HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-30, Page 3WEDNESDAY, 'OCT. ,390th4. 1963 THE LUCKNc W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.- n sIiu■io.000uousa .!U.■■mmuisu■oio■i■■a*■■..■■■■■aq■■ami■■eo■■■■■■■■■■■■■ss ' $ LWAYSI Mete ■ ' AFTER. Al8LE OR . • •r �. FirjEsT •,_._. . - FOO • ,u�daaaoQ7 RICE: •■'' • ALLEN'S Vitammized Apple Juice �. • SAVE 6c .48-oa, ■ : Heinz Ketchup.. SAVE 7c 11wi, 4t1s. WAGSTIIFFE Strawberry. Jam c , SHOP ' IN • ^COMFORT tins Our spacious 'new store lets you 2i•':take. your time with. your p food ' shop - Y 45 or ping. Lots of aisle room for; your shop , ping' cart and a bigger than ever food. stock on our shelves, Red and White prices and shopping :ease will be sure to satisfy and 'please.. With ;PECTIN: ' ..SAVE 8c 49 24=oz. far • .■. ° SUPREME• :Peanut Butter37c. 2�c .,. •;. SAVE 8c 3c Off ' Pack . 1'6 -oz, jar', PILLSBURY Layer Strive Cake Mixes: SAVE 6c, pkg NESCAFE Instant Coffee' 85c SAVE 29c. • 15c• off pack. 6 -oz. jar. Cadbury"s Choco. SAVE 6c 1 lb. tin DEBBIE: Vary•;Camp Bears 19c • ■ 1 SAVE 3c 20 -oz. tins. ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Aylmer Tomato ' Soup 1.1 c ■ SAVE 3c 10 -oz. tins • SHIRRIFF'S` "Good Morning" Marmalade a .SAVE 6c' 24roz: jar Fahcg Aylmer Pumpkin 2 for 37c .SAVE. 9c •28.oz. tins. ■ 'LIBBY'S Fancy'. Quality . • ji Cream Corn •-; =SAVE,. 17c 15 -oz. tins ' : '_ CASE OF 24 '.. • 'a Fancy °Medium. Small or $4.00 GreenGiantPeas 3 for 53c U SAVE 5c 15 -oz.' tins �. CASE.OF .24 • '. •. • , $4.24 i HUNT'S Tomato. Sauce 3'f6r:29c S AVE,. 3c 7 %2 -oz , tins � EVAPORATEQ, Carnation Miik 4for■ 'SAVE 8c tll. tinsCASEOF48i CARNATIONInstant:MiIk Powder SAVE6 l3 Ib. pkgchoicetyleesPineopple 59c'. . '.$7.08 c c.ushea 5f�r $1 Liquid Detergent SAVE 10c 32 -oz. Size irds Beef eye Dinners Chicken Save 8c pkg: Turke WESTON ; Coconut Macaroons Reg. 4c' 24 to pkg. Supreme Doughnuts: 12 to pkg. AY1.MER BRAND Fruit Cocktaii 4 for 99 9c 15 -oz. tin ' . SAVE 9c. AYLMER. BRAND Choice Peaches 20 -oz tin. • '' • SAVE 9c AYLMER BRAND Fancy Cut Wax: Beans: - 4 • PAGE ` . LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS. Miss Christina Carrick frisilted. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hamilltoati with Mrs. `Wier o Queen of Lomeli Mr. sand Mrs. Will Car - St, •$outb, Kincardit e, over 'the' Weekend.. Mr,. and Mrs. H�a�vvsey Heaton and Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr and tMrs tArtlium Young, Ro'bh-- roll of Whiiiby and • Bev Dr T. Jt. and Wm Davies of Hamilton were . guests this wteek of • Rev. and Mrs; H, W. Strarpp• Mins Mary Alt n rand kr. Ralph. :say, : es sof „ port Colborne . 'v'isited • ' Rreoent visitors at. the h erne of r wseek-send with Mrs. Jessrie A1lin and Mr. W. L, 1VIacKenzie,, Raymond Led�dy 'were Mrs. 'Gens- Mary is now moved ,with .the edie ve.' Kinran Jorhn ' S Doul ton, Port. Cttltborne Hydro Coanmission. ' John O'Ccmior of I isvg b'rifdrp^e." . Mr. andl'' Mrs. , Wan. Blue of NIT; rand Mrs. Robert Thompson Detrol"t• pent tl�e• :w+eekvenxi here and sons ; Jahn and Robert of visiting 'with Mrs. ,Blue's mother. 