HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-23, Page 4d.: • liAGic Iowa• THE LuC'IfNoW SENTD1 L, LUCKNow, • ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCT, 23rd, 1963 irADVERTISING word minimum, charge 50c• . andComing word, minimum 5 Oc Notices, Cards • of Thanks. Com Events, minimum 75c. In Menioriams,: minumum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charSe of 1Oc for each •. bin rendered. FOR SALE. 1. 'MAN AV`AILA'BLE — for: work Eby the ..day _ carpenter work,. sl inglirig, etc.. Donald J. Mac-' Zn Vyre, R.R. 5. Lucknow, phone 5284230. FOR SALE FOR SALE -• 120 Leghorn pu:l lefts starting to day; : also some hens nests. ,Contact Frank Ayton,. RJR:, •7� '.ravel newt, .phone. Dungan- non '67-r-16. FOR SALE — Large china cabinet PIANO FOR SALE — medium in good condition.' . Contact • Mrs,..size Bell piano, an real good David Kirkland, Lucknow,,,phone condition. Alex Parrish., R.R.7 528-33.25.. • • Lucknow, phone 82-r-7 Dungan FOR SALE —• Gehl ha nme:r-mil' with 'belt and electric brooder, good as (new: Geert Gmkema, B.R. 6 Lucknow... • PIGS FOR SALE —. 14 Yark chunks. Barry Johnston,:R: R. 3 1Ioly+rood, Phone 24-10.Ripley. HUNTING LICENCES; guns and. .ammunition, Greer TV and Elec. • frac. • PIANO :TUNING Regul'a'ting, . repairs, :experi'enc,- ed, contact Eric W..•Rice, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone '528-f 695, ' NEW i1RIGIDAIi'i E DRYERS. 3 'position switch; porcelain top and Arum, $159:00„ Greer TV & Electric, USED TV's : — table or 'console, reconditioned ; and ' .guaranteed, Greer TV ' art4 Electric. BEST, PRICES on,. fertilizer., ask about bulk spreading; tractor tires,. cement in stock at all time and gravel of every kmd.. BrucelVIaaMillan, Lucknow. USED 'REFRI'GERATORS AND RANGES- several on, . hand, good ' condition, priced , to clear, Greer TV and Electric 'SIGN' PAINTING Sign 'painting .'done quickly and efficiently anywhere. Specializing in truck -door nam''e plates and all other' sign painting. ROY GA'RDNER, 'Lucknow, phone 528 - FISHING TACKLE. -= 2o$ re- duction Anopportunity to stock yup now for 'fall and spring needs, Greer TV and Electric. U'S'ED BICYCLES . for sale, reconditioned,'•excellent tire's, .rea- s'onable, Greer. TV. and. Electric.. FOR :SALE weaning` pings,. Reid Brothers, Dungannon, phiane' Dungannon: 01-12. PULLETS FOR SALE - about. .600; 'two crosses -to choose. from. .Orland Bete, 'phone 24.14 'Dun. Igannen, • • FOR • . SALE Irway Beatty ; ,Pump, '0o10plebe with 60 ft of 11 inch ;Pipe. ' Geoirge Graham, R R. 1 Holyrood, .: phone ` 2313 Ber vie. '. WINDOWS. FOR SALE 5 complete' windows. Upper sasli, 3 cit., 6 inches 'wide; ~4 ft., 3 in- ches in length; lower sash, 6 ft. long and 5 . feet, %. indh wide. .A.tlso four single frame • storm windows, 7 fit,, 1 'high lung and " 3 .. di., 4 inches in width ' Mrs. Howard Robinson, ,phone 628- 3315 Lucknow. ' ": • EOR :SALE — Medium size 'Cole - anon 'space heater, ►iii giaod con- 'dation, with some pipes, . Mrs. Tyndal . Robinson? Lutkntaw, ' Phone 528-3003. FOR. ,`)SALE — boy's . charcoal suit, size '10, 'good *as 'new. Mrs. George 'Phillips, phone Lu'ckrrow • .5'28-68 3. FOR;. ,SALE = Volkswagen: De- ,1uxe, turquois, new : April 196.2, , pelt condition, Mileage : 20,000, Apply Mrs. 'Alvin Robb, ;66-19, 'Dungamno�n. FOR • SALE = 4 tons . of good feed,' wheat, at'. $56, aper ton at the 'tarn. Will sell in % ox ` 1i ton lots..: fen: .Gh'isholm,' phone 13-r-2 Dungannon. ` FOR SALE 2L .. head of good Hereford steers; 16 • head of mixed steers, Durham, Hereford, and 'blacks: witch. :white 'faces. David Ross R:R.