HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-20, Page 7WI NESDrAY, NOV, 20,t1 1903,
1.occ.tes. I....uri.at Plage Of OId. Friend In
LanasideWill Erect Memorial
(Kincardine News)
The final.` renting 'ace of the
late Nathaniel Bradley who died
sane thirty-two yearsago has
definitely been established much
to the .gratification of William'
L. Simmons of Royal Oak, MJch-
igen, who, at seventy-four, re-
calls 'how 'Mr. Bradley had .,be-•
friended him as a youth in Wes-
tern Canada..
As reported a few ' weeks ago,
Mr. Simmons was looking for
the graTe of his benefactor so!
that he .could erect a memorial.
on 'the • site. First clue to the
,. query came, from Mrs. James
Ferrier of • Bervie, who while.?
looking through some. old rec-
or+dss noted Bat a Nathaniel
Bradley had been buried at
aide in 1932 and the :of
ficiating cleityman was Rev.
(njw. Bishop) ,H. F, • Appleyard
Of 'St. John's Anglican Church.'
A call by -the News to Mr.
'William Scott caretaker' of the
Laugside • •cemetery brought ver-
ification and Mr. • Scott .. quite
easily riled the funeral - and
advised thrat the - ate Mr. Brd
• 1eyy 'was -buried in the "Pennell,
Plot." !Further information was
That h . nephew William Norma
was a resident.' of K ncardine.
In 'ling the News about his
Uncle, Mr. Pennell stated that
the Hate Mr, .Bradley. was his
mother's brother and .t a t it was
to her home that Mr. • Bradley
was .' heading after he •lost his
all . in 'Manitoba. • ,
Going back to another gen-
enation• Mr. Pennell has: a watch.
wrnich ,belonged to. Nathaniel's
father Stephen Bradley which
the ptesent owner slates is the
only Watch ever' awarded by a
Canadian government for' brav-
ery. The nscript ion says, 'Pre-
sented by the, Governanent of
Canada : ata Mr; Stephen Brad
ley in recognition of his humane
and galla services The
life,. 8t' October, 1895," pre-.
sentation was made m Wiarton
after i lr, Badley had saved the
lives of six ,men and one woman
at Boat Cove.
.The details of the . acquaint
ance between Mr.; Bradley and.
Ods: Simmons is of interest and
his leer , gives further insight
into their, actirvities. and, .of .the
Obligation Mr. Sons feels to-'
'ward hisfriend.
Writes Mr. Simmons, ` In Au-
gust, 1919, I Shipped acar load
of `horses into Portage La.. Praar-
ae, *Mitoba.,, and about the first
mann I timet was a Large man
by the name ' of .Nathaniel Brad-
ley, about 62 ;years ' old then.
:Ile ' had. to that time 'sold
20,000 horses in Portage: How
he kaa�ew, is .that: you had to.
$ 9 one do ar .a headto sell
I her in . the ` Portage, and the
records- showed that he sold - that
many. As I was just a '@ et her
from!" Michigan he 'stook' me 'un-
derr his. 'wing I' spent two win-
ters .with him- on a ranch near
C phiri,: Manitt ;
i • : Trois man . could ' neither read
and stain)
with. confidence On:
Snow Tires
Tse rugged • tires are designed and
bat for winter roads in Canada! Made
with a specially formulatedrubber
compound they feature hundreds of.
edges that really bite intosnow
giving iron a vio -Iikc gap far grey
safety and dependability! Each:
CO-OP* Huskie Tire has a safety'
bonded, 4 ply nylon mss for long
life; and built-in protection against
dangerous blowouts and breaks.'
1411410Inii Tomb
prepare now for freezing temperatures with
Put guarantted•CO43P Ethylene Gly-
ly-c l Anti -Freeze ' in, your cars. truck and
tear now! Then enjoy -
i. all winter lam, •You're safer
CO-OP permanent type antifreeze: It. •
won't evaporate . . it is. noj�i
js non -car . . and it con-
tains rust -inhibitors. And ,filfrag
lasts all soon! '
at the touch of the starter with
a Silver Cobalt
This =an ling CO-OP Sailtr Cobalt
flattery.can . ably sit idle for six
months and then les►pto life .. ready
, to p6wer your car„ 0d t ;
eve seceder, winter Hee s
Why; Silver Comet. p CO-OPbattery
'plates the way rran pro-
s iron. The chatge is kept in. no
`deptt itts + ata feral, • For sure starts this
'winter and for many winters to con.
buy a COOP'Silver Cbbilit Battery.
nor o w.r te' and bad emulated
2500:' acres .of :laud,, most .of it
garden soil arouard Oa kWe,
Manitoba. He also was a money
lender. In Nov„.,,,'ebe• =2, 3,
hard lost what I bad rand return-
ed. to Deckersgille, Sifichigan with
Lost it through fanning
and. I could see/ things were
getting diad for Bradley. Fauns
were coming 'back on ms
Taxes were mounting and
he ha, - to put a 'hard up: or
poor ' off . his land. .
