HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-04, Page 3WEDNESDAY; PEC. 4th, 1963 THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE • ■ m■■■■■■uummii•i■■wasEEtiElmaximO■•■EEr■BE••■•••••■E■lt mumum■/E■■■E■■EBEE'.1ti% ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ a • i< $g3at f 3 m1t ! l l izt 31�3f r 3 3 R o f l ie Christmas ' Mixed .`N,uts ,An d Candies In'. Stock Now +iff1#twfi`.JY c +i+l D�,D#tat �. . ■ Regular 'Fancy WESTON ■ y h . Reg. �45c: to pkg Green Giant Peas -3 for 55c , Cinnamon Butterhorns- 41 c SAVE 4c 15 -Oz.. Tins•■ SAVE 4c 25c SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY a . YORK' Homogenized • • � Luncheon 'Rolls Peanut Butter 43c It l a ?►cenu test !aiotot at ao • • SAVE 4c • 16 -oz . Ice Box Ja ' ■ • Red.and • White For Value'jHeinz Relishes 27c Harriburg' Hot Do l' You can count on Red arid. White for iv Dog : 2 oz. Jar ,� ■ "t VALUE and QUALITY. Our: 'spacious. Store. ■ R S.O.S. . • ' i ns stocked to ■ ■ pkgs. 10 s � give you: the biggest selection, .■ SAVE 7c. ■ best• prices plus. ease and: shopping convene ■ ScouringPads ' fence.. Drop in, you lI ■ 2' for 45c ■■ it t r,1t r 1/$1 .tot tigtiVt to 140W1Wteg u t ROBIN HOOD 1 ■: ' `• Coupons Worth•' Mixes 1' al 0 • ■ '■ ■ si On Purchase of . Grade "A" Turkeys '' .1 Pouch Pak ' SAVE 7c pkg Will be given FREE at Red and White FI.FECY 32 oz. Size 1 with each purchaseof $1; 0 or over. g' Laundry Rinse 33c •: Save' here on your. Christmas fowl. n. ,. SAVE 13c' ; 7c" Off Pack ■ i ANOTHER RED and WHITE' .SAVING' i ■ b STUART HOUSE Aluminum ' ■ `i pgr tivo t''!" # 'Pit"'tatt togOi tt t ?'ti t!", ; ... ■ ■ • soFort Wrap . 1 Saiaaa Teo Bags .M 77c 1 SAVE 6c 25 -ft.; :Roll ,■. ■ SAVE 8c- Pkg. of 60's . "ALLEN'S Vi ' e i No. 1 rDE 50-lb. BaApple: Juice 2 for: 63c P.E.:.,Potatoes $1..39 SAVE 1 1c 48 -oz: Tins■ 1' -'. '",wito !tet t!,r zttiOturt '%t iii! uOt Left + fid" "'tial" !t 't int eritivitexhomt , -,. ' , % o t+ oti ■ ■ ■ Hall's :Redand Food• Store• i■: ■ • ■PHONE 528-3001 ' ■■ , i.E■R.■.ERE■ams.i.a■as■r■ii.i■.a8.■r■aai■■.■ie■n•■■IBnr.o■■■•i■■iu•a■.,■0■ii Local and General Stewart Levis returned home: re- cently .after_another spell in Vic- toria Hospital, where he was a -patient' for over four 'weeks. Flowers In the United', Church on Sunday : morning ' were placed by Mrs..', John Mowbray and ,Mrs. Wm. MacKinnon in memory of. their, mother, Mrs.. Marjorie John- sten: Mr. , and Mrs. ' John : Andrew of'. Edmonton , attended 'the ' .Royal. Winter Fair in . Toronto and wis-' ited with his aunt Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mr. Kirkland. John, ' is farm . broadcaster on a, radio, station: in . Edmonton.. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. •Roderick MacLeod Minister .1 SUNDAY, 'DECEMBER 8 10:00 ant Sunday ' School 11:OU a.m.. Morning Worship 1 •. LUCKNOW UNITED CH RCH Rev. Howard : W.. Strapp • Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 10:00 a.m. Sunday` School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship Christianity 'and' . "The Book"' SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT Monday, December • 16th I Mrs " Jennie Mills underwent major 'surgery m Victoria Hospi- tal, ospital, London, .the first of the week. , , Mrs Ron. ' Rothwell' and Mrs. Wm. Golloher. of.. Norwood spent, the week -end• with relatives here:; -Mr. and Mr's John Schmidt of Calgary, : Dr. ,Helen ' Salkeld and Miss Margaret. Tyler •of - the Sci- ence Service, Ottawa, were re- cent' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. • Salkeld. Mi. and Mrs. ' Ewart' Taylor who ' were