HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 9WEDNESDAY,, JAN, 10th,, 1962
Two .Ex -Councillors ' C�nie,.t Kinloss
Township Reeveship, HoId Vote Friday
P. A Murray of the Holyrogd-
re of . Kinoss lown
Kinlough aa. Town-
ship . and Wallace Conn, of the,
Langside-Whitechurch part. of the
township will, contest the . Reeve
• ship of Kinloss ;left vacant • by
Regular. Value $5.2.50
For the craftsman who •
wants .top .Cutting
speed ;and:. efficiency.
The • true orbital' blade action'
of this deluxe'. model cuts as
fast Or faster than saws costing
over twice its '' price --even in
thick. Materials.' Powerful,
Motor; tugged helical gears.and
ball' thrust :hearinig` handle
:.,,toughest cutting jobs,. You hold
' tool directly over point of cut,
you get•: ideal control for ac-
curate straight.line ori intricate
patternwork: Automatic blower .
keeps,,sawdust .off line' of 'cut.
-January Special,
each 42•7.
Regular Value
A power -packed drill
that gives professional ,
users theheft. required
for toughest drilling jobs.
Big 3.5'amp. ;motor 'gives up to
20% more power and 'torque
than former models. Thai
means increasedp
'ower for dril-
ling in heavy lumber and metal
More 'power, too,'for use with
hole saws and extra -large wood
augers. Removable top handle
Wand rear , spade' handle offer .
greater; control. Improved de-
e •sign keeps cord, with heavy-
duty strain relief, 'from inter-
fering with work.
:January :Special,
each $42.97.
• •
Don't , throw •that old . hammer
away;. Not when yon 'can' re
• place the old handle at such a
• • lo .__
• , w price. Buy two of these
• rugged; white ash;14 adze eye
hammer handles an . keep. one
asaspare. „
January rY Spetr I ea h � Z
the death of Reeve Harold Percy
just before Ch istmas:. The .elec-
tion will be held this. Friday.
Balloting .will take place. from
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
An 'excellent attendance for a
nomination meeting was present
at Friday ''a tt z'noon's' meeting .at
the township hall, Holyrood, and
clerk' J" R: • Lane 'received nom
illations for the position of Reeve
'from, 2 to. •3• p.m.
Parish Moffat, a:'former , c'oun
'.cillos' in Kinloss, was:. appointed
chairman 'of, the • short • meeting
'following ..nominations on a mo-
: by Richard Elliott and P. A.
Murray. Nominations received
were; Wallace Conn by Jamie-
ton, Pettapiece and James Rich-
ardson; P. A. .Murray by Ernest,
Kemper and :Donald NIaePherson;
P. A. Murray by Stewart Mae -
,Donald and John Ross; '.E31
Murray by Waiter 13reckles and
James' McEwan. Richard.Elliott
by Malcolm Lane and' John Mac
Innis; Richard .Elliott by 'Donald.
Bushell and Harvey .Houston..
Another' 'nomination. for ,Reeve
was that. of ',Edburt Bushell, 'a
present, councillor: ,.It: was ' not
valid because .Mr.: Bushell had
not resigned his council seat prior
to ,the ..nomination. Mr; Bushell.
addressed., the' : meeting laterr'and
said that it had :not :been his in
tention to stand for the office of
All speakers 'paid';tribute to
the, ability ! and ''.service `of...the
late 'Harold Percy arid, reg_r<etted •
the , circumstances' that prpmpted'
the'calling' of .the • nomination.;
meeting : i, •
First speaker 'called on, in • the
'order .. nominated was Wallace
Conn: In eornmenting. on Mr..:Per•
cy's• service to: the' township, he,
said that' seven. 'Year's: ago the
death of David Carruthers,, while
•Reeve, had prompted a mee'ting::
similar' to'•,the one that 'clay. Mr.
Conn ;said that it had `been fifty
years ;since "'the . township. had a
warden : of the .county.,,'and. that
both Mr . Carruthers and : Mr.
Percy were in line for the hon->
-our prior to the death of each
man..iee said that he was:happy
to .report that ,1960 • had `been one
of ; the best financial ;'years in the:
township .:He ;reported over l6
bridges 'arid culvert ,'bult'•.dur
ing his' seven ;Years on :'council.
