HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-20, Page 12• • • PAGE IiiM•VE THE LUCE:NOW SENTINE4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAy! NOV:* pth, 19§ BERL ,..!find . •••• • Milt 2 df 14/le Rimer 'Umted church served a %Writ -eV Mauer the sunclasr School iVOin On Ttatadsy evening Of1t'Week , MSSa atteradamee 1110. , Mbar the supper hour a short • Ptegram opened with eomnumity singing I by Mrs. Robert Cour-, litztr end afm%hn Kempton meted en the piano by Met. Ernest Gibson, lEtev. D. A. gave an intecestieg. tradig' from one of Robert Ser., mien, books, The highlight ut the , mating was the- sboWing o a igm by Mrs. Gordon. Montgom, toy of Luctunow who emitoyed‘a tour Accompanied byli her .11nrsf band to Japans Hermit and: home by way of California were Mints of knibenest shoran. Mrs, Wilfrid Steele thanked Mna Mentgoin- Ars, and presented her 'with a gat and Eldon Bradley thanked Unit 2 ter their pion - ant evening. Bev: D. A,`30f.‘c Iressm'e elosedi the meeting with '.1411r, and Ms; Walter Brown Clinton telativeS von meeting„cif the Guild of St. 'Lukes elaneh, Pine River, Was held on ',madam november 14 with a good attendence. Met Gordon Ertiriverenn and Mrs: Joliet Scott pegaidedt Arfterthe opening hyrim. prayer was. gayer' by the pr dent ifollnlved• by the Lis pnalper in uthapirm, *Votowing the inisiOess Peoloct, t smote readin0 *i143 event. 046' -atm M. Mimeo anda read* aw Um. John Scott QM “COUrer." Mrs. Gordon griornatv0o .gave • a dern- onstnaton. or Xi! sa$.. demotions.. Rev. S. R. 44Upton was present and gave a kb& .on, church b- ins. After the dotal* hymn and graceMrs, • John Scott ser, vett a dalinty lunch and Mrs.' •atert‘.. Court, um. and Susan of Simeee and Mr. • and atra. Lloyd Courtney end. Amity of London visitadi at the weeketod.rivith Lr. and Mrs. Arthur Ocularly*, and other net; Mimes. • • . Unit -1 of Pine River United dam* held their Meeting on Weak% Novernber 12. Atter the opening devoticns conducted .by, Meta. Stam Gloson end Mrs, Gem- ge Wiglatinen the roll 001, elm- . *Wag'the Mord '''Ben44 trance. ' was enamelled by the niembera.–. Mr& liServYri. Hxiey on:openerf the program, pxe- sicled. After a lxymn Mad prayer, Ithe Study Brook 'WAS taken by Mts. JOIM Vogt/son ,who rat/dew- ed a chapter. The topic on Membrance'" vas )well given by Mie. Eldon) Bradley.' The . meet- ing eased.. with a....6rizin end paaomi., 'Loath was served by Mi 'Bert Irwin). and. atics..itter,. R WNIE NEWS. . KINLOUGH... • 1st pack Brownies • .The lat 1;uelonew Brownie Pack held its regular meeting November 13 (with Mary Jardine Penforming the Toadstool Fairy duties. Following Fairy Rim', Fahy Gold anddnsPeotion, 1.3r5altm Owl reviewed the parts of Brow- nie uniform and the correct way to wear each article. The sixers marked their books and the pack divided into three work centres. Tawny Owl taught the Union Jack Preelcie taught, Semaphore and Brown Owl khelped the twitters. A dramatization game was played, Pow -wow consisted of a discussion of the care of ibulbs planted a few iweeles. ago and erdeni for supplies were ta- ken. The meeting dosed with • Mr. end atin William -Kemp; ton and. Mit and' Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer spept the week -end with 'Mit, and 'Ws. Tames Mills at Weston.' They also visited the Wilber Fir. and attended the haoke7 game on Sattarday even - At 1:tine BtiVer United chnieh. on Sunday the choir consisted of CG LT ntembera A quartette was, sung * Card .Elliott; leaner am/newton!' 'Debbie Wil- son end wet* Aaine Reid • We extend svanpathy o MelDwan lam* an the' Passing of their father, the late Jams MCBWart, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the Linklater funeral itworne in Eln. card** with the Waal ii Kin- cardine Cemetery. Mr, afetwan was a former maiden* here aw- ing dyed on con. 14 for a num- ber of year& The WAA. met on Thursday afternoon at the dhetohfor the november Meeting. Mths Roy Schneller preSided, and the 013, ening hymn was followed . by prayer. Mrs. Ant Smith mad the Scripture and the, meditation was given by Miss Edna. Boyle. The word for the roll tail Was Remember." Further plans were made for a social evening with a short program and pictures from the Boly Land • by Wm Audrey Fiederlein, a former teacher in the Ludenow are *S- trict Moll School on Satmday eveing, November Md. This was the annual biminess meet- ing