HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 4THE L'UCICNOW SENTINEL, wpm ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, Smirr,, f �t • et :CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES --R First Insertion. 2c.! per word, ' ninimum. charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word,. minimum 5 Oc. Notices, Cards' of Thanks and Coming Events. minimum 75C. In Memoriams, minimum $1,00.:25c ▪ c.• ltra for .replies to The Sentinel, Billing charge of .1 Oc for • each hill rendered, FOR..SALE PIANO TUNING Regulating, repairs, experienc- ed, xperie ed, aoniaet Eric ' W.. Rice, R.R.c ..Luelcmow, phone 628-6695. WANTED HATCHING EGGS WANTED!--• you you can ' make up to • .41e pee dozen . more for your eggs than the price paid for Grade A Large at the Grading Stat ion. We -take- , CONCRETE e~take- CONCRETE • formed. and poured some breeds every week in the by the "'rhour, or eontract; gravel, year. For fttrll details write 'Dive - topsoil' and "`fill; choice cement . addle Chick Hatcheries. Limited gravel, phone 528-3711 or can-. Fergus, Ontario. tact Jack .Famish, Lucknow. WANTED - I wish to' shire- a marrried' man for work on term and; seed cleaning .plant. Man . must +be able to operate all farm machinery and under- stand feeding ' of +.beef cattle. Good wages, ' free :'house and garden 'supplied, This 'is a year- round earround.•jab ' and wife can secure employment in CCramm's : general. store at Pinkerton. For It'll ;infortm'ation . zatp:ply ' to CAi ` sytrnis , quality TV. Servicing at 13-r-11. Dunganmton for Aest f.rriendly servircaeat sopati4e prices BEST PRICES on . fertilizer, 'a'sk about bulk spreading; tractor tires, 'cem'ent in stock at all times and gravel of every kind. Bruce 1VMciMillan, "Lucknow. FOR SAFE' -- purebred tamale `e • Dachshund and puppies, See them. R. Cramnn, Pickerten, Ontlario, or phone Cargill 3616-2494 or at -Lucknow " Flair; , . Brenda and 366-247$. • • Heather Hewitt, Knt1ough. ' FOR SALE' 1. am .eoking. • 1951 Prefect ear With • new rear rend, also 10-20 M:D. 4racbor on rubber, • as isRuss Johnsibon, Lucknow,' 'RR. 7:• .. 'CAR RADIO .-- for sale,.. for. Chevrolet, g'. e ; _'working :Don- dtnon; X25. pply at Luckno�w 5 Se!n�tinel, tg 2 -storey 'HOUSB�` FOR SALE y white ' . brick veneer ' shouse, • irtuated: proxuxrately � 42 x '44. Vit., situated:, ,. in the village "of ,Teeswater• on oor+ner' of Highway ,4 and and ' Kon = cession 6, 'Culross: This ;Zaapart- anent dwellintg is, in good state of repair, containing ,consider-• able quantity excellent building :material. Has .built-in' cupboards,; 3 -piece bath • :in ' each' apartment and:. hot water: -heater. Priced for.': quick. sale, this building must be 'removed. from property 'this' year, Phone. Tees - water 392-60716.: - • FOR. SALE; ,..8 x 11 £t.' ear-' tbina'tion, dump : box 'and Moist; Targe and a small ".space . heater and 200 -gallon oil tank Alban- :Manto, . Lucknow, ,pthone.. 528- 3437: " COMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every 'Thursday ,evening,, 6:45 ,pan. 16 regular' games $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included iii . each game. Jaokpot this Week $$61000 on. 55 ca'1•ls; CHICKEN BARBECUE At Elliotts Beach Bar Amberley Beach • EVERY -'`SATURDAY NIGHT 6 :00 p.m.. to ? ? ? Ac%uults $1:50; • . •:' Children .75c RUGS, ARTS, •CRAFTS DISPLAY • Plan to,iaittend tbhe Rugs; Arts and Ciiaf►ts • Display sponsorred, by the. Lucknaw, United Church Woinen in .the •Fellowship R'oom• of the oherch, Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 2=5 p.m. ,and 7:3O4000 pen. Tea and cookies will be served. Admission 50ic..