HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-30, Page 7• WEDNESDAY., 'OCT. 30 1; 1963 TUE LUG!KNNOW SENTINEL, LUCISNOW ONTARIO. PAGE SEVEN $eti,naI, Meetings Heki:lastWeek Kinlosst Suth Ao .. _ and Belmore • Sectional. Meetings of the Wo. .wan,Foni • men's Missionary: : ..nosa ,made a'rno5t 'ur- Society • of gent 'plea that we strengthen the M+aitland IPreslbyterial of •the effort . there and expressed deep,' )Pres+byterian Church 'in Canada regret that aid had ' not'S been were held at.•S'outh Kinloss. Pres sent to those requesting it. If byterian Church on •Octdber 23rd, we persist in selfishness,: thought - and • at Eelinore Presbyterian lessness end indifference .the fu - Church on October 24th. • • ture of, these 'People will pe very At South. Kinloss; 1VIx G: Sutherland, Ripley, conducted the meeting. Mrs• J.. Aitaheson and' Mrs. 'R:. Reid of Luckno, w.'' and Mrs, D. .McLean o+f,:Ashfield brought devotions .based ori -Psalm 138. ' ,Mrs. Fraser McKinnon of South • Kin'1o'ss welcomed those present.. Mrs. a Fortune, ;Wan Baan, gave • tih4 highli'g'hts of the. 1.963 ses- sion 'of the Presbyterian women at Kintai'l Cam!p•. The treasurer's report, given by Mrs.. W. F. Mc} Donald, Lucknow, • showed an to ' crease over last year's . givings. Ain inapressisve. Memoriam trilbute, .in .anernory of Miss Bes tie MacMurchy was presented by 2m .B; : Thomas, Bluevale, and again'' Mrs• T. •English, Win'gham. aMrs. brought the pressing needs of W. Conn, Rap7ley, rendered a Centennial. the aniseaori fields to the'' M,em • pleasing solo "Thee', Ninety' and iters. Mgrs.: •R, McMurray, B1ue Nine". Mrs. F• Cromey, Kincar- d M vale,*thankfully e ' yexpressed caur- ddine, introduced the' guest speak- the as given at tesy : remarks' and the'. sheeting 'er,' Miss Hazel IMaclDon'ald,. who p g was.' brought to. a close with. has '.given, serVice; in different g g g y ,prayer` 'by Mrs.. W: King, Brussels:. phases of missionary work.. She -At both •. churches, the .ladies' eiaplained the . scenes shown' in M' H enjoyed fellowship in a social the Blois on the work 'in' •Tai- speaker, was intrad'uceid by Mrs, hour. 'after the meeting.. • dark; • Miss I Carr, Dungannon, ex- pne+ssed thanks ito all wff o had helped •in' R'inaking..,the .meeting such a success, and Mrs. M. Ritchie, 'Kincardine, closed the meeting, with prayer, In .iBelm'Qre, Mrs, W. Ba'1Iagh, Teeswater, occupied' the'chair:' 4Mr- A. taihday an Mrs. D. Keith of Teeswater and. Mrs. Cain+ptbe11 of "Molesworth •led! . n devotions from St. John chapter 15,, verses •1-1;1. . • A 'welcome was expressed by Mrs, . E, Jeff ray; Belm,ore. Mrs.: W..Sipeir, 'Brussels, 'president .of Maitland' 'Presbyterial, asked ;for. contributions for the � ,oster for the' observance of.the Mrs.. McDonald, Mrs. .English And Mrs. 