HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-03, Page 2aI 4 • • • PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LU. , .QNTARIO WEDNF DAY AN: 3rd,' 1962; Bi.0 Ritchie Lands 42 -Pound Wahoo BIRTHS While Holidaying Irr.florida At Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ritchie, their son Bill and daughter, Don- na, arrived home early New Year's day from. ` a Christmas' holiday in. Flgrida. They. left by motor for the south on Decenr- ber 14th.They made their headquarters at •Homestead,. south of Miami, and one of their vacation.. activi- • ties. was fishing, with consider- able success.. Evidence, of this is 42 -pound Wahoo wh•ieh Bill hooked'in deep. water off . Key Largo. • It measur- ed 57 inches • in length 'and had a girth of 22 , inches. "m i't's size qualified it 'as .'a"Tournament• Fish" The mpnster. received the deep freeze treatment and was brought . home as; evidence'' bo support the fish, story. They had other fish in their catch including a couple,. of Bar: racudas; : with 'Alf hooking one which was estimated . at • about 30pounds. The Barracudas wre e swapped"• to ,have, the Wahoo frozen >' ,While ;in.: F`lor da, --the -Ritchie- family visited ''with Airs cousin, 111 Ritchie, sore. of the' late •B�o= den . Ritchie of Windsor. SIU. 'P�rjeous 'Head Canadian ;Club Daytona Beach, Fla., Decemmber 28th =-- A former Lucknow hard- ware dealer,. 'William Porteous,. has been' elected this...year's pre- sident of the Daytona Beach Can- / adian an/.adian Club. He hasbeen: a winter resident of Daytona Beach for the past .10' years.. • The Canadian Club ° is.: enter- ing'-its.1°5th consecutive ` season. Boasting members from - every province; 'this' year's- club has.; a total; enrollment of 'over 300 Can- • adians who will spend` the ei- • tire winter. 'season >in : Daytona Beach. Approximately,250 .' he rt - 'staying . winter . guests are ex- pected', to attend club , ctivities. •The lub .has eight meetings each ,liter -- held .on the e first and third Thursday, oaf each month, from' • December Jot ` to March 3;1st. After the formalities, of old and new business, are dis- pensed with, a movie or. .lecture • is provided. 0. • Since it .is a fun -type group, throughout the season the • club arranges a picnic,. dinner dance,. and card party DECEMBER 'SNOW LIGHT'. UNTIL NEAR MONTH'S END DRIVE • TO MEET BRUCE OBJECTIVE Jack 1VIeGillivray,• chairman of the Bruce County FAME Com- mittee, makes:, the 'following an:-.. nouncement to livestock produ- • cers in .. the C.ounty: . The Farmers: Allied Meat En- • terprises •Co=operative ...Ltd., or- better known as FAME is making steady progress. Our objective in. BruceCounty: is $104,000.00 • and. up to . the present time we have raised 'over ,$801000.00, Some of the smaller counties in • the ' pro•-. vince' have already .passed their objective. • We 'hope..' to reach aur objective very 'soon: Some townships' have . done ex- 'ceptionally Well and passed • their quotas:- others net; 'so well. The townships that have not been'too well canvassed. will : try and.have a canvasser call on ,every farmer. • This is a• • self help program• and • the biggest step. that live.; stockproducers'have ever taken; following . their . product . righ't.' through to the. consumer: 'FAME • will • be Aariatlattt processing plant bidding competitively for your. livestock;: • When the: canvasser' calfs on you, welcome him, and invest %n your own business.; A resume: of December Weath- er records, sums up' •the .month as a: fine one with, the exception of three or. four .days. : ' The high, for the month was 55 degrees with a. low of 4 above. There was 1.36 inches of rain and a •• total of 29.75 inches of snow. About' half of, thhiamount came Jr the last s era ys 'of the Month; which until. • the had h. beer comparatively free Of snow. In a 24-hour Period on Decem- ber 22-23, the snowfall measur- ed 12 inches; which' was close to. half .of 'the . month's' total. . Sy comparison, there'. was 53' inches of snow in December .1960. ° Zion Folk Present Mrs, Jacob Hunter OriThursday evening, Decem- ber 28th,. Mr • and 'Mrs ' Gordon Kirkland and 'Mr. and Mrs: Jim, Hunter called:onMrs. Jacob Hun- ter, : Lucknow and .' on .behalf ' of the people of: the' Zion'. congre=. gation, presented her with, an electric. frying pan . and a coffee. table. An appropriate 'card`'. and the following address accompan- ied the ;gifts.. ngh STANLEY -- in Wiam en- eral Hospital on, Friday, Decem- ber 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. George .Stanley 'of Lucknow,. a son, Al- lan Douglas. MORNINGSTAR .