HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-03, Page 12t. 7!t r.. *AGE T, WEt,VE ry HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LZTCKNOW. ONTARIO ' WEDNES.UA•tJAN, 3rd 19.62: the fashionable neW.: all-ny, loll . support • ,•,qtr stocking } `w for tired legs .f hupp-hosd: . by * KAYSER., u '`- ' e is for$ 495S h pP..os every woman, • pr• on her feet a .lot! House:: wives, expectantrothers,, working women, women with mild varicose veins ....:have been wearing Supp -hose 'and •repotting. wonderful results! .''• CoatsJ .just one-third:what you'd. expect' to: pay.I •. Outwears =other nylons• •Contains no rubber i •shesaike an iiia Y..fine seri els Gnrdien Pito*. No: 570,201 af arliion • 10 ger Squire •t. .: K: Agent for KtNCAI�DINE 'CLEANERS ASHTON'S ' • 1.adtes • & Men's Wear • Lucknow' - Phone :THAT ,' Mr. and, Mrs. ' Raynard Ackert and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ackert are pending 'a, month in the -sunny South. fa reciates Facts ut- Forbe�rs. ,T mid-November'. we had the occaSlozi to be of some assistance to .C. J. Maier. of ,Oxnard;. Cali- fornia, in locating relatives Ing: this. community of a' friend Erwin • McDonald. Erwin is a grandson c . thePlate Neil McDonald and Margaret McGuire. His 'grandfather learn- ed . the..tinsmithing in Lucknow, `arid, upon his early death his Wi- dow and . three young .children, Harry, `William :and Neilena, re- turned to the Olivet ,community where Mrs. MacDonald was rais- ed, being:.a , daughter of Mr , ,,and Mrs. William McGuire. y Erwin's, father was Harry Mac DonaldWho: ho: married and lived in. Montana;. where' his death oc-: curved • some 30. years .ago at the age ,of. 48. • .'Armed'" with but scant in formation; Mr..: Maier. visited this community in the fall, and by his ,persistence.was able to piece to,:. gether . the loose ends as to who Erwin . McDonald's "forbears. were:' Ike have received ,the; follow - r from Mr,Maier:. follow- ing 'lett:..e .. 130.0• Valley Park Drive Oxnard, . California. ' Dear. Mr. Thompson, 'On illy. return from my trip a 'couple of•iweeks,,ago •I was pleas- antly ;surprisedto find a .copy' of the ''Lucknow' Sentinel" .await... ing• me: and even. more surprised to findthe mice : write up you gave of; my visit to your town. I• thank ;you . for all your courtesies and also for the. additional in formation. you Were. able to 'ga; Cher. Early this week •1 went to 'Los Angeles and relocated, my friend, Erwin•McDonald, ' whom I hadn't. seen 'fornearly nine years and gave. Mian ;a•written and verbal, report' ' of my research';,' He., was. very 'pleased with.;.my 'persistent interest and .the informnation l had gathered. The inyformatiOri. anew ered a lot of questions, that: had long been',in his mind: He intends. to writeto his close. relatives. Yours sincerely, 'Clarence J. Maier; tep�ris Uri Rabies Brucellosis (By George Gear, /Bruce County. Agricultural Representative) 1 learn from the 'Health of Ani - 'nuts Branch that the brucellosis 'test: fer:;Bruce County isg:.. P ro rens- ing satisfactorily.... About one- quarter' of the testing . has been completed' and it "will no 'doubbt.be finished. .by spring. ,• the percent-' age of reactors i$ very ,mall -- :about 'one-half: of one Per cent' of the, total cattle and: less than': one "per, cent of the herds . This speaks. 