HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-20, Page 11WEDNESDAY, • NOV. 20th,, 1963.. THE LiTCKNOW SENTINE e, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 711E KANGAROO, the largest of the Australian marsupials, roams the ' countryside in large bands. Although a full -gown kangaroo is nine feet high end weigh 200 pounds, the baby is only an inch long when 8 is bora. It days Inside its moue's pouch until It is Ave er six months' old, at ol*b theft weigh several pounds 'and b able too shift for Ksdf. When the laninws. hevesIts lome it is ready to take its rlshihd ghee ti the world. To help' your children tai' Meir righted place in the then Is nothing better than life insw . once: Lett me tell you about Sun Life's' Educational Policy which cm so may providefutsfortheir college education Wm. J. Kinahan R.R. 2, Lucknow Phone Wingbam 357-1987. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • The Department of import has approved e land sztt ,leas- ed • b•tChe Port Elgin.Chamber of Commerce as a ,proposed air- staip considered important to the I tlhiiOlyou'll ':agree. that we all have problems. If you 'don't you're either„dead or rich, :and in either case have no business reading t, is cold man, Wouldn't it be. grandif we voters could solve ..our problems aseasily . as the ,government does? When an ordinary person has a problem --too many bills, Ma- they hitting the bottle, children getting lippy, storm windows. not on yet -he' has to do something about it, either positively or neg- atively: • That is, he, efinds a , solution: to the problem or be •doesn't. He stops paying ;hors (hills, tries to. ge Mom off the ibottile and on- to the !bingo games, gives the kids a belt . On e eari. aard talks his .neighbor into helping !him put on the storms. ' Or, if he's another stype, he pulls his ad into his t hdulclers and 'hopes, He hopes at ,he'll win a sweepstake, that Mother - will join AA, .that the kith will stop bullying ~hire, and that it'll be., a mild :Winter. Either way,, he has ,to make a . decision=--•whetiher to , act . or 'hope. Not so e, government Muinnciiiall„ provincial or -federal, it, has a much ' neater way out cif dulernthas '1t• appoints a body te look into the Matter: And in this 'case;' ,boder and corpse are often synonymous. Ask a : municipal council for sew street ' lights, adequate sew- age , disposal, • or patches for .the potholes. ,It listens politely, and promises •hi "refer the matter to the proper comrnitte,” S'i months later, when your fine fire of indignation has., fizzled' out, the council announces. • that the request .would cost too much. Ask a prow racial .gove ent for morebooze outlets, for big_ ger 'highways and smaller schools, and it immediately appoints '' a com Mission. Affterstudying the matter for two years;. • ithe corn - ,mission:' announces that haVung. weighed all e . factors, t has decided at the best.solution ,is future ;development of : the Com7 an increase in the sales:tax. m�nnity. ` Ask a '' federal government to 111 Ie 111 N0MITb0N:,M1'46 ; • •• • Notice Is Hereby Given: To The Municipal Electors • Of.. The' i •• • • • • Towiship..OfKInIOSS •• • •• • •• • • That the nonniitnations of fit and ' proper persons to • serve as reeve and councillors for the Township of Kin �. loss for the year 1964, Will take place at the TOWNSHIP` • r • HALL, . HOLYROOD, ,on• • ,FRIDAY :NOVEMBER 22nd, 19631 • r And also, nominations for two members of the Board 1 .• of Trustees . of the Township School.Area No. 1 lnloss..• The two retiring members are eligible for re-election.• • At I 00, o'clock in the afternoon for one hour, at which • time and"''place 'place alt electors . of said township are hereby a notified to attend* and that should a .poll be required, • • polling will ;open on •• Monday December 2nd, 1963 do so l'netYhii g aboutunernPloy- meat„ segregation or e>'nit'ure and it appoints a •Royal, Contmission. This sounds ' more .imposing than the town council's "committee," but ,serves the same function• After tour 'years of intensive study 'by. the top men in the land, the commission estates; in a 784pagebrief, that ,unemploy- ment is had or that Segre- gation is silly, or that. Culture is • good, ° You think ' Pran exaggerating? Tell imme, then, ,why the !Govern_ menu recently appoiect the ;Roy- al :Commission on Bilingualism and : B:cttlturralism. Because . it, didn't know • what :to do 'about. all the 'fug therpeople of ' Que- ice. !have . Gbeen making? : You're right I wish the • commission noth- ing but the best' But I am cer- tain that its .public hearings will do more ..to increase Feench-li3n- glish irritations thin lessen than. And I am equally .eeriain that: its findings will be as stimu ]sting as 'a tapioca pudding: After. all„ everyone agrees that Canada has no cititure'. , at all. And here awe have. a conmannssnn !to . investigate, two .+cultures! And done in thinsright mind knows u v ms country is : 'not blot- lingual, despite. a11.. the : night school.classes . filled With people madly "taking" , converasational French. But never mind awe: have .a commission to look ;into;. the matter, `so all is . in: safe. hatnd . ,However, aal1 this is, none . of my :business. I'd love to be ::bi- lingual . and !bieaulftural, but , .I ain't net, 'er. And I daresay you aint neither, neither.: . All I wanted to, say hen eras that f find this commis ion idea, fascinating. It's the solution to every problem that promises to be awkward. Jack, next Atime your wife says she simply must halve new 'dra- pes to matchthe new rrig that. She had to buy• to matte the, new 'chesterfield just cool 'her Wi r'9i ,, 41 ve; . appoi nted . a Oomrr r nes- Sion to look into it" :. Lengthy Evidence In Fatal Crash PAGE FLEVF.IQ' RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering Mondays .