• 1 Holyrood,' mlinnp Q7-RI1(1f! • Tanenvrdter: 4. 1 COMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow,• every Thursday. evening, 8:415 p.m. 15.. regular ,igames - $10,00 -each.: 4 Share -The -Wealth gates with jackpot included in each game: jackpot : this week $80.0.0 •ion 59 'calls. • FOR SALE New items suit- able for Christmas 'gif'ts. ,Lea- tther arses- ,walilets, 'knitted •i swea'fers if r . chiildreri;` sot l s;. mitts, ° "etc.; • ,also' dresses, aprons' l and Many. . other articles whic'h.. were all.' shown . at' local fairs.: These articles /are all hand made and priced to ,sell. .Mrs.: Oliver MoCharles, ;.R.R. •3 Lucknow, phone. 164-4 Ripley: FOR, SALE '' medium size Duo Therm space heater' with-auto- matic with • auto: manic 'blower;: in like.'new . con- ! dition .Cliff Crawford, Lucknow, phone 528 2. • . RUMMAGE SALE Keep in mind the Lions Chia: Rumnvage sale to be held in the former IGA store' on Friday and Saturday, October 25th : and' 26th' Lions Club members will. be can= vassing or donations for` this big two-day sale.' HOUSE . FOR SALE = located m Ripley; 2 -storey cement shouse, 31 bedrooms,.''bathroom, living and dining • room; 'den, : kitchen, oil .furnace, good ' basemven't,:•gar'age and sana1l 'barn, Apply Donald MV1aeKay, R.R. 3 Ripley, 'phone .9' r 4, or ''Kenneth • ,MacKay,; Box 8 'Ripley, phone r FOR• SALE -- ' corn crib wire and snow fence .,available at the LutcknoW ' .District Co-op Luck, now, phare 628-21125.. Mechanical and Body " Re- lairs, Wheel Aligntfii'ent and • falance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Troch -Spray Davidson's Texaco' service No. 8 Highway, Goderich. Phone JA 4-7231 ' PAPER COLLECTION :: Don't forget the Lucknow 'Boy'. Scout Paper 'Collection' bomorarowi (Thursday), •Pickup in Lucknow and.. Dungannon. RECEPTION • ' A 'reception will be held in the Dungannon 'Agricultural Hall an Friday, October .25th for Mr. and. 1VIrs. Arthur 'Freem'an ,(Betty Moembeek), newly-weds. Boyd's •orc'liestra. Dancing I,0-2, • lunch served.; .• TEA and BAKE SALE the. St' Helens U.C.W. are holding t!heir ''annual; tea and bake . sale on Saturday, October 26th at 2:3.0 in,'tpe Legion Rooms. Plan to .'bring your friends and •visit the •; •tea room. KINCARDINE DISTRICT EVANGELISTIC' CRUSADE •,d At • Kincardine Presbyterian Church Commencing Oct: 30 ' til Nova 10 Services Each Evening P4 8:00 (Sunday 8:36 , With Speaker, •- Rev.. • Donald Summers • of Bristol, England. Special youth serVaces, Saturday, Nov.' Ind and 9th sponsored. by .Anglican, Baptist, : • Pentecostal, Presbyterian : & United Churches of the area. Everyone is invited. Special Music IN MEMORFAM CAMiER'ON In • ever loving memory ,of Kenneth • Cam'e'ron, a dear father and grandfather Who passed" away, October. 24,' 1945. Time has a way of healing Grief, felt 'by. 