HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 10a
1 GN. F
au:9a■ea■■a iaae■ao fiti ■aimgaAgiguu■aogaa,a1111Pt
JAR 1gth: .1962-
o ■
Stock taking is completed and It wdI pay you to
averori ' . ■
• 1.asiient.
F ■
dills This Week is
■ ,
ends II
Discontinued Lines
Broken Sizes
of Lines
(Values fro s 49c to 79c a yard)
,will " be • of • interest` to quitters and.
- ladies dou g bazaar work � _
■ •■
■ ■
, ree Pick .Up .. and:' Delivery Monday and ' Tburaday
Ladie'a' and. • Mee's• Wear Lucknow
1MSua■oommo1■ot•I4■IUUN lissviuoe■■■l oussomRo0■■■■s! .
' (C ontinued from Page 1)'
Mr. Hodgins pointed • out that
since mid -summer „they had at-
tended _•a- se es • of - Meetings at
Kincardine, ' andrfon;''�
. then
• "Kine
e �Gf
. with a Win am School Beard,"
seeking, .a solution`.: to the voca-
tional school.. plan
' Mr. Hods pointed out •that
Wingham, asked a commitment of
• 5:%,• 10% and .15% of the ••Luck-.
'no* ; 'enrolment over' the next
three ' years . at 'Wingham school'
for vocation al- training:, This
nun ber,• however' still does not
relieve Lucknow. ` of . •.its over
crowding.P roblepi .• and a school
. aPddition is essential. Members of
the• Board' :' were . in ' Toronto . in
this, :regard` .on'• 'Monday and Mr:.
• Hodgins ins saidsaid. they might': have
More information ,f011owing the
delegation's • conference'' with•. the •
Department '.of Education. ,
Mr. >R.athwell su � 'P'Pleniented
Mr. Hodgins' remarks,' pointing
out that if less 'than, the commit -
ed '.number' .attended in each of
the next three 'years, Lucknow
would have -to : pay for the :full
number:' If more'. attended•. • they
would pay on ;•the per pupil cost.
. But he' added, "No .one ' knows
•what it• (tuition) i - going to
• cost"
•'Eleven rooms. arePro pPosed for
•' the :. addition• and conversion at
Wingham. The 'Dominion . Viand,
• Provincial. Governments will, pay
' the full cost• Of. construction and
equipment 'with' the spring' '
the certificate-
an. apprentice-
.. '
1963 -.set as the deadline: JohnS .1PPerlodwOuldbererequired.
ex -reeve of West WI' for a,chanic's boy, •for example, to: obtain
wanosh, felt - this date would •a me, license.,
have to ; be • extended " He is a
=•ras Wee
kEnd Fa e
The."',new ear wasn't y ,timany
days old •before the..weatherman,
kicked •;up• .his: heels . with a, week
end variation from sleet to bliz-
zard : conditions,•. with the ther'
nometer doing a daily dipsy
near. zero to above
freezing. Last • Wednesday night
within `.10 • hours ':1 he•• temperature
dropped . 'from 36'• " degrees to ?„
above on .Thursday morning. By
night it was . up '''to, 33 degrees
that brought .rain,'and `a:' drop in'.
temperature that ..,quickly turned
roads and Streets ''into..a'treacher.
ous sheet of ice.
School •. bus drivei's and mail.
men had ,some tricky manipulat •
ing as •' they.. started.: on their
rounds -F'riday. : •Mail ` couriers
stuck' .'pretty:" mudh to: the
waYs and found'it practically
impossible' 'to safely complete
their routes: Some of the,school
busses'were 'unable to .complete
type ;o f school at Kirkland Lake;
spoke highly of the:'results ob,-•
tained . by their graduates, and
the eagerness with. which indust-
ry sought, them. It is• a costly
'school,;: however, she added.
T.h ue
• e': . question of the students
qualifications' upon graduating
•with da vocational certificate'was
raised, ,and it apPeared that des-
member of thea Advisory .Com
mitteeon the new school.. at
.Clinton; and from''his: experience
in this connection, 'felt ; it would
be humanly impossible to have
schools across the "Province 'built
and equipped under the deadline, j
The cost of. technical .school
tuition is recognized as being!
more costly than academic tea
Ching and with the way the Cost •;
of academic: training `under the
High,. 'School' Area' system ' has;
doubled and- quadrupled in
Only a 'decade, theWest' Wawa-
nosh ratepayers expressed. con
cern in no'uncertain.terns, as to
where vocational school costs
• might soar,:
With costs to" the fore. at thin
stage, Mr. Hodgins, made it plain
that• they'had, received "no idea"
as to tuition costs • . and officials. "
•even guess at it."'
