HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 13• t.G WEDNESDAY, SF 'T. ' '25, 1063 ROY. N. BENTLEY PUBL.1C ACCOUNTANT GODERICH,, ONTARIO ' , • Box 08 Phot ,e JAckson:.4-9521 • A. M. HARPER. AND • COMPANY . Chartered Accountants .55-57 South Street; GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone JA' 4-7562 • JOH NSTON•E'S • FUNER,A •.H., '. , L , 41V1E • Modero and Convenient' Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 • Day or, . Night Serving AIl' Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate. Prices Established 1894 A. R. DUVAL -/ : D.C.; Sp.0 'Chiropractor Physio and ' Electro. • Therapist • Wingham ' -- Phone 300 (Office located on John St. West nett to'Toronto Dominion Bank) IN-$URANCE FIRE,'WIND,. CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE .„. AND LIFE' To Protect. Your Jack, Insure • With Jack Today. J. A. MCDONAGH Lucknow, ' Phone 528-3423• STATE FARM. MUTUAL AUTOM .. C.B1•LE . • •I NSURANC Investigate Before • Investing.; ' REUBEN WILSON R.R.. 3, Goderich ' Phone 804-8 'Dungannon L W. ANDREW.. Barrister.- and Solicitor • LISTOWEL, ONTARIO. �3N LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt. Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J S. HETHERINGTO:N Q.C.. .' Barrister, Etc. Wingham and .Lucknow, 'IN • LUCKNOW , Monday and Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick Block • ,'Phone Wingham • ' Office 48 . '. Residence 97 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt 'service, and quality products, contact 'GRANT VHISHOLMVM one ' collect Dungannon, 72-r0I or 10 Lucknow "Always Look To Imperial For The Best” • • THF LUCKNOW, SENTINKL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; 1 PAGE TIHRTEI N DUPLICATOR supplies;: bond paper, mimeo paper, typewriter paper in pads and quantity, ink and master sheets, duplicator fluid, hectograph machines and supplies, if we; don't stook, your requirements, we will be glad, to order, for, you, The Luck/Mil Sentinel, ' • • 'MacKenzie MemorioFChapei;' FUNERAL. SERVICE; • Services • conducted accord- •' •ing to your wishes at your Home, yuur Church, or• at. our Memorial Chapel' at no additional, charge. Lueknow; 'Phone 528-3432 Day or Night WINGHAM .MEMORIAL 'SHOP We. Have. Been Memorial • Craftsmen, .for ' Thirty -Seven . • Years, Always Using , THE BEST .GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship, Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery. Lettering a. Specialty • R. A. S POTTO N Phone' 256, Wingham., Ontario, G. ALAN WILLIAM r. S Optometrist; Office on •Patrick St;just' off'. the Main • St.. i •WINGHAM Professional ',Eye Examination -Optical., Services . . For appointment Please. Phone 770, . Wingham J.' MacKENZIE,. O.D Optometrist.. NOW .IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY • Office AHours 10:00 a.m. 'tos.9:00 NO.'. Phone Roy • MacKenzie, Ripley, 96-r-24 for .appointment: R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GOD.ERICH /. F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist • The Square • (Phone, JAckson 4-7661) LUCKNOW'. DISTRICT • CO.OPERATIVE INC.' Lucknow, Phone. '528-2125 TED • COLLYER Registered, Master Electrician ELCCTItI(AL`` p3N,TRACTOR'• Specializing .4n Electric Heating, Electric Wiring "'Mid Repairs . and All electrical Appliances •.. Lucknow, •Phone 528-5182 • • GavlHer, Mclntos and Ward . . • HARTERI%U' ACCOt1NTANTS J. E.„ C enne'dyr C.A, Opposite Post Office. ?hone 881-:347 Walkerton Lions Name New Term •,Committees Plan. Rurnmage Sale Lucknow and, District Lions Club held ,their second: Meeting of the 1003-64 term on Monday evening with President: 'f Bob •.MacIntosh presiding. tM.' L. Sanderson and • V. A. Mowbray,. delegates to the Lions International - convention at. Mi.- • ami,• rt Florida, gave 'very inter.-• vesting reports. • • Deputy Dis't'rict Governor Pe 'ter Btis .onnette :outlined 'Plans for the .provincial, Convention at. KKitt:lhener ' and the Intern,ation'al. convention at Toronto next year. .U;e said more than 40,000 were .e?ppected at the. • Interniational andrbhait there ''Would be no ho- tel, . or . motel acoornodatiom in. or around Toronto, '•tfoe members: form clubs in this • district. IL. E; Goyette, a (guest' iat the rneetin'g,was introduced by El win ` Hall. He made 'the ' lucky ticket draw, and whose ticket'. should the ,draw : 'but: This . own:. Plan Rummage' Sale • The Club .