HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 6I+±nored On Her 8001.; Birthday 'rg It Sk 91 if of y�. Campbell. of, , Luck- Wed uck-v. : hert$Oth birthday ► turday, September ' 21st; "mien rhe z ;brothers, 5is, ' `and grandchildten,• Met at 'tibia hoine .lot gr. and IVIrls.' Rolbert Ripiey»,- Fine...Rive! Oldtimers Ptay• Bali is �FrIdy;a Onthe eve of Rupley'is Caen tens al Fair,' an old. timers (ball game is planned for the Ball Park ' an :Ripley, Fri&y night, The" players of ,,dormer years of th.e Pine Riiver team will take en • tome ' • dbr ner Ripley Inter- iates. • , Some familiar faces yai may • exPeet-to sere ,:inthe line-ups are. Rev, Tbe. McDonald, . D troit; Percy McCormick, r Buffalo; Geo 'McLennan and Glen. dresser, -on gtolin Bell, Stratford; Ken McKenei Listowel; Delinar Cameron, London; also such lo- cals as Comber Em nerrtion, Gerd • Emmertoia,, John 111Ic)onald, Funston, • Cad Pollock, Umpires' will ibe Elmer Oou ltney and Ed Harrison:Proceeds will help de- fray costs• of bringing the gbh. Highlanders • Band • ito: Ripley UC. KNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO 94. . WEDNESDA i SIFT;. Canvpbellk to 'Mark `hie Occasion, There ;was a gaubherixlrg of thirty- three person. Mrs. Carnplbell, the • former Catherine •(Kate) fisher, laugh- ter of the late and Mrs, James. Fisher, Ihk . spent :her lite - thine. in thm•'un vty 'where she was as born. Heir husband: pr e- decease+d cher a dew years . ago, At Saturday's :gathering ' Mrs, Campbell was presented with an. electric clock by the 'Family, 'a bo •o ' pastries• by the grand - ,and a" SW -ea* by the briothers • an+d sisters Mrs.. Campbell has '•a family of five ,;• �Nirs, !Wry Layis (Mary), :=H!airold Carnpb!ell, Mrs. 'Catherine ' ' Campbell . of' Wiing hani, Robert Campbell, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter • (Marion) .. Her Ibrothers and sisters are W'11>ani• and. Robert • Risher, Mrs. Annd e., Struuthers and Mrs. Philip Stewart ' all ;of Lucknow and. Mrs. A. E. Reyn k$lds of' Toronto.: There are 'eleven ;granddhhi idoren. AH were present for the r rth-. day 'party'' .exept Mrs., Reynolds. Ms. Campbell is annoying good health -and her 'anany friends ex- tend congratulations and best wash There *(Were two other meth- 'berg',iii ;the Fisher family who died s om yrs " ago,', Mrs. Bert Reid . (Roseanna) and• Harold Fisherrvirho. died as a • youth. • • No Blame In Highway De�th':. A coroner's . jury attach d "no. blame whatsoever." to ;Abe dri- vers of two ,cars involved in an accident, August 19 in which Willanti. Robinson 54, ,of South- ampton and formerly of Luck- now received -injuries from which ■ he died •three days later. • DIAL 528-3723 LUCKNOW, ONT. . • NASH ALUMINUM SALES ,. 1'' ...i.w.„-Track Windows « 'Up To ' 60 :United Inches. • I. LI.NN$ A• ■ ■ $19c00 Installed 1VIr;, Rabinsaon ' was walking. north along Highway 221 at the north . end of , Port' 'Elgin ` at 11 p,Qn, on the .date of 'the accident,Jlr when e Was struck by a north- bound car, driven ,bY. Austin Rout tle of Hamilton: Tlie rrear. of the Rulttle vehicle was struck by 'a car, driven • by Mrs. Rose9n%ond Garret : of Clin- ton when it stopped. ' Mr,, Ruttle said the was about one car length from the pedes; urian 'when he saw him. The de- ceased was wearing .dark cloth- ing and appeared to walk . in frontof his car, H he added. Rattle braked; his car; but it ' Robinson throwingthe vic- tirn onto the hood of .lie: vehicle.. Just:.. after he stopped, . the • ut-' tle carwas shitin the rear ,,by a car ` driven by Mrs • Garret,' Mr. Ruttle said. The second impact knocked. the . ipedrestrian ' o if !the car . hood and Onto ;the ground: ' • Coroner J. E. ,Fraser of • Porrt ■ i■■M■RUiRU ■ ilia ■mommo i■■auuimmommmilflumms Teeswater, , Lions bingo aeries. concluded recently. 'Believe it -Or no't, there wasn't a Lucimow area winner .at the 1a $A0,000 church `<"" �iBuilding Dedicated Elgin said • ►the victiin's death was :clue to bleeding at .the • base of the .brain. Dr. T. J. Earl of Port Elgin."•who attended Mr. Robin- son said ,he intended taking chin to . London. for, treatment but was advised by a 'specialist not ,to move ;thee patient. - The victim was . seen by ,Port Elgin Constable Charles Riley 20 minutes, bbetfore. -the accident.' Ere said . he met him at Port El- gin CNR station where Mr Ro- binson o-bbim on had just missed. the last' train • ,to Southampton. He assumed Mr. 