HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-09, Page 1•
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Save McGee Home
Fire azes
Miro trim1 fires within .four
days razed barns m Ashfield
• • Township an the Kintail and Port
Albert areas.
• • pucknow „Fire Department un-
• der Pre Chief George Whitby
responded to both alarms.
• • The first, shortly before 7:00
11111. last Thursday morning, was
to the .fann of Murray ;;Rankin,
south of Kintail. In this instance
the. home,Was not 'threatened,
• The second alarm .on Sunday
afternoon about 2:00 o'clock was
to the' rfarsh of Albert McGee at
Port Albert The 1...uclaiow fire-
men we credited with saving
".the McGee home. ..
neither case could the cause
o the conflagration fbe definitely
The Rankin Fire, ' '•
Upon • arising last 'Thursday
morning, an unusual. glow in the
breaking -day sky • *as first no-
ticed by Mr. Rankin't brother -M-
. laW, Lloyd .Peterkin of Mitchell's'
Bay, 'who was visiting at the
Rankin home. , •
. 'By this time the barn was.
• •
aflamet.from end to end "and no
' one'coiild get near it. Lost in the
blaze-, were 56 Pigs, including
seven sows, and the season's crap
of ,hay,/ grain and era*. • The
grain, loss was about 2.500 bush-
els of oats and .175 bushels Of
barley.. The cattle Were on pas-
• The 'wind direction' prevented
the home from being .endangered.
The Rankin. +farm is on the
Huron Sands sideroad near the
lake • It tysat.p the 1 tfarmer Jack
,Gould farm, from . whom Mr.
•Rankin bought. the . "property
about two years'. ago.,
Mr. and Mrs.. Rankin, who
came &env Dover Centre _in the
Ohatham-WiillaCebitrg area, have
three children •of high school;
. public school and pre-sohool age.
Mr RanIrAn. told The Sentinel
that ' he plant. ' .te rebuild the
barn •..'..•.
• . • • • •
. ,The McGee' fire on Stmday •
• : afternoon brake out with a stiff
• breeze blowing, which• fanned
• the flames, levelling, the big
1.-shape4 ,barn to the founda-
. • tion .within about an hour,. and
• serionsike threatening the farm
.Lucknow Fire Department
poured water on the residence.
• The beat Was .intense and had
• 'started to melt the instil brick.
siding on the house . The • God-
.' erieh Fire Department . responded
• later and stood 'by as the threat
was abating, ' A' nearby • storage
tank of about 180 ..gallorts of
gasoline also was a hazard.
Mr. And Mrs; McGee were at
home at the time Albert was
doing some Sunday •afternoon
reading, When Mrs. McGee no...
4 •
taced. smoke coming from the
The barn. was crammed full
of bay, but Mr. M..,3Ge rules 'out
combustion as the cause..f .the
fire, which to all appearances
originated in the stable, and
fanned by a stiff breeze roared
through the bigred-paintedrrbarn
located on •the 4th• Concession of
Ashfield, just _east of the Blue-.
'water. Highway. • ; •
10,000 Bales Of.•Hay
• There was no livestock in the
barn, although there are a large
number •of grass cattle on the
MCG'ree farm. •
But it Was crammed with hay
even to the barn floor and ,pig-
gery, The hay, loss is stated to
be about 10,000 bales, plus a
1,000 bushels of grain, and some
implements. • . •• •
• •
'The. two section barn measured
50 x 60 and tax .34 feet, There is
another...barn on the fa= so that
Mr McGee, who is now 7,5, but
has been so actively eyigaged, in'
farming as. to belie his 'age, has,
no plans for rebuilding. •
In fact, • Mr. arid ,Mrs.• McGee
have been considering. retiring,.
and negotiations were being' car-
ried "on far the sale of the farm. •
'This Sunday. afternoon conflag-
ration attracted. many spectators
who watched ;in awe as the big
barn crumpled and the searing
heat scorched everything in its
path. After the fire broke out,- a
slight wind switch blowing more
to the north-west 'helped to lessen
the threat to the home which was
dangerously close to the barn.
