HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-06, Page 7WEDNESDAY, 'NOV, 6th, 1063 .:.; r. rTmri ar il:: fiN i1 ate ONIti's ,e"irart. ii R THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, i UCKNOW, ONTARIO imPrium PAGE "SEVEN Cars Collide On H.,allowe'en Might WHITECHvncgl NEWS) Mr.. Jamieson ' Pettypnece wits.: meeting was opened : by extend-, again 'admitted 'to. Wblehain ling a earl sincerewtaami , 'Wel- Hospital the first of ithe week for • furtherf neem on WS foot, to all. he p•oem, Just Get community extends' to $eh nd o-nd Pray was read, tby Mrs. George McKa► ue their sinMrs. Win. The Scripture was. .,„Ceres(, sympathy in . the' .sudden ,,read hy Mrs. Dawson Craig: Mrs. pas ihasg her husband from a Bill cul gaffe .tthe Medi �partion attack Sunday eveen-. . ing..• The funeral was held from' ."Thanksgivinrg'. :The . nu m. �b e r churih's Thome, : 'Teres_ from the United Church was a ' • water w.i.th Rev. Gordon eish of,. reading; .: "Sims of Onions" • . f iciating. Burial was •inr Z eswater ,given by Mrs Milan Moore. 'Mrrs. Cemetery. The pall'. bearers were Damn .Itivhaiidsork' sang the so0o his ut g►htbours Messers• Joe Pid- lie was riot Willrimng'. IMrts,V etax Bean, 'sank Wools, Value Mc- Emerson intiradneed the 'Vest Innes, Goadon:St!obo,,David Keith speaker, Bev. Angus McKay of \ and am G,reen... Jhonsi, India, who �boi1c the' mem- Ma's. James McInnes . s nt ,:a. hers •.only•h ,of • the •member few days this week with her sis- ship of the 9os sty 'ba mis- tier Mrs. George cisague of 6th diens. Once the natives receive religion theirinspiration in-manycoa. Cul+ros5. cases •4M 49141 Gaunt Mrs: Vic- is to 'get', to the stage where thew' can go out . and teach their tor. Fknerson attended the Tial-, fellow man .religion, He • spoke lowoe'•en party held Wednesday of the.. work of Dr. Wilkie, ' Dr. ' afternoon at St. Helens school Buohasin, Alexander Duff, car d *hems Mm. ItemFiaher is the Dr. 'Carrie;'Missionaries have to teacher, 'MeV* assisted tui j udg- •fit ”' into many sitctuatbimis.. He • ' i - the debtate resold that . ex- • more . '� ' �1 wrauld lake to. see mran :gnome• Tinny tthr�nk Good for what He liras done for them by ;giving- their lives for His work. M. Rev.. McKay ; • On Monday 'evening the Wo operated :the [projector ,and, Rev. mens ionrary Society, of Oha1- Meltay explained. the pictures of hirers Presbyterian Church held the country 'where .thtey ,work,:.the their Thank -offering meeting in buildings, ' rpeople; agricu'1ture •`. the church. ' The president Mrs. products: He also . had on'display; ' is r.. Emerson r •� t . V to ]ane on presitdked. The a the 'castnxnnes 'worn by ; men, wo- amtinattions are unnecessary and i' should, be abolished. , The judges decided it °was a .tie. men: and children and'd many, of their haat c La.... Mrs. Andrew Gaunt thanked- Rev. hhankedFtev. McKay, and presented him With 4 $50 cheque. The offering was received by Mrs. John Gaunt and Mrs.:Rustael dross. Mrs; Howes of the Adhfield Soi 1ety owe a Reading — " `.htanksgiwing cus- tome, Mrs. .Gieonge Fisher gave the closing prayer. Mi. were In- vthted to .the b semeht for lunch. and a social tune. Rev. McKay left for the 'Mission :'fiieid in 1927. . A two -car accident .occurr red Hallowe'en night on the t Mitt going west in • the .first mile from the Division i4ne on the 12th con-, 'cession of West WaWan,as. around 10;00 o'clock, .wthen a car driven by