'Well for; our long experience with' calfhood vaccination. Practically ' all the ' heifer calves in Bruce County'' have -been° vaccinated for. a number of,yeats'now', There is no doubt that if no cattle had been. brought ' in ' with :brucellosisit would have been eliminated, .It is hoped that veterinarians and • far/mers will°continue the calfhiood :vaccination • program because 'in spite of getting rid of all bruce1- 16si5 reactors the, cattle popula-' tion Will need some prot'ecti6n per `chance some source 'of .,infection was , brought in . in the future, :It is not news that the' incidents of rabies , is much greater "this' fall ;than anyone anticipated: The fox population that was :practi- M calls, wiped out. in the ,previous' epidemic seems , to have replen- ished itself somewhat' and ,there are some foxes around. Too much cannot be said in the way' of warning' ,people to'. be on the watch for foxes or livestock that act peculiarly. It might be• a. good idea to . get : the old guru in, order and keep it ,handy - as f lag been 'said, it is much better to burya fox than ;•a coni": FORMER ''LO'CAL PASTOR RELATES ' FINANCING TALE his: Sentinel sub-. In renewin+g,tb- • scription, • Rev;. A: S. • Mitchell neglected to. endorse ',the 'cheque and in ..rectifying the omission, :he penned . a. note that ' . we . 'found interesting and: pass alongto our readers: :Mr.' Mitchell, :who now: resides in Hamilton, 'is. a former 'rector of Si. 'Peters and, associated ;:parishes. He ,Writes:' Dear Mr Thompson,'. 1 • am sorrythat I did not sign the cheque but assure you 'there Was no ;purpose in the :omission. :However, I. do rememberthat, many years ago (nearly seventy) one 'of . the'.lar'gest importing . and wholesale firms in England 'and: having' ideal reputation; found that • they could. not pay: cash on time.. They mailed all cheques unsigned and before the error could be rectified, there was am- ple to'. meet all 'obligations :and the•'reputation was. saved. As a young „man I . rememiber being told of this little trick, as •"classi- cal finance. However, • • I; ', am thankful that, in spite of seasonal. demands; >' I. was not so closely, strapped. • With- every good wish to' all,. ' • 'Arthur S. Mitchell.` he$entinet 7 . ' THAT'' W , L. MacKenzie, Mary and' Russell Algin .had , Christ-,. mas dinner;• with Mrs. Jessie:; Aliin in 'her room in Victoria Hospital. Jessie is typically. .cheery..' and is gaining in streng- th.. She has been receiving treatment "to clear up an .in- ,fection, before; undergoing ;the heart surgery which is neces saryif she is to regain her health. • THAT a Season's 'Grreetings "card" :from the Hamilton••Red Wings, 'Junior. A. hockey team, carried' " pictures of all the m' . is Paul Henderson, :son of Mr. players. A xnember of the tea • and..Mrs:. Garnet Henderson Of Lucknow. , The Redf„ Wings are. flying high this season: and look like ; real . contenders,: fox; . the •championship . „ AT T4441 the kindness of :inany'.in this community added Much joy. 'to Christmas` at, thehome of Mr. and. Mrs: Leo' Huber.' Leo;; who was employedop the' ICNR section here, has not 'Work- ed. for almost two years, • as a result of._, a muscular.' ailment ,and 'rheumatic condition. •The muscular weakness made it im ::possible to carry on: his dirties, end the only relief he gets, is;: from . tablets: ; taken :regularly. :each day,. • THAT' Jack•`Barbour. of:.Vancou- ver .sends :best wishes for.: 1962 to any old .friends who are .left in •the olds home:,town. Mr. Bar- .. bour, a retiredrailway ':man, is a son .of the late frchie Barbour of Lucknow; who 'was' secyeat onmanit here for Many. years 1 I. THAT a public' fleeting will be held in the 'St. Helens Hall. on ' Thursday evening of this week, at 8:36.. The .rneetitigis called • by the West .Wawanosh • Town - :ship ',Council and the purpose is to receive information', dis Cuss an .obtain 'the feeling' of: that portion of the township in the Lucknow High School Area, 'regarding the ,proposed Vocational ,school• at •Win Barn: THAT students of LUtcknoW Dis- Jri . t High. School held their Christmas dance, on Friday, De- cember 22nd; The• auditorium was decorated by• Grade eleven, students and music was' sup- plied by Emmerton's` orchestra. Highlight. of the evening was the draw ' for a.. portable • radio . which was wen by. Jim Reed. THAT "our' attention