HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-12-04, Page 14.
• • , ---7.;,Few4.0walom.110MAP--.„ .W111111111W21 •
.$13.00 A Year In Advance -=-• 1,00 Extra To 11,:s,A.
Single Copy 10e.
16 Pages
Large V�te..-11VOt •'1/VaWattosh...
Durnin Et.. qes CuIbe.rt As... l'ke01,
Lorne Durnhi was elec reeve
• of West . Wawanosh T,o hip on I
Monday, when he edged Reeve '
Harvey Culbert by nine votes.
• Mr, Durnin has been a member
of Council for ten years., •
Two members Of the •present
' council were re-elected, Hilliard
'Tete" Jefferson and Gordon
Smyth, with two newcomers elec-
ted — Bob Lyons,* Jr., and Her-
. old Errington.
. • Orval. McPhee who has served
the Board for • ten years went
down to defeat, as did a new
/ aspirant Lednarcl J. Chisholm of
the Dungannon area. •
Mr. Culbert is concluding twelve
• yearsof municipal service ---
nine years a councillor and three
• years as reeve. He succeeded
John Durnin when he retired from•
the reeveship three years ago.
At that time . therewas a con-
test for council with Lorne Dur-
nh, Orval McPhee, Hilliard -.Jef-
ferson and Gordon.Smyth elected
in that order . with only 18, votes:
separating the four men •.z Dur-
nin 384, McPhee '379, Jefferson
378 and' Sniyth 366. •
(Continued on page 15)
Mother- Baby Well
. ,,, ...:_.
After Emergency .. i.
• ;
urgery Last. Weel
• Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton of
• Ashfield have a baby girl born
.by Caesarean section, in an ern-
, • ergency operation performed at
St. •Joseph's. Hospital, London, on
.Wednesday Of last week.
Mrs. Alton is the former Lois,
Crowston, daughter of Mr. and
, Mrs. John Crowston of Langside.
Her condition became sudden-
ly serious last Wednesday 'Morn-
ing, two weeks before the ex-
pected birth. Internal haemorr
hage was diagnosed, and the
baby's life very. 'much in doubt.
Mrs. Alton was rushed by am-
bulance, accompanied by a dOc-
tor, and, .surgery was performed
immediately Upon admittance, and
• the baby safely delivered:
• It was 'discovered that Mrs. Al-
ton had also suffered a ruptured
By Sunday she Was making a
speedy recovery,. and was able •
• • • ••/%•-•-=/"...-"*/..../*/*/
etires Atter 21 Years CNR Service
• Joe Conley, express and freight carrier. for. Canadian. National
Railways for twenty-one years, carried his last official parcel last• fromweek. Joe, has retiredfromthe position and has been succeeded
by Eldon Miller who has been assisting Joe now for some time.
With the change over also goes ,the job as caretaker at the local
CNR st'tion.
Joe succeeded Jim Gardner twenty-one years ago and' has
served faithfully since that time: Agent at' the. station at that
• time was Alex Hamilton and express was looked after by ex
press agent Miss •Elixabeth Henderson in the .office just next
door to' The Sentinel. Garnet Henderson became. agent here twelve
years ago, and a short time, later also became in charge of ex-
press and freight with the ,•downtown office disappearing and
• business done at the local depot., •
J• oe first drew his,Cexpress by team and wagon or sleigh and
later by truck. He has been a familiar and popular figure with
main streeters and all who knew him and will be missed "along
the main drag." • • •
• Joe, who will be 80 in Februaly, is a. leap year baby. He
Piens to take life easyntow and has for *a trip west in
mid December where he Will spend some time with his daughter
Agnes, Mrs..Ron McLelland, Ron and family. Joe° is fond of
the west and from reports "might just retire there." •
Huron And Ashfield Discuss Possible
Amberley To Beach Development Road
A proposal to have the road •
.running. from Amberley. to Am'-,
berley Beach accepted by the
Provincial Government. as 'a ;de
velopment road is cOrrenIfilly under
consideration by the townships of
Ashfield and Huron. ' •
Representatives. from . the' coun-
cils of the twotownships met
with Minister of Highways, •Chat -
les MacNaughton, recently at the'
scene: The meeting was' prior, to
the opening of the Bell Bridge
in Huron a few weeks ago. The
matter was • discussed and left
over to a future meeting of coun-
. The Sentinel- is, not familiar
with the procedure in such. mat-
ters but it is understood that a
resolution would have to be forth -
:coming from the municipal coun-
cils concerned. It would then be
given consideration' by the ,Pro-
The road from ,Aniberley to the
beach,. a little .over a mile, is
heavily trafficked, particularly in
In Hospital With
to sit u briefly and mother and
daughter may be able to come
• Word that Mrs. Alton had been
h•ome. within a few days.
