HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-30, Page 8• Pjltig . • • , t THE utracNow sioNTANEL, amparow. ornArtio. • RIPLEY. MARKET - Custom Butchering: Mondays HOP, $2.00 in by COO Pan. Cutting and Wrapping,.. 2c. pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY,, • EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Ciirincand Smoking . Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole,„ Half or Quarter Far Better Service, And Lower.; Prices Ripley 100, . • Chas Hooisnma, Prop. To Add Books To School Library • ,Alt -the Ocitdber meet of the school. As there are various • Suoknow District High School steps to follow- in airanging Board a requisition for 'library such classes, the Institute was books amounting :to approximat- advised it is considered too late. ely $400.00 was approved, On to start proceedings this year. • the, reconmezidaton of a librar- • iari from the Department of Ed- • ucation„ additional 'bOaks are to be placed in ,the Library during Abe year. ;;. 4 .„, •4 t.0; 6 7.• • • • • • The Board was advised Com- mencement Exercises will • be held Friday evening, °caber 25. • Grade X pupils will attend the • Royal Winter Fair, Friday, Nov- ember 5th 'as has' (been done •in past years. • , • A letter iwas received .frona,the •Women's Institute regarding Night ClasseS` being held in the di • Sundry accounts amounting to $2,198.3& were approVed paid. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Joe Hackett, Rip- ley, announce the engagement of their, elder daughter Joanne, to Robert Apo* Nonni*, son ;o1.19Ir. and Mrs, °Scar. Norinan•? RR. A Glamis, Ontario. The 'marriage will take place 'in Knox presby terian Church,* Ripleyi. on Satur- day. November 9bh, at M3C) p.i.n. . . , . Re•cently,, I have attended two funerals.This is .about: -two ,more than my usual 10 -year quota, I *don't km:m.4111y I have avoid— ed ;funerals all my life. It hasn't been a.conscious thing, but more a matter of inertia. And it aiways seemed. 'foolish, making a fuss over the clay when the spirit had •.Well, I've changed any mind, didn't know what I was missing.' There is something intensely sat- isfying in 'the human drama in- volved in. a funeralservice,. and I herelyy promise all my• friends, that I will attend .their funerals, thumaniy possible. That is, if I don't beat •them to the punch. • Both or these services I was at were for people I a.danired•and re- spected, hitt -there the similarity ended. One was for an elderly lady, a simple Lut.heran seivice in a Sniall church. The other was for •a comparatively young man, an •elaborate Roman Catholic service 4.! "'"?.- • ' •••';• • n any ianeres ads Spotted any big bargains lately? If so, why nofbuy with the , • Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan? With this low-cost. life-Insured.plan, one regular monthly payment covers all your credit needs—and you can take up to three years to pay 'MY BANI1' . ' When you see what you'want—see the people , r10 3 wows at your neighboUrhOod B of M about a Family • Finance' Plan loan: • . . . • • Ne..x..:•;;;>4. ''' •'"(4:c. i'dr.4.77‘BANK • 4 • it ' • • / OF MONTREAL • 8 • • . eniNd ;VIL.V000-0i PtRgONAL frEtpti UNDERONt 1100IF With 44,N 1.0141COSt Lifo-Insured BofM ,Loan LUCKNQW BRANCH Milton Rayner Manager • .• . • 411 • • a large church. Each had 14 dignity arid; at times beatity., ' * * 4 •• Incidently, I learned something at both. The tutherans sing sitting dawn and 'pray standing up. And there, isn't much of my high sclioitl Latin left, so that. I welcome the new ,from Rome that RC. ser- tVices will be 'conducted • in. the native Jongue. • , • But there's a lot more to a 'fun- eral, than the • church service. There is the slow .filtling up of the church, with 'everyonetaking a craftY, look around to see who thought a visit to the funeral home would be enough... • There is ;the ,higubriou.s organ music• thOt puts wilt irrlhe right mood.. There is the quickening of tempo as. the .rninister or priest rustles in. There is the awkward, touching 'procession , of relatives of •-the `deceased," ; inane weePing, sante • white - faced %with strain, soine red-faced v.rith. the . un-•• •accUstomed attention. •. • And then there is the entrance. of the coffin, gliding soundlessly on its wheeled frame, surrounded qv six good men • and true.. This Is. the moment of truth'• for ' the, spectators, 'as they realize with a. jolt 'that. this . is the end of 'that. person, and thit" this is the end to nkthich. we all shada ,come: , •• f * ¥ • Spirts lift slightly with the beautY of thechants, and plunge do:se to the maudlin when. we are asked t� :join in '"Abide W it h Me," and tears 'spurt beyond rea- son, throats develop lurrips as large as golf balls.. ;•: • • When it is tall over, I think everyone feels :cleansed and up- lifted; • 'rather than depressed.. There is an imperceptible awak- •ening of life, an eager turning to ofthe weather; though we . retain, for a. decent. interval, •our :mournful Everyone "feels like a cUiP -of ;tea or igbod. stiff drink. ;• • ; There 'IS a: lot to be said for giving a fellow human being, who entered the, world' in a rather scramlbly fashion: and did the best -Of which he was capaible; the • dignity of a .decent Sendoff: , Personally, I •vvould -rather go to a good funeral any day Than. to a,Wedding, whieli often degen- erates into giggling and general .• , • . ' . WEDNEsmY, oar. 30th, 1963 Girl Guide News ist•Iaticknow Guide Company . • On October 25th, a Hallowe'en party was held in ,the Town jr the (1st Lucktiow Guide CothPahy, They had as their, 'guests, •the. IPICardine • Girl Guides. •. „ Everyone came in costume,' and the hall had previously ..been transformed into an eerie atmos- phere, Priies, , were awarded to the best cots, •Patsy Tucker and Pat [Hale, both of Kinioar'I dine, and for 'fancy costumes, 'Mary ,Malcohn of Kincardine and. Valarie • Morningstar •of Luck. now, Judges for the contest were Mrs. Mary Boyle and Mrs. Bruce Threndyle, captain of the Kin- cardine Company.. The *remainder of the etre/ling was taken up with t imes, and. a `tHorror House. To - conclude . the • party,. decorated Hallowe'en cakes and lemonade were • served. Taps closed •the' . •meeting. .• There is a ,great ..deal oforit- cirn over ;the cost of a 'funeral' todaY,.;& 'undertakers are fret:men- • .t.0 tly staked ,over- the coal $ for cater- , ing .to the ;exceasirtne demands .& had taste of same Of their clients. 17 don't think this quite fair: Un- dertakers Are just that caterers.. If You want the blue plate special, you 'can get, it. And if you *ant the seven -course deluxe, they'll give 'yott that. • ' i used to be one of these just- papme-irrLa-Pine-bOX 'and throw Some dirt over me fellOWS. But n'ot any longer. • When I •go; I. want the ,works. Row tuiporf row of ,WeePing friends and:relatives, Lots Of wreaths. A full choir. 'Abide With and everybody -breaking . down hope- lesly about the middle Of the seFeCnd verse, , • • WE HAVE 11 EVERYTHING IT TAKES a VI Seati s>c libinN6 youiz ,Roe And a gre'at big receptiOnback at the hpuse afterwards. • One more reque.st. 1 know it WoUld'bettiffieult to arrange, but I'd like to be :Sttried sitting up, so Icould enjoy it all. • • ki.tt. • A complete lm e 0 .:.....1: •• '''' ' ES o 1 :..?, atop quality s . 4 mlieenatting Equip-- !•.A, i... k.N, •.. . ..... ..:::., li • 5 -year, low cost 1.1 Esso Finance Plan •EssoHomelleat Service—cleaning, isl. . . . ki conditioning and ,,• t,...., k emergency service A at no cost.to you • ., • , • Teacher: '' 'How many . fingers have 'yotth • , ,L ' Bobby: Ten, • Teacher: Well, if tfotir were inissing, what would you. have ". .1 No then?Eoliy: '''. nuts it4essons. blow soalidbody'S leaves into his. It's an ill (wind . That doesn't neighbour's kackyard. ' Doe vatphone today • •‘ LOW :,Bodget-Torots Up To Five Years To Pay' ROY HAVENS. Plumbing and 14ating ESSO OIL BURNER Sales and Service HOME HEAT SERVICE 46460•4444.040064,441 • WED A Ac Phys • Wingh cextt FIF '1 •Ins •• Lui • 1: . ST ve Ph Ri 1,1 , Oft Office wil,••••• R. s. , Pit .‘1VIOn, Loca • office, 4".44.4 • 1 •' al • C Phone "Alv