• ,Lt is,some time since we
90 On Tuesday
'harpe" about sending in ;
•meeting reports. 'lliany are.
• ,cloing an excellent job and
• co-operating wonderfully in
this respect, " • .
But we still get late reports,
. 'which overtax the mechanical •
• and physical capacities. With
linotypetrouble on Monday,
this problem was aggravated.
Press correspondents. •
asked to. send in meeting re- ‘..
ports immediately afyer they
lake plate. By so doing we..
can have tihese "in type' be-
fore the end orf the week, to
rel•ieve the arlonday and Tues-,
day pressure.
• Otherwise we may At times
haveto omit reports, which •
• could: hive •been in ,earlien•
Todwaald DeXter, a native at
England, rwho has lived in this
commtmity for 50 • years,. ob-, •
served his 90th 'birthday., on •
ThetdaY, •Octaber ist. .
Teddy t or. Tedt as :everyone
calls him, spent part of the, day
at the home 'of his son,
Walter and Mrs. Dexter at Par-
amount, and. Was hanored at a.
birthday party by the staff and
'fellow residents at Pinecrest
Marick 'where he resides, and who
had a birthday cake for hinn..Dur-
ing tile day some of his aid friends.
Called at the Dexter home to ex-
tend Congratulations and. best
wisbei. • , •
Mr. Dexter; /one , of a lanilly • of
eight boys,. was ,born_ in Lin-
colnshire, and has never lost this
native accent Mrs. .Dexter, whose „
_death occurred two years ago..
last August, was also bornm • ..;
the Ord Country and they were ..-
married on May 16th, 11399, in
Skagness, England. They Were
sparedto observe their '61st' an-
nivessarY• •
As a lad •Ted was apprenticed •
as a blacksmith Close to 76 years.
ago.,' He later saw Canada. sts a •
land of opportunity and castle
here in 1912, and spent the •
wintter shoeing holies ,in. North.
Bay 'lumber: camps, •• •
In the summer of 1014; he Was .
joined by his wife and 'fakisily
and they took up • residence at.
Paramount, .where Ted reop-
ened the Gordon !blacksmith shop
at the corner' of Highway 86 and
the Ripley road; then known as
"Little Buffalo" •• ' •
He roVe.'s a master craftsman
• and while plying his trade. bran-,
cited into farming - on, the adja-
cent ,faitrn. Mr. and Mrs. •Deter
"retired", to Lucknow- close to,
20. years 'ago, but Ted •renia.in- •
ed actively. engaged in "pound- • •
,ing the •antVil" a •shop behind •
their home, where his services
were in constant ;demand. •
It was net until 'very recent
years that he ceased to operate
the shop, lie, is in fair health. ,
Mr: Dexter has a . family :Of
three • --- Mrs Wm. J. Ensign
(Elsie) of. St. Catharines; Mr&• •
Howard Robinson (:Oily) of ,
Lucknow and , Walter of Para:-
racrturt.., /1. •
• ,
• ,
• •
', •
• • .
HOlifrocid Twosome
:Elect Officers . Band
At• LDHS ..officer Bagged A Moose,
iklbent got �us cat Out • of the
north etkl of the 'barn,but that
wa.s •All that could be saved. :
. ••
(by •J,iin Andesson'
Two weeks -ago, the executive
Of the Lucknow District District High
Scheelwas elected. Huge ban-
ners proclaimed their favourites
. • . • .
and gay wearing apparrel was
the order ofthe day. Results
were as follows! President:: Jun
MacDonald, Vice -Pres., June'AcH.
kert; Secretary, Joyce Thorburri;
Treasurer, Tom Andrew; Pianist;
Mary Ellen Shiells; Press Re-
porter, Jim Anderson; Class reps
were. Janet rCarruthers, 9A; .Kel-
virt. Ritchie, 9B;: Donald Andrew,.
