HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-23, Page 5ytr!EDNE.SDAY,. OCT.. 23rd, 1963
ew iota -
• Maybe your: old furnace . dose : •
not perform the way shauidt
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before you decide to buy.a new
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you need Is .a new, efficient'
!Esso Oil .burner.
L�w Budge# Terms
Up 'I o Five . Years 'TO/Pay
Plumbing ; and, Heating
Sales and Service
. • (Intended . For Last Week
Earl Macdonald. Who •under-.
went surgery in .St... Joseph's.
Hospital, London is' making fav-
arable sero s.
Mr. and 1Virs.., George. Foster
and Donna • of. • Rodney..: visited
with. 'Mrs. ' 'Kitsan: on Sunday..
• Mr. and. Mrs: (Maurice Boli-:
ler of Toronto ,visited relatives
here last week -end.
'Among ' :those ` who spent..: the
week -end here `were: *Willis • Mac-
donald :.of Oaledon; Margaret"
Maedoniald Of Toronto; ;Ray .Mac
/ kenzie of Toronrta; Miss . Sharon
West :'of London,. Miiss ' Deanna
Fairish ' •of Kitchener, Miss. Betty
Anne Parrish of Toronto; .Misses
Anna . and Charlotte Mackenzie.
of .Toronto; 'Mr and Mrs. ' Don
' ' A,insl'ie 'and' family . •o f Toronto.
Congratulations are extended,
to Mr. and Mrs. :Bain "M,acLen-
'nan on -the birth of a. daughter
on Sunday,: 'body .sang a' satinet to the Set-
Mrs. D'�'R.' MacKenzie `is on.::ting sun;. Nobody ;was .'impelled
atrip tothe 'West
to sing a , dirge to. dyingsum-
The sympathy of the cern- mer. It was 'admitted,, upon the'
• •mien', goes out to Mr. and Mrs: urging of a couple .of ,the •more
Alex. Parrish .' and latly' in the
loss oaf .. their .son, . • Sandy.
By Bill..: Smiley!
What a difference a few weeks
can make do this country!• It is
no wondler that Canadians carry
on, a lingering, tongue-4tied, , love
affair with their natfVe land.
,And 'they do. Believe ane, they
do, ,although you'd never know
it from casual observation. They
may .sally to Florida and. Mex-
ico mid , Europe,, but unost "of
them would be • sad beyond ens
durance ..if' they weresuddenly
told they were to banished ifor-
ever . from .Canada.
iAbaurt eight weeks ago, • we,
drove .okIt''tto %visit friends at their
cobbage. /It was 'the Lush,. bosomy
end sof summer; and the even-
ing 'air Was itropical. We slowed
to cross theAbridge; and the
ever-present, ever -intent anglers
peered. : With ,patience. at :tihe.
black little 'river, and the birds
,chortled and the frogs krumphed.
Along the (beach; golden 'girls
walked, and brown'urchins paid
d!led, and fat . ladies slumped in
deck chairs, and teen-agers nook-
ed sophisticated, and dogs ran
.over sleepingold gentleinen,, ` and
'people waved ' and water. " lapped
and 'motors reared and• hot :dogs
smnielled good ..•
* **
. When We . arrived, • our friends,
about a, dozen `'of ,them, ;sprawled
under avast, ,sighing pine tree,
drinking ,;: chilled sauterne and
eating dill , 'pickles: ; Their . chil-
dren and ::ours, froitn todd'1ers to
,bantam deldngsuents; •prowled arid
squabbled and. begged ;biters. ' of
pickle ' and. demanded . one , :last.
swim, ' and ,laughed and' Cried
and wet their diapers and ;both-
ered their nioms ' .
sOurt 'Over. ' the lake, the sun,
almost gone, 'had a moment of
hysteria, slashing ..: color across.
%the"Sky .with the .'ferocity Of a
'Van:Gogh. Gorgh. And . the ,water, dor-.
,kering its blue, loak'ed' up• long
ingly, • and the.' Sim flung across'
it, distarinfully, a few scarlet and
:Said 'streamers... .
Just the otlierTnige# we went 'back`
to the same beach for dinner with
some friends at their ,cottage. The:
air was :fairly curdling.. The c a r
heater felt ;good, When we reached.
the little !bridge, dere were "no
fishermen; but we stepped to lock
at the late geld sun on the little
black ,river. Amid high, away up,
went over a w very V of geese, • a.
lovely sight. ' .
Ailong the 'beach .'there: was no.
Sign of !life. Steely water around
green - clurped , .'islands. Silver
Sand. Black and blue- sky. cot-
es boarded .up & blank -faired.
