HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 7' wWNFSDAY,. SEPT. 15, 163: 1. DUNGANNON Harvesfi Horne service at .St. paw'l's Anglican church was ob- served .ort :Sundaay afternoon at 22,155 P 3n, with • Rev, ill. L. Jen- nings, Brussels, occuPying the pulpit as guest speaker; He ex pressed. �pleasure 'in being (back meeting old friends, (being, a former ministerthere• about sev- en 'years ago. The church. was pretty with decorations of • tf1ow- • „erg, fru^i'tsand vegetables. Ro- bert •Sheiavuood played the !hyrrins w rand Chants and.. faccfaainpanied 'the' gowned (hoir for Holy Com - amnion. • . $r.. • arid • Mrs. David' Kerr of Ethel on Sunday visited Mr. and • !Ars. . David Kerr. Mr., and Mrs. Bill •Griffin • of. Lucknow �Ys1 .r andlVirs- Victor" E fington on Sunday, T1 E LUCKNOW'. SENTINEL, . LUCF OW, ON"!l'ARLO Ontario Voters E,,aIIoiingToday-..01Ved...) Interest . Keen In . Huron -Bruce . Verdict ' Today . (Wedn�es�day): voters�ac- rass Ontario. 'ago to :the Polls to elect .a 'provincial government. Because of the polling day fall - Mg on .a Wednesday, many of the weekly ' .newspaPers. who publish early in the Week will the forged to hold, over results. of 'the vote. until the following week.. The •Sentinel will rbe•grin ted 'and it the post offite seav-' eral. +hours +before' .the polls close locally: While there appears to `have been• , some ,apathy toward the v 1 Pra i nar a oarrvpatign, there is certainly no lack of interest in HUron-Bruce where a close bat- tle is anticipated, Contesting: the ,Local'riding of ..,15.nroaRruce are-L-iberal4 iVIiimray Gauntof West :Wawanosh, Town; ship ;& Progressiive idenservaative . •••••••••'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•O•oa • • • • • i. • REMEMBER YOUR WEDDING FOREVER `Record the happiest moments; • , 'of your :life between the pages • of one of our albums • THE 1' HARRIS STUDIO � ' Phone 41 �-- Icardine •` PORTRAITS . WEDDINGS • CAMERAS.._ • • : , * PHOTO SUPPLIES ••••• ••••n•••n•••••o•n••a•••••e••• ••••••a••t • • •• • • • • . •. • • . • • r • • • •• • : • • • •. • • • •' • •: • .YOU HEAT A •HOME ti• YOU :CA'N'T • AFFORD TO 'S.KIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT PROOF? Just for the price: of the oil, you get • MORE satisfaction -Over 20,000 families•liave already switched to Esso Honie Heat Service. le ed MOREservice-Over200,000'freefurnaceconditioningsnowcomp t . MORE value—Free mid°season check,•free annual burner check. Free 24-hour "no heat" emergency. service! MORE-Esso`servicemen,finestinCanaiia,arehand ickedbylmperial. AND. EVEN MORE—ask about.our low'co'st parts insurance—and easy teFms on new heating equipment. CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE TODAY • GRANT CHI$HOL— LucknoW °rt, LIMITED George alcOUtcheon of Brussels. Murray ryv;as first elected, to .par- liament less than, a year ago in. a 'by=election.that gained pro- vince wide, attention. Prior;to his election,. the riding had ;been represented' by. . Conservative John W. Hanna of Wimgghh'ain whose death caused • a vaoany necessitating ,the by-election.- The late Mr; Haanna• represented the area for .nineteen'• years nuking it known gas a Tory stronghold, :Mi. Gaunt's: • .opposition last year was .George • McCutclieon who •.this year is • making his second' attempt at the Huron - Bruce seat, Mr. McCutccheon has been .active in • Brussels • munici pal politics 'and is past •warden; .ori -•Huron,-Goun'ty . • • • • The voting in .last .:October's by-election between the tante two men resulted as ;follows: • Municipality • • Gaunt McCut. Ashfield 40�i 354 Blyth 151 . 254 Brussels 168 308 Culross • y., ....... 494 279 Carrick 774 235 Colborne 264 a 244.• E. Waawanoslh. 2. •' 245 ; I Lowick 612 :.1537 Huron ,... 298 374 Kinloss • ,. '...,... 304 ' 263 Grey 418:, • 439 Lucknow ..;,.. 287 • • 279' Mildmay , , 276. '100 Morris • • 318 467 Ripley 135 ' 122. Teeswater : 241. `" • 226: Turniberry .345 ' , 296 W. 'Wawanosh•• ' • 321; • 293. Wingha•m .,•73A• •144 6307 6a7a8; Advance Poll. Wainghaan .. .66 67 R p1ey 14 •14 Brussels L6 42 1VIiald2izay 10 12 PAIGE SEVEN CONSIGNMEN! CKER SALE 6912. 