'Robinson was. .hitchhiking Ito Southampton at. the . time oaf bhecident. Rev. H. W. S.trapp of Lucknow United Church motored to Mt. Pleasant after. the Sunday sir - vice ; :here and ' assisted in the laying , of the .cornerstone in the new $44;000 Christian :Education Buiildinng theme. aVit, rPleasa,nt. is near Brantford and Rev, ..Strapp'Ministered there foreight, years before coining to Lucknow. Gpderich Lions have Vetted to•. purcahase , -a resuscitator to' be placed at :the har+bour,at a :cost of about '$50U Ernie Crawford 'is . the club president this year. W Fal . S les ...• *: We invite you to drop in., at ,our new Lodation. and look 'over' the new fall , styles in Women's, Men's a n d Children's Foot Wear: Rathwen Shoe Stare '' Phone! 528.3117. • i • •' e Sepoy .'For Value, Quality and• Satisfaction Your. 'Shop Iii:. Lu cknow Store Bennett's e i/'. oy Store .. ,ucknow Phone 528.2129•' HERE ARE THE RULES Every cash pu oohase of Two Dooliliacs at . any of the ' oo-oper- abing bissinesS. firms int this ,conrhest, entitles you to ra common ;and the roppomtun.btry to win the' weekly and monthly DRAW . PRIZES. Dei,o t': your tickets an ,the prow Boxes provided aneach of the participataly (business eita►blisihmen ts. Each week a winner' of a $5400 Merchrand 'Certificate ws'1 ",'be selected Said at ;bhe'end of 4 weeks thre *goners 'of the two:monthlty Merahandise.CertificatteS of $2.00 and .$10:00 'via) be drawn :in addition .'to• tom' • $51/O weekly pike. Weekly prize winners:wiiill.also .be., eligible for the •Monthly Draw r Certitioates.: Weekly and :Moamibhfly. Certificates will .be edeemr redeemable art envy' of the participating • merchants; Decisions of the judges will be final Sentinel]: staff are not eligible to enter this Oi ntes+t Draw. This ' Week's Winner of $5 Merchandise. Certificate ANNE MacKENZIE, ICnta. who made her purchase at SCHMID'S' Jewellery ,and China The draw was made by Mrs. William Whatjrry Merchandise Certificate May Be'. Picked Up At . The Lucknow Sentinel •'� COATS New arrivals ' in latest styling -,in all wool, ,Ia=ninated, tweeds and . si- motta fur fabrics. Jackets. full length and Car Coats... Mix and Match SLIMS in Stretchy, all wool plaids and. plain materials. '_MILLINERY ;for Ladies and Men = large selection in Marty colorsand sizes. ' OVERSIZE SLIMS Size' 38. to 44 4.50 .$glilel'S0r1'S Ladies' and Men's , Wear Phone. 528-3016. e;Coop' j Way Viscount. Home Freezers. Enjoy . your :garden ALL YEAR ROUND with •a FREEZER. at CO-OP • r Lucknow -District Co-op Phone 528-2125 reeklysped�i Lose. Wool incl Mohair Cardigans Reg. 14.95' is Week Siegrist's MARKET STORE "S : CREST For Quality The. Crest "name .hasbecome significant with quality and. fair prices; for , you, the con- sumer. antity Buying Benefits You Drop'In To ;Your Local Crest Hardware. Phone 528-3008 FOR Super Service.. �l�e Superfast Gash We invite ' you to drop in and "fill 'er ' up" . Car' Servicing Tires r-- Batteries Accessories Supertest Service Station w , JOHN GAMMIE Phone 528-3430 . k LuJcknow; Fruit Market YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND' ' No Stamps No Ginunicks LOW •PRICES ALWAYS Phone 528-3420 Special;This: Week Men's or Boy's Wrist Watch, ,Swiss 17' Jewel, all stainless steel case, shockproof,' dust - proof, with matching ex- 'pension bracelet. • Regular $25.00 for only $15.95 $chmid's JEWELLERY and CHINA Phone 528-3532 This Week's 5pe0d Chesterfields A large new stock is on dill., play. You are invited'. to drop in and look them over,. no obligation to buy..4 Trade-ins• welcomed MacKenzie. Furniture Phone 528.3432.. super Values . ;... When You Shop The .` RED acid WHITE WAY Saving; For You Hall's ed and Whlte FOOD MARKET Phone 528.3001 HAVE YOU HAD YOUR $pac�.H�ater and FUrflace CLEANED, and SERVICED? �F NOT CALL --�i A,Bu Hamilton ' CITIEs SERVICE Agent Phone 520-2427 Open Daily:from 7:30 to 7. For your heating ftiels phone Fall: F+ir Specials. LADIES ,NYLONS ,. Seamless mesh,,' :1 st quality 3 Pr• for 97c • • •. HAUGHS UGHS Fall •and/wiiniter 'plaid work. shirts. ' . • Regular x.98 for 2.89 Sizes 140/2 to 17. Y Ashton's '. Ladies' Men's and Children's Wear Phone 528.2126