HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-09, Page 151
1• "
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9th,. 1963
Perfect Weather
Ten rural :schools 'paraded from
the village of Dungannon to the
Dungannon Agricirltural,Park last
Friday afternoon in ideal weather
'conditions te commence the l05th
annual Dungannon 'a11• Fair..
Leading the • parade was, fair
president, Harold Adams,' public
school inspectors and Department
Of Agriculture officials. The Luck
now District High:Sobool• B an d;
40 -strong, . led by several young
majorettes, provided musicalac-
companiment for the marching
The schools and their teachers
lined up on the'race track fin front
of the judges stand where they
were introduced eby . Inspector J.
H. Kincaid, Several schools per-
formed. their
er-formed'their song and yell as : they
were introduced. •
Schools and their ateaohers were,
Zion Central,''Colborne Township;
Mrs. Kitchener • Finnigan,: Norman_.
Stewart; Mrs Mary Robinson; Mi si
Diane. Wolfe; No; 17 West Wawan-
osh, Orchard Row, „Mrs. Robert
. T,nvin; No. 8 West Wawanosh, Mr's:
Allan Gibson; No 2• West Wawar,
ash,.: Mrs. Harold tElphiok; :'No, 9
:'Ashfield; • MissMarion Buckton. •
No. • 6 Ashfield,:' Ross Erringtor,
Belfast, Don Cameron; Port Al-
bert Mrs. Stella 'Crawford; No.
16 ,Ashfield, Greve, . Mrs:' Mary'
Beret.: Dungannon, • Ron Jewitt, -
Mrs. Dell . Durnin.
In wekcoming the ' crowd, : esti=
mated about 1,800, Harold Adams.
PVresidernt of the Dungannon Agri-
Agr icultural •Sooiety' stated that this
;: year's• • school parade was one of
the biggest ever. . • •
• In • opening the ' fair, Murray
Gaunt stressed ..the cord' -of
achievement ,of the Dungannon
Fair ',and '.said it Thad: become
known as "one of, the best little
Fairs in Western` Ontario."
Mr. •Gaunt paid tribute to the
tireless work- of the directors. and
stressed the iportance of the 4-H
program w.hlich, :has' +beencapable
and successfully carried on at the
Dungannon fair ` for a number of
T Marvin Durnin, secretary -
treasurer, who works tirelessly
throughout the year in support of
She, Fair, ' acted as master 'of' cere
'ponies ' for • the • "track . show"
throughout the afternoon.. While
Marvin is on the ' grounds, ' M r s
Durnin looks ;after the ' big job
of secretary He was assisted: at
tunes . in . this chore by 'president
Harold AdaarnS.: „Cls rk Johnston of
Belgrave provided Musical enter-
tairenent art' intervals . in: the, pro -
In, the bicycle race, Donald
Dixon • . placed first, George Ad-
ams second and John : Mac en-
lie. third
A popular event of .the program
is the baby show held in• the /Agri=
cultural Hall:. Mrs. Wilfred Hack-
• ett oaf. Ashfield and Mrs. Welling -
.ton Henderson .of Lutknow jud-.
ged the ` ,two classes: of '`infants.
Winners were, under six months,
•Brenda, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
:TOM Phillips, Auburn; J e a n
Marie, . daughter 'of Mr:and Mrs.
Gerald 'Crawford, Goderieh; Mel-
vin,; son Of '.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tay -
lar; Brendaa,. daughter :01: Mr, and
Mrs, George, Riibely, Dungannon.
In the six to twelve months
• class; : Sharon,' daughter of Mr.
and Mr David Sproule, Dungan-
• non; Bradley; son sof Mr. and Mrs. •
Lloy, tt- Rumphrey, R.R. �l Luck -
now; Bonaire; daughter of Mr, and
Mrs :Ronnie Thompson, Luolonow;
Patti; daughter' of Mr: and Mrs,
Wi l4am `Park, Dungannon: •
Inspectors Kamnkaid and Coulter
, Jed a large entry in the public
school ,eompetz'tions. • Winners' and
'their teachers were:
,IVMr lazme Reid of• tike Dungan -
non 5enibr . _ r
' liGr •
(five prizes• each class)
Grade , ] urigannon Jr, Mrs.
