HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-06, Page 5. •• 1 • • 3 • 4• . • •74111PWW:', ,•4111.••41-1.;PRIVergli • VinSpNRSLiAY, NOV. 8th, 1063 .'"-1•401111wWuNIFP•IF • .1 1470100‘SNN OCKNOit,' ONTARIO • ?AGE' RIPLEY:. MEAT ....1111ARICET. .(ostont Butcheriiit: Mondays—. Hogs; ;2.00 in by. 400 On. , Cutting • and Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY PAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Snioking . :Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half ,or Quarter.. . ,For Better Service, And Lower Prices Cill Ripley 100, • Chas.. Hooistnit, 'Prop. -t Huron Reeve Is Warden Candidate Chester Emmerton,. reeve •of ' • Huron TOwnship, is one of .three Bruce County reeves, who in- . notunded at Cotmtly Council last • ' week that they. • will contest the • 1064 warden:ship. • H•aliVeY Falanateer • of . Kincer- • dineis the ipresent warden. The •wardenship alternates -ibetween rtnal and urban reeVes.and 11.94 rural' year. • • Probably unique is the an- , nouncement iby Rosewelil Smith, deputy • reeve of An -label, that he is, in •the 'field.. Reeve Amabel, • ;George iSiegrist, intimated that he will be dropping ;bait and,. 1VIr. Smith Would appear 'as the log- • ical sttecessor. •• The third 'aspirant is 'Rdph Siegner; reeve of Carriek Ton We extend 'our', sympathy to the: relatives of Mrs.Era Who. .passed • away .unexpectedly • ather irothe at Kiriloss, • • • •• • Mrs .Midferd Wall attended the •funeral ,of. 'Mira. • ,q11)en Walden at •• .•••.' Lucknow on Wedne.sday 'after-;„ Mrs. .Mosn. Stewart and Bud ac ComPanied r,elatives 10 -.London • on Thursday.' •• •'• • Mr.. and iMrs. Ezra.. Stanley spent Tuesday evening With Mit. Franck Brown and Beg. . • Another Hallowe'en • has come and. gone.. Calling at the homes 41101'.11g the 'were the neigh- bour's: Children dresSed tirar- ious Clostunies. .Sorne were extra " • good, but to mention names; well • . 'twouldn't do. . , • • Mr. 'and Mrs. . Harry' Ross •and boys,. Toronto, .pent the mreek • end, W-ith Mr° .and !Mrs. Art Hod:- Member Of Pioneer Passes . • MISS JANE PIERCE • Death. came to Misilane Pierce. on Wednesday, October • 30th, at Fillet/rest ManorNursing 'Home in Lucknow, 'where she had been tai 'resident for •sonie time and gradual failing health. • • She was in her 90th year, and a. 'member of a, pioneer Ithilloss Township family. Jane, or Jen7 nie as she was f•aanilierly 'known by any, was one of a family of 'eleven children!, 450171 to • Ben- i,' .Plerce 'and Frances Harper, of Con,cession 6, • Kinloss Town - :Miss Pierce spentianuch of her life ion the ;farnilY rfn, an4 was a good neighbour firiend. She• anoved to . Lucknow eleven y.ears ago, • in 1952, with.her bro- ther 'Noble, *who predeceased • her a few years ,ago. •• • They resided in „the Main street, apartment in BOb Finlay's building,. where Jennie continued to reside until entering PinecreSt Manor... , , . • • The Atineral service was held at: the 1ViaCKenzie MentoriarChaPel; Lucicnow,, orr .Friday, .1sievember condiutted by' Rev. H..W. Strapp of the 'United Church; of which she was a member. • tarter/trent Wag,- in '46reenthill- CeMetery, •the • pallbearett being Hughes; Harvey Ross iMatilVlinaii, Hasse& Bain, Hugh Sutherland, Ernest Make •Miss. Pierce IN strivived by orie brother, James Pierce of piendoTv and two .0i:stem, Mrs. Bertha. iMael.ean ' ViancotiVer and Irs. George •Harrison of Kincardine.. She 'was predeceased by as sig.. ter Elizabeth and •six brothers Thomas, William and EdWardof RetSon,, Martittiba; Harry. .oif Win- nipeg and Alexander' land' 'Noble of: 