• At Wingham General :Hospital, on Wednesday, December 20th, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Morningstar, Luck- .., • ,. now, a son., - de BRUYN At Wingham Gen- eral.Hospital, On Friday, Decem- ber 22nd,, 196.1, to . Mr. and 'Mrs• Herman de Bruyn,, ..R 11.. 5, Luck - now, • a ..daughter. • McKLM Joy and ,Reid' McKim are happy to announce the adop- tion 'of their gon•,. Mark Reid: Born on February 16th, , 1981, A r- rived onDecember 28th, 1 61 ••.. McKIM: Florence and Alan M•oKim of Richmond Hill are - happy 'to announce the, , birth of their • son, Alan Emerson,, on De- cember 18th, ".1961. CARTER at .. Kincardine hos- -Pita]: os .pita]- on December 13th, 1961, •to rt •Mr: and Mrs. John Carter., R.R.R 6. Lucknow,, „.a son: ILWKET -- in Wingham' Hospi- tal on Wednesday, December 27 to Mr.. and ' Mrs. Allan Hackett of L:Lucknow, a daughter,. Gail Elizabeth., Lucknow, , Ontario • December 28hh, 1961 :Dear; Tena• •' On behalf of. Y our friends at Zion we' vyould like you to accept these gifts as a small token of. remembrance of the years lived" in our community: With ' thein go. our best wishes for health. and happiness in your . home . in' .Luck now ;You were always ready. to as - silt whenever the occasion arose in. •. the community, . Church and' W.M.S. ;work, :. We'.11 miss your helping hand, and sincerely hope' you ;will con tinue to attend, our meetings'; and also visit with ,.us in •aur ,homes whenever you find it convenient. We „trust :you: ;will find these gifts :useful and may they`: remind you of the good. wishes of your friends. at. Zion Church. ••' . . Gordan ' and Jessie Kirkland, Jim and Isabel : Hunter.. Mrs:: Hunter thanked therm for. remembering her .and invited all the ` Zion friends . to call and : visit with her; • Weddlng Of local Interest At London SEIFERT 4- WALL A' quiet Christina. sseason `wed, ding was'solemnized at St.' James Presbyterian Church, London,: ons Saturday,., December 23rd by Rev. Mr. 'Stewart; uniting, in marriage Miss Sharon E Wall, London, Ont. and ' Seigfried Siefert • of ;Germany:•: ' •The bride wore ` a• ,dark green suit with ,matching white .acces- sories. The bridesmaids and • best man .were Mr. and -Mrs,Marvin McLean,; sister and • brotherin-. law of the groom: The bride's mother, Mrs. Ethel Wall, formerly of this community. Wore. old • gold and matching. ac cessories •of black. 1'Immediate friends attending the ,weddingout. Of. the city: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Lon, don; Miss Heidi Seifert, . Ger- many; Mr. Dave Creighton, Nova Scotia; Mr.:. Alf Anglehart, Que- bec. OBITUARY GEORGE .•`SMITH • George. Smitli� age e : 6fi• -cif Swift. . g 'Current, 'Saskatchewan,.' died suddenly, from a heart ;-attack. in Swift •' Current' 'on,. Deeemnber 9th. Mr. Smith Was the son of An-. drew Smith and .Fanny 'Martin and was born in .the Paramount district,' :The::Smith family • lived next to the farm; now: owned .• by Kelso.' McNay;. south of 'the,''old .cheese:factory 'on 'High'wa86. George, spent' his ` childhood .days I her°e,. hilt . over 50: years ago• went: with 'his •parents :to :Saskatche- wan. Of a family*of eight sisters and brothers; three 'survive him;; He was a cousin of the Martin family of'..Paramdunt. district. Bial` was froth Swift Current United 'Church ¢ori` ecember 713th :' A . family of six children survive.. 