HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 6?!AGE SIX.
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J. KIr'ahan
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Phone Windham 717-w-4.
On .:Tuesday :night ' Liucknow
High School defeated Port Albert
- 7-2 in a game played. in Luck
now: Dick • 'Richards scored. twice
• and Bill Nelson, Garry Johnston,'
Barry Johnstone, and Doug John-
ston each got one.
Goals' for Port Albert were
: scored by Dickson. and • Stewart.
• On• • `Thursday night the High
School edged out Kintail by: a 6-4
. Standings:
Hi' h School 12 points, Port
• g. Po
Albert S. points, Belfast '4 points,
Kintail ,4 points, Silverwoods 0
point,:' ' .
Gives Gift To'Wi. In PURPLE. EF)VE
Mother's Memory Miss Eva Culbert nd Mr.
'sited Mr,.:'and
(ST. HELENS NEWS) 1 M `adie,
• I , William SCulbert visited
, e . Mrs. and. Mrs. . W E, . Smith'
The Jan}iary. meeting of the were ;Sunday , guests of Mr. and.
W,1. 'Naas held in the hall with Mrs Charles. Smith,
twenty- ix ladies answering, the ." 1V1r. and Mrs. Donald . Gillies.
roll ca 1, Sing, Say or Pay, a and :il'aleriewere guests of Mr.
Scotti song or poem.; A bal- and Mrs. Donald • Owens..
anc of $249:50 was reported in' ,Mrs. John 'Colwell and ,Mr..Bob
t treasury. Plans Were, made. MacDonald visited Mr. and Mrs
or ' a • Institute : Workshop on 'Donald • •MOCosh, Richard ' , and
Tuesday, January 9th, •A 4-H. Mary 'Ann;
club project.: "Summer Separates" Mr. and Mrs: Donald Dore, Jim-
was discussed with an invitation
for ' any girl . in the community
between' ages, 12- 26' invited to
join., The W.I. plan on • purchas-
ing -four •dozen .new , cups for' the
hall: A gift of money was received
from Miss Elizabeth Anderson in
Montreal in memory of her mo-
ther, 'who was a faithful member
for' many years. The ,motto "Make
the Institute enrich our ,'lives,
not wear us out" was ably ;pre
pared :by Mrs: Gordon_ McPher-
son andread by Mrs. Harold
'Gaunt. •Readings were given by
Mrs.. Frank McQuillin, Mrs. Har-:
old Cooper,; Mrs Race, Mrs. Mintz
and Mrs.. Jim Aitchison Plans
were made for ,a: Scottish. ,night
on, January 19th,' . Mrs. Allister
Hughes was guest speaker'„for`
the afternoon on' "Ad'vancecl •'Rug
Making.”. :' Great interest was
shown in her hobby and • .every
one enjoyed., the demonstration.:
Lunch, was served'• by Mrs.'' Mintz:
and Mrs. was,
(UL.GOS � .
The community extends !sym
pathy to : Mrs Everett •:.yVhytock,
in the' toss ..Of: her ,grandfather,'
the late ' Mr. •Husk•, of Kinloss. .
• Mr..Ronald Parker:has returned
'to ` Guelph to.resuhme` his''studies
at the O.A.C.
mie Cathy. and Vickie: spent a
couple of days with Mr. and
Mts.• Kellar 'at .All:anbuiig. •
Purple Grove Institute ,met •at
the home of. Mrs.. Jack -Farrell' on
Wednesday afternoon The motto
was .taken "by Mrs. Sam Emerson
while MrsFrancis• Boyle led in
a symposium, •
1Vkrs. Helen Swann ,is•..holiday-
ing in London.
Iona Leeson visited Sandra
Collins for the Weekend.
Dianne, Cathy and Vickie Dore,
Shirley, Allan and • Ann Mackay
and lona Leeson attended Marg-
aret Collins 5th birthday oh Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. • Donald Gillies.
and Valerie "visited Mr.. and Mrs:.
Russell Brooks. .
Mrs. ,Edburt Bushell :'spent
Tuesday with. Mrs.'. William :Ar
Mr. and 'Mrs. • GordonMacDon
ald visited': 'Mr. .and --Mrs. Jack.