• SENDERS WANTED TENDERS Township of West Wawainesh 'SNOWPLOWING TENDERS TENDERS 'will .the received tby. 'the undersigned 'until 6 o'clock p.m,, , October '5ith, 11963; for plow m g: • snow m the Township of' West Wawanosh for the 1963 & 1964 season, Township to supply pithy t& wing. Tenderer. to , state size enid year of truck, also his own helip. and to Mount plow. ,and wing gat his own expense. Tow - ship .guarantees $100 per' month . standing: time for four months; Low. est 'or any bendier not nec- essarily accepted. • • Lorne' Ivers,, R( ad Sutpt., • Twp.' of West Wawanosh, Dungannon, Ontario. • RECEPTION At WHITECHURCit A .reception ' will be thead in Wl itechturch Hall On Friday, Sept 27, for Mr.' and Mrs. Raymond .Adams (nee Friieda Refill). Music {by:' „Carruthers 'orchestra. Lunch. LOGS . WANTED '•-- Standing .Served: enders For 'Everyone'°Weide; Hardwood .timber .arid logs want- Cedar Posts* e . e a y g op as +prc- es for ',hard maple, ibasswood, 1 cherry, virhi'te ash, beech and soft maple: ,Free estimates; ` ,gwen Craig's S spill Aub h HE `LOST H f d LOST 526-7.220.• • — 11 cast• .�rotn. � i ;ox� K, d .weight about 5i00' lbs ill Doth F : ' 'Anyone knowing of . its where- 1.• wihere- aw. urn, .p one HEIFER — ere or ei Sealed tenders on.•forms .and ,in envelopes available from ` the ofifite of the ' undersigned will be received unitil iL:00 , p.m.. on er, around'. 69th Concession • . of Friday .� Octobr 1: ito ass, wei1 e WANTED. 1 b stove . • smell size. re E: • ee, abouts phone ' collect, 'Charlie uson, Ripley:, Ontario, • n'e hone 1 12: Murray,•• tR.R. 1, Holyrood,:.'i hone 8-r-3, `''Ripley... • HORSE' FOR.SALE 'blac'k mare, good work or riding horse, also .'a• Nanny goat'; Eldert iGeert- sm'a, k 6 • Lucknow, phone 11- r-23 .Ripley. : FOR. .RENT APARTMENT FOR R NT -- apply apply Mrs. Wellington ' I•iien�der- son, L!ucknow,phone 528-2340. WANTED BOARD. AND C"ARE raMailable for 'elderly 'people, Mrs. I. Hen-. ry, Dungannon: WANTED .feathers; new and used, duck feathers and .. goose feathers and old feather ticks. Will pay highest bash • prices. Write' to Box }559, Seaforth. WANTED ' — live' poultry; • also new and used duck and ;goose feathers: Best prices at your . door: Phorie Or. write A:• Brown, 181 Itincardine. ` WANTED -•y help for light housework, from • nine to four o'clock ,Mrs, Garnet Henderson, Phone 528-2605. ATTENTION WOMEN:.. WITHOUT ' any �experitenee: you can earn money for your Christ- . emas shopping 'b►y se0tlitig Avon Cosrri ttic s end ° ttoiletniea in; yo it 'tiiicin►`ity. Wry Miss: V. M. Mosher, P.O. Box No. 88, Owen Sound, 'stating belephbne nurnbetr. RD.. OF- .THANKS Mrs. 'Rae Baak wishe.a ' tie ex- press her heartfelt' ' gratitudde oto all. : the .friends'. who. were so. very. kind and sympathetic _ at the . time 'iaf, the sudden' death. of her son; R'otbert B'oak.: � fir,• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finnigan wish to.thank :their neighbours of :t`he Crewe ' vicinity for the lovely. gifts they received. •wthen they, moved tp Lucknow. Many thanks to all. those. who provided trarisiportativon;.. sent cards Land; gifts . and visited Mrs.' Fimnngan while she' was 'm the 'hrpspitat Stpeeial . t'hannks to the• ;Curran family for their ' assistance .in .moving d ouise','and • ',Mrs: John England; Ted . ' wish: to express their heart- felt ear' t- felt thanks and '.'