HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-27, Page 1,777-7='!•10.111.4
43.00 A year In Advance--
11.00. Extra To
Eight Candid
Last there was an all.
round' ',acclamation, returning. Re-
II NighQ • eve Donald MacKenzie: "'Deputy
o�y council candidate' north -of
Electors: of . West Wawanosh
Township will go to the polls
next Monday, December 2nd, to
elect their ,reeve and four coup-
cillors. For these five offices, they
lave the choice of • eight candi
[ates.: '
Culbert, • Harvey
Durnim, Lorne
Chisholm, Leonard
Errington, Harold
Jefferson, Hilliard
Lyons, Robert. W. J. Jr
McPhee, Orval,
Smyth, 'Gordon W.
Balloting will take . place be-
tween the boors of '•10,'00 ' a.m.•and
:00 p.m. at the six polling sub-
divisions w in the Township.
Reeve Harvey Culbert .is coin-.
Meting his third term.as . reeve.
[e was successor by acclamation
John Durnin who retired'after
thirteen years municipal service,'
councillor and reeve. Mr. Cul-
bert had served for: nine years as
councillor. •
The reevesbip; is being contested
this year by Lorne Durnin' who has
served' on the council,;continuously
or 10 yearssince. first 'elected for
the 1954 term.
Also elected '. 'at that ' time was •
Orval McPhee, who is' seeking ; re-
ection to council'.. The other sit-
ting members in the race are Hil-
ard • Jefferson and cordon Smyth.
The three 'new. aspirants . to ef-
ice are' Leonard Chisholm; Har
Id Errington , and Robert W:. J.
ybns, . Jr., : the Tatter being the
only' candidate,' ,of
Sefltifl.eI.�iqs New
The Sentinel has: a "new : face"
this week which we thinkwill
be .obvious to most of our readers.'
If not, compare it with last.
week's issue.
The new -face in which the story'
matter of this week's • issue is
set, is known ' . to the 'trade as
"Aurora," .It is one of ,Canadian
Linotype's most. modern .faces
and has an easy readability de-!
sign, which : has made it' a pop-
ular, face., . • •
fn newspaper parlance ,it is. an
8Y2 point type, which replaces the
8 point Excelsior type previously
This 'font of 1,200 .brass • mats,
made up ' of all.: the. letters ,of the
alphabet, numerals,punctuation
marks, etc. ' has. actually , two.
Friday, which preceded .the 'rate
payers', meeting:
Harvey Culbert by Orval Mc-
Phee and Edwin, . Mills:
Lorne Durnin , by Jaines ' Ait-
chison and ' Gordon .:Struthers. -'
Leonard:' • Chisholm . by :. Lorne
Durum : and Hilliard . Jefferson '
"Harold Errington by Harvey
Alton and Wm. Caesar
Hilliard Jefferson. by:
Chisholm and Brown ' Smyth.
(Continued on page 16)
the 6th °11:. Ready To Start
Arena Ice Making
The election of three school.
trustees was by acclamation.
allace . Wilson: ; and Edwin ` Mills
were returned to the Board and
tFry Girvin of . the ' Nile dis-
riot qualified to succeed ' James
Curran, who - was : not ; present
t the meeting and' had given no
vidence of his intention, as now
squired. Jim retires after set>-
nal years on. the board.
The following nominations were
eceived: by Clerk.. John Foran
hiring the. nominating hour on
The excavation and new fill op-
erations at Lucknow Arena were
completed last week and on Thurs-.
day and Friday .evening a• groupof
volunteer workers was organized
by the Lions to relay the plas-
tic . pipes.
A representat-e• of Canada Ice
Company is, to be here this'' Week
to check and start the .ice making
machinery, and to check the pipes
before ice, making 'starts.