•decided to • ho'l'd their annual rummage sale. and set the. -date for friday ,.and' .S tur- day, October ?5 and 26' with gathering to be done • on Oc'tabef 24th. • • . • • The next. Meeting Will be (held. on • 'Octciber ' 7th, so, as! not. to. conflict' with Thanksgiving Mon ,day,' the • following. • week. :Th'e'• Club • also ,plans •rto hold a bond -a -'month :draw,. with 200•. tickets only.• ibeing sold, With,: the prize: 'a $100 bond. Original ..pur- chasers .of tielcets will have 'first, chance :for • successive monthly ticket•. purchases. ; Comithttee ,appoin'tments • `were• made 'at an Executive meeting, and• with'- Oc'tdber beingmem-: •bers'hip month, there ' 'nay' be soine additions .oto the ,following list: ... • . . Public 'S,peaki.ng = Gerald Rathwell, .E ' H• Agnew ' Dues Co zu ittee — Ken Mur- de, W. A: Porteous.• , Attendance . Membershitp. Cecil .Blake, Chas. Webster; lH ar= vey 'Webster. • Banquet • & Meals W. A.. Schmid, Russ. Button. . Fund Raising Rae Gannon,' Chas: ` Webster,' Wm. Wherry; L E. ASliton, . W A, 'H arhiiton. Pragramme Elwin Miall, Gordon .Finlayson;'. .Rayna +d • Ac- kert. ,. : • Lions Information • Dm. Pete Bissonnet'te, Stuart . Collyer.. Bulletin -- • Stey. • Stothers, Robt; " •MacKen'zie, L. C. Thomtp'- • Boys .and Girls . Winter, .:. Sports •--•Fred Pierce, Grant 'Chisholm, Dr. Mel. 'Coll in, Blake Alton, 1111,. L. Rayner.; Jack MacKenzie, Rae. Gannon, Ernest Button: Siin ier, Sports ' - Harvey Houston,`' •Toon Hackett, Donald MacKinnon; : Alvin' . ' • Hamniltori,• Alex .Andrew, Jack :' ,McDonagh, "Gordon Brooks, Wm, . • Hunter, Convention =• Omar Brrooks,' Al , Hamilton, Russ. '•Button,, Frank. Thompson; Catnervn iMac - Donald • . : ' • • health and Welfare — Gordon. Fisher, Dr. Jack 'iViaoKim,; Tian- vey Houston. ' T'een , Town — Gordan' ,Mont:- gomery, Robert .,MacKenzie, 'Ken: Mutrdie,'Stuart Collyer.; Education Rae .Watson, W. B. Anderson • Greeters Wm. Wharry, Wes., JOnt, M rgan :Henderson, Steve S•tothers, ., Visitation & Publicity Lloyd 'Ashton • • Harvey • Webster, • Roib- ert Iinday �' .Comnut ty Betterment —. George Joynt,M• L. Sanderson.. AgricUl�tu�re r & .Safety Kelso cNa,y. 1liott ,Carrilthers,, Dur- si nilips Easter Seal • Gordon Mont- •gomery, Gordon Fisher, •Frank. Thompson,• F'. Hr Agnew, Robt. Mac Intosh. • Property Committee Vi'rden Motwbray; , . Donald' 'MacKinnon; • . ay. •.President Partner, Robt;,. Finl SIGNS FOR SALE --"No Tres- passing", "For . Sale" and ' "For Rent" • signs available •at .The Lucknow Sentinel, WHITKHURCH and DISTRICT .. On Tuesday 'evening tie church Junior Soritball team. played •Milverton: Juniors on ►their. diamond aiid won 7-0. On. Fri- day evenirug the 1Vi'iWerl on jun- ior team .returned to the Wing-. sham diamond toplay White c hureb. Juniors, The score was 114 in favour of Whitechurch.. This gives Whitechurah 2 !acmes •in a 3 .out of . ,; series, far W.O.A.A. Attending the :Grey -Bruce Ar- ea ;Convention held,in .1Vteaford September-' 1'7 and 11'were. Mrs, Claude Coffin, tbranc'h delegate and Mrs. Victor Emerson, area Secretary for ,they two days. Mrs. Russel Ross; Mrs. Garnet Far- rier,' Mrs. Albert •Coultes Mrs. Ed: Walker and . Mrs. George Wa'iker went bn • the bus , from Lucknow and attended the ses- sion on :Monday and the ban- cruet in the evening. The September meetingof the Presbyterian W.M.S. !was ,held on Thursday afternoon,. Septem- fiber 18 In :the schoolroom ofthe ethurc'h. ' The President, Mrs. Vic- tor !Emerson • 'presided . 'and war- mly welcomed; all !to the 'meet- ing. She. gave . a poem "Keep Mum." The Scripture and Med- itation was given by Mrs. . David M//atcDonald.• During 'the lb'usiness period 'an invitation to, attend the : Th'ank'offering meeting. of Bluev'ale : W.M.S. was . accepted.. •Thankyou'note••wars reteived'from. Mrs. • Wilfred. Walters. It. ,Was arranged who Were to •tbe, guests alt our Thanko ferin,g meeting in October. ;The roll :call was sans- wered ' by naming: a 'parable` of the Bible. 