Purple Grove', Sample Sewers
met at • the " 'home• of'. Mrs. '. Wm
Arnold for their - last meeting of
_the ' . 4-H • course Separates ' for
Summer: Achievement . day. is
February . •3rd in . Kincardine:
11VIrs. Howard. Hollan is `and her
school 'pupils, enjoyed. a holiday
on - Friday owing -.to the sleet
Mr, and -Mrs Gordon'.•MacDon-
Mrs: Frank: 'Brown : and Reg ald .visited Mr. -;and Mrs.' Fred
spent, New Years' with Mr.' and 'Gilchrist on Wednesday. ' •
Mrs Albert:Shelton, Parkhill. Mr... John: Fair is a; patient in •
Congratulations ta.:r.. and'lMrs Kincardine Hospital
Lloyd Whytock.:. on .th birth. At .o
of :lof Churclli ,services were
a . daughter in Wingharn Hospital cancelled on Sunday`oviing ,to the.
on December' 30th. ' ' storm: .
Mr.11a'Mrs. -Bob..Fischer and New Year.visitors •Mr..,and,
n have., returned to. Kit- Mrs: Currie Colwell and • family.;
..chener after holidaying- with'Mrs Mr.• and • Mrs.• Lorne Eadie .'and
.Catherine O'Neil • and Miss Mary family, Mr.. and Mrs.' Wm: . S.
Collison. ' Eadie, Mr' . and Mrs Jack: Peter
,Mrs Frank Brown:.. and .:Reg baugh'; visited Miss Eva Culbert
spent Tuesday evening .with .Mr:. arid Mr. Lorne •Culbert.
and Mrs..': James:. Wraith; :Luck- M>..and-:Mrs.. Morford Mackay
now 'and Bill; Ann, Allan and Shirley.
Mr. and Mars Carman. Whytock • and .Mrs. 'William. Mackay . with,
of Whitechurch spent .New `Years. Mr.', . and Mrs.: Don- Anderson •o f
with •Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock..Waterford. ,
New _Years visitors. with - Mr Mr.: and :Mrs.' Charles Smith: &'
andMrs; . Tom ,Stewart, and boys family visited Mr. and,Mrs. Eddie
were, Mr. and Mrs. Ian • McPher Creech
son .and .family,`8,th:con.; Mr. and Mr. and :'Mris. Donald 1Gillies
Mrs. Gerald 'Stewart, Mr. and and • Valerie, Mr. and. Mrs. Dan
Mrs.' Pete Osborne, . Mr. ;.and Mrs. Gillies Mr. , and Mrs:."John -
Ralph Goesel .and, family all of : erson and : ' Mr, Campbell ' of
Kincardine; Lircknow' with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
• Mrs: Frank Brown visited with Emerson.
Mrs. W.' Henderson, Lucknow' on :Mrs. . Herb Farrell spent a'
Wednesday' afternoon. week, in London • visiting: her
Mr;. and Mrs. Midford • Wall ; & . daughters.
Donnie ~sperms , New Years, day Mr:- Norval Stanley and 'Mr.
with •Mr. and Mrs. Eric . Hackett Milton, Stanley visited :in .Lon
and family, . Paramou it. don. _4 ` •
Mr..: Reg Brown .was to Wind- Mr. and Mrs. Fr ri •
• , . a cis Boyle,
On: sor n• iFriday. Bryan, Bonnie, Kerry and Heath-
er '`visited' Mr. ` and Mrs:. Anrrel
Armstrong and
Ur. and Mrs„ Jack Farrell and
family, Mr^arid Mrs: John . Mac
Donald and; family and Mrs, Herb
Farrell visited Mr.. • and Mrs:
Gordon Emmerton:
Mr.'.' and Mrs.. Don.' McCosh,
Richard and Mary' Ann visited
.w Mr. and Mrs." Walter For'=
ster • •
Mr: Victor Gawley. and :Mar-
•ene, Mr. and. Mr Don Chad-
bourne visited Misses Lettie Y2'.
Ethel', Gawley:`
Mr. and Mrs. Burton .Collins;.
Sandra, ' John and Margie, Mr;
.and Mrs. Gordon Patterson with.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew' Patterson,
• Mr. and Mrs Kenneth‘ Robert-
son,Marlene; Linda and Gordon.
Mr, Gail HIaldenby, Mr. John
Taylor, . Mr. Calvi"n Robertson,'
Mr. and :Mrs. Goldie. Huston, Mrs:
Russell Collins, 'and " Carl,
Mr. Arthur Collins and. Miss Ann
Crawford with Miss Margaret Rto
bertson and Mr. Don, Robertson.