'Window spent the week -end at' Mrs, J D. Anderson, the hone of 'Mrs, R. 1'i; Thoan owho its at _ P- ' Pinst 'Manor. ,(}1'L �Satru'ndrarp' ■oan, night Mr; and 'Mrs. Blue attended ,Mrs. George :Brooks returned a surprise party'. at the Ripley to ther borne on Monday after .be- Legion Ball in amour 'of Mr. ing hospitalized ,for' a 'week in and ,Mrs, Donald Blue on the oe-. • the Toronto Eye Surgery. 'a pri rasion of .their 24th " , �a►adduxg- rasa vete hospital of. Dr. Sa mds. • : niversary: Mrs. Ernest Button returned LCCHALSH theme on Saturday frrom Victoria Hospital' where . she ' i ud+erw ent. • Brenda Jardine, drarughter of Ma. • and Mrs. Ken Jardine, is ,back •ba school' argain after be- ing hospitalized for three weeks' with • pneumonia. ' • 'I/di%. and, ' Mas.. !Rion • Rrothiw 1I and. Rosemary of Norwood were •week -end' visito0rs irn 'Iuaknorov anrC�F', wi� Mrs..Ed: :is a patient' : in WWngham hos+pi- Received notice bast week 'from Emerson Irwin of London of a change of address ' tandthe. note, "don'•t want to miss the old home town paper.r / . • Mi s. Jess a Ails n, and Mi.. W L. MacKenzie',Visited bast week in Forest 'w%th Mr, and ' Mrs. Llroyd,' Shipley Mr.' and; Mrs; ; Clarude Durham ofLa River„ Manitoba, caliber on ■ + Mass. Helen: and .Brown ' Harper one dray' last week.' . , ■ Mrs. Etwran MacLean has Vent the pad .week. with relatives, and friends in Sarnia. • The church services on Sunday at . Ashlirel d Pr stbyterian C wrreh were ,conducted ,hy the Explor- ers, under the leadership of Mrs. Henry 1VlacKenzie' and Mrs: War- ren WW1ds • Mr; and Mrs. Bruce Milian •and baby , of . Palmerston' were week end guests of Mr, and.' Mrs. Emile rMacLrennan .: Mr,' and +Mrs.:' Allan MacLean • and, children of C+ llingwaod•wrere' week end guests of Mr, and Mts. ;. Dam, MacLean.. • • Mrs. Wellington W . and Mrs: Eliz�abet�h.'Cock 'ere sti`tll'pa- tients in, Hospital in Win; gham. Mr, and Mrs: Allan, McC'hatrles of Toronto spent the week end, witth. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Mc - Charles and John. • .M.r, Lloyd Cline in• a patient in hospital in London, `u■■•oa••■o■rna auu■anaioo■neo•■true■■■■■■■■■8■•. ■• ■. • • • ■ • •■ ■ ■or . ■ FOR 6 DAYS: STARTING a 'I' MONDAY, 'OCTOBER 28th ■ L ;'' "THE GREAT ■ • litg :•. FOR 3 DAYS STARRING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th U r •� .".SWORD OF : ■ LANCELOT" COLO'1 '1 Starring. : • GORNEL WILDE . JEAN. WALLACE U' BRIAN AHERNE 'adventu a r+ama that 2 for 53c 15 oz tins SAVE 9c' ' r SAVE 15c; '. : ' 20 -oz. tins • : CHOICE,PLUMP 1, ' • CASE OF 24 $4.$ a. Grade 1:W' Chickens 34c ■ 'FULL OF JUICE, .'''Good Size' Gra Florida _ � ` p f tui S �f or 39c .= II. CASE OF, 48 for 69c lb LB Zip Dog Food ' 11 for $1 15 -oz. Tins. '' SAVE 18c ■ , ... r, . • .' $4 • :36� or ao ire•a s: ..e an,■ White■ a. ■ 1 , ``� PHONE 528-3001 la . r ■ houistueu%■nsousUumuumu■mmosma/ti0'0111■■00■■100■14140■■00■■■■i•011\■■■■■■ uslmail IOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs, ,R, Sanders( . Weston and D. Mrorrasorit, ager '' of west district plant Telephone, 'visited ' iv ehtlY. rV &tr. and. Mrs. George 'Pur' Lucknow. Mr,' arid Mrs. Cameron Doug- las and family of framil'born, a*. and Mrs. David Dart and family. Yiell, Mr, sand Mrs. Malcolm a)Ouglas of .London tMr.. and Mrs. James Dougg,*, Mitchell, r112r, and and IMrs. M. ' Cti Cameron, De &tea, Mr. and NIA's, John A exon:,. S,t, I►lensfVisited Sunklay with. Mr. 