rushed to the hospital, caused
deep concern again in this com-
munity,' where trouble and trag-
edy has been frequent in recent
months. fected •finger. ' • '
The digit has been botheririg
• Lorne for a time and when it
Infected Finger
Lorne Reid; ' who ' operates the
shoe repair department at , Rath -
'well's Shoe Store,. is a patient.
in Wingham Hospitar with an in -
First Communion
• After Ordination
Rev. John Robert King, resident
Anglican minister in Lucknow
' and.pastor of the four -point charge
of Lucknow, Dungannon, Port Al-
• bert and Ripley, was ordained
con Saturday to the priesthood,'
•On Sunday he officiated for his
first, communion services, a rite
• he is .not permitted to perform
until Otdination. ,
Rev. Mr. King was one of five
' candidates ordained- at Bishop
Cronyn Memorial Church: - Lon-
dOn, on Saturday morning at
10:30 a.m. Rt. Rev. G. N, Luxton,.
Bishop of Huron; has in charge,
• Mrs. king and immediate rel-
,atives attended the impressive
ordination ceremony and the re-
ception which followed*:
0 Rev. King, whose home was at
Preston, was in the' harWare bus-
iness before deciding to enter the
•• ministry, Ile has been the in-
cumbent in this parish Since Oe'
tober of last year. ,
didn't respond to Lorne's own.
medication; the doctor had him
admitted to the hospital on Sat-
urday Morning, where he may
spend -a few days. , •
Lorne learned the shoe repair
trade with the late S: C. Rathwell,
an occupation to which. hecould
adapt, after infantile paralysis
robbed him of the use ofhis
litnbs,, •
• Lorne was one of the victims
of,, the poliomyelitis epidemic
which 'struck . this community in
194i, and as a result he was nev-
et to walk again:
Lorne rose above thehandicap,
and cheerfully 'carries on his
trade with efficiency, . filling an
important service to this coriun-
unity. • •
He .driVes a car with hand eon-
trols, has a. collapsible •wheel chair
by which he can get out, or into
his car, without assistance and
generally is quite self-reliabt.
Lorne's man Y friends inthis
community wish him well and a
speedy rehire to the "cobbler's
bench," • •
• The arrival of December the
first of the week, drives home
• the fact • that the Christmas''
season is fast approadihig
• — and who's ready for it!
• There • Will be four more
issues of The Sentinel before.
• Christmas. Three of these — •
Visited Parents . ['pre. Before Leaving
To. Commence Post 'Graduate. Fellowship
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mac- vocate next spring from the Un -
Donald and Janet of London As, iversity of Western Ontado held
ited here last' week with the in May.:
•Mrs. MacDonald who holds. the , •
former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Degree of B.Sc. has until 'recent -
W, F. MacDonald prior to leav- lY' been doing research work at
ing for Houston, Texas, where Westminster Hospital in London.
Mack, as he is better known, has Mack's valuable fellowship pro -
accepted a post doctorate fellow- vides for fees and living expenses
ship at Rice Universityfor one year in . the south. Born '-
Mack has completed the re- and raised, id Kinloss Township,
quirements for the Degree of Doc- Mack is i giaduate, ,of Lucknow
tor of. Philosophy and will eon- District High Schack
• ..,
Submit. Arena Renovation Plan.
To Vote, Of. Ratepayers Next Spring
An arena renovation plan to The estimated cost would be
modernize and restore the fac- about $60,000, but- Reeve Joynt
ilities of the buiding, will be sub- quickly added "don't -gasp." The
mitted to a vote of the rate- project would be undertaken un- •
payers "sometime before June," der the winter works program,
Reeve George W. Joynt announc- which provides both Federal and
ed. 'at the nomination meeting Provincial aid. •,
last week. _ In addition 'there are other
The Reeve made the announce-grantsavailable, whichwould re-
ment prior to the .close of k the duce the local costs- to about
meeting with the idea , that A $25,000:
would be extended as a "feeler , Reeve Joynt gave the Lions
to the ratepayers." ' • Club credit for the installation of
The 'Councilhas architects' plans • artificial ice in the arena. There
drawn for a new structure which has yet been no official thanks •
would be built • at the , west end or take over, but .• this will be A:et
of the present building' . where done with appropriate . ceremonies ,
parking facilities would be made to cover the event. - 44i, '4.'4 •
aVailable. This would, for one • The . Reeve concluded his re -
thing, relieve •the traffic ' conges- marks with reference to the sale . •
tion and hazards at the corner of the municipal shed for a howl- •
of Ross and / Campbell, streets, ing alley. •.
where the arena entrance is now A lot of .strides have been made'F.
located. , , in' Lucknow, ., and further strides
The new .structure would tie will be made to bring in any -
in with the , arena building, and thing "we can that is good for
provide 'lounge, showers, recep- Lucknow: . • •
tion and skating , and hockey A "face-lifting" of Caledonian
rooms. •. Park is on the consideration pro-
• !gram for 1964.