S. -The Township of • Kinloss' re ' ,
LINO Reun�t
Calved delivery on' Monday of I ;�/ .
a new road'maintainer..I
pf ter Fo •
The new Adams machine
Came gipped with plow and
wing, ready for work should ' Through, persistent checking
Old Man Winter break loose.:'� at the' Lucknow Post• Office, a
Di , ck McQu�1 lin: township sister was reunited with a brother
ace This Week grader operator drove the ma- she ' had not , heard from in 40
• 1 chine from Paris on Monday. years and who she believed dead.
faces. Whatyou are readingis The cost is close ,to $21,000, . A'' letter addressed to "Mrs..
plus the trade-in of'the old ;Jean Patterson, St. Helens" fin -
used regularly in the.body ' matter maintainer. The urchase is
of the paper. may way Luck:-
sub1ect to • the Pro�vmcaal. sub- I now Post "Officeter' various
Here you will see there S1�' postmarks were stamped on the
is a 'second • •face" . br mold
letter. . As . you may know, St. Hel-
ens .has not been 'a a
on each matrix which .pro• ..address
duces this • "black face" Pa Homage . To'pro-
since following the' advent. of cur-'
al mail service manyyears '
which you' are reading, ago
• and the ' fact that it : did arrive
The � old font of. type "gave �. up
the ghost" completely last .,week President Kennedy ! here . is an : accomplishment, of
and hastyreplacement was. nemfits own; '
p•The .. profound sorrow ' which
essary. Here's what. last week's swept around the world upon ,word. John Pritchard, . mail' carrier
face looked, like: on R R.. 1, Lucknow, thltddng
By . rwof the assassination of President
cif coiitraet,. here i that Alfred Patterson, of R.R. ' 1
John F. Kennedy on Friday,.. was . •
'the ` ype face ;you it a rbeen felt deeply and . keenly . hi this Wight know his.namesake show-
r :x for some 'time; ties, ed the fetter to' He did
community, regardless e£ age or i not know Mrs. 'Jean 'Alfred.,
.week int suddenly dete cin ted personalities; [
' ito a. Point where replacing fit • . inconceivable he consulted ,Mrs. Thomas Inglis
The 'inconceivable and ;nconsal.
was' a must ;`despite the I able tragedy made its impression i of the same address,. ' and a ' life -
coot, T pan; exeainple of rt. - in an 'unexplainable heaviness , that .long resident of the. community.
settled' on iaaen, women 'and • child: t She remembered Mrs. Patterson
living 'at St. Helens a number"
• , . ren alike. '
Homage. was simply but fittingly recall
yearn ago. Mrs, Inglis. •also
Wind Storm Did paid to this. great man at the �• that Mrs. Patterson 'lived,:
nomination meeting in Lucknow in Goderich;
5nmADnmnnton Monday :evening, John. Pritchard re -addresses d the
Before the' meeting commenced
• !Reeve , George W. Joynt read' ex- tenon, the:. former Jean Culbert, letter to Goderich and Mrs. Pat
A howling -gale early last ' 'Sat- is from ''an editorial tribute found upon opening' the letter that
urday morning :: did. considerableI to this man who had done so much her brother • Lewie ' Culbert, who,
damage in this area, not . of 'cal for : world, peace, and equality of she ' believed to be • dead; was
amity .ProPortions• man. The Village 'audience stood living in `Milwaukee, ' Wisconsin.
Trees, tree limbs, roofs, shin- for two minutes in silent tribute I Mrs Patterson had not heard' of
gies and television aerials, prob- I and homage to '.him. Everywhere her. brother in ''forty •years. 'She`
ably . headed the list of : damage. E there is the ' deepest . sympathy knew that' • he ' : had lived some
Streets, and roads 'were littered- for his loved ones, who` wrffie the' where in Western Canada' but it
with broken branches : and debris, i world mourns ..a great president.. j'had beenreported that , he, had
It was the stiffest blow in IA I mourn a dear and devoted ' his- died several years ago. '
area • in a long time. wind dam -band ' and father. A man who Mr. Culbert was writing in an
age claims have been pouring in: I brought hominess as well . as 'brit attempt 'to find out if any of
to insurance agents, and: in . al liance to the, White House, -- "a his" relatives were still living here.