Dell Durnii Dungannon Jr Dun-
gannon Jr., No. 1 Ashfield Mrs:
Stella Crawford, N,o. 1 Ashifield:
Grade • 2, Dungannon' Jr., No. '2.
West Wawarrosli Mrs, Louise
son, Zion Central Mrs. Mary Rob-
ir'ison,. 'Zion Central' No. 16' Ash.
;field Mrs., : Mary Beret; Grade 3,
Dungannon Jr., Dungannon .: Jr ,
No. 2 West Wawanosh, Zion` Cen-
tral, Dungannon. Jr..; Grade 4,,
Dungannon Junior, . Dungannon
Junior, ' Dungannon .Junior, No:
3.. West Wawaosh , .Mrs. Allan
Gibson, No. .3 West Waw•anosh;
Grade 5, Dungannon Sr. Ron Jew-
itt; Dungannon .Sr.; Zion Central
Norman • ,Stewart; Zion Central.
.Zion Central, Grade 6, Zion Cen-
tral, a No. 6 Ashfield Ross Erring-
ton, .Dungannon: Sr,, Zion Central,
Dungannon Sr:; .Grade 7, J3ungan
non Sr., Zion Central- Mrs. Finite -
gin, Dungannon Sr., Dungannon
Sr,, • No. 3. West Wawan M r s
Gibson;' Grade 8, .Dungannon ' Ste
No, 1 Ashfield Mrs..Cr�aawaford, No
6 Ashfield, Dungannon _ Sr NO, 1
Grade 5 and 6, •Duir~gannon• .
Sr,'Dungannon .Sr., No., 16 Ashfield,
No 1 Ashfield, .•
Grade' 7 and 8, Zion`` Central;
Dungannon' Sr;, I o, • 15 Ashfield,
No. 1 Ashfield:
•'Social • St>4dies' books, grades 7'
and 8, .Dungarknan Sr., Zion Cen-
tral.; science books, grades, 5 and
6, Duungannon Sr., No 1 ' Ashfield;•
health books, grades '.3 and 4, No.
1 Ashfield, No. 2'West Wawanh; ,
social studies . Project, grades:7
and 8, Dungannon Sr., Zion: lien.
t�:al, No..2 Vest Wawanosh, No. 16
Ashfield, . science • .project, grades.
5 and 6,- Dungannon Sr:, •:No: 16
Ashfield, Zion ' Central, • No 17
West Wawanosh;=: October �bir°th-
dary' table, Zion. Central, No. 6
Asthfield, No. 2 West: Wawanosh;
conservation'•'bluebird, `grades .1 to
4; Zion Central, grades 5 to •'8,
Belfast. .•
• Three gate signs, Zion Central,
Dungannon Sr . .
-Exploration map, 'Zion Central,
Zion • Central, Ngo:. 1d- Ashfield;
flower • booklet, ••Dungannon' Sr:;
bird `booklet, Zion' Central, Zion
Central, Dungannon Jr.
Assorted fruit, Zion Central,•No:
1 Ashfield Zion .Central,'Dun-
gannon Sr.;lar est'
to No. 17
g � g potato,
West: Wawanosh, Dungannon Jr.,
Zion Central; : • Dungannon • Jr,
Dungannon Jae; eollect�ion v get-
abless, leo. 2 West •.Wawanesh,
Dungannon ;Jr., Zion.' ' Central,
:Dungannon Jr, Zion' Cntral.