'The" youngest,. Dean, • iS' .with the RCA' . at ' Centralia: THE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL LUCKNO • . •, OW' . ONTARIb, ', .,"The Sepoy Town" ' •-- On the Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized as secd l class' mail, .'Post Office Department, 'Ottawa Established' 1873—F'tiblished Each . Wednesday Afternoon; -Member 'of the C.W N.A, and ,the O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, 83.00 '•a year, in 'advance -4• to the U.'S.A,,' $4.00 L, Campbell, Thompson 'arid, Donald C. Thompson,. Publisher's WEDNESDAY, fJAN3rd, 1962 •Teachers Not ,Consulted ay Education Department Regardinglocational P�dn The . new •Ontario plan • for . a three • stream education.. system consisting of. academic, technical and . commercial divisions, was given the • endorsement ;of the Ontario Secondary. School Tea - c .:rs' Federation at the Federa- tn's Annual assembly - held in Hamilto n inthe last week in De- cember. ; The Assembly°at" the same time expressed 'its ' displeasure over the . fact, that the .profession 'had not: been consulted by theDe- par'tment of Education. prior to the announcement of the new Plan , last August. Wed At Sarnia` The' marriage •of Mary Porte- ous and Robert $ell was solemn nixed' at • •St, Andrews-. Manse, Sarnia, by Rev. D Si. .Clair C ampbell•. on 'Saturday; Decem- ber '23rd. • -:.. The bride is the daughter OfMr. Mr. and' '1V1rs ' `"W. A ': Porteous of Lucknow, and •winter residents in: 'Florida. The groom is the.. . soli: 'of Mr. and ;Mrs:..JOhn B. Bell of Glasgow, Scotland. Mr, and. Mrs:. Bell *Will reside in - Sarnia. ` It asked that no further. chang- es be made by the' Government without consuiting the profession, and that an, official representa- tive • of OSSTF be permitted to sit: on any. Department Commit- tee . contemplating further altera- tion ' The Federation's .sentiments in this matterf.were underscored by the retiring president 'of the: Fe- deration, R. A. Cosens; of Delhi, •Ont , in- his presidential:address. He' deplored .the , apparent lack of co-operation 'in education matters between teachers ..on the ,one hand and government at all levels- - 'the other.' '• This tendency, for.. each group •"to proceed .by itself rather than .consult, and work with the other for. the comnion good,",; Mr Cos - ens said, could only have a re; gressive'. effect on education:' He. expressed concern . also over the fact that '"too ,many- teachers "&. trustees — :feel, they are onop posing. sides waging a cold. war." While he could ,,take some en- couragement from 'the recent. moves toward greater co -opera tion, be warned that "there is no room for a stIslem that keeps the right hand in ignorance of the left." • On teachers' • Salaries• the As sembly.': for the fourth successive year recommended 'that new teacherswith minimum 'qusli .cations have a starting Mary base of $4,800' • The Assembly also' voted • to. • send`a request•to,•the Department of ' Education that : there be' no• discrimination • 'against teachers of industrial arts (e.g. manual training). under - the new three stream secondary school. plan, Injured Leaven �hur� h �... a ..vice.. Mrs., Gus Redmond- of St. Au- gustine, was. • severely injured when in, collision with a. 'par ' on Chrittm.as • .Sunday, as 'she was leaving, morning Mass at St.. Augustine Roman C.athbl e ' Churcha She was taken to • .Wingham Hospital . and .from 'there:: t'o'. St. • Jpseph's• Hospital,. London.. .Her• injuries were reported to,. include .a:: fractured. left le and pelvis; as, well as• suf f erh 'g from shock." Is Your Subscription Renewed? 0014a1.0.4=1.1'14111.1.1'n411.o.sr.� i4111.1,4 „ /.d.W.14111•1o4•..Tat „Moa>..br,. gar: Your • • Bookkeeping Neei WNLINE LUM'NA • good '.selection• in stock. If • we ' don't have ; 'our � articul r ' re uireinents .. we ' will Y P a 9 ► . order for : you. • Lo+ e` Leaf .ledger; Sh ets In Stocl ;ash Books In Stock. Donlas't t mleavinue tey.okes b'Orderookkhow ,aneeping e drequirements until the be`„r1962..' Phone:; KNOW SENTINEL;. Luckinow • '