HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-09, Page 14tit
• t '.
..• ' 2nd,. 106$
WHIT1Ec.,..HU RQ.I and .DISiRICf Greer -TV In
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coultas Hospital %for. atment for his
and Diane spent the week -end :pneumonia:
With Mr, and Mrs. Jack Coultes • ,Cpl.. ;and Mrs 'Ken Ross ''f.
ofWallaceburg. Prince Albert visited •with h_s
war Rev. McKay another • Mrs. Jean Ross and ,w th
• The United Church Women his brothers Mr. and ',Mrs, Bus-
field their 'llhanko feeing meet, sol: Ross, and Mrs. Don Ross
ing in'the churchand uiarnilies;
Wednesday •.
afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Milian rlVrs. Orville: Newby of Chesley
Moore, president, Pre -tided and spent Sunday with her mother
warmly. welcomed the 'guests, Mrs.Annie Lott.
Wingham U.C.W. and Whitt- Former Teacher Dies
chuz h Presbyterian W.M.S. and' `riends.in this. community;were
heir own Members, She. lied in sorry :to. learn .af the death of
responsi've ,reading of Walla 90 Mrs. Mike Rezansoss of st. Ca
'in the Hymnary. The Scripture 'trharines on Friday in St. Cath
Reading and Meditation was axises Hospital. She Was •
tin by Mrs.' Elwood. GToSkorth. former Myrtle Yuilll who taught
Mrs Claude Coffin. sang The in, S,S. No. '9 Kinloss. She leaves'
Precious name of Jesus, • aacoln- to mourn her lass her ,husband,
partied Eby' Mrs, 'Garnet'_ Farrier daughters Gail Louise, Heidi
on the electric organ `MTs. Mit- syn, both at home. Her Ebro=
rheYl offered • �o red :prayer,,the offer- thers are Clarence, SViorris' Town-
ing, was received by MTs. Russel ship; 'Robert . Brussels, and sis-
Ohapman, and Mrs. Russel' Gaunt.
ters 1VIrs, urn Johnston,. Bel -
Mrs. Moore gave the , offering grave; urs. Helen . 'McBurney,
Mrs Andrew Gaunt • ac- Wingharn and Mrs. James • War-
companied iby Mrs. ' 'Johnston wick, Bliythh.° The • remains were
Conn on the piano sang; Jesus brought to R. ': A. Curries on Sun
Rock 'Of Ages. : The guest speak- day; . Burial service; was at 2 pm.
er Rev. AngusMcKay, Mission- Monday with. interment in• 1Bran-
ary ' home ,on; -furlough, was in- don Cemetery, Belgr ore
troduced ;by Mfrs Ezra ' Sdroltz. • Garry, `wailiA, 'who attended the
of 'religion 'a ownthrough`
ed : word that he successi%u111y
the' ages. India . has many lan-
••�guaiges 'but religion .was e.stab- assed..'his exams; with 7�8% on'
risked= here earlier° than ' in Bur- the first term work and•. 79%
OD the 'sscond • ;berm. He is ' Ypres
opo .I=ndia is moving, .,growing ently • employed in Streetsyille.
•. going forward.' They, have His many ,friends There' extend
Secularism and Communism to'. .
deal =with. All these problems their congratiulaitions
,make It hard tor the church =to Rev.' and ' Mrs' ';Adrian Growl-
go .. �forZw�id . 7�f they +can ; dust be enbung and 'family • . of • London,
given 'sonie~Uhng : tq ;' hold• on 'ta: visited on Saturtay with Mr.
and Mrs. 'Jacob '(Kuiper,.
whi h is Jesus • then allMr:'Dave Gibbs and Mr. -Clan-
would 'he well. To do K'this the ' ence e �Adains had the village ,�va-
need of Missionaries is . great:. ter .installed. in : their homes on.
India is. going.. to fbecome•a lead-
. Monday Mr.�. Fuller and 'hip
ing. nation. 'When Rev ' McKay nen: ' of ',W ngha'm; '
returns to'•elndia he will be do- Mr.. and Mrs Garnet 1VIcNall
ing • adaninistratwe mvork, Mrs. of 'Tavistock and Mr. and• Mrs.
Dustan Beecroft thanked Mr. Mc-
• • Qlarenc+e Waddel ` of Zurich •spent.
Kay; for his message and helped Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs: Aar
/11M show =and model, clobthng , . ryswan: ' •
:Worn lay the ladies.. of India. The 4-61 Homennaldng 'Club:
v ) die Radio College -in Toronto' receiv-
• Amonig the articles shown were: held 'their 'second' meeting at ,the
fancy. work,, . iaandicraft knives, home of Mrs; Albert Coultes on
elephant' and horse :bells, Hible Tuesday: evening; The meeting
pictures on cloth, 'bracelets, brass was opened by ,' the President
-pail: Tire . pastor :Rev. Mitchell
closed themeeting with prayer.,
A11:were invited to the Sunday
• school ' room• for, ;lunch.