December • 4th, llth and. 18th, / '
will allovv the merchants the ,
opportunity for Christmas gift Transportation Hot issue
advertising. • •
The 4th issue wffl be the
Christmas Greetings issue and.
• will be *printed and in the
mails for pre -Christmas de-
• livery on 'Tuesday, December
24th. There will be' no issue
New Year's week. •"
the summer and. on weekends. It
'is an access lr�ad to many sum-
mer cottages as well as to. those.
Visiting the beach area.. Huron,
Township has been maintaining
the road with the costs divided
between Ashfield and Huron town-
ships, of which it fornts the bor-
der.. The road also forma,' •part
of the -boundary. between Bruce
and Huron Counties.
In Atistralia. At
Medical: Gathering
Dr. and 'Mrs. W. V. Johnston
of Toronto are enroute home frern
Australia where Dr. Johnston at-
tended at Medical convention
Sidney, Australia.
Dr. Johnston, former Lucknow
practitioner, is the ExecntiveDi-
rector of ,the College of General
• They visited New Zealand, prior
to going to Australia, travelling
across the Pacific by jet.
In a recent • letter to friends
here, he 'mentioned . about being
the guests of Dr. Jungfer at Lo-
bethal, a village about 25 miles'
from Adelaide. He spoke of the
rolling hills: the Sheep herds, the
luxuriant. foliage " and beautiful
flowers of that country, free of
siloW and with the temperature
rarely ever reaching the freezing
pOirtt. •
• '
. Victor, as he is intimately,
known here, participated at Perth
in lawn bowling which is very
pepular "Down Under.",
Their return, journey will be by
way' of: Thailand,. India and Is-
• ....
• School 'matters always create
intereSt, and William Hunter and
Ra 1 p h Foster,: representatives
from Ashfield 'Township to • the
-Liicknow..District High School and'
the Goderich District Collegiate
.Institute; respectively, gave inter-
esting and detailed reports to
•the ratepayers at the annual
nomination meeting Friday in the
township hall: •
Pickup:. of pupils by bus seems
to be OM of the • main problems
'of both boards. at' the present
time; Mr., Hunter explained that
Ashfield: had 66 pupils •being tran-
sported •by bus to 'LDHS. Of this
number, 60 are being picked up
at the. gate, and 6 have . to walk
omeet the bus. They have 4
such Cases in :West. Wawanosh .8:
18 in the north of the area for
a total , of 28 pupils who' have
to walk .some distance te meet
the bus. 'transportation costs are
now $23,590 of which • an 80%.
government grant is payable. To
piek up these 28 pupils, it would
cost 'another $6,000, and there
would be nn grant on this .amount.
Mr. Hunter said they had re -
delved very few coniplaifits from
village ratepayers; 'whose 'chil-
dren have to walk a considerable
distance to- school' with no bus
pickup. Many: in Lucknow walk
over a Inge to 8thool conirnented
Mr. Hunter, ,
• Donald Simpson ' felt that if
One pupil was picked up in the.
township, they all should be pick-
ed up. He cited eases of Kelsd
MacNay and Lloyd Cline ivhc !Iad
been without, hut pickup .for se
eral years. • •
Mr. Hunter said they had stud-
ied the problem and felt' that for
.the sake ofLeconomics, trades of
pupils could be made by boards
(Continued on page 13)
'Oilier !Got .Geor;
From Fairy Lake
gariy in ,November two Lon. •
doners, ./William Twainley and
Gerald', ErriburY had a close call • •
when they were plunged into the
cold water of Fairy Lake (the
fernier Purves Lake) ICinlOss
• Township, ' •
'They were fishing on the Lake
and lost some • valuable •equip-
ment when the boat flipped. They • •
'citing for SOIrle time to the. craft,
hoping' someone would • discover
their plight. But nobody happen,
ed by . the isolated spot, and •fin-
ally the nearly.'exhausted pair
struck out for shore ---and,•made
it.' . • • •
, The aftermath of this exper-
ience came recent•ly when a diver
I visited the lake with the, two.
' fishermen , and reeov:....red their
,fishing gear, valued at 'apprOx-
imately $300. •
The water was said to be 20
to 30 feet deep this area, The.
deepest point in the lake, we are
told is about 50 feet.
Incidentally. there are still
'some good -pike in , this private
1 lake, Bill Grallain of Ripley
again proved it receleli when he
Ist,tohtd pe2.7 one
easuritig 32 inches long; the ,,
flier, 24 inches,
• 'A
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