Carriage horses ,Mac, Arm-
strong, �Beac2tville; single carriage
(Horse • in harness — Mac Arm-
strong, -George Galbraith, Whig
ham;, single road horse in harness
Geonge Galbraith; road race
George Galbraith; Shetland pony
classes ` Eimer Johnston,:x At-
wood, single thaackney, 142 hand
and under gentleman's turnout =--
George Galbrai�tih; lady driver --
,Mrs Elsner • Johnston;
Single ...tandem Mac Arm-
strong;:best broken saddle horse •
Mrs. Mary Grilfer>aham, • Kincar-
dine; beet pony ridden by 'boy or
girl 12 years' or tinder`— Douglas
Henry, ,Port Albert; best groomed,
horse on ,halter.. Charles . Halli
day,' Chesley.
Heavy team in Harness -- Char-
les Halliday; Belgian or Percher -
on team in harness Leonard
Bok, Wingham;. best tandem team
—Charles Halliday;, draft and
agricultural ,classes — Eugene Mc-
Leod, R.R.'2 Kincardine; ';best,
three horses',in any one township,
_Ctharles ,�tallidayti . . '
Andrew Gaunt of West Wawan-
osh• the only exhibitor, took all
prilks the Shorthorn ,section:
Heber Eedy and Sons of Dungan]
non walked off with the • Here-.
ford prizes being the only exhib-
itor. Ernest Sherwood and John
Kulkrhari won events in the Hot,
dhows Winning,:
Paul Eedy, age 15, son of s'_ i r
and :.Mrs. Ross Eedy of Ash-
field Township;` just west of
Dungannon,, is shown. at. Dungan-
non Fall' Fair with .his 4-1-1 Here-
ford calf; Paul's ca:lf took ttp
honours • inn., the Senior. • Heifer
division 'in a class of eight. Paul
is comoleting, his t'hin' vear m
4-H work and Lives at ."Clans
ford .'-fa.irn", a Trains. veTch :is no...
stranger to . the world of, 'Here-
ford cattle.
Cattle' .specials, went : to: fatted
heifer calf, . ;Gaunt, Eedy; fatted
steer calf, Gauirt Eedy; grade
lock beef, .Gaunt, Eedy; .Eatons
of Canada • Livestock -special,
I Heber Eedy and Sons, Andrew
-.There was no entry in, the sheep
class.:Ross'•Eedy and -Hugh: Ben
nett' entered One class.::in !the pig
competition. • The bride is the eaau g titer of Mr:
and :Mrs. Mervin Hodges, P o.r.t
Albert, and the groom's `parents
are Mr and Mrs.. Benson Brown
R.R. 1 Port Albert.
The •groom is a grandson of Mr.
and 'Mrs. ,W. G. Reid of . Lecknow.
The bride was given . M man-.
:_ rage by her brother, Harvey Hod-
ges. ,She .Wore a floorlerigth gown
of chantilly qace and 'tulle over ta-
ffeta. The fitted .+bodice was de-
signed• :with lily :point sleeves and
a sabrina neckline embroidered
with pearls and semis=ns. ' Alter;
nate panels `,of chantilly, lace :and.,
tui2Ie .formed' the aisle -wide skirt.
A face ' headpiece' caught with
flowers held ,her finger tip eerl of
silk : illusion • 'and She carried .a
,white B3bie 'crested with red
Mrs. Keith Good of Goderieh
Was •mnatronof honor wearing a
:'street -length ''dress of blue bice
Cade! with rnatclvin+g hat, and ac-'
cessories. She carried . a bouquet
of yellow mums. The flower .girl,
y g ,
'Cheri t Ann aHod es •niece o+f the
'bride, we're a. sumlar ensemble
and carried a nosegay of yellow
baby .mums; Ringbearer was Ron-
nie Hodges, nephew of the bride.
Groomsman was Fred Dickson .
of Toronto and Barry Brown and
Jack Wenzel ushered. .
'The reception was, held in the
church Parlor where the 'bride's
rnother "received her gusts wear-
ing '•a blue matte jersey dress,
with matching accessories and a
corsage of 4pinkand white car-
car nations. The .groom's mother chose'
a beige brocade dress with••brown
accessories and a similar corsage:.