'Mrs. Earl Caslick gave the 'Offering Pr,ayer. Mrs. John- •atoii ;Conn. ,gave a report of tfihe. Board . meetin'g .she: attended - Wednesday afternoon' in Tees- water: "Is it , wrnont'li while," The World Day of. ''Prayer; was 'given by : Mrs Frank. Courter. Mrs, Johnston Conn •gave the .topic • Pa'ra'bles and their ciasslfica- ti^on ' and ` the Parable •of mean.' The classifications ,are -- Foun- ding of the. 'Icingdorn; • iteoeption of lt'he Kingdom, Growth Of .King- aorn„ Citizens of Kingdom their duties and 'privileges, The. Con- •sumation' of •'tie Kingdom. :,Mrs. Dawson. Craig' gave IAA oral quiz on H,arv.est: 'Those .:in charge of the meeting in Ocetc'ber. are ,Mrs,. Wan•, 'Rin'totil; Mrs. W. R. Pnir-: den, : Mrs.. Wm. Conn,Mrs. Jdhn Gaunt. The Presidentc'1os�ed the meeting With , prayer. • .A reception, . 'and dance 'wad held 'in Wlhi'techurch.:Cornerunity Memorial Hall On, Saturday. ening for Mr; and, ,Mrs; George, Needham, newly-weds Tiffin's orc'h'estra ; supplied +muisic With Mr. Arthur; Laidiawo and. Mr. Os- car .. Sdheffiter doing the calling off. After lunch was served,' Mr. and .;Mrs, ' Needham were'called tothe platform ,and ,,given seats of honor while Mr:Artthur Laid- law read an address and Mr. BarryTiiffinpresented thein with. a gift of ;money.. Mr. -and Mrs. Needharn will reside on the groona's ,farm near Paisley, Mrs., Needham.. is the +former Doris Wall,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Wall., iMr. and Mrs. Sandy ;Murray and. d'augh'ter ,P•atricia of Sharon Spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin; • • Mr. and Mrs. :David MacDon- ald and Mr. and .Mrs, Peter Mac- Donald returned home tfron British Columbia last Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs.. ripe Kerm ath and R'aymond of near Wroxeter were Sunday visitors ,with, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson: Mr: and Mrs. 'Cavin Robin- son of near ' Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell -and ily of .Wingham were Siunday 'Visitors witai • 1Vlr, and Mrs.. Wes- ley .'Tiffin and. on Wednesday Mr'. and'MVirs Miles MclMi'llan a Teeswater 'visited at the .`wane home.. • • Mr.' and Mfrs, "Belison 'Falconer' andfarn;ily of Sarnia, ' Mr.. and. , Mrs. Angus 'Falconer and family.. of • Streetsvi'Lle spent 'the week wee end with 'tlheir moth'er. Mrs. C,. ci•1 F•aleone+r. . • : The Presbytery of Huron aV ai,t land , 'will 'hold • a Service of Re- cognition: ' cf or Mr; . Jacob 'Kui'per on. Friday, ' September. • 2• iih : ' in Wh:itechurdh.. ''Chalmers ` .Presby- teriari church' at 8 p.m.Bruce South . District o►f the Women's Institute were again winners of the trophy for iha'ving 100% Standing .'Comniiittee : Re-: ports:on 'the day of the District Annual and ipo% ` branch :deae gate and .District -.Delegate atten- dance part. the •convention held at Medford-, last Week; NAME OFFICERS .OF HOLYROOD 4-H CLUB • The first meeting of the Holy: rood N,o. " 1 , 4-11 Homemaking • club was held in Holyrood school, on Tuesday . evening.: The name 'of this Pi'oje ,t is ,"What, Shall I .:Wear?" ` The officers elected were:•• ,Pres:; June . Ackert;. Vice. Pres., Elaine Murray;1Sec:, Doris Wall; Press Reporter; Brenda Haldenby., . Each girl ,was .measured in preparation ,for : tbuyting a Iblouse,. pattern and suitable colour§ land textures' :Were •discussed..: It 'was decided that all the meetings : Would be held in Holyrood school on Tuesday !eveniaitgs. OUR DISPLAY RACK' of card- L- boards and bristols has all col -- ours,. and ol-:ours,..and all prices from 10c a; sheet :to . 20c`•. a sheet: , The Luck Llow . Sentinel, r •. PEDLAR AGEY Snow=Biird • •Blowers EGG PICK-UP DEPOT On- Golden' Glow • FALL : SPECIALS 1 1:8us, 36,'. amesway Rotary Feeders I" 5 Bus., 30 . TOM • ..THUMB. mnesway ROlary ' Feeders $26.0 Pace Your K.P. Corn Orders NOW and TAKE ,DELIVERY AT LOWEST PRICE POINT NEW LIFE CONCENTRATES. BALANCED TO GIVE BETTER RESULTS and; PRICED TO S -A -V -E YOUR DOLLARS M. KNECHTEL and SON LTD: Ludkno Brandi, Phone 5,8-3014 ."There's . A New Life Feed For Every Nees" • • es • •Jo. • ;S•• rt' • nt, t; • • • r• , ,r