Robert 'Stnuthkers,Witbh passen- gers Misses Nancy :Scott; Donna tiR into ul; • Marlene Mart in, . Srandra. Cameron and 'Neil 'iR1IItoul dol- lided with. one driven by Don 1 I¢11:: Hospitaliized ; ane Mr; Stru- Idlers, wibh cuts and bruises, Don. Hi, cuts and [broken . teeth •'aril Mitis Nancy Scott with a• loott in- jury. We wish: them all da • speedy recovery. • Mr. Harry tee and friend Mr. Cecil Wand crf Toronto visited .on Monday with • Mr, and Mrs. Bill Rintooul and . Mr. and Mrs'. Ewart 1VIraoPhersozr : of 'Lucknow. A Nasty . Exper ience On ;Monday evening as. "Kiev. and Mrs. McKay, missionaries. from Jihransi,. India were , 'getting out of their... car. '.at i Mainers Presbyterian Church, ma* 'tomlat s `w. ere t • at their 'and others. Thte juice from ktlhie to- matoes •s+patbered on Mrs. Mc ,Kay's glasses. Bwbunately none of the juice hit their dbo! dies.. As. Mrs. Garnet PYatrier walked down may 86 to the church she was, Chit ,by .a tomato thrown from a passing ,oar.. The folks of the -village feel .so sorry...that this kind of 'reception : had to . be for one of our oiwn'returned mission- aries. Surely . there are laws in this fair ,Canada 1,0 deal with. such acts as' . this, • to' otedt folks as they: journey to church. Rev. McKay said h had neer exper- ienced anything.likee this 111 In- dia. . W hatechurch. . Sewing Busters met Tuesday eventing at thie home of . their leader, Mrs. Claude Cof- fin.. The. president anis : Alma Corin opened the [meeting by ,ail repeating. ;the 441 Homemaking. Pledge. The roll call — Report of Prowess' 'on the Chart Work was answered by 5' giols. The min- utes of the last Meeting were read by : secrebany Miss Duane Coulites. The discussion . period dealtih with -,,P1 for Achieve- rent -Day and Stay Stitching. A demonstration was given on Stay St'itchi'ng and the club worked on their blouses. Home assignment Work on their blouses ' = On chart : Record Books. The rel J -mil . 'for next Meeting is My isug gesti'on for ourAchievement Day 'Demonstration ' . Girl ' Guide News' Apt 7• p.'m. on Nov. 1, the regu-• . •lar meeting of the Cort of Honor of the 1st Lucknow' Girl Guides was, held. Captain 4�vinas "quite dis- appointed that these were ' only two partarol leaders, and one ;se- wonder present, ;besides the Cam pa+riy L+enner. Unfortunately, some of . the guides fail to, realize that these meetings are for• their ben- efit and 'unless. more ',interest is shown, the unettitin!gis'-will .the dis- oontin+ued, arid:..the Comnpany may be. without any adult leaders Once More. At • 7:30 'p.m. the Company 'gathered for roll caul, -1oHewing this, a • little aha ii ng was done, then Horsehoe :tonna.; rtion. was 'taken. Highlight of the • meeting :.ways the enrollment. of tw'Q. recruits — Donna Mu[l�lin and Brenda Ritchie, both men - kbers of .the Swallow ,patrol. Dunt 'ing • patrol corners the girls • worked on tests then revierwed the compass points and Played • a compass 'game. Following •camp fire, .traps was :,sung to clo►eethe Meeting. ;The . ;girls. Were remind- ed o . , rbfiing their 'dollar regis-` tration by next, week, anal spam phrlebs were g wren out to itn qrm parents about: hovlr .this money is u•Sed.. . Ross Wh i her, 'Bruce M P.P., has, annlounced. he willnot be a oandicl ate for . leadership .of the Ontario Liberal Iparty. ' ..r WINTER FOQTWEAR, We have a large stoetk sof . Brand Name 'winter, footwear in. mean's, Women's and <chiLdr:en's