HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-27, Page 2It: hti k; 4 PAGETWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINRL, LUCICNOW, ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY, NOS, .h, 11663: GIFT GIVING A.Sentinel Gift Svbscription 100 FOLDED SHEETS AND ,11 ENVELOPES for your own use or for gifts riven Vellum club size whit notepaper ;printed in black" or blue • ink ... with imprinted matching, envelopes. Attractively boxed.. .Cam from thus :Four Typa' Siyhs c z+:(Witt faunoni : NRs DDNAI D PHILL1P8 7YPE SIYLE:A10 '1YPE SIYLE 412.' . avtci okn SIYI.E, Al tYP SIYLL*JS :juin iiirdzrr :Boxed :Christmas Cards: f Are now on display. Every price range, every type. Printed Christmas Cards: Take a tittle .Ionger We have four sample .'albums to choose from. -More and more people every year are having their, name printed , on cards. They're not expensive. . Photo' chrisimas:'...cads:.., What would be more appreciated than receiving.: a photo of a loved one or friend on a Christmas card Your friends at :a distance :will really . appreciate these.. Just bring in ;a negative and we'll do the rest �or :That. .Hurd.To..Get. Ofle: Try a, gift of serviettes, playing : cards, coasters, matches, business' cards, writing paper with names printed on. Something different at a reasonable price. The::L Births STANLEY — At SL Marys Hos- pital, Kitchener on November. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stanley. ut Petersburg, a son . Stephen 'Mrs. Grant Chisholm, John, a brother for Beverley and Valerie. MORRISSEY — At ' Hotel Dieu Hospital St. • Catharines, ' to Mr: to Mr. and Mrs: John R. Murray and Mrs. 'Raymond Morrissey of Holyrood, a daughter, Nancy (Louise' Englai) . on Wednesday, Anne., rw-� November 13th, a', daughter, . Cyn- thia Louise CHISHOLM — •.At Wingham and District Hospital, ; on Tuesday, November 12, 1963, . to Mr. '' and R.R. 2, hucknow, a daughter..' MURRAY ter. in Kincardine Hos- pital, on Sunday, . November 17th lleelim.n oeia■■•01.00001eoEoile nemiseoNaoe000■Nol • ■ ■ e L%CEUiI�- ■ Vine ■ . v os� . o +r+++so •.• FOR 3. DAYS • STARTING • FOR 3 DAYS 'STARTING ■ . , • ' MONDAY; .DEC. 2nd THURSDAY, NOV. 2$th ■ • ■ Stairhng Frances Hyland �■ James Douglas "The ■ Drykinders" ■ 'ph: s' is thre cfss% , fe •a ■ length, production turned oast ,b . *the Na trioriia.l' Pilin Board of chorda. It's . the a story of the settling of • Canada's Wes`. It was ,pre-, • .:- mimed apt Siw t'�Curtiernt in ,October and 'reaped 'bud ' ■ applauss for its impact, wt •a•rtA•ni.t.rii<.t..Iaau ro o //A Vin/t • •: Adult' Colour = ,Starring SEAN .CONNERY URSULA ANDRESS in JOSEPH •WISEMAN This is a 'high rating ad- ■ venture drama loaded with . skullduggery and thrills. It's the story of a ,British secret agent i .ca to ■ mv� ate the killing of a • a g • former agent. ■■emmeeemmmeeesseaseelee r • Bruce Weeklies Reor anize Group. Bruce County • Weekly°News- paper Publishers and Editors net. at Port Elgin on Saturday:and re -organized �t h e it association which had been'inactive . for the: past' ten years. Bruce MacKenzie of `the Pais- ley ' Advocate was elected presi- dent of the group;'. Don Thompson of The Lucknow' Sentinel, 'vice- president and John Hafermehl of the Port Elgin Times, " secretary - treasurer. . Following ' :a tour of the. Port Elgin , , Times the group � met'' at the Queen's Hotel for a. meeting and . dinner. Main topic'of:. ,dis-. mission Was the ever increasing production costs in operating'' a weekly newspaper. All • but ; two papers . in the county were :rep- resented. Representedwere arton, Southampton , Port El , Kincardine,, Lucknow, Paisley, Chesley" ' and Tara. • "Were , any (if Four mynah am- bitions ever reaiized7" • "Yes tithen any mother used to cut n iy` �!hair I .v fished .1 was bald w:1W. •, Advertising in ' ne*sperr` is news, It is information about rneroli ndise, services ' or ideas and .inventions of =people who pay to .rive such nears published so that, the consumer "inay know," The week-end"had special sig- nificance ',for Mr. •and - Mrs. Er-. nest Ackert of . Lucknow. On Fri- day, November 22nd each •obser- ved .their birthday on the• 'same