25 -mile ' area or so, • they ; ; have t man who the world can ill afford' !Thanks' to. " • the persistence , of the
I to lose,"in the words , of Prime ,Lucknow Post Office, brother "and.
hundredably exceeded' the : one'Minister. Pearson. sister ' were re -united. '
hundred mark..,'
Stuart Jamieson' was fortunate.; °;Year ::Of P cess And : Problems
A huge limb was ripped from , a. r
maple tree just to the , -east . of
his . ,home, and narrowly . •
coming down on his ;.car:missed L
ati.::ACelgrnOn ' Ill Kinloss; Wallace
Single Copy 10c . • 16. Pages.
Ashfianwates Frid,I,`°' �,:mm.�m;�.i��w� Nrmw�,���R �me�.��Conn Succeeds Alun . , Macln e
eld To�wnshi l inloss Townsiup Councilreturned by acclamationonFri=�EdburtBushell by Winter Breamday,withone:. change. 'Councillor kles .and William' ;StanleyQIIIInateSq Allan Maclistyre -tendered his • r� W'illiam Evans by
Frank Maul -
Ashfield Township's nomination
meeting will be held this Friday
eeve Joynttternohoin„ ' Commences . 8t Term,
' '� p Hallvember 29th at the. .
and Acclamation M+bnd�y
Lucknow's'reeve, ;councillors and 9 and' M. 1,, Sanderson. Reeve Tom Howard; Councillors
ublic school trustees were elect -4 .: Wm.,.k. Hamilton.:by G. W. Gordon. Boyd,. Girvin Reed and
Howard , er.
d by `'acclamation at • Rronday Joynt and Omar Brooks- ••. 'g • •
t's` nomin i n ee . . • Donald MacKinnon by `Bud" Reeve MacKenzie. was elected'
. alio m twig ,
rg Brooks.. in December ';1961, m• a close. run
,Reeve Geo e : W. Joynt, the. only . Hamilton and Omar
ominee for this.office was..return-- Gordon Montgomery' by Omar wiithh Andrew.Ritchie. ` At that,
d' for his 8th. term. , Members of.Brooks and M. L . Sanderson time Councillor T m; Howard ed
o � ' � are Cliff Crawford' byBud Hamilton ged Councillor, Marshall Gibson
. uracil remain unchanged and
I L. Sanderson, Omar, Brooks,.- and H. ' W. Webster. •in a ballot for the . deputy -reeve.
rarvey Webster and "Bud" Ham- John ' Wraith' by Harold Ritchie It was ' the'• first time Ashfield'
- Robert' macZ mile by C- Craw- There Was no ballot for Cour-.
and C.Crawford: • had a deputy since 194445.
Public School trustees , given a
o -year, term by acclamation are ford and Harold Austin.. • • ciilors at that. •time. Mr. 'Boyd• '
E. MacDonald, Donald Mac-' FOR • SCHOOL TRUSTEES.. !succeeded Jack Bradleyy • early in
►intron and Gordon Montgomery. John E. MacDonald, by R. C. 1961, and at the November nom-.
Ir. Montgomery, a, new member, MacKenzie and Jack Wraith-. . • ination Howard Barger and Gir-
b CMae
cceeds John. Kre yresulting from the elections for
etired upon 'completing' a hvo-" Kenzie ' and Chas. Webster.
ear term • Gordon 'Montgomery` by Donll, reeue and 7 deputy. This Board'.
u r wh o Donald -McKinnon y in Reed filled the levo vacancies
and . ; ac
Other members of s'the Trustee is ninon , iv
` lti received
an acclamation last near-
card with to ' run are: S 13 Stothe�rs w ,as named chair , Retiring trustees for Scha�ol Ar.
a year S.
ob+ert C chairman,.: main of the ratepayers*, meeting. re-
RiacKenzie ea �o. 1, and eligible for
'tn. . Schmid and : Jarnes lien= Which Wag •e ec on are arum n
rson: '' ' a nunnuer of excellent reports on
D Ging the 1I11�nnination hour village' and sc oo , The other two trustees with a
Cerk E: 11 received ived the wasn't -P voice raised or a Mie$ -
rete a congenial atmo- near 'to run are Eldon Culbert and
Rowing , tion asked. in a ce �, .