both hospitalized. in Wiiagham, returned home Iast week — - Ewart on Wednesday and 'Mrs. Taylor on Thursday. •The Christmas meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute '; will be held in the Town Hall ori Friday,, ..December 6 at 2:30 p.m. Contest for mincemeat tarts. Donations for Christmas Cheer boxes., Mr. and • Mrs. Jim Bowd3n and Albert Pollard of Detroit . visited Monday with Mrs: Charles' Cooke: Miss Ruth Thompson spent 'the week -end in Toronto with her sister. Mrs., Ken 'Cameron and Mrs. ' Grant . McDiarmidaccom- panied' her to the city and -visited with Misses ,Flora and Olive Web- ster, 13ea and Margot ,Parker. ! . THE 1 Lucknow Christian Reformed ' Church' 1 -ra A.B.,1 ThiB. Listowel, Ont., Pastor SERVICES: 10:30 a.m. in Dutch, 2:30 p.m. in English i 3:30 p.n . 5tinday School i Curling Postponed UntiI..IceRead;y (Contributed) Even though there 'was 'a light turnout . at the open curling meet- ing Saturday night, there. was a very interesting ' and 'helpful dis- cussion period with very , encour- aging results. According to. in- terest shown: at . the `meeting as well as inquiries from other •mem- bers and interested parties, pos- sibilities for a' very, successful curling semen ' appear toe be ; in, store. . ' Reportswere made on ques- tions : arising out of last April's.. membership" ;meeting.. Dr... Jack • McKim . was appointed to fill the vacancyon the executive com- mittee created when Gordon Bai- lay . moved away.. • Threepersons have been added to the draw committee, ` Consist- ing of Dr. Jack McKim, Mary McIntyre' and Larry Salkeld. It was decided that we should hold a dub bonspiel . on Thurs- day, December 26, Boxing Day, • with an entry fee ' being set at $1 per person.. Rather- than hold- ing an elimination spiel at this time, such as we had last spring, everyone will curl 2 or 3 games, according ' to how many 'games, Can be worked intoe ,the. day. All of those in attendance at our. meeting have .signed up for curl- ing and fortunately many of them have paid their dues to enable us to meet payment of note due on our . curling rocks. ''There will be. no curling this ,Thursday as anticipated as the. ice will not be ready. Watch the. By The Sentinel THAT 'Hugh MacMillan, newest member of the Lticknow. Fire Department, attended the mon - 'My meeting of Monday• night THAT Mrs, Gorden MacPherson of St. Helens was honored at Achievement Day last week for ten years of continuous and valuable . 4-11 Club leadership. THAT The Sentinel will be glad to. ' carry reports of school Christmas; concerts providing they are submitted immediately after the concert is presented.' THAT the artificial ice ' piping has been relaid and tested. On Tuesday a levelling, ' coat • . of sand was being ';applied, and ice making will . commence im- mediately when, this work is done. THAT Mr. and' Mrs. Ira . Camp- bell of Belgrave and formerly of Lucknow have gone , to Flor- ida .to lorida''to spend the winter months. THAT Mrs. •Isaac Cranston, R.R. 2 Lucknow,` was the winner of a $50,' prize in the 'Goderich. Win -A -Prize draw. THAT Mrs. . Ray Thornton and ;Melody Ann ; of Lucknow, were guests' . of honor . at a 'surprise baby shower held . in Stratford on Friday evening. The shower, ' was ' held• at the home of . the bride's sister, Mrs. Gerald' Her- man, er man,:: Stratford, and was ' attend- ed by • many friends and . rela- tives. THAT Lucknow , Municipal Coun- cil. has '• done a creditable., job of • decorating Campbell St. for the Christmas season. Last week a crew was busy putting up , Christmas ' 'trees with col- ored lights on the light'. stand- ards :along main street. The re- sults- are effective and . if mer chants ' go . all out. 