'sand' Mrs, IDon Cameron t'arbara and Colin,' LuCkn Yw'+ tan - et! er, wain, Mrs. Miss EM/1141VlcCluskey visited last week with .Rev. Father Wil- Sfred Saia,right iii Mrs. Wright of ,Mr. and Mrs..Bill Bun tam, Buntain, Mrs. Martha cKay, ~Mrs,, Annie Anderson of Hamilton spent Sunday `with tMr. and Mrsr 'Robert: Fisher. • Mr. Jahn 'O'Connor; Mr. land Mrs. 'llaynhond Le'ddy and family, Bill Leddyrand Jean Mullin, spent Sunday with IMr. and Mrs. Dennis Led,dy ' and family in Kitchener. Robert 'and' Margaret -R ue of •Lucknow left at the weekend ffor Lakeland rlorida, where t 1t e y will sperulabu t sy rnonhs' 'in .. . ; their trailer at a • trailer p MaClar by .Jim Nbtbil, forsiter- ly 'Mf i.,,ucktiow, Visi•tons, with Mr.'' and . 'Mrs. Wesley: &writ are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coward of Bristol, Eng- Miss Helen Thompson and 1VLrs: R. R. Thompson. were Sun- day . gueat+a of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Magee, of . Hanover and attend- ed the 105th anniversary at Han over 'United Church, at whi th Dr. A, C. Porrest, editor ,'cif the 'Cnibeed Chruroh Observer, w:rat' . guest spealt er. r r r r r r r ■ ^ESCAPE" ' r ■.. r ' COLOUR Starring r ' STEVE MCQVEEN ' • t • JAMES GARNER r i Richard ; Attenborough r aS Based, on ra.'story, by Paul ■ Brcck+hill of ' the escape of 1 takes place in England ■ Allied prisoners from a r ing the reign, of King 2 .:German Arson 'camp during Arthur:' One of -the best ir,' ■ World War' U. A' :truiyr ouA�rt of thnn ion ' 1cs bo come N great ' pictiure because '.it is '' ally,worodn anrany. trate in .revery cletaiL. ' $ a" year. The jarringly ,real 2 1 ` istiscbaas sronrg ari>ri' i0confiae't. Twoshowsttles each night 1111 '. ■ ■ One show each night ■ Regular' atbnission..: at tai , 'and 9:13. .• .: $ ■■■■■■■■■■■u■a■■■■■■■■■■■■n■■■rao■ngin■i■■.■•■■• ••••••400•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• THEATRE GODERICH Showtime 7:30 'Air-conditioned; . For Your .Coinforte' • "1' • AT THE • • • •. • •.' Mon., Tues, Wed --'Nov. 4-5-6 . adult enteirtainmext s " •. Steve McQueen,nShirley Anne Field and Robert Wagner From the novel by Joliin Hersey: Filmed in England, • Wold War II drama concerns a, flying fortress pi '"The War Lover" • Now Playing —. "FLIPPER" ---, In Color' In which an amazing porpoise shares acting honors with Rifleman Chuck Corinors. t Thurs., Fri, Sat. ---. Nov;'1-8-9 • • Maureen. O'Hara, Henry Fonda end Donald "Crisp , • .One of the most. widely publicized picturesof the.: year.' • • The story of a mountain boy as he reaches maturity.•. • , "SPENCER'S MOUNTA1N In Scope and: Cara • 1 • - { • Coming Rolaert Preston b . '�' `SAND . OI' LOVE•. NNg•wiuN .••••l•n•• •. loi n* i !!•!!!!os