HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-11, Page 7r
WEDNESDAY, DEC, • .11th, • 1963.
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The regular meeting of White- Grace closed"_ the meeting- The
church Women's Institute was hostesses Mrs. Albert. Coultes and
held in Whitechurch CommunityMrs- Schol_-; served lunch to 29
Memorial Hall 'on December 3.1 .
superintendent o f, Messengers,
Mrs. arence Ritchie; assistant,
.Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm. . Rev.
on; attenders , Mitchell closed the meeting
Brayer, lunch was served' and . the
This meeting was held one week• The U.C.W. t cid their in ting birthday tea for those.having a
earlier than.. usual due to Christ: on Wednesday, .r ._ember` 4 at birthday, within the • last 3 months.
The Whitechurch Women's In-
stitute helda. euchre party . in
Community Memorial Hall with
10 tables in play, Winners ,of the
prizes were high man, Mr. John
la m
Sproal; � high lady, Mrs_ Gersho
Johnston;' lucky draw, Mrs_ Rus-'
sol Ross. They will meet again
next Monday evening, December
chellgave the Christmas Story, "In, 9 when all Institute ladies will
bet's.. The January meeting' will as much" and read a poem "Wlmt provide,.. the lnch_
be held' at the home of Mrs_ Wal is Christ mas9» Mrs. W. R_ Far: •
lace Conn. Mrs. Garnet Farrier Tier led Mr. and Mrs. W�71iam Under--
- prayer. The roll ca' wood of Toronto .
The priori and:. Mrs. Victor Emerson also of- spent the week-
pal, .Mr_ Stuart Collyer fered their ' homes for was answered by — •A C;bVisit Visitors
end. with Af_ . and Mrs_ • James
meetings- verse, ' 18 members and 3 visitors
on behalf of the ''school Board, It;was decided. to have a ;euchre McIllrath.
thanked the ladies for 'their don- ply -on . December 330' and Mrs. responded_''. :ifiaas
nreMrs_Visor till:deriTizenwasthe,tion. ScholtzandMrs_Coulter l buffypenancereading-given eby winnerMrs-
the , a pale'
The Institute is to,send a don- the prizes for this. Mrs._. Rev- Rocha. Mrs- Russel sheets . at the school concert.
ation `to the . Children's Aid So-' euchre a record ` hop dance will ' Gaunt gave a taik on Literature m St. Helens on Tuesday even-
at Walkerton. .Card parties be held for arrange
for this. and ilio study book. A vote of ID�
for the new year were arranged mothers will - The thankswas. given the' hostess Airs. Mrs_ De Groot •accompanied. her
and a committee to pack .cheerio roll call was answered _ A . treat Scholtz for her efforts in decorat son-in-law Mr- Jacob EniPer . on
boxes was appointed. The roll for , a shut -hi. Christmas . Carols ino her - home • to his return to Knox College, Tor -
call was answered by, A Memory were enjoyed with Mrs. Garnet display . Christ-eg
mac and her hospitality.The 'next' onto and -spent 'the geek with lir.
Lucknow W.I. Presents: Record Player
At Public School Board Meeting
Mrs. J. L, MacMillan presided
for' the December meeting of the
Lucknow Women's Institute. - There
were 32 members. ' present and
several visitors. The : -meeting op-
ened with the Ode and . Mary
Stewart Collect, Mrs. Jean Whit-
hitbywas appointed secretary in the
absence of Mrs. A. ' J • Wilson.
Mrs. J., L. MacMillan, Mrs. G.
Whitby, Mrs. A. MacNay - repre-
senting the Lucknow W,I. attend-
ed ,the : Public --.School Board meet-
ing 11 esday . evening. On behalf
of the W.I. Mrs. MacMillan pre-
sented the Board with a record
player, to help further the - educa-
tion - • of Public School , students.
W.I. HId &eai11.Creative
mas concerts. The president Mrs.
Claude Coffin presided° and ' open-
ed the meeting with the sing-
ing of the . Ode and repeating ' the
Creed. The members decided not
to donate to War Memorial, Chil-
dress Aid nor Care. Mrs. Bee-
croft sent thanks for treats and
cards received from the ' mem-
the 'home of Mrs,. Ezra Scholtz.
Mrs. Russel Gaunt chair' lady pre-
sided — . the singing of . a . Christ-
mas Carol opened ' the meeting.
Mrs. Garnet Farrier read the
Scripture. Mrs. Russel Gaunt led
in prayer. Mrs. Claude Coffin
Sang . =- "I heard the bells on
Christmas Day." . Mrs. - Rev. Mit-
from your first Christmas concert. Farrier at , the ,pubo- The guest , meeting is January 2nd at the and Mrs. Hank Jansen of `Toronto_
Rev. H. Strapp. Was guest speaker . speaker Mrs: Miitan Moore was home of Mrsan Tiffin_ Rev.On Wednesday evening Mr and
and gave a very interesting „and introduced by Mrs. Coffin. Her
inspiring •talk on the • Motto, . "You address was . "Christmas in, the ,George • Mitchell installed the fol- Mrs. George , Currie, . East � Wa-
lowing officers — honorary pees- wanosh, Mr.. and Mrs. Aldon. Pur -
preach a better sermon with your Past. How many of us realize -.
