HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-16, Page 12r TIIK+ .+ K►1�TtC X11 " tt fNE1. ; .I+tr N W:, °uR 1 • x rh d. as There are certain months . of the yiear in; whtceh I would gladly shake the' snow Off my }boots and .twalk.. oust of this' country, never . to . setuim, without a %back.: wtard. glance. But Seaptlember is n*. one of them, ' ' . his time of year, tit would. :take '.a' regiment o -how to chvg me, IPithintg, sicrelaannng, ~ i►d roaring "O. Canada" a.crods the *oder, out of m 'y home, any na title Maud. -• Twice, : poet John . Keats ex- .pressed it, though he never saw this Canada • of ours: Re spoke of "the season of mists'and• mel llow fruitfulness:'.' • This is our September. He :spoke of "a thing of beauty and a, joy ;forever."; And .this ';is :onr September, Winter .is of v+ ►y 'well in its place. Arad its 'place, as far .as • rain 'concerned; is in : outer ,'S5- beria. Spring - n 'Canada. is a asp in the;. pann, 'ia flood. ,the- basement, a colla in. Ike beat Swwne • is a' desperate effort Ito acedinp'Us!h, . xii+ toe brief a r't iane, all the . things we?vie been earl 'rotameter .hand spring to In, Most icotintries of the inor- Ahern bentisphere, spring is the time Of joy, of walingto new. life, sof a• fresh scarring 'of the blood. In Canada. sprig • ;is, Merely" a Muddy interlude. 'Doan- . Pletely ' whacked rater five monibhs .of :winter, We (drag our- selves '+bhreltieh it, only to tum- ble. ; into ` the • cla tiny, f ever is'h 'embrace , of summer; slimness, wench. • In this : country, >'autuann is the •'chime when ebhe pulse begins to . quicken,. the " imagination to soar...'The :. whole nation comes alive, recaptures some coher- ence atter the chaos: of mummer Bill Smiley, and anl'akes planes to be happy a rkti. . Ant thanks to a benevolent deity; . the . transition,. between the madness.:. of summer and the scrambling activity of fall is a painless nay, a glorious —ex- perience, • • ' We are . +given a 'time • . for tdre<a meinlg, ' Wye aar'egiven a chance. to. stn rperi' again ' our Vis, +dead+ened by sun and sand and 'nater. We ar+e: gvven' golden' sun- light,' ' f ilatered : +thmough.'tie green-: est : masses of foliage in the world.. We are ,given (w!ater so eblrue yt makes our ,eyes ache, aiild„s$y:;-igen IOW we Ban. 41mosit ** We •` .are 'give'n,a just •for a m+onrth,, new Bytes,,' eyes.. that sud- dandy" see the : •splash of , coliour the ' zinnias e ' against . the fence, the ' naii hui ig • sweep of +browns_: and -i greens across- •tlhe v'allley ancI-riadge,. the Bard purple aaf id istanlb.: hulls.. ' I can: scarce forbear to. Weep 'with joy: when, . I think 'Of the .glorious gift's of taste with Which SepbeThber rejuvenates 'our'' - aites jaded • by lhamlburgers and hot ..dogs; muestard.:' and: relish, charred steak and skunky beer: Jui!ce-spurlinig sweetness of red , appl+es,. .galideen, corn. Tongue- tineglia g ` ,tarrtn e s . • of.; huge, cold �tounatioes, tawny Peachels ..Eanth- nea • of scrubbe+dt ,:new 'potatoes, riliming` with tatter... Fainit, crisp bitterness. ,of cucumbers. Speak,' ing sof, faint,_ ; I'm- aboutto: I haven't: had dinner. :Septeniiber sounds: acorns rat- tling off the roof; squirrels back" in' the attic, . gibbering • and mut_ tering and scrabbling; the thuds and whacks and hips and .:hups of football practice; and the Mrs: Emile MacLennan was•; .hostess 'to the Ripley and District 'Horticultural meeting on ,'Tues- day evening. Prize money was awarded .and a ,discussion onf u .tome Eimer sho rs broughtt forth marry ideas; • Miss Jane Finlayson. f Strait 'ford- spent.. the week=end 'wit* her parents, Mr and Mrs Gord- on Finlayson. .Several from this. area attend- ed Western .'falx Ain London: dur- ing the !past week.. ' Mr. a .md Mrd. Allan MicChar1es of Toronto spent the • week -end With Mr. and Mrs Oliver aV c- Charles .and John.' Miss Barbara 'Pi n. has returned to 1Vi'acDonnsatitute in Guelph :Ifor Cher: fungal year UL Home Economies.,• Mr.. and Mrs..,Bril,I Smith of Toronto spent the week -end with the Nelson.of �Luckmow eed • ewtah her Blister;, Mrsi Kenneth Farrrsah during the past week. NAPKI Coasters,. • Matches,. Playing rds, perso'n'alized printed wr ing paper and. 