'Fortune gave express- ions ofworkr South 'Kinloss. A' ,pleasing ones- sae' in Song was given b Mrs. G. Appleby, BeImore. . • Miss : MacDonald., . as guest RAE HETHERINGTON STARTS WORLD TRIP Rae, Hetherington, on, ,22• year-old son of Mayor Robert H'ethering- ton and Mrs. .Hetherington,, of Wingham, was one of seven young ,men ..who started a 'world tour .last. week. . flue g'ro'g left their 'Beta 'heti, Phi 'fraternity 'house alt the, Un- iversity of Western Ontario in two 'cars which are being driven through' the States and. on to Panama. At that point the •boys. ,ho1e tobe able, to icatch rides on* Wats" and be in .New Zea- land .before Christii'as New 'Zealand the youm'g T&.nen plan to find jobs for sev- eral months before .going on to Aus•tral'ia, India, the ., ',Middle l as,t-'--Euro and England; are- • timing home before the end of next year. Rae graduated with a':bacheflor of 'engineering science degree , last .May,alt Western .University,. and on. his return will • take up • his'. career as. a Divi l engineer. Shop PURPLE GROVE and DISTRICT Ronnie 'Dore is in Kincardine hospital after. 'having en ap'pen •dix 'operation 'on Tuesday, Or; and Ws, •James .Funerson ;of Charing Cross spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, . George. Emerson. Miss. Roberta Thpson ':spent the week •with M. ;• a Mrs. }�d: - Don,. a+id. McCosai.. i ,Mr; lentr Mn% ;Claremo. Wedaw and ';:Sffamily ,of' Hanover were Sunday . guests .of Jr, 'and. Mrs. Harvie Thompson. ' 'Carl and Dianne Dore spent the' 'week -end with MT. and Mrs.' Claude Dore • anal' rM�r. '.Fred • Gilchrist;, Miss' W'inniP Wri'glbson; .••Lu'c'k= now, Mr., and Mr. • Lloyd Mc- Clure and Lawrence of Paisley were Sunday v'iisitors With 11!ir.' and Mrs. 'Gordon MacDonald.. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Brind- ley • and boys, Mr. and Mrs.' Claude • Dore, Carl, . Delbert and Kenneth were visitors with Mrs, Frank Done and 'girls ' . ' Miss •Ma'rlene 'Ga'w+l►ey, Toronto spent ,the:. week -end 'with Mr,' and Mrs. Victor •G'awley. • 1Viiss' Sandra Percy 'and Wayne' Percy visited Mr.: and Mrs. Qiugh �Janse'n• , i1Vir, .and Mr's. Ed 'Schandlen,; Pont Credit' spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ie Cosh; other visitors in • the •brie home Were Mr. and Mrs; :Alllati er, Kenny Harkness, Carl Col- lins, Bob and Joe Forste.r, Mr. and..Mrs• William. Arnold„ Mise Male Boyle, QVlrs, William Cot, Rev. (Benson Cox, I. and +Mrs. James Emerson. • Some. , attended the auction. sale 'at the.. home of Mr.. and :Mrs. Perry ' .Hodgine on' Sa bur-• day; Miss Annebta. Forate,r, ,Toron- `to, 'Boli Forster and' Roy .iF Fraser. spent the•,eek-end with Mr arid Mrs. • Walter Forster, M.r.' Leonard McFarlan spent ;. Sat7urdaywith. Mr. Victor Gaw ley; ►Miss Margaret Robertson spent Sunda -x -with-, Mrs: - Russel _ Col_ -.._• ]inns• . Mr. arid, i1Vlr+s. Don '.Dore,' Jim- mie, ; .Cathy, Vickie and Frankie . spent ..the :week -end with friends in Allanburg. • •Game Warden:: Hey, young " . man, • what's the idea of hunting with last 'year's license? Bill ' Oh, I'•m only shooting at , ,the • 'lairds 'I missedlast ,year. One woman to another: P+aor Deborah' I Bear she has c'omrxr •p1ete1y. lost . 'her voice. 