Wes -
life than you, do with. your lips.".that ,when -Christmas bells , ring � dent, Mrs. Rev_ BfiF.,cheIl; pros- don, �mgbam, Mr. and � Mrs. Wes-
rdent, firs_ Milian Moore; 1st ley Twin, Mrs- Dawson, Mr- Tim
Af rs. E. Irwin played a violin solo out Canada herself was born. on vice, Mrs. Claude Coffin,- tress- and Miss Lois Falconer surprised
accompanied by Mrs. A..Reed; a Christmas Day, truly.' a child of
urer, Alrs:Albert Coulter 'record M. Cecil Falconer by gathering
medley of Christmas carols which Peace and . good will. It was on ing :r.�. at it
was: very much enjoyed by all. The
4-H Club leaders and girls . dis-
p yed their blouses 'and books„ of
their recent course. Mrs. H_ 'Laois
and Alts.: H. Campbell of Kairshea
• Christmas eve, 1866 in Westnun- �....,, .. �......, ... home, .,�...,� ........,..
corresponding secretary, Ar r s. ion of her birthday. They pre-.
Cookery Course
star Palace Hotel in London that Carl McClenaghan; chairman for rented her with several, gifts.
la 16men considered the needs. of various de
partments were, .Christ `AGir. and Mrs. Albert Coulter
U and Lo Canada These
war � ran. citizenship and social .action, and . Diane spent the week -end m
men formed the BritishNorth
Members of St. Helensmerica Act and 'it was as Christ- Mrs' ___,_Ezra Sdidtz; ' membership Wallacebwrg. with . Mr- and Mrs_
' W.I.W,I_ hada .lovely display of block; ��
Lucknow Womeo's Institutes re- printing articles from their're- mar bells pealed that'Tiny of - friendship and visit- Jack Coultes_
New Brunswick m as ing' Mrs_ Russel Gaunt; oo-oper-
eently held a successful• creative CeIIt' course-: Mrs. Lavis capably ,tion, Christian education and
cookery' course. - There .were 34.�la� the highlights, of the name glanced in the' Bible where
ladies m attendance_ 'course. it opened and saw these words finance, Mrs Russel Chapman,
kiss Mary. Machines, of the De- Mrs. K MacNay won the mince-
partinent - of Agriculture ' from l
Toronto was 'the • instructor .. and j
taught many new. waysof using
spices and herbs. New ideas were
presented . in ,� the using of •fruit
and cream sauces, for
vegetables for vari
omy as well as temp
eye and appetite.
missiOIIary, Airs_ Russet Purdon; BOWLIN__
_ `He shall have dominion from flowers, ims.. Albert eadtes; lit
meat tart contest. Mrs: Lewis and ' to sea . and so the Domuuon e-ature,. com�nunicat ns, period TIMBER TIPS
mer_ Cam acted as of Canada received . ,her name.
Pb� mages' Samuel de Champlain ...died 1635 reals, ' $�Irs_.. George Thompson, Don Leader; edged out Bill. Stew
Airs_ T. J_ Salkeld displayed sem oa Christo�as Day: Pemiy Past social functions; Mrs..Robert Laid- art on the triple thin week. bat
eral C`hrtstnnas table centres and
age was introduced on Christmas
II)aw programme,; . Airs_ IIwood � was vice versa .:on the sIDogle.
explained the art of. making them_ g
day .1898_ She gave a . poem
Just Before. Christmas and took
many of the older membersdown
memory lane as to how they
celebrated Christmas. The poem
How Christmas is celebrated
in other lands closed a most in-.
teresting address. Mrs. Coffin
eats and Mrs. J. L. MacMillanthanked all
coon • who had taken : part in the pro-
to the gram. Lunch' was served by hos-.
tosses 15Irs.A. MacNay, Mrs. C.
Hallam , and . Mrs_ K. MMacJay_ .
Births IA Targe .'wolf was' spotted 'e-
1 cently - in ;the '-Amberley area 'by Lthankeed. Mrs.. Moore and said
Bob McNain and Gord Harris_ • sometimes Christmas is sad,
,'T'he pair tracked the animal af- sometimes happy. but we should
ter spotting it . in • the car lights always be ` happy knowing Jesus
and were able to get quite close l cares for us. The singing of the
to it. { National Anthem and the Institute
ALTO111 ` — At Wingham and Drs-
• trice Hospital, on Tuesday, De-
. cember 3, 1963, to . Mr. and Mrs_
Alvin C. Alton, R.R. . 7, Lucknow,
a son..
r F 1
Grosk,o�rth ,: stewardship - and re -
crafting, Mrs. aarence Ritchie;
supply, social assistance, , Mrs.
Garnet Farrier; manse represen-
tative, ,Mrs_ Garnet Farrier; press
reporter and .publicity, Mrs. Dan.
Tiffin; pianist, Mrs. Garnet Far-
rier; auditors, Mrs. Ivan Laid-
law, Mrs_ ' Carl Weber; represen-
tative to Board of Stewards, firs:
Garnet - Farrier representative to.
Official Board, Mrs. Millan Moore -
Don rolled . a 792 ' fiat triple and
a 301 ' single and Bit Stewart's
triple was 784 with: a 342 single.
Clarence Greer rolled a triple of
749withhis high game being:..
299 pins.
Freda Errington topped the .
ladies sheet' with high triple of
590 flat and a •277 flat.
Tigers 33, Cubs 31, . Beavers 30,
Lions 25, Chipmunks. 24, Pole
representative to 11.111., Mrs.. D.' Cats 23, Coons 22, ' Gophers 22, -
Beecroft and Mis Millan Moore; Squinrels 21, Zebras 16, Kang
cos 10, Wolverines . 7.
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