HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-18, Page 11WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1963 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE ELEVEN AMBERLEY and 'DISTRICT .Mrs. Arthur Courtney was. hos- ! companied byMrs. Robert. Court- tess for .the Christmas meeting of ney. The •ro "ram P g me committee Reids Corners W.I. on Friday of Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mrs.' Mervyn{ ' last week with an attendance of Hooey, Mrs. Cliff :G des •and Mrs. S.. Mrs. Cecil Holland and Mrs. Mac Boyd had 'a display '_ R y of Christ Kelvin .Henderson .presided. The.,mas table centres, fancy .candles, l meeting opened', with the Ode and also •a Christmas tree made from Mary 'Stewart Collect. The roll dough which was. baked and dec-1 eau "Bring a treat for a rest orated with red and green cher- home and give a childhoodd,mem= ries and icing, '.After a • gift ex- ory of• Christmas was well change, carol 59 . interesting ge , was sung.Mrs sponded to. Many nteresting Cecil Holland closed the meeting memories were related, of earlier} with .a Christmas prayer. Hostess- days when Santa made his rounds. ` es for • the meeting were Mrs. Two contests one for light fruit John . Scott, Mrs; Gordon. Emmet cake" and one for dark fruit cake. ton, Mrs. George Wiglhtman, Mrs. Winners were Mrs. Cecil Holland Ross Shiells and Mrs'. Kelvin Hen for dark cake sand Mrs: Mac Boyd. derson. A delectable tea was sere- • for light fruit .cake: After • the 'ed by. the, hostesses and • a social business portion of the' ; meeting hour was 'enjoyed.- i • • Mrs. Bert Irwin' presided for the • , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell Christmas programme which opt' returned from:• their wedng trip ened with carol 55, "Joy To The on Friday. of last week.: Best. World." The Christmas Story: was wishes are .extended, to . them 'for future happiness. read � by Mrs. Mervyn Hooey af= `ter which Mrs., Gordon Emmerton Linda Messenger celebrated her gave a demonstration on making sixth ; birthday on Friday, Decem-' Christmas decorations. A great ber 13 when' a number of little 'deal of work was entailed in the friends were:: entertained at :her display Which was interesting to. home for the occasion. . • all. Mrs:: E nmerton was present- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Messenger ed with. a • Christmas corsage. Mrs. ''returned home after visiting with Elden Lowry ' and M.s. Perrin friends in Quebec', las' weel Lowry .sang a duet sooh • it ..:ii Mrs M. ' Nixon, ` M, s. . Williambe Christmas Day"and were ac -Wilkin' and Joyc` spent Friday in. London. Mrs. John Blue who is a patient in St. Joseph hospital, London is Mrs.. Harry Levis was hostess progressing favorably and we hope. for the Christmas meeting of the she will be home soon.. Kairshea Women's Institute held Mr. and Mrs Arth'm Courtney , at the Kairshea. Hall, The Scrip - visited in London with • relatives ture "The Christmas Story" was for a few days • last week. They. read by Mrs, Farish: Moffat. also called on. Miss Lovie Nesbitt I Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs, and 'Mrs. John Blue who are hos- , Ira Dickie conducted the business. pital'zed, • ' !Mrs. : Dickie reported on St, An- Mrs,' W. J; Courtney was hos drew's Ball. While it was not the tess ' for the Women's Guild of complete success of other years, St • Lukes Anglican church, Pine it still gave a satisfactory profit.. River on Thursday. The meeting Greetings were read from Ds- opened with. a Christmas carol,, trict President Mrs. Cliff Hewitt "While Shepherds Watched Their and Area Secretary •Mrs. Victor flocks . by Night" .and was . follow- Emerson, Leaders will be chosen ed with • prayer by Rev. S. R. later to attend the 4-H Training Lupton who also read the Christ- School for "The Milky Way" to oras ' story. Mr. Lupton presided beheld in Lucknow on January for the election of officers which L21,. and 22. Mrs. Lloyd MacDou resulted as follows; president, + gall' reported on preparations for Mrs. Gordon _•Emmerton;. , vice- • the wedding supper December. •21. president; Mrs, Herb Emnnerton; The January meeting will be held secretary, Mrs, Chester Emmer-• C • • ton; treasurer, Mrs. Reg Godfrey;. organist, . Mrs. John , Emmerton; • closing hymn grace .was sung and assistant Mrs, . W. J. Courtney;lunch was served : the hostess. by. Work committee, Mrs. Art Smelt- 1 and assistants. - zer, •Mrs: William Wilkens. and •: Mr. and Mrs. Elden : Bradley Mrs: Vl .; J. Courtney, . Ways and spent the week -end with relatives' Means,: , Mrs, . Reg Godfrey, Mrs. in Toronto. Carl Wilkin and Mrs: John Scott A benefit dance was held in the 'auditors, Mrs. Tom ,Farrell and Kincardine , pavilion on Friday Mrs. Wm. Wilkin. Mr. Lupton evening for Mr. and : Mrs. Jack thanked the Guild for.: their sup- Scott. Boyd's . orchestra played for port..; during the year. After the the dance: . I1I.1. Ladies View Biock Printing p.7)�` t j if R��+.