day. Mr. Ackert is ' .80 and Mrs.. Ackert,'''76 oke �On Monday, this esteemed couple . quietly observed their i 5 h wedding anniversary. Both are ,enjoying •comparatively g:o•o,d health. Mr. Ackert in . ?fact, .bad been .. busy gip sail the. end of last week' helping .supervise the harvesting sof a. corn crop et some 230 acres.Mr. • and Mrs. Ackert "retired„ ,to Lucknow.'five •years .ago.. from .their Holyrood 'farm, now owned by their • son Ray bard and \where.they "bad mid - from et% • tfrom• the time of their !mar- riage • ..,On ;Friday •=eening the family gathered ,at 'borne tof. Raynard and Hilda to honour their parents. tGuests:.at the gathering •'were Mr. and Mrs. Morley Stewart sof Sas- katchewan. Mrs. Stewart. is :a ;daughter` of. the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Harper (Lizzie .Ackert). Mr. ,and Mrs. `Stewart had, Wit. returned from. a trip to 'the sou- thern .states•. Where. ;she .,was Eas- tern Star .delegate at .a conven- tion in 'Texas. It was in 1908:''that .Olive 'Ray- ne/II Ray'-: maid of Ethel, daughter :•Of Mr: and Mrs. ',Christopher - Maynard, married Ernest ;Ackert of Kin- loss. 'Township, son of : Mr. and Mrs.John Ackert. The newly Married couple `.took up residence on Ernie's'farm \on : the south east corner .at Holyrood. Ernie .had purchased the -farm the ;year previous from Mathew' Foran: Mr. aid Mrs.Ackert attended the Methodist `chucah in Holyrood until :church inion' in •1:925 When '.they, came 'to . Lucknow United chum:. Mrs: Ackert has • been. 'active in Women's organizations and was :a member of the. .choir• for over "thirty. years. Mr. Ack- ert is 'a member of'..the ,official board and the session. Mr.' and Mrs. Admit lave .a 4.famiy sof .tone. =daughter, • Mrs. William tGraham (tiWinnied) of, Ripley., and three sons, 'Ry, north .Of Kincardine, Maynard, and Lloyd =of' Ho1yr . They lave eleven grandchildren ,and eight great granddhildr�en. innbunces Dredging £o traiifing • Sohn boney, IF',edera1 memn`tier of par'Iiantent for !Brute, las an- nounced tube to -attract for ging the !harbour . and adjacent area at , �Wiarliin: las 'been awarded' 'oto Siincoe 'Dock , and i u • • I _,. 'dor- onto, at a kcoat tot 'SNOOD `It is anticipated tthe • \work \will be tcompleted. l?y :.gid • ' u • e ber. oo ��ate assiy ADVERTISEMENT �F SLE UJNDER, and Eby,. �tuef the :powers •contained in a ' .(certain rnortgage;, ,wluc .wiiBl ! ipr;oduc-. ed''et the time 4df', e, there will be coffered for 'sale y public cbuc-, ion.fon day, Decetdber nth, 1963, :at the !hour .cif 1 rowlock in the afternoon' ,at. the' (office of. Mays, Prest.3& Hays, :33 Mont- real ont real Street, '.Goderich, `tby 'Donald Blue, :auctioneer, the following (property, =namely iie North 'half of the South' °half {o'f Lot Number 6,: lir Concession 13, astern ..Di- vision, and also the South Part of Lot No. "7, Concession '13, Vis- tern Tivis in the said Town - 'ship tot 'old. Terms: 10 per cent wif the pur- chase, money to. be paid down :at the .time •tzif sale, : 'balance to . be paid Withinsixty : cdays. Proper- tty will. be sold subject to 'reserve bid. ' For ;further p'aitictilars • .and ,conditions �o'f sale apply to Messrs. Hays, 'West : & Hays, 33' Montreal Street, 2Goderich, tOtitarioi Donald Blue sq , Ripley, ;Auctioneer. .Dated art . kt oder.•ich,' ` 'tbriiario, :this lath ,day . sof November; '1963. r . ••r•••R•'r•iu! A�' � � �; • THE SOD. a r • : Shawtnne• '71:30:. is '�Airjconditioned For. Towom"fort` .� • i• • ~a ;Thmr 'Fr, •, " , Sat '— Nov,28=29='30 ,--�Doo''611e �l • �• • • Frances Hyland and•James Douglas In the National `Film .Boards :first 'feature film. .. ERS — Plus a British color:,comedy "DR�'L�ND `The Iron Maicen i th r ' 'ael Craig � 1Vtich •. Mon.; Tues., 'Wed --- Dec. '2-3.4 •. Robert Mitchum, Elsa Martinelliand hack :Hawkins O. • • • ' • •• • • •• •• •• • • • in Color • COMING , .. ,,,E"Gidget Goes .To keine'e''with ,Cindy F of W11 ••i#G•••H A thrilling tiger hunt features :this adventure tale: R '._ AGE" In.CoIoy .' . rs Thursday, hr .day, Saturday Dec. 4-`1' Jerry Lewis ;and Stella ...Stevens, See 1erry as a two-faced college prof. Nutty • 1 , es • • •r ,• • y 1 .• • • i