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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-11, Page 20
PAGE TWENTY THE , LUC:SNOW SENTINEL. L . KNOW,. ONTARIO GIFTS. TO PLEASE' Ever y Allem ' . Of The Family ; ',1 si?r,' it tk ,-‘ Ire STORE OPEN. ALL DAY THURSDAY UNTIL Santa Arrives In Lucknow Saturday R MEN ,on alt Purchase' Neweismiew 6 For..Th� ladies Sweater Is sure to ' delight her and makes an ideal gift: Choose from our. large . selection in • the famous ''Lansea ' line; Banlons; Bellon or "Kroy ' wool. BULKY' KNITS — In both` pullovers azulcardigans. Styles in mohair and wool: • • i. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11th, 1963 .*****494—, uc rs nowFruit YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND t SAVE 19c hristmas Box Choc.kites Ib. 74t MEADOW GOLD SAVE TO 14s Ice Crem Sale '/s ton pkg. 79c • Discount Brand 100 ac 2 cup size Tea: Bags sale OUR EXCLUSIVE TOP' SELLER Highkifld. Pride,Offee YORK Family Size 1 lh. Peanut Butter Sale : . DE.LMAR 'BRAND Margarine Super Sale SUNKIST BRAND . GOOD SIZE ' .SAVE TO ' 1 9c Gloves, Scarves; Handbags. SAVE /OVER 1 Oc pkg. 69c SAVE 1.0c 6. 59c SAVE TO 6c. Jnr 55c SAVE TO 26c 5 lbs.: 99c. Or,flges' On Sale 2 Dozen : 19c1• 1 YES MADAM; YES : SIR, . THIS IS YOUR 7. YES • CHRISTMAS SHOPP • G HEADQUARTERS! DiScouni'Off An Church and Ste' Christmas i' • • • We Sell For Lea IGER1E — Always makes a Wit. practical gift, slips. haf-slips. panties, sleepwear„ ; half-slip and . pantie sets, HOISERY-by Kayser, Orient and Phantom. SUPP HOSE•= the sheer hosiery that eases tir- ed iered Iegs. Values 'Effective Lucmnow 528-3420' December; .12,'.13,:.14 • f ti V: A, itrameartatutt SKI JACKETS - Quilted ' nylon, - never= sible, in 'fashions latest shades. STRETCHY SLIMS Sizes 12-20. Gifts For Infants To . Size: 6x Blouses: Sweaters 14 "Years By the Sentinel.: Pyjama Hots . Slims ' THAT ? .. a� sus. T.. W.. Smith, Dresses :. , ; .to Ski Ja kets P t Manor on Friday' AT .Ivan .11i3yel .11i3of Kincardine and f merly of thdarlOW. Was fieeted ',..tO town or DRESS SHIRT byFrSyth ..: . $6.00 & 6.93 DRESS FIT'S by Stetson, Mallory : $3,93 to $11.93 Gift Certificates. and small felt boxed hats • for ',giving. • CARDIGANS .: _"53.93. to $16.95 • PULLOVERS . 9 to ' $10.93' SPORT SHIRTS by Bluestone, Forsyth and others .. $2,49 to $7.95. Nylon' Quilted SKI JACKETS .. . .. S12.93 app SUBURBAN COATS.... $19.95 up '. SLr ..... . . $39.93 to $69.95 TI .hook' -on or regular ;: 1.60. $130, '$2..0O' • SOCKS `( 59c.• 3i.0O!, S 130,. $1.95 'HOi. COATS. Plain or Plaid .... $3.95 to .$11.95 Acer FORlaNCARDINE. . .,. Free Pick -Up d De:Sery 'Monday and and Mei* Wear =— .Luelccirnir ;f' Z o us Do n s y y_ THAT air a!rvice as Ha- li' it�ed chow che' lea ir� rs. J. 1 .. Jaunt plan to ream at . , the hr's end and her official' been received. • lib THAT . Watsen. and Mel Wetter of , ite 'Varna district 'dropped , into the office last week_ Their ' mother., Mrs.. Rpt : ' (Jesse) WebAer'el'is sears aa: t et "age • and 'Still en oying, a fair measeureethealth. 113LAT deipite the fat.rinle tret ' . saw .waw nevi and modern schools, 1,, the &redden of .a &bed Area the ratepayers of n- carffine toc aunt no part Of They lVA against a staitel area mad,. it 1 1 AT c. and De- ! Nee or S Thomas Will leave the .Vast of the. r . t •• l `:� be -� .., a hairdres- ser. "Mrs. Ouse h the - % r Spey Irak of Linikiliwz A ffat " ^rt er . 'held ik at Ile' home a :" and Itrse IrwinEtaloosa r€ i last - Prier o their depart' MAT ala wry sheet• t ar• be out .a% the aiet at tbe Abase Ss carries an mfr ,cal ems. tW, ate sail the teiM is .the ` ct LI. 11 and Ilstadents a THAT Ross . Wells of Amberley has , purchased the Waage lage ::res- idence, sidence, . formerly known as the Robert Dimas ' home on Wil- loughby, St.„ from Ewart Mac- Pherson, who had acquired' the: property a few mouths W. THAT 'Arms W. D.• Rutherford . f S. Helens was a recent visitor in .'Ottawa with ' Dr. J. K. AI; Gordon, who iss' % year of age: Dr. mo* a native of S Helens; . ms: still mentally alert and has 'nem Pest intent- #' a , old triendS — now very few — whom he once mow. THAT this Week we Publish a be- lated card cit thanks for Jack Curran and no fault of . Jack ms's:.. The notation . on the pad . to. write the ural` Of thanks .just ifiSappear, ed` Jack was in ' ©ctoria Hes pital - merit treat-. a tt for a diabetic tnom_ THAT: tart Pritchard, I2 -e M.. son 'of Mr. and Mrs Ehno Prat: cam. is a patient m Victeria Hospital, iro n 1 has 'had an eye infection which hai sob- • bed hha of_ 'the siert of o ems_ The eowas time to prevent the m. affecting .the ,other. e THAT .friends of Mir, arid . • John'. W. ' • Scott and Sons. .4gh . cencession.,lharon ToWnship, are a. ID that' behalf in .Kincartnoe on Fra`' c The Scott' briny neer- ! edasabreafew,w 7 age fire levelled then. day tiara. • ,THAT a peri of service Egypit with the T:y Farce was called eff on eve of departure for Wiyrie 4 Bim, Slin. et Mr. and 31s.. ' Bye. 'D -r; . Wayme was it Cenraall. :then orders :chanted and he .:W . . he had been pry • to " lhas ' aAr the off a. frocit on theboa :=y' was cocaseted at the' tbe nen&.. John Adams a ` era' Awe masen, "came cct 4etiterneseno do the by' Pete :1'aai tsentsr Mr Ma heal ahe .4 which. , . towed h :info„ sem' tiiiie . eminent. so '' ." ._Ea aid c' rants to t the