HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-09, Page 11• INEPNIFS'DAY OCT. '9th, 1963. TILE LUCKNOW SENTINELII LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN, GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR SHOE DOLLAR r Smartly styled in boy's • sizes from 31 to 61/z and • in men's, sizes 7 to: 11. • You'll be surprised at the low, low prices. •• Guaranteed soles and heels. Sole and heel permanently bonded to. upper --,no stitches_ to break or rot, . Insulated insoles . Flexible as slippers.' Will not mark floors. RATHWELt SHOE STORE • LUCKNOVV Phone 528.311 7 OLIVET NEWS The tOlivet United Church Wo- •arien •rnet on Thursday evening the church. Mrs. Doug Henry led in the. worship service on the theme of,ahanksgivimg, )Mrs. Rob- ert 10'borne read .the Scripture. and comments. Miss iMary Boul- stop offered •prayer. . Reverend Mr. •Ball spoke on:thanksgiving,. followed .'by 'a, nriblin. and 'organ duet iwibh, Miss Mary 'Roiil.ston at 'the • organ. and Mrs. Oscar' White • with. the violin. ,Business was conducted by Mrs. White. Mrs. Doug Henry, gave the trea- surer's :report. Mrs: 'Howard Hen- ry rmade. .the courtesy remarks. The Beriedi'otionwas 'pronounced by Mr. '13'a�11, Lun'c'h and •a social time 'were enjoyed:: • Mr. Ai Hamilton, Marie, Janet and Michael visited for a few •days With MTS.. Hamilton , in. Hamilton. '. Miss Sandra . i ac'Charles •was. Sunday &rhool ,organist on 'Sun- day. . Com gine your .home-grown grains' with DA; RY . C4.NCE'NTRATE: ,the fresh -mix milli) fhe balanced protein base! Want sleek-hided'health and top milk production from your dairy cattle? Then feed 'em your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with National Dairy Concentrate. It's the fresh -mix with the balanced protein base. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy right here at the mill . .. using National, Concen-, trate, of course. P.S. You'll like using National's fresh -mix . Calf Concentrate, too t ` *A PRODUCT.OF • CANADIAN 'INDUSTRIES LIMITED 'idep FINLAYSON P, , --: LUCKNOW -= Timber, 'Tips. `Two beautiful high triples were :rolled by: Arnettia Thompson and.Mary Fisher with Mary edg Arnetta's flattriple of 700 by 12 'pins for 712 plus 27 ,handicap and Arnetta's .score, han,dicaip in- cluded ,w:as 806.- Bill Stewart captured 'the' men's triple 'With 717 flat 'plus: 27 handicap, for 744,, Bill also held the men's 'single With 287 flat. • • The "highlight of bhe week was Mary iFisher's . single of • 323+ fiat,. which tops the ladies high single for the last two years. Other 'had- ies scores , ;which draw Attention are Elaine Thornton'ssingle of 270; • Arnebta Thompson's:. 154, Betty iGannon's. 252 and Marie • Stewart's 246. Bill and. Mildred Robb joined ,the Kangaroos this week and Bob Dowsett is iwith the Chipmunks. Standings. ' Cubs 6, Tigers $, Pole Cats 6,. Coons 6, Gophers 6, Beavers 4, Kangaroos 4, .Lions 4, Clh.iprnunks 4, Zebras 2,:, Wol'vrerines 2, Squar rels 0. . Present, :Scroll. To ; Bill Kinahan The Saugeen Life ifnderWri't ers Association herd ...a`. luncheon: meeting at the Four Aces Res:- •taura'n't at*: Clifford, September 20th:'with a.:'50% attendance and Wm Kinahan 'presi'ding. Pres.. Kina,'han welcomed' the guest •speaker, ►M'r: Glenn .Wheeler, Paul Revere 'Life Ins'Co. Lon- don, Mr. 'Gordon Westlake, 'Su- ' pervisor of' Sun Life Company and Art Thorn, •.M tropolitan Life, Who was officially ' trans ferred to !Saulgeen; The minutes of the ,June meeting were. read by See.-Treas. Bert Diseh,.' who niaved they Vie., . adopted. "Phis' was. seconded • by Clarence Thompson and was Carried. :Wm:' Kina'han advised LJU.A;T.C. caur- ses withinthis association shad not •m:aterialized.. Harry Bruege= anan advised he 'understood ,first; and second year courses. were being held in' Owen Sound: With Irvine ' Brown ,:the :moderator: The 'letter froth' Glenn Price re-•. :garding . the Regional : Convention, at Peterborough ' was • read by Sec.