Miss W. D: Rutherford, who
'taught for': many . years in:. this
`Harold'::Gaunt •q estio led.• if it
would , not be possible to wait
and see •how the Clinton school
gets ,along, what the- enrolment
Will. be and what percentage of
fall -out reaults.
Wilfred McQuillan felt that
"our little school in Lucknow . is
doing just as good a job" as other
,Mr; . Hodgins had pfevrously,
Pointed out that Lucknow's rate
7.9 shills the lowest in. the'•area.
Goderich ils •-ov'er twice' that, it
•was• pointed out by Ardhie ' M!ac- •
:4tillan, and he questioned if Vo-••
cational school costs would not
eventually double :the present
secdndary school Costs.
' The meeting .Was quite amic-
able, with the audience,_ counc1,1
and school board Members. all
Seeking some guici.ance. There'*as
little 3O be had with so many
gtie;tio'l s thi'et -remained unan-
1 SEE . .
THAT a .. community' ' Week of
Prayer service will be .held in
the :Presbyterian '. Church' on
-Sunday evening, at . 7:30.
'THAT: Tim Collyer, was sadden-'•
ed , on Saturday night when
.. his 12-year-old...dog, Lassie,to'
Which/lie; was greatly attached,'
died • front ' in'juries received'
''when- struck. by 'a, car..
THAT Ronald'Conley; son of Mr;
and Mrs.' Eugene Conley of
:; Kinloss Township, has , joined,
• the Royal, Canadian Air Force
'and has reported: to. St. • Jeans,
•'- Quebec. •
THAT• Colin Chisholm, 3 -year -'old
son of Mr: and .Mrs. Leonard
'"`Chish- lnr-o 3ungannon-retur-n-A
•ed. to `his ':home Tuesday of
this week from, • St. Joseph's
Hospital, 'London, where he
;spent the; past: week". having
undergone a hernia operation.
THAT' ..among . those. :who have
recently been ..received into
membershp of. the ". Lucknow
United •. Church by transfer 'of
. ;certificate' are::. Mr. .• and • *Mrs.
'Tom Hackett' and ,Kathleen, Mr.
and Mrs.. Les . Ritchie and . "Mrs:
'Jacob. Hunter.
THAT, 'Mr: and Mrs. John 'S
Kilpatrick of Arkona ' (Jack'
Annie to - many • Lucknow
friends) left on Monday . for. a,
three' weeks' trip . to > Berkley
., • California„to. visit. their 'daugh-
ter 'Gladys. ”
THAT 'Lucknow P .District . • High
School Board 'is' advertising. for
t in teacher,. Mrs.' ll
• ` a'�Lat .each s M s. V. Be
whowas, to ..coxae ..here from
. Milverton• '`at the • start of the
New'. : Year term, : was -•unable
s' to . assume her. '.du'ties dire : to.
ness P t
THAT -Mrs --Ernie Carter is again
'a patient in Wingharn hospital,'
•' having ' been • admitted late in
• December following: a : heart.
spell; and paralysis. She . is .mak
• irig satisfactory pr.o
hoping for better health in
1962;. for.' she' has . been in and
out of •the • hospital; °several
_times during, the past year:;
their trip.-,
A nii'le south of Belfast ast '
u a aTee
water Creamery; truck' dipped
off the road • and:: turned over: in'
the ditch, which . ins, comparatively
.deep at this point, buta couple
of'.feet of snow helped cushion
the spill and little or, no,:dam-;,
age. was done, .and when'. righted;.
.the truck was . Able, to 'Proceed on
.its own.
The sleet apell was follow
by a blustery week -end ::with
visibility. "at times '. alrhost" • nil:
Highway .crews "were kept t work
ing around' the clock, .snowplow-
ing and 'sanding: "The•'barometer
sagged to almost 29: on Saturday
which is a .rare' low, but locally
this afrea'. was .on he fringe of
the .,storm and escaped anything
so severe 'as -: the barometer indi-
cated . ... . •
This weather' pattern continued
Iover the week -end with less pro -
nouncecl' uctuations in ;tempera-.
tares, but ' pt traffic to..a mini -
'mum. and 'Moving• cautiously.:
1 Friday's sleet'storrn caused th.e
"postponement. of .the official, op-
" ening of • 1£inloss Central' Public
Scrhool, and the Lticknow High
School basket ball teams cancel-
{ led a trip to Chesle.y, for an inter.
',school game that evening.
Fruit Market
Instant COffee, Jar
Super } Sale,, Cheery Morn. Large 6 ` oz. Save 22c.
Duncan Hines�ke....Mixes
All Flavors. Save; Up To 5c. Package.
'Cream '- .SuperIce . Sale
Silverwood's Deluxe. Save 10c. Half -Gallon.
Ass�ried Hand Soap: Sale
10 Bars in Cello. Save. 14c. 'Bag.
MixedC�oki�s On :Sole 3:pkgs
Any . 39c' Package., Your Choice.:' Save .'17c.
