HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-11, Page 6PAGE SIX. •
Cr on
W. , I. Meeting
IUptiaIS At Eoderik;h.
On Saturday, 'November. 30th in
St. ' George's Anglican Church,
Goderich;• Rev. Canon K. ' E. Tay-
ayfor performed , the : double ring.
marriage ceremony of Miss Joan
Elaine Crawford, ,daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Clifford Crawford,
Lucknow and. ' Mr. Charles . Wood-
oodford Avis Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Woodford Avis of
Toronto. ;
The bride was given in 'mar
riage by her father. She chose 'a
floor -length gown' of white peau
de sore fashioned with • jewel
neckline and ldypoint sleeves.
Appliques of alencon lace adorn-
ed the bodice and formed the
hem' of the chapel . train. Her
shoulder -length veil of silk il-
lusion ` fell from. 'a queen's crown
encrusted.withseed pearls, and
she carried a white prayer : book
with a double gardenia, showered
with red rosebuds and accented
with lace worn by the groom's
grandmother on the date of her
marriage 52 years ago. The
;groom wore his®. grandfather's
stick pin.
Miss Lynda Crawford, cousin
of the hide, of. • Goderich, was
matron ' of . honour and brides-
maids were Miss Andrea Keith
of Toronto and: Miss Diane Ray-.
ner of Kitchener. Theywore iden
tical ballerina length gowns •of
crystalgreen brocade with mat-
ching Ching � headpieces andwhite mum
Mr. Nelson Kent Bubbs of 'Tor-
onto was groomsman and the
guests:. were ushered by ' Dave
LeGallais • of Toronto and Mr.
William Avis, brother of the
groom, also from. Toronto. Mrs.
Terry Pym of Kitchener as sol-
oist 'sang "0 Perfect Love."
The receptionwas held in Mait-
land Golf and Country Club where
the :bride's mother, wearing a gold
brocade dress with matching hat
and shoes, black accessories and
a corsage'. of white mums, :re-
ceived • her. guests. The • ' groom's
mother • chose ' a blue organza
dress with hat and shoes' to match
and corsage of white mums.
Guests: were . present .from Tor-
oronto, Goderich, Islington, : Kitch-
ener; Galt and Oakville.,
For a wedding trip „ to Northern.
Ontario,- the .bride donned /a
channel, onyx '2 iece suit with
black fox collar, white and black
accessories and a white gardenia
corsage • ' .
Pre -Nuptial Events.
Prior to her marriage,. the bride
was entertained at showers in her
Honour in. Goderich, Toronto, Luc-
know and Port Albert.
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Purple Grove W.I.
Mrs. Peter Leeson • acted as
hostess for the December meeting
of, Purple Grove Women's, Insti
tote; "The first (2irist nas I can
remember" proved an • amusing,
roll call but proved that Christ-
mas is a family day. One mem-
ber told of how she . and her bro-
ther woke up at midnight on
Christmas Eve and crept down
to investigate the noise down-
own-'stairs. When they peeped out,
there was father playing with the.
toys, so . they stoleback to bed.
The members' signed Christmas.
cards to . send. to friends of the
district. Mrs. Alvin Blackwell pre-
pared a motto "The greatest gift
of all. was given. "at Christmas."
This was read ' by ' .Mrs. Aurel
Armstrong. Mrs, Don McCosh
read the Christmas Story . from
Luke's. Gospel. M s. Howard
Thompson read •a' letter received
by Mrs. Harviie Thompson• from
Port Rowner W.I. who have been
our . Friendship Link in England
for a 'few years. They ' also sent
a gift and lovely card. Mrs. Fran-
cis Boyle conducted a contest . on
Christmas Carols. This was won
by Mrs. Cecil Sutton's
s group.
Mrs. Frank Dore gave 2 Christ
mas` . readings. Reports of the
Home Nursing :'Course were given
by Mrs: Don McCosh, Mrs. Frank
Dore, Miss Eva . Culbert and Mrs.
Wm. Arnold_, :All agreed it had
been a most . worthwhile course.
Leaders for the Milky Way,
which is the next 4-H project,
Will be Mrs. Cecil Sutton and Mrs-
Frank. Dore. Each member took
a small wrapped :gift and drew
a member.and received her own
gift. This proved the parcels were
full of surprises and the mem-
embers decided to,. use the same
method of exchanging gifts again
next year. Mrs. Herb . Farrell re-
ceived the lucky English gift-
. The next meeting will be held.
at Mrs. Prank Dore's on January
8, . since .the'regular day ' falls on
New Year's Day. Miss Margaret.
Robertson thanked : the hostess:
Lunch was,, served by the
Mrs. 'Herb Farrell and Mrs.
and Thompson. '
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DUNLOP TIRES '(Moat Sizes, In Stock)
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Wheel Alignment. and:6alanc ng
Took Earlier Fright, local' Minister's
Brother Escaped ' Air Crash
Eager to get home, and to at John R. King . of I ucknow, who
tend his ' brother's ordination ser -was one of ' five Anglican minis
vice, decided ' Donald ming of l ters - ordained at Bishop Cronyn
Preston to, take the earlier flight 3 Memorial' Church, . London, on
out of Montreal on Friday, No=She b� rday morning, . November 30.
vember' 29th.'By so�,:doing he' is clergymen had beenin re -
alive today.' treat prior to the ordination, and
Mr. Ring had the choice of two `had been out of touch with news.
flights . out; of Montreal for Tor- reports or newspaper,'
onto. The second flight two It was on `,Saturday morning that •
hours later = carried 118 per- they heard of . the TCA, . crash, -.
sons to sudden death in the Lau- and Rev. Mr. Hing feared his
gentian foothills some twenty. miles brother .' was on that flight. He
from, Montreal. felt that the news was probably
The: crash of the ` DC -8 jet was being withheld by his family am -
of such terflfic , impact : that the ]"thl after . the ordination ceremony.
plane.. was '.reduced to bits of ' de- It was not until Mr. King. saw,
bris ` and ' few of ` the passengers his ' motherand brother come in
were identifiable: ' to the communion service on Sat-
atMr•. Burg is 'employed " by Hos- urday morning that his worst..
tess ' Food . Products of . Preston rears. were
and had, been, at Halifax for a- One ,• can scarcerIra"
r enq
week'' on company bass. his is 0 relief : joy, and
His return home was timed so his ` conviction . that •the Hand' . •a£
that he could attend the online- i God was at work in his brother.
tion service of his. brother, Rev. escaping' death by just two hours.
Got an extra -special something in.
mind that would bring added joy to
'all the family this Christmas?
Why not arrange to finance•it—and
all your other extra Christmas
expenses—with.a low-cost,
life -insured. B of Nr loan:. .
'' #.