'en- velopes. As to see, our. samples. No obluiga on. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone "528-3134. vast, soft sighs of, the earth, ,de livered_ of .her •.finest; oozing Milk and honey and satisfaction.. • September. smaells..';hot dogs trying at the fall: fair; . new 'ap- ples -- 'there's na smell like.' this 'cane;. •. the •ffirst.acrid :sm+oke Of alfa exhhausts. arena ` school (buses; wood -sing e• n the ''fireplace; ace; thee 'soft, iieaev'y. 'sweet scent of sumtmei rePlaeed: by. a tang 'like sprinter's mnk ' and fresh sweat and charripagnae, ''rolleid into one You .take it, w'hate'ver ,it . is: Paris in the . sppring, summer on the Riviera; Japan • in cherry ibltolssoin 'nine:: take Canada t in: September: zit worst thing I . 'scan 'think eirf . including any wife run'ndng, off With", bine ; mi}kinan, 'my kids • turning 'into. n-good-niks, is to die . early 'in Septemfber. This would kill me Liitiera'l'lry, 'as •they' say. ■i .IuII�U lfR■I■■■I1I!- ■ ■ ■ rte'/.sem - r/' /�\A /^\; i�1, ��, x• ■ ■ • to MONTGOMERY MOTORS• ■' ■ is • Tie 1964 BORN 100" Pickupsr.: "v • :,.....„. ' . . , - . .iiig ,., ...,-,, , ... , ,..„:„...,...,...,_..,......,....,......„,......„.,, ■ ...----„zw4.,,,,=.---.4 ■ : . • .. . 4.40pre.,:.,Pwo, Y ' ' .. ,..4 mo ■ fid'>Yfr #• • ■ •, r..... f. u•,... .. r.. r t ::.............. rte.:.., / :•::::: • •.Y::::... , ..:.......... ::::;: ::::.:$: ,:1„:'• :5,:?Y'•.i.. :::•:; c ::;:::c:; ••rf {k:y; Y't•Y::{<: r •:::{: a::q ir::.; .... , :: :<; ?i r• •, .■ .. .. . ... +-,u •`iIf' ..! t{I7 [ i:[Si::i:?: is{:>[•:::::: , ? ,.. - mo - ;, ' ' •r .y ✓. , .....,,,,..„),„„„,..-.....• ,,, .. '�'Yrn r,!F?SY+ ■ ` ■ ■ `"`.'4"'�wa.,..w4:.,a:r.,avc . yx, ;: ' .. � •�■ • IN l f �.w� .i : ..y . •R F• .........„--0--. r000w y j !G ,Ffy:: ■• r:;S:jri rri:;fj.;''f�i%::_Y:'Y•, �r•' h'ri:• � % /�j .A � � r, '.:� `•::Y{ r �'•f �'irX��1'•{i��'�� :: •/ : •• ■ .t: Y • • rr., III• /r / , ,.r: r': ;:•;.:.; •:r..{r•U•::.Y.••••r:•r:: /r .,.,�sY.: ,.ji •rrr .. ■ ■ ....:. _. --:. :•::... - iv: :i./..✓!f:•.Gi'i.4.•'.i,/i: n' 9J"r..•if rtf. -.�.SY .�:?Y- -- .... - .. ....:.::r J.v■ lYl :..{y.. .f .. One of the stars of Ford of Canada's : some chains-. and hooks. Both the 1964 .' lineup ofv light-duty, trucks • is. series 100 andits bigger ' brother, • the series 250, are available this the Ford and ..ivierctiry series -1 uu year on'a ' 12$ -filch wheelbase, six pi.kup..Newly styled from front to inches longer than last year. New .rear, the series 1.00 features a new , .self-adjusting' brakes, .and a, selec- •■ 'massive grille, coloi.keyed cab in,,,, tion of heavy-duty options make the •■ freight -line 1964. line of Ford , and Mercury ■ tenets, ' a . double ,wall, . • s ai ....... • . high cap pickups ma -?'e versatile, more eco,- . � pickup body and a ;neYw, achy . tailgate operated by a. unique • notnical to maintain and' .more dui- ■ onie-hand latch instead ,of . l umbe` .�business use. .. r"' able an both farm and bOsRtn�es ■ See Them Later Tins 1%1Onth. at MONTGOMERY MOT • .42 MONTGOMERY MOTOR'S - �LUCKNOW • _ 'Ford NCO* Galautie.bir aril Thunder d Dealer . •' phone 528-3007 -- LticlCnoiN y a ... '•ai•4 �itisss.■e■sdnaien•■seenr••silirrrN■hil■ant.