and the following efficers were eteeted, Honor/my presi- dent% aka Zanies Ito:kb% and M. ' ‘Clex; president, Mrs; Roy Schrader; mice presi- dent; Mrs. Jim Smith; secretary - treasurer, Mrs Mictford • Wall; asgistarit„ Mrs. Tom Bodgins; work comeners, Mn. Howard Thompson, aim May Boyle; tiers. Tom Hodgins; supplies given ell, MIS. Arn Anyith, M. Ger; Atitodor.; per Partnen4 tam Mns. Howard Thome( tigue thelpers secretary, 1M Boyle; Oniatant. MrS, Bert h9lasn; Soeia1 service work Mrs. Torn Hociginsk; .p Edna Bork; ProgInin oranin tee, Miss, Edna Borle„ M. Ger. ge Heiclenberi Mail Boy Schnell Mrs. George Graham, The Me Mg was dosed with hyynn a prayer. Two Wee lbales of qui and clothing ere packed I the ' Moossonee Schlock and b Mia* t Aig,,Troot :Lake, the the Rem and Mrs. Starer Ton (nee Doris 1.054) „me serVir 'atr.• and sMis. Verne ,Bodel of Angus viSited or ,'I'luzred with. Mrs. Tom liodginn Ilk. and Mrs., ,Clare Spar* Allan and Douglas of Walker* Misses Edna and May Boyle we dinner guests of ildr. and at GemIte: liaideniby on Sundatf Mrs, llaziorld. Bakteriby other 441 Chab Ileaders enjoy a tripto the *yak . Winter Fa Miss .34fumiel .Seott whx h spent the past, week with it aunt Mrs. Gertrude Walsh az other, relatives bele left 1 plane: la Om Melton en Merl& Orb her. retnirn trip to Sasicatoo Relatives from hare aCcompanir her to • Melton; • . " • attr.... and Mrs. Harold Sias and family cif Glenne visited 1 Sunday at the home of Mr. itz M Bent. Nichotain: BAUER SKATING nd HOCKEY . . 'OUTFITS , Canada's Top Value In Skate Outfits, With The Built -In , • Ankle Guard • Featuring Men's Hockey, Outfits from $10.95 to $29.95 Every Pair Unconditionally, Guaranteed . , . , . Rathwell. Shoe Stire Phone 528-311 Alimmumwer Sepoy Way For Value, Quality •and Satisfaction Your Shop In Lucknow Store Bennett's Sepoy Store Lucknow Phone 528-2129 • • • HERE ARE Tilt RULES 7-- EVerY oath Purehase of Two Dollars at any 'of the Co-oper- ating business finns in this contest, entitles you to..., coupon and the opportunity to win the weekly and monthly DRAW PRIZES. Deposit your tickets in the Draw Boxes provided in oath of the participating business establishments. Each week a winner of a $500 Merchandise Certificate will be selected and at the end o 4 weeks the winners of the two monthly Merchandise Certificates of $25.00 and Slat* will -be drawn In addition to the $5.00 weekly prize. Weekly prize winners win also be eligible for the monthly, Draw Certificates. Weekly and Monthly Certificates will be redeemable • at any -of the participating merchants. Decisions of the judges will be final Sentinel staff are not eligible to enter this Contest Draw. • • This Week's Winner of $5 Merchandise Certificate Mrs. R. PHILLIPS, R.R. 2 Luchnow Who Made her purchase at Rathwell Shoe Store The draw was made by Mrs. William Webster, Lucknow Merchandise Certificate May Be Picked Up •Atb The Lucknow. Sentinel Sped Shirts •Viyella, Woollenettes and Cottons To Coats Laminated Checks and Tweeds LAMINATED Car Coats • and Jackets : • All Types of Winter Cap,. Ties and 'Hats Sanderson's Lades' and. Men's Wear 225 Pair GLOVES 35 DIFFERENT. TYPES Pnced from 49c to $3.95 SEE US FOR' YOUR'•.• GLOVE NEEDS. Lucknow District Co-op Phone 528-2125 . .• . ' Select From Our TOYLAND Now at SIEGRIST'S MARKET STORE •I Crest Hardware means SAVINGS for YOU In Lucknow SHOP rest Hardware Phone 528-3008 SNOW TIRES 670-15 Traction Grip 14.95 with running trade-in 'Supetiest mice Station JOHN GAMMIE •Phone 528-3430 Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND — • No Stamps — No Gimmicks W PRICES 'ALWAYS Phone 528-3420 • Christmas. Special Community Plate 40 -Pc. Service for 8 Comes In . • . Affection, Lady Hamilton Morning Rose South Seas • White Orchid Schmid's JEWEI4.ERY, and CHINA Phone 528-353i , Bid sm.wricoN, KITCHEN SUITES • To Choose From Fo• r The Christmas Shopper i • ' MacKenzie Furniture Phone 528-3432 Super Values . When, You Shop. The Rand WHITE WAY ' Say -1)20 For You ed and White FOOD IViARKET ' Phone 528-3001 . • • • • . . . . . • . • . • . • BULK ANTI -FREEZE — Now IN oroac Bring In Your Own Container * * * * Winter. Is Near For Your Heating Fuels Phone W. A. Bud Hamilton cmEs sERvicz Agent Phone 52-2427 oast Daub from 7:30 to.7 CHRISTMAS Is Near . . USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN ta4ies• Men's and Children's Wear Phone 528-2128