1.alcknow. - We extend our 'Sympathy to, tensing, spent the • week -end KelAVirt.' • Lamont in the loss of with Mk: and Mrs. Ezra Stanley his .brother CcAlin ,Lamont : 1 . ette ed. :the Ifunerg), of Mrs. Mr and"Mrs. Leonard -Stanley, •Ezra' • • 11C4 API 414, 4 ARID • • • ? ' • • • . of action to take to, keep Insured • , If you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment, Florin 104, • whidt your group is required to give you. • • • • • . H When you reach *our 19th birthday you are no longer • •covered by your parents certificate. Regi.ster separately within thirty days to keep insured. Forms are availabla • at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. , N R When you marry, the Familypremium must'be paid to cover husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your •group OR, if you pay; direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2198 Vong•Stroot, Toronto 7, Ontario ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HANDY • • • • • ' a • Hunter Iltinter, your ,fire! Do not eiplocie that cartridge. That's your neighbor, IVIr; prwryer. It'snot a plump hen partridge. AL1 right. You don't like :that verse? 'Ho* about this one? A.11ong the line of smokk • The crianson thwiters Stand, A hundred ound Bob's and : •• Their muskets ',in their lban. They're in the Swamps and ••• • • leys, too, • •As. thick . aS %lease in skillet; They have hut one anititicar, to See Something mime and kill Yes, •gentle, all -stiffening er, I'm afraid that one. of the of Oanad? si11y easoni .is upon' us. The .above., doggerel represents trwo ' of ithe attitudes about 'hunting iseason ,vvhich pre-. veil. They ,anight be labelled the ApPreirensive and th.e Disapprov- ing. • • • • There are others: For examPle: Why' Can't we bunters 'Shoot. trOan • And iblagt a.Way on Sundays? Eadh silly . regulation mars • 'dill.. simple, joyous fun .'daYs.:, This might ibe c Ogled the :View,' point of .:ithat small group of. malformed incliViduala who 'give the, .rest us' the creeps: They enjoy .1:billing, fir 'it S own sake. • They Will shoot 20 ducks When. the bag limit its eight. They, will •shoot an • owl or -• :turtle cat it nothing else is moving: 1 find myself Uneasy rth,ir company. They' ibe 'termed • The Killers: They are not bun-. • Quite opposed to . these queer Ones is. another segment of our population. I came' 'across ical 'group of this species .laSt Saturda/ When I .dropPed in at •the pub for ,ari ale; There they were 'he-men all, in, • their ;red taps,' red •jackets and red faces`; on labont• their, eighth, round of 'beers. , After • anther• ,couple • of rounds, they'd te'ready to tan Out Into the woad's, and it would be every man for thiinself. ".This.. type,. and it is •legion, seals:torn kills anything .mote dan- gerdrus than, as crock Or an old buddy. J'u'st fOr the sake Of eu- phony, let's call them The •Swil-: lers. Their credo might" .go thus: Hunting is the sport for . • • We're a. manly; 'Imerry I crew; •So whY' the •ruicktts and the, fuss • When 'bag a covv a two? , • KINLOSS Mrs. Allister Hughes; Wei ling- tess fortvirenty Wormen's Institute District Curators in Ita,iivhqa Hat , on: 'October 28. ••• , K.' and ilVIrs: Meer: K 7 of Newanarket were k=end guests wbbl)! 