HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 5WEDNESDAY, ,JAN. 10th,; 1962 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WAGE FIVE KINLOUGH Miss "Evelyn Nicholson sPent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Ted Evans' at Rexdale, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nichol - CALL • • ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating Esso `Oil Burner Sales and. Service ELECTRIC HEATING • Phone 73, ; Lucknow FOR :.:SAFE, DEPENDABLE: 'Convenient budget;terms. u tip 'to•5;years to pay, . • fOt THE . . �� ROWS LOOK TO I�IRIA4 psi son. David and Carolyn, :Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans spent New Years With Mr.'and Mrs., Bert Nicholson. Mr. and; Mrs: Jack '.Barr and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert' Hamilton: Mr,,, and M rs George Haldervby, Mr.. ,and Mrs. Harold Haldenby, and 'family , were Sunday, dinner guests with Mr; • and Mrs.. Clare Sparling and family sat Walker - tori. • • Walker- ton.. The Annual . ;Schdol meeting Was held at the school. Mr.. Ly-: man Sutton .was re-elected• trus- • tee -fora . three-year term, The. Holyrood • , W,. , met on Thursday • at the hall with Mrs: Tom Hodgins and Mrs, Sam Far- mer hostess and directors. Mrs. L.• ymari ,Sutton presided. arid. Mrs,. Jack Ackert. acted as psecretary. Thep Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect opened • the meeting, A thank you letter . was. read for a Christmas remembrance ftom .Miss .Belle Ross, • An. invitation was extended to i:any institute Members • wishing, to attend' a luncheon in the Queen Elizabeth Building;:.:Pxhibition Park, . To- ronto, February 19th' which will, mark the 65th anniversary of• the "WI. .which was •fou'nded .in Stony Creek•. A' colourful pageant. will be 'a highlight 'along.* with:. several notalile...:speakers A special National . radio, • forum broadcast which will ,be, of inter- est 'to.'Worners institutes' was left over' until'•the February 'meeting: Card parties Were planned; for the wintermonths' starting Tuesday,. January 9th at '8:30 *and will be (held every twfo, weeks. Each merraber ,answered, the roll call with "A.. thou+ght .. fbr the 'New Ye.ail"Mrs; Ldfne Eadie read article , on . the new ,-minister. ,of Agriculture,; the Hon.:;W •S:tewart. Mrs.; Wihiaira...Eadie.,' reported on` 'Horne, Economics and.: •Health,'-' and axplained'. what to do' in 'case t AA .NENT.� .•' �M O U N or sound counsel 'and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from ' quality: material, rely on. SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan,' Prop.` Established Over Sixty Years Phone 638-w Ontario .. Walkerton WPM t.-. andi Bill Smiley 'Well, 'Mac, • how . did you . gel week. through the New Year's Eve, or- deal? What's . that? • Your eyes are still bleeding?nd ' Mabel, how .about you? , is it true' that you hung ,a. big wet kiss on Mac's .boss, at• •the Stroke: •of. twelve, buring: a cigarette hole in •the la;; .Pel of his' new suit: in the pro cess? 'Well, . that's how it ..goers in this country, on ,New Year's Eve. The Latin countries •have';their,' carnivals • The, Germans • have theirbeer-drinking festivals; ' the. Indians their religous orgies,, the, Africans their tribal dances and rites. These . festivities ,go•.on for days, sometimes • as long a • child would ;'accidently: drink any detergent liquid' .or poison of any kind: If a doctor• is not 'avail- able, `.contact Victoria Hospital,' London • (poison control). Mrs Tom'a-todgins'presided for' the fol lowing program and gave the to- pic "The gift iof..the ;New'° Year" apd. ,read an article on "Resolu- tions"' and also, read a: him.oroui poem. Piano 'numbers. were given..• by Karen Elliott, Elliott, Edna Boyle 8& Mrs .Jack:.Hewitt. Mrs Sam Far- mer gave therisotto:.• "This is: a new.. page,•; try to. ' keep it clean''.' and. concluded • it 'with : a, New Year's meditation A reading, Thesold-fashiened sleighride. ,,by Miss •May Boyle The meeting closed with God'Sav'e:,the 'Queen. and. 'G'race.., Lunch '• was ,,served. ``:The. •.February : l'i'ostesses will' be `Mrs.' Harold. • Haldenby and Mrs,` ;Ed .Thompson The WA...will meet on. Thurs=. day at .the ;home of Mylizs. George Haldenby.; TAKE: ADVANTAGE C F•'.THE . EARLY DELI VERs FERTILIZER PROGRAM Look how the CQ -OP Early Delivery Fertilizer Program earns you` money.; 4 k • Earn good rent 'for your storage space. • : • Earn more in early delivery discounts. •53.00 per. ton 'til December 30th, 1961 2.50 per ton 'til January 13th,' 1962 • 2.00 per ton 'til January 27th; 1962 1.50 per ton 'til February 2,40 • 1962' ALSO ... you can earn an extra , 5% Discount, for :Cash' Payment before Mardi 15th,. . ' a • You have your fertilizer exactlywhen you need. it. You. •. • avoid the problem's and delays' of the spring rush, a, COOP Fertilizer r.der nowand earn these discounts Distric LOCHAL • NIr: and Mrs. rJohn'. 'Cowan`. of ,Sarnia visited . recently With Mr: and Nirs: Dan ' Wylds: ` . •• Mr. George: Moncrief and Jane Spent a few' clays visiting ,in, Oril- lia. .Mr. and Mrs Donald McChar. les of 'Brantford' spent the week=. end with Mr. and ' Mrs: 'Oliver McCharles and John. • ...Church ;services were 'caneel led .at . Ashfield P'resbyterian. Church'on .Sunday due to the icy. roads. Several. children : missed school' on Friday,. when. the :busses :were unable ;,to,' make the rounds ,ori account` of the; sleet storm.. 