� Rr ;w k% t r 1 r ; r , r. w T • in the hall. All members are ask- ed to bring samples of their hob- bycrafts to the meeting Mrs , the Moffat took the chair for the following programme.. Mrs. Harvey Houston ' played. medley of Christmas: songs. "Un- cle Billie's Visit" was the subject of a teuching reading by Dean McLeod. ' Mrs. Leonard McInnes demonstrated icing of cakes , and displayed several beautiful. cakes. She : concluded by • giving each member a piece of her Christmas cake. Mrs. A Hughes gave a reading "Oh Night :Divine," Mrs. H. Campbell showed the block printing ` done by the ladies who. took the course and.spoke of Sum- mary Day held at 1 Walkerton and Dean .MacLeod repeated for the benefit of the other members the reading, she had prepared and given at. Summary Day. This was all about block printing and those taking part. Gifts were, presented to .Mrs. ` ' Campbell and 'Mrs. Lavis leaders for block printing 'and guest speaker Mrs. McInnes, The roll call was exchange ; of thrist-' mas gifts which all enjoyed of course.' Mrs: A. .McLeod thanked Mrs. • Lavis and all taking part: Mrs. Lavis replied fittingly. Mrs.:'' Moffat and Mrs. McLeod assisted ' the.. hostess in serving lunch: I; U C KN O W Is YOUR Christmas Shopping Cenlre r r , - r i er K : ; • , -4 14,•'' or All All The:: :Family -,••- n. ... - ,.,, , .ti, . „ �, • TS, TS, k+' ;leTS, , ;Y.", ;t, x+ ! ,k• 1 , '�.. 'Y. �,--,,I -.e- �- .rte s'�� Y' -1 ; - : - ✓ -.r- •.i, r1. —k .c, *k thii$i` t `$:V0i,P01WitivitgoWri it47ltd .$0 0Jvit:e toll ii lteiet AR imrikivae fit Ri!rob4%, . OitiVi * " itiONRit04,rireY64-nv,.11 0ivit0evittOtt'it itii,411itiJi1 Rr. ii4v,iit 44..0 BAUER KATING and HOCKEY OUTFITS Canada's Top Value In Skate Outfits, With The Built -In Ankle Guard.. Featuring Men's Hockey Outfiis from $10.95 to $29.95 Every °Pair' Unconditionally • Guaranteed Rathwell::. Shoe Store Phone 528-3117 Special Price FOR CHRISTMAS ONLY' 21 cubic ft. freezer 9 cubic ft. Fridge Combination Fridge and Freezer Iucknow District` Co-op Phone. 528.2125 cial This Wee BLUEB[ttb Diomond Engagement Rings 20% OFF 5chmidis JEwEY and CHINA Phone 528-3532 SA -V -f The Sepoy Way •••• For • Value, Quality and Satisfaction Your Shop In Lucknow Store • , Berniett's SepoyStore Lucknow : Phone 52"8-2 129' Christmas Is Near . Good' Selection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS, STILL INSTOCK /PICK YOURS *UP NOW At SIEGRIST'S MARKET STORE :HERE ` ARE THEW RULES • Every cash purchase of Two Donees at any, of the. co-oper ating business• fitins on this est,. entitles you to a coupon and the: opportunity to vvin the weekly and monthly DRAW. • PRIZES. Deposit your •tickets;. in the Draw Boxes provided aneach of the participating 'business estrablittunents., Each :week a winner of. a $5.00. Merchandise :Certificate will be selected' and at the end OS '4 'weeek& •. the winners of the two mmitlhly Merchandise Certificates of $25,04 and $10.00 w41 be drawn in addition to the $45:00 weekly. prize.. Weekly prize winners rovial also be elibQ b1a for':. the monthly Draw 'Certificates, Weekly and Mon:bhly Certificates wall',' be redeemable ' at •any of the particiipatmg merchants. Decisions of the judges wibl. be final. Sentinel staff are .not eligible to enter. this Contest Draw.: • This Week's Winner of $5 Merchandise. Certificate' Allister MacKay, Ripley : who madee his purchase at Bennett's Sepoy Store The draw was made by Steve Stothers, Lucknow:... Merchandise Certificate May Be PiCked. Up .. C .At. The Lucknow Sentinel Festive Drcsses iJ Colorful wools, crepes, velvets and sheers . for Christmas. Choose forher all sizes & types from $5.5 up in many fabrics. Sanders�n's. Ladies' and Men's Wear Crest Hardware zneans SAVINGS for YOU n Lucknow S;IT-IOP • Crest Hardware`: Phone 528-3008 show TIRES 670-15 Traction Grip 314.95 .with running' ,.trade-in Supertest Service Stadion JOHN GAMMIE Phone 528-3430 Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND No Stamps No Gimmicks LOW PRICES ALWAYS Phone 528-3420 BIG SELECTION of. . KITCHEN SUITES To Choose F•roiit . For. The 'Christmas Shogper MacKenzie Furniture Phone 528-3432 super Values Whin' You Shop The RED and WHITE WAY savings • For You Hall's ed and White FOOD MARKET. Phone 528-3001 1 F -R -E -E Furnace Cleaning • • .,Service � By our- service roan the heating ,dealer who installs your 'furnace. Phare A Bud Hamilton CITIES , SERVICE. Agent Phone 528=2427 Open wily fromf 7:30• to 7 Gift. ;:Ideas Boy's and Men's HOCKEY PANTS • HOCKEY SWEATERS 'HOCKEY SOCKS New Arrivals; This Week At. rf Ashton • s. Ladies' Men's and Children's Wear, Phone 528.2128, Y• ?/ x: .i rK