I' w • aback after forty years
and. •d . Bradley had lost • ev
eryfh ng end ,barsfamily had left
for . other pian • 2 1,
He got sick and his sister "•in'
LucknowP wrote that if he 'could
get ' hack ' she 'would care for:
him, tout she waw spoor' too; He
sold his pairof ponies and sad-
dles snd people . around .Oakville
took, up, money to make $200.
and put him ou the train but
he died on • tthe way -.2- 1MIMS
told that When the day of rec-
ec-k i with the banks• came • in
1932 be Was banded $100,000 in
notes he had backedor came
good for In 1920 I know this
man was dwor h a quarter arnil
loom, dollars as I did , a lot of
hisy'business and w icing' for
Ile never drank intoxicants
or gambled a good man,
rough on the outside but a kind
man with a big .heart .•
lipon receipt of , the informa-
tion which the ' News had . gath-
ered ' Mr. ” Simmer's has since,
written to say • 1 e . plans - to :comae
to this area an lis : vacation next
spring sand ' in the, meantime will
ask the PenneUfamily for per-.
e r-
mnnssion to erect a mRaB ker at the
grate of his friend.
District Co-op
Telma .5284125'
DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes ba Stoat)
RepaiasstyAll Makes of Cars and Tractors
3 ' Iced Mechanics
!The Oliroet, Roundup pander the
leadership of `M s, Waate?ur. Black
and Mrs. Jack McGuire met at
the home of Min. , .Seedy' Mae -
Cha. 'Lynn Clayton riled in
prayer and . Bonnie L elsoia
:mad the Scriptirra, ,Joanne ,Mama
ikon read a . poem. Patsy and
ary MacChaQrlles :.sang • a dolt`
"Ms McGuire read a poem : and
lhlics. , . Bia :: told, 'a .story- Mrs,:
MaacChrarles served refreshments
and 'a recreation petirnead was
Mrs. Walterr. Black.- vituteel eiri
Tbresdy with her . father, her°, Mr.
J:• G3w7IcG a am .Freeport Haps
Kitchener. r. M MMcGuire is
much improved ' . an health and
-e, boanae • nn • the . near
Wits' Nancy McGuire ns• an-
other .Victifin of mumps ; iln . 'Oar
Alignment and Balancing
Honor Local Members Of Eastern Star,
•MrSe Ronald is . Worthy Matron.
Igna3ataon of °thee olficens ofh Ellwood Armitage) yrs. •
Huron Chapter No.. 89, agmen. Pe¢cy Staant ;, Ms..
Order of inbe Eastern 'Star Was. Mrs,. Wan. Heug an, Mrs. Ted
'held on Tuesday ems, No- Collyer, Mr. Murray Talion, and
•gam 12th m the LO.Q. _ Halt 'Jr.. Howl - allalhan.. A choir of
The business 'meeting was con Lucknow .members sang, "The •
I •smutted by -Mr. and. Mrs.. 'Ted rLo ds, My' ,Shepherd." •
'Coles Mina.; Jack Retrvie, P.D._ The tfe flowing ,officerowere ' in, '
D.G 'awas 'presented ., with a stalled: W by ,Mean, • Mrs,:
'life membership : certteficatte. on Ronald Feaster; Worthy .Patau,
behalf Chapter by :Mrs. Mr. George Guest; Assecnate
T, A. C rtie. Matron,. Mrs Alex moa;
• 1 . Rye was the Installing Associate Patron„ Mr. .Alex,
'Dr: Murray MacLennan ^bertsoan; .Secretary,. Mrs. *arida
the Ih gLPa n and ,:Me i
Moffat; T, Mrs.. :)(Iwen;
Mm George Gue�e P.M.; the . Adams; 'Conductress, Mrs. Scott
In sllir‘ Mars assisted by ; Rend; Associate C®anduactr ess, Mrs.
Mrs. Cecil Forster. ;Paloma. Kenneth Leitch; .:Chaplain, Mas.
P sD G1314 k3Eisa: • T.. A.. Curries Wm_ Wham'; Marshall - . O r-
P tD.D'GJM.; Mrs Howard Mach-. Tend dim; Organi s , ice.
an, RM..; Mrs Murray Mac+Len George Fisher Star Points, Adah,
' P.51.; and r F It of.• j eAts.. :,Boyle; Ruth, Mrs. W.
.fait, , `RR ., P •,Asked; Esther, 'Ms. Reg Bit-
tOtth g weave tom. An:- tout Martha, ` Mrs: '.Jan
dy .L, Mas' :Noma* .Carasin, ; bar„ 'rens. Jack Korn;
Warder, din Jack tie; ttan -
el, . ' Scott Reid,
Past Mattson .ared Patrons:.'
jewels 'were 'Priesented to
and M Ted Colllyeir by ,• amiss
Maiy alagiallave and Ma ' ..
Moat, . Mrs. .Harley Webster
presenteel- aMr. and.' Ma Coll
wir t., a laanp . on' 'ice of the.:
L ckaow 'member&
Guests attended Imo"
Kine II dines Taws h Pa nes a -
den, Toronto, BI 'th and' S or+d_
311, Sandra MacCharles. was
or lst fabr the Sunday 'Scheel
ssiemi on Sunday: Miss ,Mary'
Roantstte n. `was at the' conn, for
the 'woe -Julio service w. : ,.the
sang •'Feer you I ate Pray-,
, ri . The Reverend George Bel
Spoke an 'The cehmrafert la the
G" . flet•. Sunday he ig'larn°;
tlamto. speak on the `'Cbnalilenn a of
• the Gospel" • .
You're new sto tnei ashen you can 'phone for help„ tor
advice„ or simply chattohile You wait **the *tit to dry!
. .
Isn't itnice to knewyour t thatis alpyst
yotrr smite?' .t.Dell TelephoneCamrpany of Canada