It was lonely. and iblesak and beau -
'When we inane to the .cottage,
away down die Shore road, and
saw the yellow .• shits shining,. it
was a good feeling. Inside, there
was a great, 'glowing: fire, a warn!
rwselioosme, : friendly: faces and .the
good, rich smells of rye and %writ-•
ey'and perfumed women.
* *; *
And again, rli'lce -decent Can-
adians, nobody . made :any crude
remarks about 'what a, :beautiful
*ening • it • was, . ,how lucky . we
were to live in ,this de/ill-paradise,.
or anything as ,foreign and sent-
irr eci'tal . as ,that. We just stuffed
ourselves With :food arid' drink,
and went home. ;
Maybe we ;•all .had too ' :much
Bliss.Carman,.. William.. Wilfred
Ca irpfbel and Archibald tamp-'
,man, When we were' in hbal.
Maybe we're just : undemonstra-
tive, But surely there is . no na�
tion on the.face; 'of the .. earth
;thatloves lbs: country's° Much,
and: sings •aI out it so little.
That's why Fin ''goring to sing
out once in a while, however
cracked the ;Voice, or ' corny the
t ttle; ca.r.bored .,the audience. MViarry. .
be I' can .ineite enough people to
form (least (least .a quartet.
Jack 'carrell.
And we lounged, in shorts and'Heads'
bare :,feet, • shirtless and .wordless,
too %lazy:, and content to get up
aid go in, even.when the . spun
took a. :deep breath and 'went
down like a:'bomb, away ;out' at'
the end _of'' the water. • ,
.'Like good ,Canadians; we ac-
cepted the splendor of tthe even-
ing . with decent restraint. No,
Untended ' For .Last Week.
iA nicely . arranged pre -nuptial
• shower wag 'held for Moss Mary
• Lou, Sterling, .bride='tp-be on
Saturday, October 19th in the
Dungannon United Church, an
Friday night. Many lovely" gifts
were brought and ...the •attend=
ante of ladies n :iiinberea about.
sixty. Seated beside Mary. Lou
;were Misses Linda Blake " and
Joanne 'Crozier who assisted the.
resipient in opening the gifts,
A . ,co l.orf uI hat was : f asrhioned
witlh, the ribbons '"and .bows tor'
the ,bride-to-be to ' wear through-
through-out. the evening.' Mary Lou • anv i,-
ted all •to ' came and visit them
in their new 'home after mak-
, a short speech, eXpress.ing
her appreciation, tBebby Irvin ac-
companied . at ,the piano for
"She's a rally ,good .fellow.". Mrs.
Nut 'Henderson then led a na7me
the snuise
ry rh yrn,e, Miss Beth
Malrnell grave a reading and
Mimses June .arid Joan iMil!ls of
Auburn ,favored With ,guitar ',and
""cal nunrbera, A delicious .tench
was oery d, to CIOS-e a happy .
,flamboyant' •types, that it 'sure.
was a swell night, .;,before 'we
gathered the : kids arid ' vverit
Jack . Farrell, . newly elected.,
Noble • Grand • of,; Ripley ; sI.Q.O.F..
for ,the ;coming year, has announ-
ced ,his 'future . !plans for the
Lodge. Fire item for attention.
is the annual • ,light (bulb. sale .i to
send a delegate . to the United
Nations next summer. This youth
wvork 'is orperated with the co-
operation of the ' Ripley District
High . ''; shoal.: 'Lodge memrbers
have .received a supply •a f' ibul!bs.
and will be calling'. for •.your sup-
port in the near future. Plans
will be made 'sin 'the future for t
span:saring Minor Hockey �anrd thel
annual .St: Patrick dance.' The'
CUstoin Butchering
Mondays -- Hogs, 52.00 in by' 4:00 p.m.
Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound • 0
We Do Curing and $making .'.. Beef, Pork and Lamb.
Sold Whole, Half or Quarter' .. For Better Service,
And Lower.Prices -.- .Call,- Ripley 100, ,
r Chas. Hooisma, Prop.
"Little Helpers" Party ;
A pleasant afternoon was spent
at St.. " Peters Anglri can Church.
Thursday afternoon, October 17
when the "Little • Helpers," chil--
dren ,from 'infancy to age 7 and
'their • mothers meet' for ,their ; an
mai party. The 'first part of
the : pagrammne took the form of
a (worship service in the church.
Before the Mit Boxes • were re-
Rev: John Kling drew
attention . to .the lad 'that " the
'(honey Froin the children's : sav
isngs goes. to : ,help other lrirttle
children in various ;pants of the
world. Prayer Carts were Pre-
sented to • all ' 'and , Gradu;atian
were given to. Kathy King
and Jane .Connor,; Janice ''Gaunt
,being absent: Mrs. Cannon (told.
a .story about ;the "Mothers orf
Salem" after Which the h+ymah
"Mothers; of Salem"' was sung.