'Jane Drennan nd ;George .,and, Tom MacDonald are staying wiYh Mrs.. Torn 'MacDonald white IVfr: MacDonald is a patient in 'Kin- cardine • .hospital: • • * *.* Everybody. . involved iri those. affairs looksforward to . the occasion .as a • chance .•to, release pent-up hellery.' They start•slow`- ly, gather momentum • build • up to' . aclimax, then totter back: to the kraal or whatever,: exhaa_t- e&, cleansed,. purified; • Birt•: the • poor .• old Canadians:; have just one night ayear in which to' kirk ;up their . heels, unleash • those wild, surging de-• sires so characteristic of the race; and •:throw inhibitions out the nearest . *indow, whether; it's: 'open or not.: That's. why: •we're so. ;poorly the "rest ; of. the long,. hard winter. • .,I'm a' quiet, steady sort. `myself,:' but ;I've•,:been `to 'enough' New. Year'Elie parties: to shake my head; in sympathy 'We . Canadians build'; up- a treniendous head..of •• steam during a. year because, be- ing such nice, quiet, • conservative; unemotional folk,we plug ell our normal 'outlets. ; for 364: days of the -'year, 'Op the last 'day,. We., 'open' all': the valves at once. The result is • a cross: between an oil w.eh coming in: and an arrnmuni tion: dump• • going up. `• •In`::the 'resultant. •'WHOOSN!` marria•ges are •.irretrievably` wre• cked, careers ruined, young men turned into° doddering- skele- tons,. lovely young ,: •women into, decrepit hags • New Years Day is .spent • in:, surveying; ;the: •ruins, with faun diced,' not to . mention'bloo'dshot, . • eyes. An interesting; color scheme. that... Yellow and red. : It's not until the next day :that.. the ,,marriages are`, pasted' .to., gether again;:.;the careers' resum- ed, the young men.'. put ,back hr.. the. .path•'of d'estiny,: aridthe. dolls:" restored to• a semblance of because a ,couple of agile ladies beat her to Tne, when the gong sounded. . • This midnight moment •ls the time tor all the poor dogs who are ;married to greatigid , to dash. around hanging, ro Mantic busses on the best -look- ing 'dames at the Party. It is the time for the little woman, with a touch of gypsy in 'her I soul, browned off with a husband, who thinks, a kiss is. a waste of time • to swoonfor fourteen* glorious seconds, in 'the arms of the local,. undertaker or, hardware man, 'I'll ; tell you 'more ;about this again..But right . now, .I have: to• do a little rexplaining to the Old Battleaxe. • THEY COMFORT EXISTED • TILLTNEY TRIED)' UR OIL.. BE LIVE W.A.'°BUD" HAMILTON gram PH;220 W -LUCKNOW HEATING OILS'- GASOLINE . 'OTHER FARM PRODUCTS • radiant ,beauty.. •• One thing I find rather peculiar; Canadians. either get .stronger as they get, older; or they have more inhibitions, to unload: Go to the teen.. age 'party on . New :Year's •Eve. , The .kids; danee decorously,.' eat with manners, ' and •generally behave;'. as, sophisticated adults should,: • ` Visit a party of . young . adults, in their late:teens, early twenties. They, may . • have. a few ` drinks,: but not Many, and it's; a ''pretty quiet, moony affair.. They're all ga ng steady, you• see, and° trying to make an impression .on''some- body. Then 'take' in ,a party among- the" youngmarrieds,: with child- ren, These characters are all ex- hausted, tip, x-hausted,`up,to their eye -balls in debt, frustrated, and • slightly Adis illusionect about life, Watch .out for •fireworks' at .this:'one, espec- ially at midnight,- when the Auld ,Lang Syne nonsense ends, 'and thekissing' starts. Somebody will get a thick ..car or a. split lip. I've:had both, in •my 'day, But•,Canadians hit their New Year's Eve peak, .I' think,, in• the middle years, in the forties and fifties. For orre; thing,.. their ,kids are past the childhoodstage, and:. are,..probably not at hoxrie to .keep' an 'eye on the oldtimers For: another all, the men' are at the ` dangerous. age:.. For another, ill the women •feel that their -hus- bands are neglecting them; This is: the identical°f ormula for which the: scientists vvh o split,the atom. 1ookei for, for years,. It was right under, their noses. : • * * * .�r: • Again, the crisis; or .turning point, is fight at midnight,' when. everybody, has this insane ,desire to kiss somebody else, 1 'don't know • where this •custom origin- ated; and 't'm against it. Not. Pnly is it unsanitary, but, my, wife clobbered me right On. the .nose• on New Year's Eve; jug profit making extra production . With . . STARCROSS 288. LAYERS from Swsft: . The, extra eggs' produced , by Starcross 288's bring you higher. income. ' Look , at these Random• Sample test results showing net ;income' over chick and feed costs. Each Starcross' 288 pullet ... produced a net uicomeof....:; 63MORE f : • : " .•. than test average.. (Cana'dian Central -1959-60) .2 .�..or45 MORE: • than test average. (W." New York .1959-60) or25¢ MORE thein •test. average. (Tennessee' 195 9-60)' ,;17°. or '36¢: MORE • than test average.` (Texas 1959-60) The egg -producing ability of the Starcross 288's makes • them profit-making white • egg : layers : for.. you. Order clicks now from your Swift hatchery or. dealer. • • SWnF` 'S HATCHERY, Treleaven Milling Coo, Lucknow Phone : Lucknow 9