HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-06, Page 6• k: I er r . ft• A . 111P •I It .;; i' Kiairahera Women's Institute Han was, the Meeting place Mor, 'Y afternoon, .. October ,, 1141en a Workshop was a held. tor of . Pwa nr History books. lis. W. J, ' AmLO d o'f. Grove Waanerfs Institute who is Cursor for .,the. • District of South .. Bruce, occupied the chair.. The meeting was opened by veepeat ing :the Mary Stewart Co11eet. IReePrese itati:ves :from all but' ,two, of die Women's Inst`- tate Branches in the District, re sponded, to . tahe . nai 1 call. It As a matter of !pride edhat every Baan in the. District now las a Tweed— smuir Book for, recording the 1usboiy of 'their • community, • These hooka. should' contain the hihbory, of cxhurches, schools,, vq1- . , (loges, fauns,- etc, en the area; In each. case paktumarea 'valuable •adthtuon. A map, showing vvihevre: 'the -Insta t ube Branch ' is [located and what' area. its !history coo- ens, . is a good ,idea. Family his- . 1Jorses are: also . of worth. Mrs. , .Arnold suggested that arroae hits . be nincleuded • to make the mks :iaiberesbmg. lllite value , of im eserving the historical material in ear cormnunitaes'has been em phasiaed by ithe fact. that ` the l)e artarreat +of Zdu.,cation now se- cogmioea ;the Tweedsmuir books as' aaourrie ;Material • for ' teaching in Our schwas. • Books' of . the +various Branches Were. exaamineed •aby • the; tw'enty ,ladies present and'.ideas ' were ' eade ing id on ghee , best methods of ,Preserving the asaarious items of historical > interest. 3iairshee®e:sesnved, a:'deain- lruunch and were, tendered a vote of thanks for their kind• liebspnt+ality, :' Thanks were .'also ex- pressed : to. Mrs. Arnold for ar- ranging aengtng die .Workshop. �I Branch Nus Tweedsmuir Books. • a► TSE: ,LUKKNOW SENTINEL, 1.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT Mr. 8c it Bres of P /and, Oregon rvdsrbed. last . week with her .aunt Mrs. ,floberit Ross andc+au+bins Mr. and Mis. Don Ras . acnd '.0r.. and, Mrs,. Oussel [Rosaa Mir, awl NTS- Jaekk PaUltea and Debbie of Wiaellrac& uirg, M,r. and: Mrs. Wilbert Soh+wicditenbeng and Lori Jane of Port Elgin: spent the week -end with their parents Mr. and: 'M s. Albeit Collates, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Mosses An- nie and. Mary Laidlaw and Mr.' .Elroy Laaadlaw 'visited • Friday w rth1� i Mrs. Oliivee"r Mc- Brienaf, ' •;' ,.. [Mr. and Mrs. Ed Monchan 441ee Nellie, O'Oaallahan) of Detroit were vriisiitores on Tuesday twwieth *Mr. , and. Mrs. Charles • Martin. -Mr. Charlie Falconer, :!Mary and John of Glands, were n dayvisitors with Misis+es Arnie and. :• Mary Laidlaw and 1VIr• and Mrs, • Elroy Laidlaw flaw and family.. Ml...,nd Mise. BillieCaastick, Beth. Donna and: Patsy of Cui- rass spent 'S nday with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cas+Nek.. Cabvin-B k ec9vui+c'b are hold, ing :their . • Co"ngiregabaonal. Meet- ing lihis ' Friday .evening in eche. basement of Knox' church, B01-. gria+ve:' An :enbenbainment of local talent wail be. held. after the suep!peer• • ° • Mr, and, Mrs.. Bill .Rear a and family of Bernie ,were rweek-end ars at the /heave:. of ; their1sa IMr, and Mrs. Wm. Arbuckle.. ' Spending the week at 'their li:aernes were Mr. Murray COW - ties, Western "Uni+versity with Mr.' and'Mrs+ Ronald ,.•Coulter 1VIIiss Muriel Moore, Western University with Mr. and Mrs'Milan. Moore, Mr. Douga1as. Cou+lles, Waterloo University' with .Mr.. and :Mrs. Norman' Coubtes, • Mr. Jacob. Kai% per, student' preacher at Kjkox • Notice of Initial PUBLIC HEARING on briefs concerning MEDIGAL SERVICE$ INSURANCE Preliminary public hearings will beheld as follows: Windsor= -Council Chamber, City Hall 10:00 am. December 3 and 4 Toronto Galbraith Bldg.; University of Toronto 35 St. George St., Room 202-202A 10:00' am. December 11 and 12 10:00 am, January 7 and 8 1.0:00 am, January 14 and 15 10:00 am January 21 and 22 . a 10:00 am. January: and 29 These are initial, not final, hearings Bnew01 be pre- seated by : a responsible officer of the organization con- cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission, or their legal courser: Participants may' have expert wit- nesses appear for them: Participants will be asked. to 'present Only the summaries and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations.. .They are free'' to elaborate orally and 'offer arguments. Persons appearing before the .Enquiry may be examined directly by the members of the Enquiry. Persons submitting briefs are permitted to introduce at the hearings supplementary information and material in written form. These, to be known as exhibits, will be filed with the Commission and numbered.,in order of presentation. REMINDER Briefs (25 copies) on the proposed Medical Services ..Insurance programme: must be submitted by November 15th to, the Secretary.' • DR. J. GERALD u 11 ORY Chairman ' T. C. CLAARRKE, Secretary S. 