■sn•■••■■■rn■tiilllil�hrili•■.iiRl`■riiliwill•■ PLEA$ECHECK ` OUR OWN PHON[ BOOI( LISTING NOW! THE E NEW .:DIRECTORY WILL BE PRINTED SOON! Please help us to make.sure that your name, address and telephone number will appear in the new telephone direr :' 'tory exactly the:. way you want.it! Check your own listing in the present directory now and call .your Telephone. Business Office if anything should. be' changed. EXTRA LISTINGS. (at very little cost).CAN BE 'USEFUL!. For, instance: 'BUSiNES$:� H•• ome numbers of ' HOME: . flames of relatives .Or key people in your office, listed other people permanently stay under your firm's entry; other ing at your home; an extra line. business names under. which a 'Junior Line for. teenagers, customers or clients might try for exampte. to find you; :numbers. at which'. ., you can be reached after. hours. • fir ail-geestI us," curious sr additives,• seise call year Telelke�e ens Vess:Ofieel ?vo, tiIJILT.OPERATED AN:OWNED BY. CANADIANS BROWNIE NEWS • The:., lit: Lucknew, Brownie P+alck 'h'eld! 'its Opening Meeting for ,the new term on" September 11th. At !INS, meeting we said good. by .to 'fqur: ,girls who Were with" us for the" last 'lime (before ung up to the. :Girl Guide Com pany on Friday .night. They are Donna 1VIw11hsa,Carol Camlplbell, •Carol: Brown and Brenda Jar- dine. The Brownies Were pleased to Welcomer five Tweeni�es to . the Pack — Linda :S'tan'ley, Joan Anderson, Linda Goyeette, ` Kathy Joynt and Diane'Hawthorne. This brings the . membership. sof 'the Pack 'up to . twenty --come; 1VLai-garet ."Chester Was Toaad- stool, Fairy for the ,meeting.' ' Wh'il'e. the 'Brownies ' were in, Fairy • Ring, ::Brown OW1 an- nounced the.- fol�iowing. Badge 'Winners:Carol Mown and Bren-. da Jardine Golden. Hand; Donna Mullan aand Carol Cea`mrp- Camp- bell — ',Needleworker, T anak- , ger, Triose Orderly; Edith:Whitby W..b — Toylmaker. and Thrift. They were .given ' the Grandy Howl. The /Berioewnies practised' ' ..the Golden Hand Ceremony and re-, viewed the �Promise.:and Law.. In• Pow -wow, each girl told a holiday , highlight and Brown Owl read a story. • The with meeting • �"leSse�d 'wrath ,Chimes and, •Pray'er. • e 2ND' PACK (BROWNIES ■ .■ •■ ■ .The 2nd 'Pack Lucknow •Br+o�w- hies resumed - fall 'acrti'vaatles When they met on Tuesday with .ari attendance of 1'5. The meeting opened by/,!p1Y• ing "B'liin;d ' Man's 'Buff," Gail Jamniesorr • was ' chosen, • Fairy Queen and prepared for Fairy. Ring. Tawny Owl inspected. rfor, clean shoes• • and clean hands and' fairy 'gold was collected. " • A.: new Tweernie, Donna Greer,' was .instructed' jby Brown Owl while Tawny, Owl • reviewed kby' the senior 'girls. nots. •S'emaphore 'was praatiseid one of our 'Pweenies, Lorraine . Boyle, who tis "In pow-wOw the girls iseParted their 'holidays and plans were • • Guides. Held Up.. Ceremony -(GUIDE NEWS) The First •and'Seaond Brownie Packs were present at eine' re- gular meeting' of • the lat Luck - The occasion mas bonour five Brownies .tO Guides. Two other girls "walked" .uP- 'to jioin the convenor and were greeted and welcomed • by -their res,pective Receiving their 'wings'. were: Donna Mullin, Carol Campbell, Carol Brown, Brenda Jardine, . and Donna Leader. Patricia Con- - Altdi standing still far so long, the girls were -glad to join in an active singing +game. Another highlight of the evening: was a series a very humorous speech-: es given by the 'girls' who camp - ,last summer, in 'Which they gave the4proS taaild, cons Of tamp life, Time ran••out before the.pre- gram could be 'c'earipleted. Taps ,,elosed..the meeting. During 'the • evening, tea" was- served ,to the Guides by hostesses Dohna ;Rif,/ News Briefs . . Enrolment at Ripley , Distriot iSokro&f. niimbered, 132 stu- recent ,IritorAter !binge in DUrharn and .aniong,,the wallets lifted was One -COntainthritg $116(1.. Chester Merriam,. chairman of Royal Canadian Legien, spoke at the banquet closing the convent.. tion of the. Prince Edward Is- land Comtnand.• nen was congratulated tor hay,' ge; The Brownies' Were in,' 'When, two of aut. paek, Dortria Leader and ,Pittrioia. Oeimen, enter GukteS. ." The SO -Lieze 'was 'Passed end ;the meetitig pleased With Tams.