styles; and sizes. „ A' complete ,range for ;the cold months ahead, in, oter the loot orover'the shoe steles featuring "No n "Denin1on" . and 'Winer" Brand •:sntoI oats, cock- tail boots and overshoes. Kaufivan,• Greb and ; . Sisman; insulated ropes, Rathwell Shoe Si�re Phone; 52813117. The Sepoy Wad, For ;Value, (quality and Satisfaction Your: Shop In Lucknow"c Store Bennett's �epoy Store Lucknow Phone 528-2129 HERE ARE THE • RULES; Every 'cash purchase of Two' Dollars at 'any of the .eo-oper- Co-oper- ating business' firms: in •this contest; entiz'tles . you to a. coupon and the 'oppoi:tuiuty to win ,the weekly.' and monthly. DRAW PRT7.RsS • Deposit yourtickets m the Draw ,Boxes 'provided in each of the Participating 'business establishments: Each week a winner of a $5.00 Merchandise. Certificate• will be selected and at the end of 4 weeks the winners of the: two monthly Merchandise Certificates . of $25.00: and'. $10.00 Willi' bedrawn in addition to the $5.00 we.ekrly : prize. Weekly prize 'winners: will also be eligible for the monthly Draw ' Certificates. Weekly. and: MVlontthtiy. Certificates .will be redeemable at any of the participating mnerohants: Decisions of the judge wiltl f ina; Sentinel staff are :not eligible to enter this Contest Draw. This ', Week's. Winner of $5 . Merchandise Certificate JOHN .HILDEERANDi Auburn. Who made his purchase at Lucknow 'District • Co-op The draw was made by Mel Henry, Reids. Corners Merchandise. Certificate May 'Be Picked . Up • . . At The Lucknow "Sentinel SLIMS .. In .plains ;or :checks $ .to •44. All wool, srtmetohries and : worsteds many :colours . and 'patterns • on ,display. LEOTARDS ;,--•= ' For ,the •family - • all colors. CAR COATS • Jackets 'and.•, ski jackets 3/.i and. shorter .klengtth s =. 8 to 22. Many -popular style's ,and. ,shades; • .NEW SWEATERS In .Cardigans,'; Pullovers and B ri1'k es, Choose now ' from a :new .. selection for size. • SHIRTS Boit .pleated and Sheaths. Vex- ieby of .cb'kars. -size 7 to 44. Many o rerblauu Ses . to mix 'and . match.. Saflders�n's.' Ladies' and Men's Wear ur the Brand you:Own .lite Sign Of .Quality iucknow Diitrjcj Phone 528-2125 Our ' stock of Toys . . in moderate cost range NOW ON PLAY "_ Look forus. at the MARKET sToRE SIEGRIST,S Diy Goods Luelmow Crest Hardware `I means SAVINGS for YOU In Lucknow SHOP Crest H�rdw�r� Phone: 5283008 SNOW TIRES 670-15.: Traction Grip $14.95 with running. trade-in Supertest • Service- StaliOir JOHN. GAMMIE Phone 528-3430. LUCkflow Fruit Market YOUR .BARGA1i' POODLAND No Stamps Nos Gint;tmichs LOW 'PRICES ALWAYS Phone 5283420 pial This, Weal BLUEBIRD Diam�id and Wedding Rings 2�%OFF Scnmia's JEWELLERY and CHINA Phone 525=3532 Occasional Furniture End Tables 2,$te Tables P ��- Coffee Tables It's not too early for Christmas buying. Your purchase will be held on .our, lay .away .plane MacKenzie FUrture *.Pierre 528-3432 / Super Valdes . . When You Shop The RED;.arid WHITE WAY Savings For. You Hall's Red and White FOOD mARKET Phone 5283001 IF ,YOU ARE IN NEED OF A FUEL OIL TANK Cbntact A. Bud iiriltOfl CITIES SERVICE Agent :. Phone S28i2427 ' Open Pah' froth, 7:30 to, 7 • Less than 8. weeks' Christmas You are invited. 'to use . our away: plan for Christmas' Shop. Now While The Selection Is Good Purchase fa11 your needs now, and we will lay .'them away until needed. NO DEPOSIT ,NECESSARY Ashton's Ladies' Men'. s and Children's Wear Phone 528-2126 kr