Mr. -.Conn said that •he had notoppoed' Mr. Percy in November;
because of. his ',chances, , for the
wa.rdenship. He stated that he
,would stand :for the office of
P, A. ' Murray 'regretted that
the ` last two Reevesof • the town
ship had ' died ... while'' in :office
He.: told the meeting that he, had
served .11 years. on . coundil 'at
two different 'terms, arid that he
would be a : contestant for the,
office of. •Reeve. H mentioned
the 8 •munici� al . drains that had.
been completed while heIserved
Richard Elliott, the third nom-
inee for the office; stated .that
the :calling of the . meeting was
not 'a . pleasant duty,. but that the
business sof the•:'township must be
carried on. He stated he was glad
the present council;, remained ; in
office to gain,: experience 'and
prevent•another• nominati'bn'meet
ing. Mr. Elliott said that despite
his eighteen' years • service as
councillor 'and reeve; he.'felt his
ideas ;would be "Old. • f ashioned
'lbw. He urged' the ratepayers to..
"work with .and Stand behind"
their, new Reeve. He said that at
that ,time. he had no:' notion of
standing, for Reeve.
Two minutes silence was.' ob-
served in : memory .of the ,late
Reeve, •.Harold'Percy,
(Continued • from.' Page 1)
will be such as to reach the ob-
The achievement of the project
is solely dependent ' on :public
support and' the assistance of the
many erganiz. ations . in. the dis
trice •
To, publicize the .fund; ' "old
boys and gifrls,". so far as known
addresses: are available, are being.
informed of the undertaking, a:od
any assistance they, might wish
to 'give to this "old hgrne town"
project,' willbe-. most welcome.:
The, growing enthusiasm was
evidenced' on Saturday, when a
group; of High'.School girls ,held
a bee to prepa.re •the;: letters for
mailing' to former.residents, Pos-.
sibly 2000 ,letters will be sent.
out and will be in the mail,• the
end. of the week:
Locally. some 1500 household
calls will be made,'in the village
and 'country.. ,•
A barometer is being' installed
at 'the Post Office •to .,follow the
growth of the fund, and the con-'
tributions .ef all donors will be
published in The Sentinel.
Durnin Phillips, Village of
Dungannon. • • -
•Omar: Brooks, •4th, and "6th .Con,
West. Wawrariosh.
Cecil Blake, 4thiand
•Ashfield. .
Tom. Hackett,:. 9th Con Ash-
. Jack ' McDonagh, 10'th Con:
Ashfield.' '
Lands 42 -Pound Walioo
'• 'Blake 'Alton, " "9th :Con. West PROOF "'THAT THE BIG ONE
Wawanosh,` I didn't get away is shown: in the
above picture. ' It's- a `. 421 -pound'
Wafioo which Bill Ritchie ' hook-
ed ' e whil' deep`sea fishingoff'
the Florida coast. He made the..
catch. '•while holidaying' in the.
local Poet ,Penne
Jefferson Tribute
An echo of the honour recently
paid 'to .George H..'Jefferson; ,1
heard in a poen'.:penned .by •Miss
Dean MacLeod •; of Luck-
Which apneared recently in
Clinton News' Record:
Miss :MacLeod was a `fellow
student at Stratford ;Normal.
School with George Jefferson,,
- a
n tive of Wawanosh..:Mr:` Jeffer-
son subsequently
served as prin
cipal of. Clinton Publi.c Sahciel
for 30 years The honours -,confer
ed u.ponhim was that of Mlylayor
For The Day," to which • °refer-
ence 'is made in Miss Macl:.eod's
•There's ./an' item, in the• `news
That :is truly' ,quite impressing .
In this day ,with much . recorded.
That ,is really quite distressing
'And • when angels who are writing
As the' one who : did: of ;old,
Names afthose: wholove`: their:' .:
In g a; fadeless book of gold,
They'usts.jDyful. be recording
Th in. quite .a crossroads town
There's 'a man , whose name and
service :.
Can :be gladly written down.:
Selfless •.years in keeping ' steady,
All the :welfare of a school,
Seeking ever t� engender
Deep respect .for law and rule
'Bearing•, in his Mind the welfare
Of a wide 'community
Giving ; of his '.service::gladly
Without' thought of fame or fee.;
Now. the citizens 'will ; honour
Mr. Mayor on, this "His. Day" '
When his pupils are returning.
Somefrom places' far away.
Give'we thanks.for all who vision
This the great eternal plan.
That in loving: God 'sincerely.