'todecorate their windows and stores, Luck - now will ' never have . taken on a more "Christmasy welcome.. ':t....■.■■... m ru■.■ia ... ..i.I....■■■.i .i • Winghant a THAT extensive renovations are, progressing at the Legion Hall, This remodelling; program .was required upon the local. Branch. being granted a club licence by the Liquor Licence Board, on condition that approved al- terations be . made. It is ex- pected that the premises will be ready very shortly. ' for the final, official inspection, THAT' Wm. Kempyn, proprietor. of the Clam ' Lake 'fishing re- sort in Kinloss Township, is a patient in St. Joseph's. Hospital, London • Room 238D. Mr;. Kempyn ruptured . a . disk in' his back which did notrespond to treatments, so he is.', now hos- pitalized. This misfortune can- ' cels plans Mr. and Mrs. Kem- pyn had for a trip to Califor- - iia. She is presently at .' the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mike Billy, R.R. 2 Rodney. THAT milk prices increasedlo- daily on Monday. Notice of the new prices accompanied : milk deliveries on Saturday, and are as follows: quarts 25c, ' jugs 68c, .. pints 14c, skim' 18c and chocolate, half.. pint' 7c. THAT the three month-end Com-• 'munityy Draw prize . winners were well scattered. The . weekly $5.00 prize went to. , a • Kincardine lady, . who had made. her . pur ' chase at Sanderson. The $25 monthly prize went to R.R. 2 Teeswater . and $10.00 prize stayed ,in Lucknow. •Both:',•.these lucky coupons were on purchas- es made at Hall's Red and White. The; winners are listed in ' the. Community Draw adver- tisement in . this issue. THAT winners at Monday night's ' card party sponsored by St Peters W.A. were shoot, high lady, Mrs. George Jardine; man, Oscar Hodgins; consola- tion, • Mrs. Anna. , Johnstone, Mrs. Robert ' Fisher; ' euchre,. high lady,' Mrs. Kenneth Bar- ' ger; man, Roy Haldenby; con- ! solation, Mrs Vi Seebach, 'Mrs. Ernest Gaunt.: The •party had five tables of 'shoot •' and four of euchre. • ■. a • ■. ■.• . 1 ` . ■ • FOR. 3 :DAY'S STARTING STARTING • • MONDAY; DEC. E9th ■. 0 0 •• THURSDAY, ` DEC, 5th •■ • • "Paras Bvlba" 'Carr On• ■ • Colour Starring . TONY. CURTIS t �J '. ■ Regardless •11 YUL ;BRYNNER ■ • CHRISTINE KAUFMAN ■ Featuring SIDNEY JAMES ■ and the CARRY ON GANG 11 ■ i This is an action -packed' Cossack . adventure that takes . ■ place in Russia back ' be- �� fore... the turnof the.cen- • ■' ,tury. It has a goods, story, 1 good • acting and - good' col- ■ our.' ■ ■ !0 ■a..i■■■■■UI■..■■■■ii■.s.■ Positively the funniest i .:i ■ "Carry •On" ever '. Two shows each night at 7:15' and. 9:15 111 0•••••00olo■.■■i.UEE■ ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t• ,THEATRE: • AT •THE•, •. .•' pARK • .� GODEICHshowtune 7.30. '.: *Air-conditioned For Your Comfort;' • • i ' .NOW ` PLAYING ' Dec. • 5-6-7 In Technicolor • • Jerry Lewis as "The -Nutty Professor" ' • •. • M'on., Tues., Wed.,' Dec. 9-10-11—' Double Bill •: • • •. Barbara Luna and Roger Mobley •••' •, Dime WithA. Halo" .' • Karl Boehm .and. Barbara Luss •• • ' „R if In: Tokyo' •• • Adult Entertainment • • Thur•., Fri., Sat. _ Dec. 12-13,14 ' •• • Cindy Carol and James Darren ' • • Take irrepressible Gid et to the Eternal City' ' . . • G eget GoesTo Rime ... ., •. Technicolor • •`_ • • paper for future announcement aa 2, Coming "Nurse eels", u new British fun film1 when Burling will start.' M�ii•i•s••.•o•*EeE••e••ui••eo•••oi••o••••••••••_ ' to , ;i