961 passed on the 23rd , day of November 1961, the full 'text, of which is givenhereunder. Any person interested' may, within • fourteen days after the' date of this notice, file with. the, Clerk of the, County of Huron notice of his objection to approv- al of the said by-law together with, a statement of the grouncit, of •such objection: ' • ,, The Ontario : Municipal 'Board' may approve of the said by-law but before doing so, it may ap- point a time and place when any objections to ,the ..by-law will be considered. • DATED at • TorontO this. 12th day of January, .1962. • • (signed) B. VICKERS, • A...VICKERS, Acting Secretary. BY-LAW NO. 68, .10901 A By -Law Of . The Corporation Of The County Of 'Huron. To Regulate' The Location Of Build - Ings And Structures On Land Adjacent To count* Roads. W EAS; it is deemed to be necessary •and. desirable _to regu- late thelocation of buildings and structures on land 'adjacent to, certaincounty. roads; ;AND WHEREAS authority is granted *under Section 64 (1) of. the Highway Improvement ..Act R.S:0.. 1969 and Section', 30 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1960 to exercise such power subject to. the approval of '• ,the ;Municipal •The Council of the Corporatioa Of the •County of. Huron enacts as follows: • • • ..•1 (a) • No •persori shall *erect any: building or. structure, any part of which is located closer to the nearest limit ,of any, of the County roads or parts' of, the NTED WANTED -TO BUY — Lot or small . cottage on Lake .Huron 'from Goderich to Kincardine. Must. be on lake front. „Will PaY cash if reasonably priced.. Mrs. Nelson Bushell, .76 *William St.; Stratford,- Ontario. .. • STANDING HARDWOOD . , WANTED -- 'Pieferably !hard ...-AU.CJION SALE Auction Sale of Real Estate.of the Estate of the, late Dena .Joh- .anna MacKenzie, consisting of part lot No. 58,1st concession, • Township of ,Kinloss, two acres, also. frame house with 8 rooms, will will be held at the 'premises on Saturday, January 27th at 3 p.m,. ,Sold sobjeCtto reserve bid, terms $100 'day , of .sale, balance in 30 day's. Allan Maclntyre, auctioneer, R. W. Andrew. . solicitor for the estate. 47 ' • • • CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Bert McWhinney of Dungannon wish' to thank friends and :neighbours for the Many calls and cards expressing sympathy at the death of Mrs, MeWh 'ney's- brother; James Johnsto Andrew's, Saskatche- , ' Maple and Basswood. • We also buy logs.: Phone collect, Jas. T. Craig and 'Son, Auburn, • Ontario, 'phone 526-7220. •• LOCAL MAN ,REQUIRED To be •our Representative in this County, pleasant, dignified work with top earnings. Full or part time, repeat sales Year after year, no lay 'offs, no slick' seasons, age no, barrier, car Heeded,. Territor- ies are" filling fast; • rush :your name and address for, full in formation. No obligation. Devel- opment Director, Box 6,17, Lon- don, 'Canada, • County roads, hereinafter defined than; 25 feetwhere the; read. is 100feet wide; 42 feet where the road is 60 feet wide; and in no case closer 'to the centre line ef the original road allowance than 7. 51 feet. b) Provided 't4t in the case of two *existing buildings either or both,. of which is, or • are, located 'closer to the near est limit- of any County read. • hereinafter 'defined than per-: 5 !Tatted in (a) of this by-law, which are „less . than 300 feel apart measured parallel to the centre -line of road, the. provis- ions of this paragraph shall apply to the extent that no person shall erect :• any.. building or structure between the aforesaid existing structures • closer to the centre' line of •the road than the line joining the -closest point • to the ' centre line of the road Of the one structure,. .tet. the closest point: to the centre line of the 'road of .the next adjacent Struc- ture. • • 1 (c) ,Provided that in cases where a, building exists closer to the nearest limit of any County road hereinafter defined than: is „. permitted in I (a) of this by-law the provisions of this paragraph shall ,:apply so 'that,no person'. shall erect a building or .striic•-• ture closer to: the ',centre line' of the road than the existing build- ing Or: structure if the distance (measured parallel:to the centre: line of • the road) between the existing and proposed structures is ...lest •than 50 feet, ' • '' ; • . • 2. No person ',shall erect or Install gasoline' titilliPS: (a) closer ..,, than 60 feet from the centre line of 'the, Original'. :road allowance. • (b) on a curve or. the crest of a hill: '(c) • on the, tangent to, a horizontal or verticalcurve where 'the :sight distance is .lest than 800 feet in each direction. 3. The County .roads parts of ,County roads definedby this 12eaw are as follews: • The entire county road SyStent as defined •Schedule "A". Of By -Law No. 23; 1954, save and except such parts. Of the County road system which lie within. the 'limits' of • any Town, Village or CARD OF THANKS ' We -wish to sincerely thank the Woman's Association of the ,Unit - ea Church for thekind remelt- brarice of the folk at .the Car- ruther's Nursing Home at Christ- mas. • • Grace. and Elliott .Cartheit, Police Village within the County of Huron.; : • 4. The • .Corporation of. the County of Huron, by theirClerk, may giVe,notice to the Owner or Occupant of any land,requir- ing'him to remove or alter any building ,or structure erected af- ter the passing Of this by-law that .does not. 'comply. with -Sec.- tions -I. 'and 2 .arid . each notice 'Under 'this 'section 'shall be in 'writing and sent by registered mail, addressed to the Owner Or Occupant of the land. [5. If the person' to whom tht notice .is given, under Section *above, fails; to 'c'ornply With,1 within 30 days 'frommailing.o such nOtice, the 'Corporation o the Count of Of Huron may:,Jirec any officer,•. employee or agep of the said Corporation .to erste .upon the , land* and do or,cabs to be. done, whatever May b necessary to remove or alter zUC building or .*structure MentiOne in' said :notice. • 6. Every person who violat( any of the,provitibrt of Sectioi 2, and 3 or fails to 'comply wit the notice given under.* Sectic 4 shall, be guilty of an offen: :and. on summary conviction ,sha be liable to a penalty of n morethan fifty dollars 050,01 for each offenseand the contirt ante of the condition constituti) an -offenSe for each week aft conviction,' therefore, shall co istititte a new offense.. • 7. By -Law , No. 28, 1957 hereby repealed.: 8. This. by-lawihall dome it force and effect when approv 'bs*/* theOntario Municipal I3os . • , • Read a first Second and th time and finally' passed, this 2; day of November; 1961. JOHN G. BERRY, .• del+ • IVAN FlIDIRSYTH, Ward , • „ -• •