HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 1n
0,00 A Year In Advance-- $1.00. Extra To U.S.A.
.:Single Copy 10.e
t Pages
Lucknow District High °S'chool the Teachers' Federation. .....
Board has received approval from:: The Board will meet on. Thurs-
the, Department of Education for day to make formal , written ap-
a three-room' addition to the plication and the next several
school, which for ;some. time has weeks'will, then be taken tip with'
.beers badly . overcrowded With: engaging • an architect; having.
classesbeing held in the audi- ,.plans drawn and approved; . •let-
:torium and, on the stage. In ad- ''ting of tenders,''receiving. 1Viti-ri
clition the ''auditorium .is . used . as` cipal Board -approval . and the
a '..Xioon-Hour: • cafeteria. , various details-. preliminary :to
p Y
The .addition provides for ;two . building. ' '"
'classrooms• and a cafeteria, which' . •. Construction is expected fa get
if ,necessary can be converted to under way, in time to.have the
'a third .classroom. • addition ready for.: the , opening
80% of; the cost of ••the addi-' of the. fall'' term in September,-
eptember,;tion ,,is assumed by the Depart
merit,` .Don't Favor Commital
Arthur :. Hodgins, chairman L,ast year, before the vocation
Gerald' Rathwell vice-chairman;' al 'school, .question • came..to the
"AlliS,ter Hughes; Charles Webster : fore the High School Board was'
and Principal, B. B Howlett moving toward 'securing a school
were,: in Toronto on Monda•�y'for aadition, but the Department re -
fan interview' with ."Departmen ommended then...that the matter
, officials, :.arranged ' :by. Jahn 'W. he deferred-. until the• vocational:
H, \
anna'` M:P.P. and later - the pictureicture was clearer.
,legation ::met' . with.. ` officials of In' the •L'ucknow 'High School,
District" there appearsto be de
cided apposition to cominiting.
Lucknow to send a fixed 'num-
ber df ' students to Wingharn,
regardless', the overcrowding .lo-
cally • would not ,;be • relieved,
• On : the strength of this the ,ladies were" enrolled as charter.
School Board has moved speedily,
v- . rnernbers.
to;' get the 'addition appro ed • • :Tre follouin� officers "were
Tn 1 oronta on Monday . the elected:'f ;President Mrs:. • Chris
Lucknow.,'./delegation was .'told c ver '`hoe• to Cook; First` vice-president, Mrs•
that they -could never . p
have a vocational school here be
cause of the costs. =
If Wingham is made an open
school, Lucknow .district students
wishing vocational training could,
go to ;Wingham (or their nearest
open vocational 'School) and the
Lucknow Board would be :.res-'
ponsible for• their tuition. But.,
under such.:".a setup there would.
be no commitment as to numbers
or what Lucknow would: be, ob
ligated to: pay,
Mrs. Chris Cook;
Heads New Group
24 ,Lions Wrote'
ChequesFor$1,51 5
The new organization' of 'Unit- Withoutwaiting ler. the, Arti
ed Church Women. of Blake's' ficial Ice Fund campaign to
got off to a good• start at a, meet commence .. officially,. a . number'
ing o••f •the .women: of the congre- of member's of the Lucknow and.'.
gation''held at the `home, of .Mrs. District Lions Club started writ-
Russell Irvin on Thursday after- ;:ing their- personal cheques ons
noon, January 4th. Twenty-one •Montlay ' night. ;
The attendance. on Monday was:.'
below average due to weather
con'ditions and other civic re- '.
sponebilities . that: kept members:
absent, - but• before, the meeting
Livingston M'eriary; Second vice- ended, twenty-four members had
president, Mrs.: James Arnold; given treasurer:Bob Finlay dopa-
Secretary, Mrs.: jphp Irwin; Trea-' tions amounting to ]:,51°5•, '
surer, :Mrs. Cliff ;Kis°patriek It is estimated that Club mem-
bers " personal ; donations; ;• apart
from time,, effort• and -expense
in promoting the project ;will' be '
Former r. Residentsirr excess of $3,0..00..Then in ad-
• di tion there :will .be generous
• support from the: Club's. admin;
60 Years ' • Married strative "account.
• Mr. and . Mrs: R. S. West:, of
Elbow; , ,Saskatchewan,;•. and for'-
mer-Lucknow resident's, will cele
• , orate. ,thein diamond • wedding;
�' - /! • //. • :. WEATHER FORCES `'SCHOOL r anniver'sar on Tuesda Janu fl
Lions , To dick• Off Artificial Ice' Fund ar 16th
Y , , `j ects as the Artificial . Ice...