Later, In the • Pairish. Hall, 'Greg-
ory, King • and Patricia'' Coflnon
heilped with., games ane+fresn-
I rents. were served'. -The meeting.
was a gc Eby Mrs. Maude Can-
non, . Parochial. Sec: of the Little
Helpers. . assisted ,iby Mir;
Mris. 'Ann 'Pritchard at the Organ
and: members: of the .. Women's
Auxiliary. •
Ashileld Presbyterian W.M.& •
The fall Thaankofferimg . meet
ing of Ashfield, Presbyterian
W.M.S: ' was held' in the`'.church
on October 17�t1i •ttnibh the 13rVes-
(dent Miss S. C. Johnston .. pre-
Sding.' The meeting was 'opened
with a -call to.. ,• worship . and
prayer, .Psalm 94 was smug and
the W.M.S purpose repeated in
unison. At this meeting Kincar-
dine W.MS., was entertained,
with . the 'guest speaker the 'Pres-:
by'terial ,president; Mns. •'Wm.
Spier of . • who gave a
very inspiring address; Mrs.
Bence MacDonaikl mvselcorned ,the,
guests. Mrs: Jack•, Meoreight con-
on -•duscteid the devotional part of
pari i,bilsi!by of 'hav4•ng an ,0d4-
felZlow Curling Bonspeil is also
being considered:
Other officers' elected: and i<o
be :installed ` November 1st acre:
Vice Grand,' .Jinn Brooks; :Rec.
Sec., . Hamilton. 'MacKinnon; Fin with prayer after which Mrs.
'Sec:, Roy Davis; 'Areas:, John C.Lornackett and: Mrs; ',Chester
:1V1adDon•ald. �e::HHackett served 'lunch. • '
'A turke3' ' banquet rpreeeeded• .
the annual xnetting of Belgrave_ '
L.O.L. at mvhioh : County Master,
Ross Errington, of Ia4knciw, pre-
sided far the .election, of offi-
cers: 'Worshipful Master Alex W.
Netlery; Deputy Master Clare
VanCamp; Vhiaplin, G!eo' nge Grigg;
Secretary, James McCallum;
Treasurer, Muer Bruce; isrt Lee -
timer, Ernest Snowden, 2nd Lec-
turer, Albert Behan;'.1% u:stria!,
Mars)n' `Robinson; • Committee,
Athol Bruce, • :.John ,B. Taylor,'
Garner Nicholson, Anna/1d Mc
•Burney, Walter Scdbt.:.
the meeting; followed by a ;group,
of three ',recorded hymns, sung
by, Ge Orge Beverly Shea. Mrs.
Earl Howes gave a reading on
the:origin .aif out ,tha►nksgiv►ing -
celebratiions in. Canada 'and' the
USA 1Virs. ' Jack MacKenzie
favored with a •Selo. , Mrs. Hugh
1VIaoKenzie offered prayer. far
our. nation. The roll call was;
conducted by the secretary Mrs.'
Henry MacKenzie; The ,president
thanked all who had helped in
any way with the ;programme
and invited everyone . to. the •
Sunday •Stahool- room for a 'socia/
time ..with refreshments. Grace
was sung and. a ' dainty lunch
was 'served: by Mrs. Ewan Mac-
Lean convener, of lunch and ter,
Hickett's 11.0.VV. 1
Mrs.' Cliff 1%enrary presided. Oiz
Thursrday. evening, October 17 doer •
the meeting held dal• the church
basement. the • theme -� was
"Thanksgiving" and the ,scrip-:
tune was read by 'Mrs. ' Bert. A.!•,
ton. 'Mrs. 'Reg Broome .gave the : a
Meditation an this. Psalm` C was .
in unison and a swan- '
memtary follsowed'•lby.. r1Vtrs Kai-
ser. the chapter from "The wow ~'
and the. Way" was discussed . by .
Rev. Kaiser .describing. aur . in-
di'v-idnal "]mage of God. Mrs.'
Bert Alton capably' described the
meaning of : love • as it.. rperta'bis.
to'friendship. The. roll call was
answered by 17 . 'with.'a. ; .verse
With, "Thanks." The: bazaar .and.
tea cis' to :be : held in LurCknow.
on November 3Uth and an' :in
ditation to .Dungannon Utiles tea
and bake sale .. was read and ac-
cepted. Mrs. Frank Alton gave a
reading and Rev. Kaiser . closed'
$2.50 FOR S50 ,BOND;' S5 FOA A 5100 BOND, sit!