'loss and pain, But we `know you , •Are safe with Jesus, And . so neday we'll Meet' you again, Sadly missed and always ire-. memibered. by • daughter Grace; George Linl�ey and.,grandchildren, Detroit, • Macihigan. ' Ii NOFICE4 • ELECTROIHOME Contest—Bring', your October issue of Readers Digest and . check • your lucky number against , our (li �t. You may be a winner, Grer TV'and Electric.' . . • BOWLING, CLUB NOTICE, The annual meeting' of the Lucknow ' Bawling Club !will be. held. on Wednesd'ay,. October 23rd • at 8 Pan.' '. at the • Club House.' lHarold 'Ritchie • , Secretary Tre• a- APPtKATIONS ,COUNTY :OF BRUCE. Applications For Co-ordinator APPLI'CATItONS for. the • •pos.:, ition of Dmergen'cy Measures.Co- ordinator ,for Bruce County will • be received upwto :Saturday; Nov ' ember 9th, 1963. .Applicants to . be • 'between the ages of • 25 and 55, should state ' education and previous , . employm•ent.' They shouild be able to meat the 'pub-, ' tic, have a thorough g'h 1 now'ledge of local • government. and .have organizing and planning' ability. They . ••must furnish refefen'ces., Salary to Start. $4500. per annum. Apply to T. H, • Alton`, treas- urer County of Bruce, P. 0: Box ,70, 'Walkerton., Ontario. . ' • AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Liivestock, Tmple= merits, Hay and G,raa�n, Hcusethold 'Furniture ; and Antique 'articles will 'be held for Perry •H xigim,. Lot 3'S, . Concession 12„ ' Cixl roes Surer. Township, 21 miles east of Kir- i NOTICE lough;• -.''Saturday, .October. 26'at. •:30 P.m. •See .B Bills. Perry. Hodgins, A • Cant of, ' Revision ' on the Assessment Roll compiled in '1963 proprietor, Allan.Maclntyre, •auc- for 'the Township of West Wa- •'fiercer. w,anos�h will be • held at the U■■■:*ensma■nea■■■n•ansom Township ,troll, West Wawa,n'os'h, ■ '■ • on Tuesday, 'November 5th, .1963, 1 from .1060 a.rn.• until 12:00.noon. J, 'F. Foran, Townsh:vp .Clerk R.R. 2 "Auburn, .Ontario. NOTICE : • t COURT. OF REVISION . • I ' Court 'of Revision on . thhe, ;'1964 • Kinloss • • Township : • assessment IRo►11• ;w3l,be-held;,in':.the Town- • r, .ship 'Hall, . Holyrood an . Monday, • . November 4th, 1963 at 2, o'clock Pal?. . • Phone 357-3.840.' ■. $ • •G. Ii. 'Wall; Clerk. ■ "GERALD (.Terri) WALTER et ' NOTICE • ' • ■ Wh be inconvi need by hav- •.! We have a gentleman from • ■ • ■ lflghaflTtOffJce a. •.TEEN TOWN. •DANCE ing: topay your Ontario H'osp - ■ the: Paris Ont. district •w'ho..j A' Teen TowaiRecord Haptwill tal Insurance.. Premiums , every nterested in 'purchasing • n•. e ;held in Lu�ekn'ow • Le ion ..Ball three months?; Pay 'once a year � ■ a. •100 acre'. farm. •Farm ■ on Saturda October 26th at through the Huron,� CountY. Co- ome must all con h •., ■ ■. y ' !! erative Medical Services, the • • •venience• in.• And 'building 8':3'0 pm. Membership cards' far i? .' . Tri. only • official collecting : agency ■ mustbe good state of ■ for this insurance in the .county. I ■ repair. The • �gentlem'an is. ■. We also offer to all the resi= + prepared to pay cash for ■ • the right farm: If you own.„ ▪ a farsn that fits this d'es='; ■ ■ criiption `: and if you have N • been thinking' of ' selling.. ■ ■ contact us for : further de- ta.•ils. •• ■• Sale at ;the dance. • •: RECEPTION ' A reception will be held in • Kincardine Beacih Pavilion, on Saturdaiy, October . 26th in hon- our of Mrt: and • Mrs: ' John Mac- Kennaie,' newly-weds, Carr�uther's Orchestra. • FOR 'RENT WANTED FOIR,'RfENT of.'work CAR!PENTER WANTED • -- for work in,•Lucknow District, ,phone' 528-371' 1 Lucknow. : ' HATCHING, 'EG'GS WANTED you can 'make up "to ,41c per dozen more ' tor. your eggs than the price paid for' Grade A Large at the Grading .Station. We take somebreeds every week M. the year. For full details 'write Twe- ddle' Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario WANTED — . live ,poultry; also new and used. ,duck and goose feathers: Best prices at your door... Phone or write A Brown, 181 Kincardine. LAND WAITED — 'to rent, quantity of land, suitable for 'breaking. Contact tAnilersOn. Flax Products Ltd., Lucknow, phone 528-202, evenings , 528-29176. WANTED TO BUY.