• appreciatri'on. to trela+ti�ves .t and . 'friends who were d . abhetic so very kind an sympa at the 'tirne of the loss' of '.6 dear • �hiustband and father. iatl thanks ` to the .Legion . mtem- tbers 'wno field to • mernorwal• Ser- vice, and the ladies ''who assisted at' . the /home :atter, the, ,service.,' 'I 'would ''like' • to express my appreciation rfor 'the kindness shown in so many different ways to my family: and myself While I. was in Vicitioria Hospital. The cards, letters and visits, ' both dawn there :•and since' conning, home, have 'been a big 'help and I , thank everyone. for t'hleir. tth�oughtfu:lness. Mrs. Evelyn ' Henderson: • •We .wish • to: thank• all our family and 'friends for �girfts, cards and'' good wishes oti.: o•ur Golden Wedding day; the • ladies 'who served the •dinntery and Rev. D.' J. Lane •.of Clinton; the•••M.C., and all who assisted in any way at house; W e . a reciate open h pp all the kindness very much, Debbie, and. Bill ' Reed. Morgan Henderson wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him with' cards, visits, gifts sand towers, +during' his recent Stay kir Victoria Hos pital and since returning borne, This thot'<'gh'tfulness was much' appreciated: '19163 • for approximaibelY 4, 540,/ cedar. • posts .to be delivered by ' •.Dec Pmbe'r. � 15ibh, 196'3. �B!ids on gait: �uannity will •'be accepted pro- tided . ,aelivtery date can 'be m'et, The : lowest :tor any. ;tender' :not ieoessal ily accepted, • •• •J'. W. BRI'N�ELL P:. EN - Huron County ..Engineer, Court House Gaderii h, ..Ontario. Notice To :Creditors,i•, a NOTICE TO •CREDITOR'S : - AUL 'persons ' having : Clair* against the .. estate .':of :ROBERT J. DOAK; 'Manager; lite of the Village. of • Lucknow, in . the Coun,t'y of :.Bruce, who ; died'; on ' • . or about the 24th day of August, : 1963, are; required:.tto file the same with 'full particulars With the undersigned by the th•. day of October, 1.9163,, as after that date the assets • ;of the ' estate will. '. be:: distributed. DATED at •'Goderi.ch, ..Ontario, .'-' ,.September,' day'Of S. stmt 3 th�.s 0th ep y HAYS, PREST & . HAYS, . •Barristers, ,etc., 33 Montreal St., , GnODERICH,. Ontario NOTICE : TO . CREDITORS In The ,Estabe of •fi ' -SAMUEL ' L SHERWOOD A � - olefins+il • Persons' �haVing:. against the .estate of rthe -above ' Mentioned; late of .bh'e Village of ((.1J:11cktow, in .the County of Bruce, !,retired 'Farmer, who died on' the ' 2nd •'day of Setp,temtber, 1963, are ` required : to file' proof • orf .same , 'with, the Undersigned an or before the 'Z8bh day -of September, 1963. After •tbh'at date the, executrix ' ' wull proceed b4 distribute the estate, thavting' regar•.d Only to `rbh,e: claims of -which shie shall ,theti h'alv'e had notice. Dated .at ' Waxigham, this, 6th. day of Setptemvber, AM., 1963, ' ` Crawford and Hettherington, Wingthamn, 9nbario..' Solicitors :for the Executri x. DeadAnimal Removal.. • For Dead ' or Disabled Animals--- Gill Dari . . and ' Company of Canada Clinton . HU -2.7269 Dead Animal License No, 262-C-6'5 Collect Lid.. , • . 