• • Mrs. west, was ' the formert• Donations will be=acknowledg-
The official. opening'of the ed •w
. ; `T'e'ns. Lawrence;�,�:daughte •' of ,Mr, eekly,; as••the campai' n pro
-V U Kinloss Central' Public school e
1 o • to have 'been and Mrs: ' ThemAs' Lawrence:: `Her, ygres es : Several other'. donation
at Ho l y..r od,
. . . • , ,. , hint' have been, received, inelu�ding 4_
.• '.Canvassers.. have been .named / --- : held'last Fridayevening was fat
evening; operating: ash s store a n mere
and details, worked. ,out•. for the.' ._-
•Charlie and Bob will. appear on„• postponed a .week:.' , • .;.,.• . • the, $225 . •from • a Legion sponsored '
. ent : location of the' Webster: and Stag- Night;', and , the : fund ;is . off
,: •Lucknow, and District Lions- Club , CKNX; .�Focu�s on Thursday even- A : `sleet' storm:. that : m,ade
MacKinnon hardware.. ,to a. 'real encouraging • start.' B;ut
:to ,launch.`,the campaign .for ,the, in” :to further :ublicize' the •: ro- drivingcon'diitions •treache'
g. p pr
aloe :.of 'artificial• ice:In.? Mr:: West, •known. to old friends '>ore :details next week
:installs jest,'., which.is. winning increasing: oua;ah:af' day, resulted m :the s .•
_ s 'Sim employed : in the. ' •
:the Lucknow •Arena. :suport andshas 'the Club' °triem •ceremonies ` beingcalled' off • 'a :,;'„ • -:'was
s•e of Mair: and Siddall,
Aminixrium abjeetive'of. $1$,00`0:.bexs' confident that the' response- ' '•; 'until" Friday evening 'Of this
Private Bank'
.George'mith • and
has been set'to'corri� lete the.. pro-.. . with,• H. S mitred- .1 CE.Or. .
p P (Continued on _ Page 9) week along
ject which•.it is •planned..to,: have:
T S.: Reid: ':�
• ., .. h it :m`
. ut under . the Federal riage,, Mr: •and
Carried o , .� • , After t e . � ar
WinterMr's. West . lived for ..a time in'' :� k-rierndS•
Works ,P.rog-• New •Sidewolks� Housra �:' Development,ritheProvincial Win
ram.` This progfam ;makes pos- .an Frane> co, and were there• at.: ,Ater4bers;; of '.the• Blake: United. '.'
the thee of` the reat ;earth' uake"
sible generous government .grants , . !' ,Church congregation" and.' other
racked the crit arid: de
on': labor and'.:'mater al;:'''.apart ria ' r motion 'o'n ViIIa e Ago'
dit'viwoi.•:' Y-; tfriends and neighbours, joined•
..Indust � o
from provincial assistance .under , . . ; e• at' Gliristmas, ..time 'in .expressing
Provincial ceded:' them to move :':elsewher
the Community Halls Act.; ; In'` his inaugural,' address : -o ; • They have live•d at Elbow .for; appreciation :arid best wishes ;to'
a ., ood many .;years, .where Mr.
The Lions Club Artificial Ice MondaY4..Reeve, Cr., W. Joynt :gub .receive: good vale .at `all. times.< g ,. ; Mks. Herb .'Curran. of .Lucknow.
Committee'; is, headed byCharles :muted a forward look prig i �u •it '. West.:was a: retail 'merchant', but. ' The 'expression took the tangi=.
for• their ax dollar.,.The, Village
• • ` ebster an he *fund drive coal ram to 1902 •Council that includes has been- retired for some; time.` .,ole ;.form:._ of . a':a'te table coffee :
W d, trate-: has remained unchanged 'for.. , P
` isn : m n chi .; .. h thins' as'a .long range' side- '' A • table,. and a .Christm'as table -.de- ;. •mittee ,u �d�er the chair , a s p suc „ things' g g side-. the, .past ..;•few ,.years •and.,. Reeve �.. �
:of Bob Macintosh, :Who briefed walk : replacement program, coil - . ... :. A ;corat on
Joynt stated .was as much ,as .20
•C1 1b members'', at t e e ular sideration a: hou•sin • develop-, *mills: ` • . i_.. .The regular ; rnee.tin • :of the : :1frs. Curran makes her. home:'
• � h . x g., . Rf housing' mr11s: below. othex: destreGt :muni . g g...
•on•m ' 'i a ill.. in Lucknow, .haying moved: ,fro
meeting. this 'w:eek, as:.. •'to _• kick menet an�d> industrial„ pramotio �cinal`i les with corn ar ole `� foci-' Lucknow`; Wo •ens Inst tut ,.'w g m„
,.. �. t •,p a..