.10A; Brenda Haldenby, 14)B;
Marianna MacDonald, .11; Donald
Hodgins, ' 12A; Helen . MacNay;
12B;. Sharon O'Dennell, Doug
MacKinnon; 13, Best • Wishes go
from' the' student body tothe
successful candidates and hopes
forbanner 'year ahead. • •
Following band , practice on
Tuesday, October •Ist, the re -or-
ganization meeting of the Luck -
now High School Band was
held with Mr. L. E. Goyette,,
Principal, conducting ' -the .elec-
tidn'of officers.
The following -were elected:
Pres ,
ten , Esther 'Gibson. . •
tary -treasurer, Barbara: Nelson;
care of uniforms, Wallace 11.0US-
ton,, Hilda Ritchie; care of Music
and instrument room, Roy But-
ton, Marianna MacDonald; putting
chairs and stands for practice,
Mary Murdie, David • Gibson,
Wayne Jamieson; .putting ,laway
chairs' .and stands, Keith Kaiser,
Marlene Porter, Jim Anderson;
parade marshall, Ernest .Ackert;
social. committee; Sandra Career -
on, Joyce Thorburn; attendance
recorder, Jean Sutton; recorder of
instruments and music, Mary An-
drew. .
• Rayna.rd' AckArt, and his son,
Ernest, returned•home• the latter
part .of the week •atter• ibagging.
a ,moose in the Caramat area
on the 'Marathon. u1p and Pa-
per Company limits. •
Raynard and Ernest combined
business with pleasure. They at-
tended • the Manitoulin stocker
sale, • Where they 'bought some
cattle, and then continued north
for a few days moose thttnting„
whieh end6d in success.
Another ,highlight of the trip
was to witness pulpwood logg-
ing operations' in the Marathon
Company, limits' which extends
irier -vistr•-aiebs.'•• , " ••
One man, operating a claw -
knife dragline, can carry ontree
felling operations single hand-
ed. •
• /
-The claw strips the..tree 'of its
branches .'and then 'in a scissor
action sheers it off at the .trunk
and hoists it into place on the
log pile,• later to go down river
Donald Haldenby Named Secreta TO I t°0111;r111111.Onster 'machines can
• •I "buiz-taw" trees into •short
13 of M Ontario General Manager
lialdenby; •who was
born at Lucia:tow, has been ap-
pointed by the Bank of Montreal
as secretary to the general man-
ager for Ontario, the bank has an-
Mir Haldenby was educated
here and joined the B of M at the
local branch in 1962. He then went
on to gain ;banking experience at
offices in•Walkerville and in Lon-
don before moving the inspec-
tion department at the head Office
in Montreal, in 1958.
The following year, he was ap-
pointed an inspector's assistant
the same department and, in 1061,
moved to the main , Hamilton
branch as assistant accountant He
'became accountant at the same
branch in 1962 and, last January,
moved to Toronto to serve inthe
office of the general manager for
Ontario, where he now takes up
his new appointment.
• 4
At Stocker Sale
• ••The•fl': fail fall Stocker 'sale
' was held at the Lucknow Com-
munity Sales, Barn on :Monday
• afternoon; with 495' head going
' through •the sate ring in four
hours.. • •
• Sale manager Bob Macintosh
reports the toe lot of steers,
weighing 730 pounds, selling . at.
24.40. They were conSigned by
• Bill Tartish, R. 3 Lucknow and
• bought by Jim Gilinote, R.R. 3
Prices were considered 'satis-
• factory and consistent with:
somewhat slower ,r general mar
ket • • •
Soldier Vote Changed Huron -Bruce
Results To 3 -Vote Edge For Gaunt
The Huron -Bruce election pen- unofficial 'vote a 6,355 compared
dulum swung to Mtirray Gaunt to 6,352 for ;McCutehecon.
List meek when the soldier vote ..,The official count s made this
was aririotroced;° and gave the Li- Wednesday by Rett-rning Officer
beral.candidak a three -vote ma- Wm. 'McCool,..which may' or ma
jority. • • not change these figures.