was drawn 'to an error in the 'classifi4I column in the :.last: issue, :when who else but 'Harvey .Webster, • .local:Ford:'salesman; gave us a• buzz' to say he'd :pay $1,006: for that '1962 Ford ..which was :ad- vertised for wrecking. The fact is., , it should ••have" read "1952 " A•T amon g • one ofour earliest post -Christmas customers. was the venerable Lucknow nonage nariart Thos.: H. urns � $� ., who was;; in to renew at:couple of 'Sentinel subscriptions. Mr. .'Burns, who is approaching his. 94th birthday; walked :down town, as he so, often does; from.; • his ' home near .'the CNIt .depot.. Mr; ', Burns thinks-. nothing ' ;of: this long walk, but says that "he's not 'as •,'mart as he used to be." . THAT Mr. and : Mrs. Donald.•, Leader of' Lucknow had a quantity • of meat "lifted" from their ,freezer early last Satur- day morning:, despite tits:•fact ,that• the 'house was ;not ;unoe- cupied at., the' time. . THAT Floyd Milne 'is• manager. • of : the '• local .arena- this • year and was initiated to his new THAT the' :Christmas season • brought ...a subscription order • from Tom Totten of .Fort Lau- derdale, 'Florida.. .Mrs, ' Totten is.• the ,fort ler Mary ' Cook of Paramount, ' and , a sister of Cam • Cook. Mr., Totten • is a friend :of .Gordon Srneltzer, a' former . • Lucknowite,' who ,re- sides . in Jasper;,. Alberta, and has • his winter home in Holly wood, Florida: THAT Mrs. Duncan MacDonald who' 'has been. in frail "''health for a long. tithe, was able to enjoy family, gatherings on Christmas and New Yearsat the home of Mr: and Mrs, Cain.. eron MacDonald. Mrs. `" Mac- Donald is in her..90th year and is at Pinecrest Manor, duties fast 'week.: • Luckn.e NEAREST TO YOUR BANK:: and ,POST ,OFFICE. Murgarine. Super : Sale Delinar For Table- Use ,And. Raking., • . HighIand F;ri4e Coffee, lbs Our Exclusive Top eller. Feature. I Se ave. 27e, peasonSuie.Burgaini.. , 8 tins Save 16c. 'County Kist. Standard 15 oz. Fruit Cocktail: Sale. • 2 tins 49c Save 'pc Libby's. Fancy Quality. 15 oz.. Toothpaste ::Sale. Save 26c 9c Crest Family Size. Regularly; $1.05. Tube. H EADQUARTERS: ' FOR ALL • �FRESH' . FRUITS` .AND,` VEGETABLES.. Yes, . we ' have full variety;, OUR SPECIALTY : APPLES BY THE BUSHEL. Values, Effective. January 4 We Sell. -Fork ess ,, Phone 1,19,. Luck:row: THAT'with Christmas aid New Year pleasures and festivities :Xiow in:' the 'past, • there are those, particularly of the older generations who 'start thinking, of spring.''Deeenlber 210 'mark - .ed the shortest period .of day`- light an Jthe year. ,Old Sol then started his •slow .but• sure "jour;. new north" and:,_almost imper • ceptably at first, but .gradually the 'days ;..begin to lengthen, However, ; the stark reality ' is that ;in the 'meantiine; •We can erect ' close i' to.. three months' of ,winter: . • • .THAT the Kincardine , commu nity was :saddened. by the. sud ; den death' of 'Ernie McCreath on Wednesday,: December Hestricken with a •.:hear13tht seizure, at the .lunch: hoar and: died instantly; He ,. was 41. He ▪ is 'survived by> his' wife the former' Lois 'MacLean of.; Am-. ber..ley, "and a :young" daughter, Lrllian. Mae. THAT •the `:. annual ., meetingof:. • U'S.S.:No: 13 Ashfield °fast) :was held; last week Trust= ees are Alvin, Alton, chairman, Jerry Crans ton and.Ja` ck Alton; with Wm. Rutherford, secre-• tart' -treasurer. The Board • is currently advertising .for care. taker applications THATit's Comparatively . no rare to ;see one of • large :Cana- dian. ' anadial•.' • coppers and '.: especially, one ` that's : over: ;100years old. • Keith Maulden ,came upon one' that. is still in : circulation,, bearing ' the stamp. of ' Queen Victoria . and' dated 18151.' 'THAT. the:.annuai problem' is .be-' ing ,ex erienced: b ' .those plow- ing Y p. ing . and removing ' snow along 'Lucknow's" main: street. Many • cars are.;