-Treas. Disoh. ' A general discussion took place 're the ,pension plans' propossed. by. Government 1 pa:xities and . af• - ter ' several . suggestions were made, Clarence ...Thompson anon- edthat . a' letter. of encouranige- men't. 'from this Association sign- ed ' by • the president and sec- treas... be ' sent • to', Premier Ro- berti encouraging; shim , on chis ;stand on the 'Matter., This was seconded by : Will Caslick' Which. was ° carried and Mr Thompson agreed to . compose the letter. Harry Bruegeman strongly urg- ed 'all mernbera to • wri,te.. per, sonal letters to the members . of the • Federal . House as well as the Provincial House stressing the need: for more. careful .con sideration on• this all important subject: bt 'was moved by 'Wlif Caslick, seconded !by Bruce • Mc- Lean ',that ..,Clarence. Thompson and : Harry Bnuegeman be . ,ap- pointed as the nom•Inating Com- mittee: Carried. Wm. Kinahan presented Clarence Thompson with 'a .plaque honoring him for his. l6sth: consecutive: Clarence Thompson' thanked and presented Mr. Kinahan'' with a scroll in' recognition of his ser- vices as' President of this Asso- ciation, Wilf • Oasl'ick Very ably introduced 'the • 'guest speaker who ,gave a most •infor"mative talk concerned_ ',around' Mutual &Inds and by 'means :of • Charts explained . ,haw they .'operated. Being ;a 'former 'Mutual Fund Salesman, Mr. Wheeler ' Was highly qualified on the ;topic she chose for the occasion. Harry Bruegeman and Wm.' Kinahan thanked the speaker and after Clarence Thompson moved 'and. Pere,' Pentland • seconded the mo - don, the 'Meeting was adjourn WHY' YOU SHOULD CONVERT YOUR•.PRESENT EQUIPMENT -TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL OIL HEAT:. It's easy to convert to oil. We, have a complete line"of top quality Esso Heating Equipment to . choose from. Chances are that all you need is an Esso Conversion, Burner -available on easy. budget terms and you have up to 5 years to pay. And now, with Esso heating equipment, we can arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat Service, at •.lib cost. Your best guarantee for continued -home heating comfort. Just phone for an appointment—no obligations ROY HAVENS Plumbing And Heating - Phone 528-3012 ..Lucknow• ESSO OIL. BURNER SALES ` And SERVICE HOME. HEAT SERVICE .,- ULR We. extend ` oitr sympathy ' to Tom Stewart in the loss of . his nephew, Allan Stewart • •ot Ham- ilton. Mr. and .Mrs. Tom Stew- art, Ernie': and 'Harold. and Mrs. Mac McPherson: attended : •bhe funeral in Hamilton on ':Friday. Mrs !Earle Hadgins is 'holiday- iny With' lMr..and Mrs Torn Erin- ery at. Akron, Ohio.: Mrs, Ezra Stanley spent Thurs- day. in Toronto and attended a. CORNERS W.M.S. meeting. See that Reg Brown Was a winner : in a draw. at Hughes!, Ready to Wear Store, Teeswvater. .Mrs. Phyllis 'Kewbe'r- and Mts." Fern'••Babcoek •'of Waillaceburg, spent' last' week. • Wi•tth' .Mrs. El- mer Benedict: Colin Ming, Camp Borden, vis- ited last. week with Martin Ben- edict, • MacKenzie Family entertains; With a 'name, rke MacKenzie, it's not'.Isurprisirig:. n , this area to Ifind Scottith enthusiasm, But Lt is somewhat unique , to see three young ' members 'oaf . one family following Scottish tradi- tion by penforim•inig on .Pair Day in the Oalendonian • Pa'rk, Luck - now, named • after those f&molts games of yester-year, Pictured left id • right are Heather, age .9, Ian, ,age 15 Ayva. • Connie, age 13,, children of Mr, • and' .Mrs, .Prank MacKenzie of • llinlass'. Township,. The ibrother., and sisters 'act ,was .performed, at Lucknow. .Pair. Ian 'has 'been'. pi- ping ,for three years, and the ;giris have been dancing for a couple of years.' At, the• lair the girls •danced • a couple. of steps With bagpipe aceompaninient Eby their brother,' • r yh 141 9. • '91 4 J.•