The election night tabulation In •any event either candidate
swung back and forth, finally has six days after the official
giving George McCutCheon, •Pro- Counts to appeal for a judicial
gressive. Conservative candidate, revieW of the ballots, It ,w1Suld
A three -vote edge. A morning pent Practically • certain that a
after renheek of the figures cut recount‘ will be held in Huron -
this . majority to a single vote Bruce Mr.. •McCutcheon is repor-
for MrMcCutcheon
ted as saying "regardlest of how
• . .' •
The soldier vote —• six for the official count goes, there will
Mr. Cunt and two for Mr. Mc- be a recount in. this riding,",
CIttcheen — gave Gaunt ,a total
. . .
lengths, just at one would cut
cord Wood. • •
Three Lucknow 4-H Clubs Hog
Achievement Days At Fall Fair 'T
. (Intended For, Last Week) I .
•anent-, day for •rnembers of the 'hers were all. in the third prize'
Lucknow 4-H -Beef Calf. Club grpup.
and • 4-H airy :Calf Clubwbp
both ,showed their calves • at the
Lucknow Fair where they were
judged for qua.lity and.MUM-
Thursday was the achieve- group. The rest of he mem-
Club leaders: of the Beef Club
were Andrew Gaunt and Toni.
Todd. George Kenedy and Glen
Walden 'were , leaders of 'the:
Dairy Chi)); • . . ;
' ,
In the Steer division, _Wayne
Todd of Alt 2 'Lucknow finish-
ed in tap position followed by
Herman Riegling of R.R. 7,
Lucknow. Karla Riegling, also
of.R.R. 7, 'placed third.tOthers were Douglas 'Grant, ' R.R. . 2;
w.R 3. Stephen •
,weie; Hughie Tocki, RA. 2;
Garry Ganitnie, B.R. 1; Kenneth
Taylor, R.A. 2; Donald Alton,
.R.R. 7; Brian Rintatil, White-
church; . Bryan 'Gan -mile R.R. 1;
Dale Gam -hie, R.R. 2; Murray
Morrison,' R.R. •1. . • : ,
Murray ,rMewhiney of '11.R. 1,
Lucknow, had the best Senior
Heifer edging out Max Riegling•
of Illt, 7;,,„ Ray Hogan 0,,,f R.R. 7,
Lucknow, had _the ,. °hi? junior
Heifer, . .
All. the 4-H Menibers and their.
calves were grouped together m
showmanship class. Hughle Todd
placed 'first with Garry OMnanie
alto in the first prite,. grat).
Wayne Todd and iBrian Rintoul
• •• Dairy Class. Resnit.4' .;. • ,•
• Ian Macrtae of R.R.' 3, Luck-
now, had the top calf in, the
Junior • Holstein, diVisien follow-
ed by Doug 'MacKenzie of R.R, •• •
3, Lttokno*. • Others in order
were, Larry 1i -tinter,. R.R. 3;
'Douglas Alton, RIR. 2; . George
MacDonald, • R.R.. '3, Lucknow;
Tom 111acDonald, R.R. • 3. •
Eltdo • Hildebrand, R.R. 2, .'
Auburn, ,had 'the top; Senior Hol-
stein fwith John Bradley of RR..
3‘Gocieric14 .placing/second. Oth-
eri ,in t,he 'order they scored
in order in which.. they placed. Dre M R
Andrew,' R.R. '7, had the ,only
Ayrshire. •
•Pirst prize 'showman was Doug
MacKenzie of R.R. 3 with Larry
Hunter of R.R. also, in the
first prize ,group. In the second
prize group were ,E1d� Hilde-
brand, Stephen Andrew, Doug- ,
las Gaunt, Ian MacRae. • •
Judge .for both the dairy and
beef class was Fin Stewart of
Canada Department of • Agri
• .
'• Tractor Club'
The Lucknow 4-H Tractor Club
had • their achievement clay in
the morning of the fair. Club .•
leaders 'are Jack MacKenzie and •
were placed:in the second prize ; (Continued tin page 16)
• 43
, • '
• 41
' • ,..4;ft
4,1 ia a
1• • u:• 114 •
• . t