For travelling to Northern' On-
Illlarried At Bort
Albert Church
• IIn an afternoon ceremony per-
formed by Rev; J. R. King in
Christ Anglican Church, Port Al-
bert, on Saturday. September 21,
Margaret Elaine Hodges :became
the bride of. Howard Allan Brown.
The •'inside •exrhiJbits *attracted
wide interest and the hall was
(packed with interested spectators
all afte-rnoon. `Major Winners in
these classes were:
Fine Arts; • Mrs, Wes, Heimpel,
Mrs.OliverM .Charles
Wroxeter Mr Mr
Looh�akhh poster special, Mrs. aMc�
�Ch�arles, Mrs. David Elphick,
Lochalsh, • 14Iiss : Barbara Moore,•
Goderich; -flowers; Mrs.'Russell
B.rindiey,•, Auburn,... : Mrs. M Ohar-
les; domestic science,: Mrs. W. Col -
dough, iMntorr, Mrs k • Howatt,
Beligrave, Mesa 'Donald �MacKen
zie, Dungannon;'`needlecraft, Mrs
McCharles . and Mrs. Hempel
1 (tied), ; Miss • Ruth Thompson,
Lucknow: .
Robin 'Hood ~bread,': Mrs. J. H.
Johnstone, Goderiche Mrs: G. Mc-
Diarrnid, Lucknow; Robin Hood
tea biscuits, Mrs. ,E. Howatt, Mrs.
0. McOharles; Domestic pie, Mrs.
Donald .allacKen ie,• Mrs; :Chester
Finnigan; Mrs. E. Howatt; Domes-
tic cake, Mrs E. Howatt,Mrs.' J.
H. Johnstone, Mrs 0, McOrarles;
Magic Baking cake, Mrs. O. 'Mc,
Charles Mrs. Russ. sell Brindley,
Mrs. J. H. Johnstone,Fleisch-
man's yeast white bread, Mrs. 0.•
:k eChari es, Mrs G. M•cDiarinid,
Mrs. Dort • MacKenzie;. brown
bread, Mrs. G. ,McDiarmid, Mrs.
W • Coic!o . r !Mrs. E • 'Howatt;.
milk rolls, Mrs. 'G. McDiarmid,
Mrs. Don MacKenzie, Mrs. E.
Howatt; cinnamon buns, M r s
Howatt, Mrs, McDiarmid, M r s . '
McCharles. • . i
An eveniin:g dance the Agri
cultural Hall ended" ,t°he. Fair. . r itario the bride idonned a. beige
• k
A number'of counterfeit $10.00 a
bills, which .are almost "undeteote
jacket dress with brown .acres-
They ,will reside at Port Albert
moble,; have. been `found in circula ,,.. • Y
lion in the Owen Sound area. ' ,Ys `` et& Subscription Pald?
ALSToN — On September 1.2th `at
St. Stephen's Hospital, Fulham,
London, England, to Mr • and Mrs.
Moines R. Alton, a • daughter,
Sharon, a 'granddaugh'ter of (Mrs. ' '
Harry Alton 4of Walkerton.
MdFARLArN—At Wingham and
District ,Hospital on Monday,
September 30, 1963, to Mr. and:
Mrs. Ilvan• MMFarlan, R.R, 1 Hotly
rood;a son. . _ '
MURRAY--- and Mrs. R.
E. Murray. %(Jean Anne Richards)
Portage' La Prairie, wish to an..
nouunce :the arrival . of 'their •se-
cond - daughter, Shawna Bae, on
September l9th, a sister • for
Shelley : Anne.
ANDREW in H tuber Mem-
orial Hospital,. Weston, on 'Tues-
day, October lit, to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert IF. Andrew, (Carol .Pent-
land), a son, Paul Richard. •'
:hospital, Kitchener, on Tuesday,
October. 81th, : to . NIr. and. Mrs. •
Arthur Hinschbenger (Betty Mil_
ler), 'a daughter, ' 'a sister • for
Zippy Zionettes.
Thethird meeting ..of the Zippy
Zionettes was ;held at Mrs: Gordon
irkland's and :