6203 . The last Ontario . Provincial election . Was in June, 1959, when thhe. late Jahn Hanna ;defeated` Rae' Watson of 'West Wawanosh' Township. The vote at ithat •time; Was: 1959 Summary ' •Hanna Watson Ashfield 431..' 254 • 256 114 219 1 17,5 266 434 Blyth ' Brussels Culross Carriek 3,16•. • • 663, Colborne .. 244 224 East' Wawanosh ...°., ...,: 277 227 Howick • •621. • • 47.0 445 226. 354 • 219 ~'`317 409'' ,Huron' Kinloss'. Grey Lucknow 297 245 Mildmay. 149 243 Morris :: 365 303 Riipley , .:.:, 131 123 Teeswater 160 : 216 ,Tt tnbe'rary .:360 245 West Wawfanosh. a.....: 320 • 221 Wingham • • 1098 354. TOTAL • 6676, 5370 LOCHALSH Mrs° DavidBlphick r&as:, +gust speaker ,at Hacketts: UJ.0 W:. on. Thursday 'eQening. . .Mrs. Roy Gibson spent Mon- day in London. • • 'Mrs, • Elizalbeth Cook' 'is a • pa - .:tient in Victoria Hospital,. Lon- don. ' . • • .Mr. gaud . Mrs. Walter. Dexter spent .a . day ..visiting ,friends' in Bluevale, =_ We .are Sorry to report, )that. Mr, 'Donald' ,MacKenzi.e is 'a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon !Miss Margaret MacLeod dfa Toronto sent the,' week 'end d in the community •„ , Rod and Bill F'iMayson, John MoCharles, Elaine ; Robb sand. Helen lk.lacNaain were among those w'ho aattend,ed the +Shakesapearefan Festival rirl Stratford Monday. evening. The CIT of Ashfield, Presby= • teriat Church under +the leader-, .shin afi p,MacLean and Mrs. Ewan Mrs. Bill .Ross .mid +thee, first meeting of the fall season fan Men day evening a a at +the• church: . Mr. and .Mrs. E. D. Williamson and -fa Lily sof Saarnia sp•entt the week wend with Mr; and Mrs, Ewan ,MacLean. MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th At 11130 p;m Accommocaton.: f�r 500Heod. Lucknow Community Sales Barn ROBERT MecINTOSH, Prop; Phone Ripley 164-r-1 1: or Lucknow 528.9912'. AMBERLEY and DISTRICT tMrs. •Will +ani Reid of Arborg,. Manitoba, ;Mrs. JOihn McDonald and Mrs 'Murdock McDonald visited on' • Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Emamerton. Mrs. W; H: McBurney was 'hos- tess for:afh�e •:Angli�oaan, Ladies Guild ,of St. Lukes. chords, Pine River fait her cottage iat Bruce Beach. 'on Thursday 'a f ternoonr • of last. week. Mrs: Gordon, pithier - :ton . presided '.+for:, the meeting whieh .opned with •a ,ihyinn and prayer. The scripture reading by Mrs. John . Errimerton . was firT ,lowed with 'interesting. highlights of 'the, service , held. in +Maple. LeafGardens, Toronto arid was given by Mrs. ,Chester• Emmer- ton. The meeting �vva+as largely at- tended and was' in connection' with' the . Anglican • Congress. Readings, were :also given by Mrs, Herb Emmerton. nand. Mrs.. Jahn Erinnnerton,a After the clos-. ing. 'hymn: land benedi iron, *grace vvaas .sung 'rand lunch was served by Mrs: Herb. Emsneaato . • Harvest Thanksgiving Service will: , be held .on „Sunday, : • •SeP- temaber 29• "at ' 2.:30 at' St Lukes Anglican church; Pine River. • ' Mr. ,and Mrs:' Donald Courtney and Carol, Mr. James :Millen,. and Mr and Mrs: W. J. Courtney visited, in Orillia and Barrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John +Emmerton and. Mr. and 1Vhrs. Chester Em mert= visited: 'an Sunday .;With •1VIr,; and •Mrs. Me1 IHenry of Kit- chener. Mrs. Henry who has been i11 is improving gradually.. a'M'rs. John Blue vnho was a patient' in 'Kiincardine :Hospital recentlit, returned' Thome on Wed-. nesday of last week. • I1VIrs. 'Cecil Humphrey and Mrs: , Bert Irwin attended the' -Wj convention which was held at Meaford on Tuesday: and Weed- riesday of last. week. Mrs:. • iD: A. Brydon of Mount Forest reeeived word of thie'eath • other—brother and' his wife, Mr. and. Mrs W A: Lind of Hugh 'River; Alberta,. who were killed,: in motor accident, at Fort Sask- atchewan. They are survvived //by tw•o daughters, . Karen ::a who was. :. with their and escaped. • and 'corvine :16, .•wlhao was, •visiting. .relatives :in Edmonton: 7IF,�SE STILL BE AITY.... .• . • 'OU WERE TAYEN OEIT OF TAE PICTURE i Plan for your family's security now through ° life insurance. Don't gamble on their future. Even tomorrow May be too late. ram a local Sun Life representative. Why not call me today? WIWAM J.KINAHAN 2 Lucknow Phone. Wingharn 35 7-1987 SUN:PLIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF• CANADA 3r; arw t • r .a • •, ••f r tai Yr ri 14v