' 11aud Bagggitt of Brus-
sels came on ,: Wednesday:. to
Spend ' the winter .-with '.1VIr.: and
Mrs. Victor Emerson., ality of the person. •The next
Mr. Raymond (Ku' was '.ta- meeting will be held at ;the' home
Miss Alma =Conn; All repeated
the Pledge: The ' `Secretary . Miss
Diane Coultes.read the minutes:
The roll call was answered by
6 Whitechurch Sewing •,-Sisters '
A discussion followed • on. the line
and texture to suit the person-'
Digest Contest ,
It ,might pay you to: he a.;su"b.-
ce.i)er ,to; the Readers Digest..
The October issue contains
page insert . by : •Dlectrohcrme with
lucky 'numbers ' worth; '$27,000 i..
:prizes. • •
Here's. .the idea. Check your
Electroh,ome • insertin the copy:
;of Readers Digest andyou will.
find "your" ducky number, Visit
Greer TV. :Sad Electric, Luck-
naw, ,where they have a list of
all the winning .numbers -across
Canada. , •
`Check "your" number . against
the list -of winners a =t Green's and
you may share in. $27,000 worth
of prizes • id you have one of the
,lucky numbers Itt',s as• sciple as
that. • '•
Be sure you -bring • your .0c
tuber Readers -Digest into Givers
and you may be ' a .big prize
winner. 177 copses of the maga-.
zine come through the. Lucknorw
post •office Yours May . be the
lucky one; . • •
ken' ' on `Tuesday too Win gra n at Mrs: Claude Coffin • on . Wed-
•tie•••wNmi• BNS iK••ioN• ••!0o••• ties
It Pays To INSULATE•� ••
•• •.
You. Can -Save., Up. To 35%•
•.. 51, year ;ago he married Mary.
father Of Former
Minister. Passes
Mr. Sanford Gilbert Meikle -
john . Passed away at the Belle-
ville • General Hospital on Thurs-
day morning, September •26th.
He was .in this 90th Year.
.Born m •Rawdon :township, he
was the son of the late William-
and Harriett • Meiklejohn. Mr.
Meiklejohn spent' his. entice life
in • ltaiwdon ; township. He. was
a member of ' Ry=lstone United
Churcrh,, an' elder for many years,
also Sunday School teacher and
Besides' his wife, ': Margaret.
Jane,. he is . surtv�ived by two
daughters, Mrs. Roy (Bessie) Fry
of "Campbellford, :Mrs. •Jaynes•
(Vivian) Burnett of. Be1leVille;
two • sons, Granville of Marmara,
and Rev. Grant Meiklejo'hn• : of
Copetown and formerly of Luck
snow;: eleven grandchildren and
dour 'great grandchildren..
'The Euneral was head ': at the
home on .:Serptemaber, 28. at . 2 pm.
and services. in .Rylst6ne Church
at 2:30. p.m: -
Interment •was in Iiyistone
Cemetery with six, grandsons
acting as pallbearers..
nesday, October'. 9 at ' 7 o'clock,
Attended School Here
There passed away in
ton General Hospital after a
short illness on Wednesday, . Oc-
tober ' 3rd Mr,' Lsw s Wilbert'
Beecroft, son ofthe late William•
Beecroft and Agnes Ra'binson;'
He was in ' his 77th year: Over
EX , o E GRAIN — Ripley Fair : winning' grain at the Ripley Fall
past • president Donald MeTav- ' Fair.: • The grain exhibit . was a
ish (right) and :president. Gordon big feature at the . fair:
Patterson' (left) examine prize (Cut :courtesy . Kitchener Record)
Held. Radiation Monitor Course
The EMO :of • Bruce' .County
held a successful radiation mon-
itor .. (Basic)' course in the 'ar-
Znouries at Walkerton, on Sep-
tember 2 th and' 7•th. This°.cousrse
was sponsored by Ontario EMO..
Those attending the' course
were from Tobermory, Wiarton,
Chesley,Kincardine, . IMildinay
and Walkerton.,
Zlhe': instruments and • radioac-
tive. anaterial used for the course
were supplied by Canadian Civil
Defence College at Arnprior.
The instruments are similar.. =to
a gieger .counter. The radioactive
material was. tested 'with, the
monitoring equipment to sham'
the. different ,. protective factors
of ' concrete .. 'blocks, concrete
slabs, ` brick woad, lead and
steel; The purpose cif •Vh+is course
is to give personnel, throughout
the county, ;a ` basrc, . ;knowledge
of radiological monitoring. The
above mentioned candidates , are
now eligible for a further qual-
ifying 'instructors' course • : • •
September has been a busy'
On, Your Fuel
• '
. •,
• •
• In Sizes 4 fet, •by 8 'feet • .