SPY APPLES by the Bushel. POTATOES.' by the Bag;
Ales Effective
January 11, 12 . 13;
Phone *119, Lucknow
THAT the legion's weekly bingos
were : resumed last Thursday
.evening. Weather conditions "Sc
the holiday 'shut down," <affect-
ed the re -opening • crowd; and
the evening's .profit was .down
to $13.00, which• was` in aid of
the artificial' ice fund
THAT, Lloyd:' Hutton of
':: Kincar
dine, and: well known. in. this..
c'ommun'ity;; was panel moder
ator.; on Sing -Time on • Sunday
when he :interviewed five sen
•ior citizens. from the variolas•
churches in Kincardine. One of
them was Mrs.. W J. `l acLean,•
formerly of Kinlough. Mr:` Hut-
ton -;was ".a moving force in the
organization of 'Sing -Time,;
which marked its 5th. anniver-
sary on Sunday.' "
(Uontinued from Page: 1)
' In greeting „the' new . officers
Mr.' Strapp`spoke .to'Mrs, .Cate
ron : ofthe heavy. responsibility.
that . rested on her shoulders • and
beseeched Divine :strength and
uidance in he
g r task.
The ` new . organization.`combines
the '.separate _ladies' organizations
of the.. •church,: ,which have : car-'
Hed •611. their. work as individual
groups for soine'.37 years''.
Major changes of this' kind do..
not happen overtkight ;`It began
.as an' idea many years ago. The,
idea slowly, but surely,'developed
•into a conviction• that,' something
should be.' done. 'The first formai,
step was taken ins' 1953 when the.
Executive of •Gerieral'Council''ap-
pointed ` a 'special' committee to
explore the matter. ,After three
years of painstaking ,''study, thus
committee reported ' .to General
.Council,, recornmending apAv,
ro al
:in • principles of ' the formation of
one.:'organizatiOn and the setting -
up of a•cstudy
o mis ion to h
P . s the
'is ues ` involved 'and •to' prepare
• a constitution. ThereP o'rt was
accepted and • :for four Years a
'commission. representing' all areas
of the`. Church's life and work
wrestled with the problem:: •• The
final report was presented to, ;the
• Kincardine . ..ratepayers will'
vote in a few weeks'on the Liquor
j Licence "Board questions • ofesta-•
blishrnent of `licenses for dining
.t rouges with . meals, and lounge.
19th'. General Council' _ meet,ing
last:'year. in; Edmonton. Afters a
few: minor ,changes, it was given
unannmous approval andJanuary
1st; 11962, set as the date of in-< .'
a%guration: =
T,he.;.'following ' quotation from; ,.
'the inaugural Order of Service,
describes in. part 'the.' purpose of
the organization:
"Today, we ,:are ,met to i augu-:
rate The' United Church Women,'
that Women; .•May go • forward."
bearing..• their full Bart in: local
and:. World' responsibility in. the
Church; ' We' believe that this is
a • great step forward '
"With pride ,we. look back :on
the work women have.: done in
the church. Rightfully'' we .can..
be a 'thankful. for the work •.:they
'have,: done ,in response:,to: the call
of 'the , Master to •carry.: the Gos-
pel into' all 'the world.: Their•
Work in., .the congregations ,at
home: has been ''an essential :part;
of: the Church's •life.'. In like man;
ner .they have .been concernedfor`
the outreach of: the Gospel be-
yond:; their.:' ` own congregations.
This, too has'. been :an:, important;
:factor . in the Church's work.
"Today we : celd'brate the be-
ginning, new work but
bmrnng; not; of,�a .
of " a-' new.. organization through
Which 'we ,believe,' we can do the
old work :better. The experience
of many church women's groups
Suggested 'it, arid, much prayer
and thought have brought' us', to
this, d,ay. We can' succeed' in .this
organization, as, in any, only is
put, ut ourselves into -'.it With
'the '. will ' to make gr eat things
come to pass "
At. •the sine time nationally
a s
three, new Boards, will come ` inti
being: a ,Board '6f World,. Mission
a Board of Home Missions .and
Board Womein: , TYio
ausrgane za o
tion .hasof 'come •aboutis • b,ec
emer in needs...arid :changin,
:emerging .
patterns of work` both in Caned
and Overseas. It represent»:
sin' .e
trend toward increasing co -opera
tion• between men 'and,women
the, work of• • the . Church and
movement toward greater law)
vement of the laity `'in its ,lif
and mission.
ttiv^rv6v r H • ,
Buy homemade Rrecid:.,:
the .' Oven
Your Local, Bakery
fresh . From
NATION' BAKERY,: Lucknow.•
Wallace 'Vines,` Pro,...-., Phone 36