'Toronto t1 Room418,67 Cancra ,itilepbono 365.024 ' euliege gbh 'lids *goal, ;apte: Mr, Kenneth" Co utter of Tor - mita, spent :the . week -end. with his parents ' Mr and Mrs, Nor- n Goultes. . ,. . Mx end t r!s. dlorrest Payne of Detroit spent last week with Mr. and Mrls. William Kennedy' of Marnock., • Mrs, Jas. M>1dclnrnes returned to. her *gine here on ,Sunday 'after spending i .last week with' her sis- ter Mi ,. GreOneu e: ,, ItecKegue ..of Mr. 'end Mrs. Georgee Wal+keer spent the .week-endi , ibh, Mr. Asn aid Mrs. ore T%pton • of B 1ford, ENCOURAGE PRODUCTION . . OF ;GRADE A HOGS IN BRUCE; Bnuce 'County. flog Producer's.' are .. conducting a 'campaign to encourage . ebbe production of Grade A hogs in the county. To thig eruct a combination of ..good breeding, [balanced ` 'feeding and some form of restricted feeding close to finishing time is re- quired. . , Top ode A producers from the September elect to October 15th, .i luded James' MacPher- son, M9acaRher-' David Keith and J, s'Keiffer of the Teeswater . area and van Keith, RJR. 5 Lueknow, who had 17 Grade A's/in his shipment :of • "WEDNESDAY, NOY. , �5' • } Held .. Anoth .. Sec.rcjiE .last Week For Man Who DisappearedIn June Jemeis Culbert of town reedy-. . weighing about 105 lbs, His phyr ; ed another letter Blast week from sisal, features, were descrirhed. He Ns sister, Mrs. Kenneth Mac- ,was . wearing; a healing .aicl,. and he LeIIna� whose . husbandhusbandVis` suffered £rani. hof ,t... . oPPeared.last. June, and no trace: arteries, • of him ilras since 'been= +found:. Hospitals in tlui jea:2161erri prom; Mrs. Mao an is the leaner roves were cite and On Barbara Culbert of >Elsihef elcl, tario hospital files Were •search - Mr. and' Mrs. MacLeaanan whci ed. Salvation Army' hospitals reside at ' 3078 East dst „Avenue across. the .crest' *wire' also 'beers, m Vancouver were . visiting at sent circulars. ' • Lenore, Manitoba last June,. froth Another ' •thoorough searchk ,where ,they plan med, to • amain- the bluffs .and shaded spots a fir_ piny relatives in continuing the ays,' was planned 'for h�hw �Pweatherend of last 'week. It 'was hots (herr to Ontario: cMr. , MacLennan at • this point the end when. Mr; MacLennan decided to .return 't Vancouver, disappeared and it was telt that . but • before arrangements were When- he tired he would seek completed dor :the return trip he Shelter from the sun in the shade' disappeared 'frown the rural home of the bluffs 'where they were visiting and Mrs, MacLennan, 'recently'ne- all .efforts to •locate hini itsave ceived a letter ifrom where they since been :futile- ' were • visiting in, : &niteoha;; It Intlest week's • hebter Mres, . Me- mentioned a ' Mrs, Routledge.. Leeman' said that another search &raan LI cknow Who lives in the hi the Lenore Area was planned Lenore district. .ter sons'. had for October 25th. With the fields helped • in the June, search and harvested and: no.. trace.: of him. she was , surprised"to see the ' found, • there: mow' remain only ;piece 3n the Luckanow paper, the .bluffs to he searched Mrs; MacLennan said; and: won- . and with the leaves off the ' tre tiered if her ' 'brother Jinn knew. it will be easier. • who she would roe,- In tier letter, Mrs. MacLennan sent a''descriptive droller .oaf Mr. The Pall rummage sale Sven:— MacLennan. ven-•MacLennan who disappeared on sored ' eby the • ladies of the Aux June 18, die was in lids 84th ili+aary' oto eWhi n and District year, ...vitas 5 . feet 6 inches in Hospital,' • resulted in total sales height, of stocky build ' and of $92$428. • Spotted any ig argainslately? If so. why not buy with the Bank. of Montre Family .Finance Plan? With this, low-cost. life -insured plan. one regular monthly -payment covers all your, credit needs—and you can, take up-• to 'threeyears to pay. ; , RANH' when you see what you want -see the people , ... erneraeyMenea , at your neighbourhood B of'M about. a Family Finance' Plan' loan , \s'*"'. =,41 DRING Aia'YOUR .P'ERSONA'L CREDIT• NEEDS , UNDER ONE ROOF . � o, With A Low Cost Li'fe-Insured B of M Loan LUCKNDW BRANCH--- Mon •Ray11eL'r§ Maniger