• •' eel Chapman.
,• •• • ' • • M ' CHERRY ; • • • Mrs. Eva Cameron of New,
• RANDOM PECAN; , MAHOGANY 'York , and Mrs. Victor Casemore
• • , of Brantford visited on Sunday
ill•; . , • wiith Mr., , and .'Mrs. Tom'
icon, M .and Mrs. Jack Mor-
• • r.
• , rison, Mr. and • Mrs. Chas. Tiffin
ft • Cement In Shoe • ' and with their aunt Mrs. Mary
•' •hes Ritchie of
,Jane 'Ti=ffon.
• . and Mrs.
••. Duclsrrow spentSunday
• ter• with hVIr..
John and >YV[rs. �,ussel •R4W Hendorson Lim er ,. Lt1:, 4: week assisting Mr. Leo Watt of
• •rutile 528-51 I a „ Luckttawng a driv-'
•0••••o••M••••• ••!!••01 •••N•••' g r •shoot Walton in...repairing '
Cost By InSulatiflg
2" ,INSULATION •� � ON SATTS n . .• `
For Those Hard. To Get At Places
re Is .A Tremenclous Saving By Doing Your
Own Insulating
• Thorn=ton, daughter �o+f tfiie late.
• Mr and •rs Christopher Thorn-
e of Edmon=ton • and fioranerly'
• of • Winghan. Besides his • wife
• he leaves one sop. 'Kenneth and
• a daughter Eileen all of Edmom .
• . ton and • three, grandchildren, one •
• • sister Myrtle' of Nova London,
•, . Conneticu=t,, one brother • J: 'D;
• Beecroft' of • East oWawanosh.
. Burial was Saturday m • Ed
2 montor_ Cemetery.. Mrs • Beecroft
•, • attended school at S.S. No', 14
• •West Wawanosh,, which is now
'closed and 'pupils attend at Vor-
Mr. . and Mrs Tom Morrison
and Mrs.. •Chapmnan Sr.. spent
Sunday evening with Mrs. Dow
ling • and :Laverne of Mount .For-
est Mrs. Chapman remained for,
a weeks visit. '
Mt; and Mrs 'Ross .Smith and
family of Toronto spent the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs. 'Rus-,
month for the co-ordinator of
Bruce .County , EMO. As many as
possible of the Bruce' County
Fall !Fairs" were attended. Maps/
were displayed to illustrate the
EMO layout: for. tae "county, lit-
erature was • distributed and in-
formation :given to : interested
citizens. .
Courses have ,been conducted
throughout Bruce County :during.
1062 and 1963 ;asfollows - first
aid =- Walkerton, Port Elgin,
Lion's Head, Teeswater; home
nursing - Walkerton, .Wiarton;
hospital experience -= Walker-
ton: No doubt there are ' com-
munities in Bruce County where
one of. these •courses .would be.
desirable. If so, we would ap-
preciate inquiries. •
• Lloyd Jasper, :Co=ordinator,
Bruce . County ' EMO
Miss' ; Gertrude' Wakes •cf the
Children's Aid Society staff told
Huron County Council lastweek
there was an urgent need for fos-
ter hoines in the county.
1r.■•■e•i■■i■■••■•is ■ei•■hi•■rrismio i■■ii■i■u■■a■
• Y
gi 3-1963 Pontiac Laurentian sedans, automatic
• 1963 Chev Belair 'Sedan, automatic, radio
' • 2-1963 'Pontiac Stratoehief ..sedans, automatic an
• 1962 Chev Belair, fully equipped, automatic
1962 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, fully equipped'
▪ 1961 Chev Impala, 4 -door,` V-8, automatic
in .1960'. Ford, 6 cychnder, 2 -door, standard transmission.
a •1959 Chev coach, standard transmission:
• 1959 Meteor sedan,'standard transmission
la 1959 Pontiac V-8, itutomatic' transmission
a Impala V-8, 4 -door hardtop
1959 Chev • •
• 1959 Volkswagen
I: 1958 Pontiac Sedan, automatic
. • 27-1958 Chev sedan's with automatic transmission .
2.1957 :•Pontiac sedans, 1 standard. transmission, 1 automatic
Chevstandard transmission.
1955 del Air sedan,
'NUMBER OF 195g MODELS from • $350. up
r•' a• •
• ▪ . • .TR'UCKS:. TotiptS!! .
*,, 1959 Ford 44 -ton Pict: -up
1959 Cher, 1 tan .stake r '
Is 1957 GMC, 1 ton stake
• ▪ '
• Brussels :. •Motors
r. .
•, Cities Service Dealer —, •Phone 173; $rusccls
iairr*iii.■ii■iia1 sothiu eaINIr lialIiiuIai oanaimeuii