1 must call her at once I've been,wan- ting to. have a good talk with her +far a Tong 4ircne, , Standing on 3rour dignity Orr, Mins Olive Orn, Roy Fras- er makes you look big. Special Prices On MEN'S and LADIES' Bowling Shoes In Effect Until . Nov. 2 REG. `$6.98 Now $4.99 Now.. in stock, new :fall :styles. in• Dacks and Jarman Shoes . for men. Blick a.7•4 Brown: Canada's Quality : Shoes .For Men `Rathwelt Shoe "Store Phone 528-37.,; it • .• ie Sepoy Way For. Value; . Quality and Satisfaction Your Shop In Lucknow" Store Bennett's Sepoy Store Lucknow :Phone 5.28-2.129 MOuiIh.Eid1:WjiineISAte:; $25. 'MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Jack Scott, Ripley who made his 'purchase at Wm. A. Schmid',s $10 ' "MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Donna' McNee, R.R. 3 Auburn • who made her purchase it Sanderson's ., All tickets entered to, October 26 were :' in ' this draw. Regular Weekly : Winner of $5 Merchandise Certificate Mrs. Barb Farrish, Lucknow who made her purchase. at Sepoy 5c to $1.00 Store The draw was made by Mrs, Harvey. Houston, Holyrood• Merchandise Certificate May, Be' Picked Up • At The Lucknow Sentinel, FOUNDATION ,G'ARMENT'S GORSE'i'ii I E to advise you. on type garments. 'for . giails, .!masses. and; women..:N'ew styles in,'•Cor- selettes, Girdles, 'felts, Brassieres. Drop :in a• new figure .canbe ypu•xs _ expert fitting for that new Fall . ward+robe. Pentnans • , ,and • S•tanfields wool underwearL4for men and women. Watson 'Pan+bres S. 41V1 r.: and. O.S.' large assortanen't. in all Styles, r. •. • . SPECIALS •/ 99c G-lov'es .... , O've'rsize Rayon ,Gowns •Ffette ' Pyjamas $2.98' $2.49• Sanderson's Ladies' and Men's Wear Phone 528-3016 Buy the Brand You Own "Co-op _p The Sign Of Quality Lucknow District Co-op Phone. 5282125 �eciul This Week *BLUEBIRD' diamond :and. Wedding Rings Schmid's.. JEWELLERY ,tea CHINA Phone '528=3532: • ARE CONTINUING... OUR. HARVEST SALE Until Saturday, . Nov. 2 IG SA INGS .; FOR .THE. WHOLE. FA1MVIILY• Siegrist's. MARKET STORE Occusional. Fur iture Crest Hardware means, .. SAVINGS tor YOU n Lucknow SHOP Crest Hardware Phone 528-3008, SNOW TIRES 670-15 Traction Grip $13.95 with 'running , trade-in Superiesi Service Station JOHN GAMYVIIE Phone 528-3430 End Tables -= Step Tables Coffee Tables It's not too early for Christmas •'buying. Your •purehase : will be held : on our lay away plan. MacKenzie Furniture Phone 528-3432 Super :Values • •, When. You :Shop The RED and WHITE WAY, Savings For. You Hall's ed and White #otD MARKET Phone 528-3001 Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR BARGAIN. WOODLAND No Stamps No Gimmicks LOW PRICES ALWAYS Phone. 528-3420 BULK ANTI -FREEZE NOW IN STOCK Bring In Your Own. Container Winter is Ne�r. For Your Heating Fuels ' Phone dud Humilfon LADIES STANFIELDS Fail" & Winter `.UNDERWEAR VESTS — 15. % wool . Medium and Large • .. 1%35 XL iiYi•i••• 1.50 PANTIES - 25 % wool Medium and Large • 1.50 XL •......ei.•••i••• •1.95 ALL WOOL VESTS Medium and. Large and XL. . •.. .. y,• . 2.98 50% WOOL HOSE .. 1:49 LISLE HOSE i. i 89c and 1.50 CITIES SERVICE Agent Phone '528-2427 'Opn Daily from 7:30 to ' T AS�IIt011�S Ladies' Men's and Children's. Wear Phone 528-2126 6 • • 7.17 i". ty tt • r.