- good 'farm land rwiithin t: Mile ..radius of Dungannon, 'We are not in the ,brokerage business, C'on'tact Mb Ratko, (Burford, • Ontario. WANTED: Man for steady travel among Consumers in Bruce .Co. Permanent connection with large manufacturer, Only reliable hus. tler•;consri.deted, Write ► avinleigh's, Dept, 3-271-1.31, 4006 Riclielneu, 1VLbnbras:1.. able land. Jack 1VIIcGuire,, R.R. 6; Lucknow, .phone Rica -0 •16+7r30. :FARM HOUSE -=- `,for reit,.'• one mile from Lucknow, apply H. M. Greer, Phone 528-3610.. ,t LOST STRAYED from. 'the farm of. Duncan Parrish, Lochalsh, :one' Hereford 'bull ; calf • weighing about • 425 'lbs:, phone Ripley •1x4 -r-8.• SERVICES •a CUSTOM BUTCHERING _.,.. .. Beef and "pork sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in Government licensed, abattoir. Pigs every' Tuesday, Beef • from Monday through Thursday. • .BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • . AUCTION SALE • Allan MacI ntyre Licensed Auctioneer • Lucknow Phone' 528.-5304 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools, '.etc,, pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment, All Wo ' ar anteed Louis Blake, 2 B '° s sels, phone 442-w-6. dents of the county 'a plan :• for. prepaid . ,Medical health insur- ance • which :provides greater benefits than any other plan in operation.. Family ,rates . as low as $5.40.. a- •month; • For further information, ,con- tact Gordon Kirkland, Dungan- non 69-11. " '�: $2000. down ' and you. can i' ■ be the proud owner of • this 2 -year -'old sturdy homne sit- ■ NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS f uated only 2 'blocks from •i' In . thee': Estate of ANNA GERT Lucknow's, main st. This ,,RUDE 'FOWLER . Deceased. ' .■• :modern 'bungalow consists, ALL persons having, Claims' ag- of 3 Cheerful 'bedroomnts, a al/1st the estate of 'Anna Gertrude ■ .(bright 3• piece bath, a good Fowler,,: late of the Village;' Of 'r sized, kitchen and: living Lucknow, in. the County of ".Bruce,.' ■ room. Full basementand Widow; Deceased, who died on or oil furnace. For further, de - about the 2nd 'day of ,.September • tails eon'tiet us ., at Your 1963; are hereby notified to send -:' 'earliest convenience. in full particulars • of their ch ims:• • ■ to the undersigned Solicitor for ■' the Executors, on or before . the: n' 25th day' of October 1963, 'as af- ■ ter the said date -the estate will • ■ i4 .Everett Pennington R.R.; 2, Teeswater, • Phone 392-6664 'Local Agent For: be distributed amongst those. en- ■: 'Paul S. Starr &. Co. Ltd:, ■ tialed'thereto, having' regard; •oriiy: •� Hanover. Phone 870 totheclaims of which the Ex-, • ecutors shall then have notice. •■•■unnrl•!•ti u■i■.■•tr■ Dated . at .L• uclolow, Ontario, this ,,�,4,,,,,. 5th day 'of 'October, 1063 • R. W,' ANiDREW, Listovstel, Ontario, So- licitor for. the Executors. •Decid Stock FOR. YOUR ) Interior.— Exterior PECORATINP.. LEONARD VOGAN Ripley; Ont. Box 1. Phone 89-R-5 Ai Remova Service eve we' ,are lieto remfar ydur dead censor cridppled .m animals for sanitary disposal, GORDON YOUNG. Elmira. "Phone Collect to: MRS. GORDON�. TAYLOR 528.5950 — Luckno' 24 -Hour service. .Licence Nos. Z 215C63 and 221W3 N••rrNr444'