1Mr. and Mr's. Frank iVlacifeneie, and fant-: • • We welcome the rvew Citizens on. our line the baby son ' of, !Mr. and Alai. Rob& Gilchrist and' 'the baby clatighter of ,Mr. and. Mrs. , Wm. Ilaltdenby. , • •Mary ' MacKinnon has been ouiste FLI with the Mumps: • A very Pleasant evening was enjoied in Itainshea Hall on November 2nd. Mrs. Harvey,Hou- ston 4.g, Mrs. Carrie Colwell were directors Who arranged the lc:air, shea At ,Horne. Neighbdurs were invited and ,each Institute .nretn- ber provided a number. for the programme. Excellent talent *as discovered. Mr. J. • j, lionston shovyed colourful slides from his Western ,Trip and alsO the Niag- ara .0.arlu.S. A. SumptuOtis lunch coMpleted• the eVening, South Kinloss WM.S. members provided a. prc•grattane and rtreat fOrt residents at Botha Haven oi IltieSday. afternoon, Beset. on. one side by the Ap- prehensive and, the Ddsapproving, on the other hy•The Kidders ancl the The &wilier% the reel. hun- ter has my sympathy.All he wants, is to ibe .allowed to follow his favorite sport in peace and with „a Modicum of Safety, and getting tougher all ithe time. It he were not the simple, in- articulate . type,he might say: Give me a 'crisp November day • With a little skiff of snow; And a deer run, and a goad gun,. And you tknOw.ivihere ylou can •1 id�nt like 'Slaughter. But I don't think every man wlho shoots an anima is as depraved monsir, lusting for blood: Many a Sat- pirdaY afternoon 1 myself have lined up my sights and fired' With cool precision at, a fence post' or as No Trespaseing sign. And • TX never' forget the day' I bagged My ,biggest trophy --the black 'bear. ; 'was 'birt fhunting pairtridge Ilhe birds had ane pret- • tY rattled jumping up behind me With 'a great whir and wing- • ing off, laughing over their Ghoul- $111;d'CifellIn .0,Uf a the corner. Of my ley, I. saw this huge,..fhlack, menadng *shape croucthied.' on a' tree linib. as la lb* ; . I whirled • .,blirew up any."•guin Sick '.'whert • my .400;.patind shot. I telt bath silly and 'a Ui fitted. DorWn. turnbled bear turned' out to be la. 12 -ounce• Week SqwrreI But 1 ate' him, in 4, SteW. • How things • have chrinigied since. SainUel Johnson . wrote, a • couple of hundred snears 'ago, "Iin,unting Was the Aabor Of the Savages : :of •North America, but •the aniuSeinent of 'the 'gentlemen 'af, Englanid.". c/r • have 'they?: • • OIL BURNER =ma TO yowl FURNACE :r7 • ' 7 „4 s• Maybe your old furnact. dos • - not perform:the way it should?: • Letuslookoveryourequipment • before you deddeto buy.a new biases. Chances are that all you need b a new, efficient ES° 911 bilmer. • • Low 'Budget. Terms Up To_Fiye Years TO. Pay • ' ROY HAVENS • PlutrAing and 1-leating • ESSO OIL BURNER Sales and ,Service HOME HEAT SERVICE ; 0••••••414%••••••~4~•~•~.......~.414b • . t ',t tion vei Wm. -year,Old Eden Orave: y has been changed as le delinquent in coulee - a fine w1chr 4e4, nes; (barn and paimig. house at OarguIll. •.The Bniice League .1basebill trophy which Melif )ottahtte of Teeswater has hadin his :pos:; session, is ,to go to the Bruce bounty Museum. . are ree These wonderful days of boyhood las uch a short time. But while your son is growing up, ‘' you can be helping him toface the future with conficlenge through Iife insurance. For example,•you can assure him an advanced • education with one of Sun Life's educational policies; you can guarantee his future insurability, with a Guaranteed Insurability Benefit; you can lay the foundation for his future • life insurance with.a Junior Adjustable Policy Where,, with no increase in premium, each $1,000 of insurance increases to $5,000 at age 21. Most hoportant of all, you need an up-to-date program On your own Iife tO assure your faMily an adequate income in the event.of your death. • • V • . . . WM..: ..*i;:.:KINAHAN • • • 2,' •Lieektiow • Phone VVii,ghana 07,1987' SUN UM ASSURANCE COMPANY :OF CANADA • , ,• • • t.,!?...„ ' • • ,:••• •