We must 'love out /. fellow• 'roan.
south at Christmas ' with. •his par-
ents and 'sister;' Donna, .who :is,.
pictured on the , , right and . is:
p ainly proud of' her big brother's
.—Sentinel Photo •
Russ: Button; ,aOth : • Cen... Wt•
Jack MacKenzie; .12th' •. Coi.L.
Ashfield; G. Barger's ,West;: High-:
" ,1 from'• C' n 12. .... �i 's-
.way 2 o to K ng
Kelso M•CNay;',Con: 12 Ashfield•,'
Du'' u.
n annoi5. R ad to Bob Far is s.
g.. r h
Alvin • Hamiilton, I ighway 86,.`
West; to ,Ripley,. Side Read."
Vernon Hunter, Con 12:.West
Wawa -nosh. •
Virden Mowbray, :Highway. 8;6
East to. •'`Whitechurch.
:Gordon Brooks,.' 2nd Cori: Kin-,
loss;. East:.
• Gordon Montgomery;,•.2;nd:Con..
Kinloss: and H roll.'; ` :
Harvey`Houston, 4th Con. Kin-:
loss' and : Huron. • •
Gordon • Finla son 'Hii hwa • S6
'West from`: 15th.. Sideroad
Clerk, J. R. '.Lane ewxplained.
that it was statutory that .a', co,un-
cil member must: resign -'his
cil seat prior 'to the nomination
meeting before accepting a nom-.
inati•dn for another'• office, He re-
'gretted the, circumstances . sur-
rounding the. calling • of the Meet-
ing. Mr. Lane, outlined the' steps
taken in calling such a ,meeting
having been working against time
so that ,the Reeve would be ap-
pointed. in' tine to: attend county,
eouneY January • session. '
:Donald • MacKinnon, 6.th Con.
Kinloss and. Huron.
Raynard Ackert, 8th Con: Kir_
loss. ,'and ,;Huron:
.rack .Aekert,' ,lith :Kinloss
'Harvey.. Webster, •. 12th Co'
Kinloss., and Duron,, !
Frank !,Thompson, R 2 Holy
Morgan Henderson,: South
,loss and: Rapid' . City. . •
Village .of LucknowLDr, D. R.
Finlayson, 'L. C. Thompson; Stu,
art 'Collyer, Jerry B;at'hwell, Mil= ,
ton ,Rayner, Howard Agnew, Alex ,
Andrew, W. ;B.: Anderson, . Lloyd_;
Ashton, Dr.. M..' H Corrin, . Bu'd.
Hamilton;Ernest Button, William
Hunter, Bob,. 'MacKenzie, S...13. . •
Stothers, J. W. Joynt,;. Cameon,
MacDonald, K:,' C ;Hurdle.,
'o The Electors ,
ownship nlos�
;Ladie's .'and Gent etnen,
: s a 'candidate forthe Reevesh' Of .Kinloss' Town-
A iP
ship,' 'I will', most ,sincerely appreciate' your, support on
election day on Friday,' and. urge that everyone possible
•exercise their h„anchise ..
'Having. P Y reviousl�• served. as a Councillor' for , six,
years',..1; feel that my experience would' be. helpful,' "and`,
'if elected .,`l` assure' you it :will be my constant aim ' to
serve 'the best interes•ts ; of . the ,municipality, ,. .
Sincerely and With The Season's Best ' Wishes •
Wallace Conn
.others .speaking were township
treasurer•ancl, tax' collector, Frank.
Thompson,'councillors •Williarri'
Evans, . Jack Ackert and Edburt'
Bushell. Councillor.. Allan Mac-
Intyre was not: present; Council
for Evans stated that some Pres-
sure had been put on him to run
for, Reeve, ` but •'that he had. de-
Bided to 'sit•on eouneiil for ex-'
perience •and await a future time,.
Orville • Elliott announced to
the` meeting that the ,opening of
the new Kinloss Central' School,
scheduled for that ' evening, had
been postponed . because 'of ley
weather conditions,
The regular January meeting
of council, scheduled for Monday
January' 8th was nostpc ed to
January. 15th; so that the newly
elected Reeve. might ,attend, "
To The Electors Of
T*nship Of Kinloss
.As candidate. for .the reeveship on Friday ,next I
t c..,.o.is. t._
respectfully , cit your support and influence,. and if
elected will do my best to give you _good • municipal
.government, always •having theinterest of. the ,ratepayers
at heart. •
Wishing you all ;a happy and, ptosperous New Year,
Szicerely .yours,
rowi.6 „oa*.i,,.�ti+:tvfaa.o:�hw.r�e