" •: ' s . T Reeve, expressed thanks ..to • . ' .' be held ..in' the - ` Town: Hal..l • on . their:•Aslhfiel'd, farm`. follpwn 'the
o f, plans, set for.. next Mgnday..� , he, R p . ' ,: lades: • �--_,;, . ,... ,
. in •his: co'll a es and •'officials . a._d Fwrida g
A lila of c,anvas5 rs i, named, a gu f Im roved: h titin•will be.'con yf Janizary 12th at 2 30:;Rev death• of Mr.. Curran.: early last
.. a ,. ,. .. laid , ....: P . g g
this article, They will cover, the ,stress on striving for, a :pro- ' or' xoad wo k is, Wilfred. • Wright::. will '' speak • On .year. • :. ' ,
tmued. The ,ma] r
di r'of future rogres.s•.and.pros- c•tizenshi and education and Mr.: • Mrs. '.Curran' has'...been a life
st sct. from: Dungannon, to• gram p ..- _ , .nearing co.mp.let�on, • except., for ; - . p.
i n of .a11 ' . z }
"Blackhorse" `and ;•.from the -Lake:' crit with 'considerat o : ft.''W.• Delariey,.','field secretary of long .. Member of '.Blake. Church,
p y� res.unfacmg., The Reeve,.recom
r .Society win .'.be in 'haven been born'. on. 'the• ,farm
to Whtec+hiitrch;. ,, the ratepayers, that:: they should 'mended dist curve of :sidewalks the ;Cance •
S xety;' g
_ : Visitors are welcome.' adjacent: to , the:.church - •'
•a • be made with a view ,to replacing
•thein over.' the •next 4 .or 5 : years.
1: P.16.0 ' , In' Police Question '
Discuss Vocational . Schoo
Police' ro�tecti.on•is: badly needNew United• Church WomeliOrganization'p Y
• ed,• Mr, Joynt;said, `'but they' have•
., .
To 'Show Approval be n` tr . n •• t'a- hos t`he rate. 'West Wawanoshr Fail,d
' a trying,
Service and•' mak- �{naugurate �' At ••, Sunday
: Ratepayers of ' the ` • northern
;:in.g •: •other• 'major.? •improvements:
"half" of West Wawanosh Town :meeting up to` date'on develop However he said. that Council
ship hip . attended a 'public meeting merits; , would at • an`" early date enquire
• • 'at. S.t. Helens Wornen's Institute
• Hall on Thursday evening, to
hear of;and: discus the proposed
',vocational :school .'at Win:gharn,
• which has: been; suggested to in-.
clude the Lucknow Area
The Club has. a•separate Wel-
fare:,'account. for looking: after all
cases that'`come under this :cate-
gory. and this. account is ; reserv-
' solely.', for welfare work and.;
.Cannot be touched for such pro
Campaign Monday, ;Objective
In Lucknow Uriete.d:Cl ;inch on ': the 'land, the newawomen's ' or
Sunday morning,`• in cOntiYlon'with'' ganiz'ation 'known as The: United
Church Women, came. `into being
Continued" on Page..10)' .-•. (Continued on Page. 3) vthousands,of co3hgrega.tions acrossg
, ., .. , ',� : -;�=-- offrcrally
A special inaugural service
Kn s
Two ExCounciHcrs
was :held, -culminating with: the
dedication. sof the 'Executive,. and.
Eon•clidin. :.with :`tine' observance:
'About 30 `attended this . meets ` "of Holy Communio.n. "
qi � 2 f,a Rev H. W. Strapp "conducted
ing • cabled rby the; West Wawa=, s;' hf W
cation of th el;foll ice d..dedi
nosh Council; 'who sought to
rvrc.e . an
learn ,` the rate= y f� g :officers: :
learn �' Connell;
feeling .of y f a .{` _�- � � Hon, . President;'Mrs:, °•H.ceW; -
.:payers,, as a`• guide to Council.' in' 4 ` f :
'. £ Fla£. ' fN.r f d/fi u A�•. Strapp{;, .Hoii.: Past Presidents,:
approving, =or disapproving fhe ,sf x f
scheme,�, > : <5'�': , ; :Mrs, 'J• W. •Joynt, Mrs. L. Ritchie,
7r <� /" Mrs G. • R. Whitby; President;
At the.close' at the meeting, ,a� ;'S t; - < a�! Mrs Ken' ` CaY•ieron• • °est Vice
'show. of hands, failed almos. t en-
n- ;,s_a;.'>:.:. �a4 ,. :,:.:' :p .{..:,�f,4,,>€.:,.. f• •>. •3 k
: .`:,f ,".�33»i£,4'�R •. . ,
,:;;,.'�. .` . s ,y.�:r3<,. .,3:•:..:e'::$:;;...'Y .a'�(�y, :,'..,. . ....'ysk,£,..�. i: -<k:r ',, ,Gyz-' :,.,._::,..yIa,�ri'.v.s � =�.9` :,i.J.�,,t;.:.•i ,. b, .%...f:`i'.3„: : �,
r3 x�.