41110.1. SERVICES • NOTICES I'9$3 NOTICE Why be inconvienced, by hav- ing to pay your Ontario Hosipi tal . Insurance Premiums • every three months?' Pay once a year t'hrou'gh' the'. Huron: County Co - Operative Operative Medical • Services, : the •only official, collecting agency for this insurance in the county.. We also offer . to all the resi- dents of the county a plan for prepaid medical health , incur- ance which provides greater benefits than any other.plan in operation. Family rates as low ' as $5.40 a ;,month; For further information, con- tact Gordon Kirkland, .Dungan- non 69-1.1. APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF ' KINLOSS` ;MARKED. . APPLICATION'S . will be received by the ,untdersigned for 'the ' position' : of • Drainage Inspector for +the. Township of Kinloss,• up to September' 30th, 1953. Tile :hourly rate of $1.00. per hour 'and ,lOc' amile ' will be • pard • G: H; ' WALL, Clerk, R.R. 3,, Holyrood, , Ont. CUSTOM BUTCHERING. Beef and . pork sold in .any:: quantity. Custom :butchering in Government licensed abattoir: • Pigs ' every Tuesday. Beef : from. Monday through Thursday: BUTTON'S MEAT 'MARKET AUCTION SALE • Allan MaclGntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone:. 528-5304 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED • Septic tic tanks •' cess �0 1 ep o s • etc. P , , pumped . and cleaned with mod- ern equipment: All:; work guar- • anteed. Louis Blake, R. • 2 ,Brus— sels, phone '442-w-6. . :Births ShMPSON in Wirngbam and. District. Hospital an ; Monday, Septernben 23, bo.'Mr, and Mrs. Donald,. Simpson,.• Kintairl, . ' a •datughter. • 1 he Lucknow Sentinel has in stock ''at a1.1, 'times: counter: check books and adding .machine rolls,. phone 35 Lucknow. First ,friend (in fronttof..psy- chiaitrist's office),:' "Hello.' Are you coming • pr .going?" Second friend; ' If I ' knew, I wouldn't be here:" ■ nne.•ei■ lar tnsmsmonsoss ■ • ■ is ■ ■ . ■ . 1 ■ Winaham Office • •�':: • Phone 357-3840 0; i GERALD (Jerry) WALTER.' r 1 INVESTMENT -PROPERTY ' I: 150 acre property in Kinloss ■ T'w p . • Approximately. 70 acres of • .hard mapletbtush',. ■. i Which *ill be `worth ...set - erg times the .'askingprice ■ in a•' few short ye'a'rs, 60 Lk acres of softwood +bush, :•i ■ considerable Value at pre-. ■ :. .sent. 20 acres cleared, one • of the 'finest gravel pi'tts in ■ r. the area.. The . Lucknow River running 'the t•u 11 !I la .• length a''property making ■ this one of the.most attrac ■ • tive. properties on the Mar-. ket today: Full asking tprice 1 ■ ins only $600;0. •` While ydu e •. watch' 'thus; grow' into 'Sev- eral More ,thousands of dqi'- a' ▪ ' larsy'ou. can enjoy ;top hunt' ' ▪ ing and fishing ori ur' oWn ti • protperty.., yo Geteruus terms ' availahle ?63-47� P• b▪ ;CT URES, hundreds snd n hundreds of ' 'pictures. •and c• omplete . descriptions • of .� • ba,r ai ns fantastic property g' in Rural nao. Send Sl,' M ■ ''to Paul S.OStarrtri"r& • Co, Ltd.. M, ▪ Hanover, Ontario: m pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance,.Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs; , Protect .'against rust with ' Unda-Spray,- Davidson's Texaco Service Noechanical :8 Highwana MdB y, • 'GoderodyRelch Phone JA 4-7231 Dead •Stock Removal. Service, We are licensed to remove Your dead d or crippled far m••r� animals for sanitary disposal, GORDON. YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collett tot MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 528.5950' --" Lucknow 24-hour service' Licence Was. 215C$3 and 22R83 E . •J. Everett Penniingtofl . • n▪ ` 1't.R. 2, Teeswater, M ' Phone 392-6.064 • • , • s• �Loeal Agent .For: i Paul . S. "Starr & Co. tdr s` Hanover' PhoneE870 1■i■e1ululrl■%iIleee trIh ill