— Hogs, $2.00 . by 4:00 p.m. ' Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound, • CATTLE,CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smog ... Beef, .'Pork and . Lamb. Sold Whole, Half titnturter ... For Better Service, And Lower— Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hooisma, Prop. Former -Minister Gave Illusirated Travelogue Of • Holy Land Pilgrimage ' Lug know United .Church Wo-' Jordan math ckt includes Old Jer- men abed ' thew' Autumn T a _usalei n• and Naazaret n and Dann - ascus 131" 'wie 'of the Jordan, Bain - offering service in the auditor- The coattr�ast tbeear' `Ze ler iuma of the church 'on Wednes- tilmtty of Israel and , the .barren - day evening NoVer ober 13, The Itess of Jordan is • Mostly due to,. president Mrs. K. Cameron op- the fact that the Arae have erred. , the meeting 'with' words ' of !done 'nothing-- to immproere ter welcome the exit speaker land •or surrouS ndin , for hung dreds of years while in the last twenty ,years; the Jews` aided by• illatit d Nations have made their desert land Israel Bios- soon as the arose: most interesting were . pictures of .places mbieh were fain -Mar to Jescis such as Nazareeth, Beth- lehem, Sea of Galilee, ' Mount. of Olives, and the .Gam of Geth- semane. Mirs. Atex Andrew.,'m a few well-chosal remarks than- ked the speaker for• • his inopreS- sive ' address and Ithe lege; of vieWing his , i3ms .of the Holy- Land. olyLarnd. Rev. Jos. ` Stuart, . a 'former min- istea, and to all present. Rev. ,H. W: Strapp conducted the devo- tional 'period. Mrs. J. W. Joynt was heard in a lovely solo "The' Lord is my .Shepherd Rev. Mr. Stewa'ft of Cooks= Vie, had as this.: tlheme his re- cent visit to Italy,' Greece, ;Africa and. the Holy Land. . His l excel- lent :narrative.- • was hie_hrghtted' wwi (vivid. victims which he. tookon his conducted tour. In Rome, the VT o and the Catacombs„ the scenes . of many early ''Christians' activities and servings, ,were shoutri. Pictures ,the ,Acropolis, Mars Hills and 'other 'places in Greece visited by the apostle Paul made Bble - tory very real. 0 News: Briefs : . Livestock killing, .attnibuted to wolves, has• resulted ilk ClItIrogS By lobate the toutriEgts reached '! Tcm79h`ip - Cot neil offering a Beirut, : Tel Av'iv', 'Gazi and other mtu111'4 an bclut<y of 425' por.s On the tMediterraanea n Sea„ then , on tto Cairoto view the ancient. 'pyramids and the Nile Riven comity -and the ad Sea. - dit;.bon to the, provincial wt) tbou ntroy. Tin • e Goderroh branch .of dt•� +e !Royal !Canadian Legion is 'spier.- ate .Holy Land' IS now :.divided ;Spring ••.the co.nst ucoanrof a ' 12- , Eby mite Jordan River i >ior Israel unit senior cittizemt motel -type along :the Mediterranean Sea aid alaaatmea : In once of the .lengthiest court. sessions held .in Harron • County for souane !t ii ne, 18-yeast•=old Ger- rie Glenn. ' wait, .fined $250 and costs of $80 ' and had his driv- er's permit suspended for one year: . 'Glenn was etre alive" of the car which at aurr'ied . a young Blyth girl, Dianne Annette ! Sieing;; to ';tier death when it rearmed ,into I.: a ~bridge smith, of Lonedeesbor:o. �. Dianne was tune granddauigh- , ter . ,of Mr. and •lWrs. ' John 10.• Ross of Cayuga.' and f ert,- tr • Lueknnow. ` Some 80 . �pag .. of techs ca?a l' evidence . Vete given by- engin- eers who calculated 'the speed off, the Glenn cair as. ;ee-cve. A 'guard rail • at 'the ,brutge. which , was :under construction at the ti,`*rne:' entered the front o'ff ttheehhicle and close to 120 feet off- tine rat :mg'w'aas" lnarnging mart• the . rear, wmndc wv of the • • 'The Si<editng Tri, aig;'etcd 11 :. car winera it tame .to resat m 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,' at the following places m g • - ' • � arrays s • a cringer im 'tJae ffa�'nt seat of 'the vehicle, " which awrtas. veer e IA sign at the .northern 1im- :its at the bridge" the direction from which the carload of- yotitlis was corning, sitid "'speed over Bridge 5 ilidiP11." lief istratte Glenn Hays„ Q;C." ni ed d town the decision :der tthe evidence, Which • • the Polling -Subdivisions: • . • No, 1,' . At the Orange'. Hall, Durham . Road • No. 2, At the Orange'0Hall, ICinlough' • • .. No,,' 3, At the. Township Hall„ Holyrood •. • No, 4, At House of Mrs. Concession 2 Ford Cunnunsghann. Lot 11„ i . •.. • No, 5 At. Wiliam Scotts House, Langside• • No;: 6, At the Community Hall.„. Whitechurch • • • G. H. a WALL, C e , • ,'. tt col alae . hetet zdet or four • •• s ,;,••foisornsaesirar o .. >tnear. ' 1 SOME GOOD REASONS FOR BUYING mperiu ` From Products GRANT CHISHOLM w, w.. w Truck equipped with ' 2. pumping. systems to eliminate DANGEROUS . product contamination. and to insure EXACT MEA,URE. of gasoline and fuel oils` • Automatic weather cotrolled deliveries of heat- ing oil. • Products supplied 'and backed by Canada's old- est and largest, • Oil Company.. Friendly personalized service. Accounts hancled locally. • • 15 Years' experience in Lucknow and District. ”"Always Look To (,tripes] For The Best" I I ' %I