• Mr. nand Mrs.` Frank Dore, Nan-
cy, Ronnie and Dianne, Mr: ' and
Mrs. C1au-cte.. Dore« (Jr.),'. Carl,
l Dexbert. and .Kenny,' Mr. Stuart
David, Allan, Wayne . and _Mari-
Dare, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rh dY,
Mr, and Mrs, Claude Dore
visited.' Mr..George Thompson. &
Mr. .and Mrs. gander Thompson
•and .family.. =
• Mr, and Mrs; Peter Leeson and
Iona with Mrs. Jack Elpphick.
Miss Gladys Gawley spent the
week -end with Miss Ada. Gaw
Miss; Barbara Leeson • ,spent
Friday .evening ", with Miss Mar-
lene Gawley. `
Jimmie Dore visited . Ronnie
Miss Mary Ann McCosh enter-
tained a number of .her friends:
-Mr. and `Mrs; George. Emerson,
Robert and, James spent New
Years. with Miss;, Geraldine • Em-
erson and: Mr. ' Frank Emerson
and Mr. Joseph 'Emerson. '
Recent ' visitors, with ' Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon, Patterson were Mrs.
Hazel MacDonald . of Lacombe,
Alberta, Mr. and Mrs... Don 'Mc-.
:Cosh and Richard, Miss 'Donna
Osborne and Mr. Rae Penning-
•ton, Mr. and 1VIrs. ' Cecil' Sutton,
Miss Annetta ?Forster.;
• Mr: and, M.rs. Howard . Thomp•
son and Bert ;pent, New Years
with Mr. Of. Mrs. Allan Coiling
and ;family. '
Miss Leona Elder of .Durham;
visited Miss' Hilda Emerson, •
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomp
son were, guests of Mr • .and . Mrs..
Norman 'Clinton On Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. ' :Glenn Emmerson.
and girls ' of Georgetown visited
Mr. and Mrs; Sam ` Emerson. .
1Vlriand. Mrs. George Emerson,
James and ,Robert spent Saturday
evening with Mr and Mrs. John
Bell, Kincardine.' •
Dotig ••Emmenton visited •' Jiro
Farrell. r
Rev. and 'Mrs., Dunlop, Allister
and Judith visited 'Mr.. and Mrs..
DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes , In Stock).
Repairs to. All Makes of Cars and Tractors
3 Licensed 'IVlechanics .
reel :Alignment and Balancing
WEDNESDAY, JAN, 10th,1962.
Mr.. d . Wilfred H,
Dennis andanMrsBilly of :Torontooganvis-
ited here recently,
Mr. Terry Dalton returned to
the 0 A.C., Guelph, after spend-
home the here. Christmas' vacation 'at his •
. . A
Mr., Norman .. O'Connor, Patti,
Mrs. Reta..Brown and Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Courtney visited friends,
in London and Lucan, ` Tuesday. •
of last, week.
Miss Margaret Foley, and Miss •
Frances Dalton have • resumed
their 'teaching positions in G ode-
Isn't it odd that :the easier a
gal is to look at, the harder. the;
fellers "stare?
Don' McCosh-
•Purple Grove school with Mrs,
Howard Hollands and pupils pre
"sented their, concert with opening.
choruses by the children,: recita-
tion : by Darlene : Currie, Jimmie
Dore, Donna Needham, sword &
highland fling dances by, Joan
Thompson, pre-school recitations,
Kerry Boyle, Dianne; 'Vickie, Ca
thy and Carl Dore; . Mary Need-
ham, Wray Thompson, Margie'
Collins and Wayne Rhody, 'tap'
dancing, Sandra 'and. ` John Col -
dins;: square dances,. dialogues, pi-
ano: solo, Nancy Dore, B , and'.
Donnie Thompson, songs,. Bron-
cho Bill, the Sailor, Ronnie Dore,
Joan' Thorrnpsen, Bryan, Boyle/I
don't want to play` in .your yard,
Iona 'Leeson •.and Brenda ;Currie,
Gladys Gawley' and Barbara 'Lee,
son , with Marlene Gawley at. the
piano, • Koleen Hollands played `a`
couple. ;of aceordian`solos:
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Issued. by authority of Hon.' Michael Starr,.'
'Minister of„Labour,Canada