:�.�•s,�s• a,:,1 ':S.Y .',s,�,,.:x•.,
���.:,y,ra,.✓ �; {!�S'5�'Tr/.�;.'.•r :i:/ i� „���,�1.° ,,y...`y.,' �,;,;:.,
.k�.:�!�•�l,.,>r£/ ss
t"y �1' {.,z,av�`?:��. r•S•
re:�s'.iden`o ,
tirelyto .indicate that the meet- ••2nd.Vice President MrsG.,New
eng favored the''proposal, •{bold;: Recording Secretary, Mrs.
Pew there .were, if .any, who B Prid rsnn; Gorres.?nnclin
',did not seemerit in technical cSe:Cre ary, _Miss Ada `Velster
-training, but whether or not this I TreasUrer MrsWel 1
plan was priact ca1f what the• re d r.:=n. Chairman ofStanding
sults wo 1 be, and the urian Comnitte s --Co imuni-yicrid
sweredquestionas tb tuition tsiip and Visiting. .1VIisOr; rev
costs; werefactors which seem h0 )Co-o�eiatidn.inChristian
In 1Y created many. doubts in the �y1 rd.ucation. andVtsslo;aiyrcu, a
">srileds oft_h audiencef.and a /:.�( tion, NrS. R.• Ackert.; $%nance,
• Cwenthesitarcy to. plunge '1 s, 'Vu die; Flower, Virs
info anything. /r C. -Bristow:' Literature and Com-
.Reeve id x. r :.... ,,< .. :� .:� �� ,� �h ��.<:: "� � n.tfizcation5 1r:.
>�' e Harvey Culbert Pres �;. 4 F � � .� � � � , 5 •G••�irde:fa ,Toile-
F:.' '�.:Y t .'s :.'v., � .. '„ L ..'t ..Aar . Y.. /i 4,4''G 3fs�!t � » 1 t,
.... :: r' �`,.. '�. � :. �' 2 k .: ..:: :'`• ,. 4i , x � �•, : /?Sy� R/Y .:s>`v�y:� A' �sAS s�..
ed. "'Several the `; .: J,;>: § q ��'�s�� ,�,Y� 'fitoi'le' Man •Mr.
venal members of � 1 ' ' r � £ gg
�: . .,... a; � �'a `": A 7'. � sk< sa �,,^/Sa//� a .sF.o-+as?'::' £ �..� 'Sf '� ,n �, .
,,. r , :", , t ao ? ri, s� z�' Y
,.:,.a: ,.;4 a :k<. : :.J. r; a a:, �,. f1,r,.:/.,� •�', ':2' ';t, •t • Tj Brooks;
Lucknow ool �.:: • : 5 '_ ,.. , r =a{r ..... ... : � � % � �. .. : ' rocramme Mrs. ' u
District . High Seth mp,_
:13oard.were in attendance Frank �; - dSocial Pu.i�ictions., 1\41,..s.� GI ': 'Iac-,
_ v. ,;a.Z N.CItil;ORS with In ,the, • centre is the veteran:! al1•nting will: take. place, on: repre ihin, the " West' Vi�awariosh TWc� -. N. L e':_ o ilI e � li'r.id,a fro ri 9:00 a.im tc 5:O0 m: Diarnzid;, Stewardshp and Re- '
1., , everal ,cava •municipal service � Clerk, J. R, an, , wh w b .; y. ri _ p f
representative on LIan intro- s y.. ax of a e this month and arid. the winnei will succeed` the : cru. t hg, MI•s':• V .. Wharrv; .Supply
duced ' are contestants for •thp Reeveshrp 87 ye rs g an,d Board Chairman Arthur . T . e . are I is serving:.his 33rd year -as :clerk. late •1:Iarolsl Percy., i �i..d i'1 ,A5sist,aneef: M `« A- ..
riles of- Culross -and Vice- or l�rl Kss owl' hip„ Z y .
i, a P,1 the left and :of the municipality, entineI Photo
10 Yr. `11't
4"hahrrriara: Gerald• .Rothwell. of. P. A, .�� I.
_' .
ucknow, `. -e ;..nn .; n tiie right.
who brought the. aaslal
(f;onttinzec "tin Page
• ;e