' h" h ' s poorly attended to hear 1 ti M ` Durni Car
h, l affairs.
There man Hayden' and John Graham.
-r. Rod • NfacKen'zie.
George W. Joynt by John Wraith man to continent I V e seen Bob Hehri, trustees this 'of School
ad R. C. MacKenzie: Butler nominations." Area No. 2, expires year and
i ht5
... ' • ' '. The retorting of the htg� g •
FOR OUNCit �'thiev ., are eligible for re-etecti�i:
will have Omar BrooksabyG. W. ' Joynt of the speakers. rem cis out next The three other trustees with
Marvin nil Jack Wraith ` to be held over � t it oa year., to� run are Sam Gibson,
.__. a as time,and s ee makes it y a .
L.Harvey Sanderson to G. W. issue, inter ate ` it in Leo Courtney and Gordon Finlay_
oynt Webster, . N impossible: to inner •
y +�n
Barney Webster.by `G W. Joynt. this paper..
FOR REEVE: sphere: ' which hick ,r a � � ed the ilii The term of •.Bob Simpson and
a lot
signation and the vacancy was :den and 'P. A. Murray. •
filled by Wallace. Conn, a former Allan 'MacIntyre . by Leo Mur-
urcouncillor. ray . and.• Delbert Hedley.
Personnel of the' Board . is as . John A. Ackert by P A. Mur
follows: Reeve ' P.. A.Murray, ray • and. Wm; • Evans. •
who was elected to. office'in • Jan- Walter . Breckles;' by .; Edburt'.
uary,, 1962 as 'successor . to' the Bushell and Wm ' : Stanley.
late Harold Percy and Council- Hugh Lane by Fred Guest and:
lors Jack Ackert, ' •Edburt Bush- Walter Breckles.
ell, William 'Mims and' Wallace John Ackert . by Don •Bushell,
i ,: r• and Malcolm Lane. '
'Conn. The first three' .councillors'
.were elected in 1969 and have ' John Ackert . by • Orville Fine
completed •a three-year. term. Mr: and Douglas Graham:
Bushell had a previous, ' year's ' Wallace . Conn, •.by John . Ackert
.term, and Harvey :Houston.
Councillor Conn has six years ' For School Trustees
prior. service. to "his credit, He Leo Murray by Delbert Hedley'
contested' •the reeveship when Mr. and, Harvey : Houston. ' '> •
Murray was • successful, .' following
Mr. Percy's death. •
Allan MacTntyre retires after
a three-year .term.
Leo Murraynd Delbert Hed
ley • Were returned b - acclamation •
�' uaani<nous choice as chairman
for two-year terms as members for the meeting that followed.
of the Kinloss Central School Area Reeve P. A. Murray thanked
Board. The other three rnembers, t his mover and seconder .for their
With.- a year 'to serve are- On ille Support and they ratepayers as ' a
Elliott. Gerald Rhody and Evan whole for the acclamation •which
keith: •enables hire the • privilege to carry:
• Nomination Meeting on as reeve. He dealt at length
A, fair attendance of h{atepay- with. county affairs, remarking' the
ers • took part in the,, nomination cost of snow removal in the count'
held in• the Kinloss Township llall' k tyr was 'excessive. S70 000. There
Friday*, November 11,;:1963, was ;m�.ich' deveopment wont' done
The following nominations were
on the road betweenHanover and
recorded by the clerk. Chesley at a cost of `$7,303.00 and
c• nortlh to Paisley .at $9000.00. In
For' Reeve his remarks regarding the mus
P. • A. Murray} - the ...singleeum• . at /• Southampt-:t. he said
nomination ' for • this: office by.[ the�^e 's.r.-e 9.713 and
Walter Breckles and Prank Maul- praised the work of the various
den. (Continued on • page 10)
Delbert Hedley by Leo Murray,
and Donald . • McPherson '
James Young by Robert Orr . .
and, G., •' G. ; Moffat..
At the close ofnomination
hour Mr.. Richafd Elliott was 'the